суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Rancho Baked Beans

Baked Beans - The Whitest Kids U'Know


DVD quality skit from "The Whitest Kids U'Know " Season 5 Episode 1 - This is the FULL skit

http://www.youtube.com/profile_redirector/101515571717857334871 пишет: female

Chandler Falla пишет: I can't believe I watched the whole thing

HolyStoneOne пишет: yeah, your "friend"

emobunnyluvsandy6 пишет: O.O The fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk did I just see ?!
It sounded like a chick til I saw his face ._.

Kenneth Kurtz пишет: I Rubbed it raw to this lol

pamNraab пишет: *Timmy!!! If your going to yell out names, make sure its the right one, remember this next time you n your chick are 'bakin beans'.

Amber Karen пишет: hahahahaa with a can of baked beans, hell yes!

unholyswordsman пишет: Lololololololol

TheReidman22 пишет: ... unless i feel trapped

Cam Kuhn пишет: Stop it, boner

tehmastaify пишет: I definerly cumed my ass off hell ya excellent to fap to thanks wkuk!!!

IWearBowieShirts пишет: @Kenneth Kurtz

GrantTS19 пишет: one day, Timmy's son will find this video...

dokiejos пишет: I wonder... How much he gets payed for this

Evan Black пишет: They are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xShaidz пишет: How'd it go huh?

excut пишет: Timmy, the little dignity you still had is now gone

x3SuperMan3x пишет: Wtf did I click

Ando San пишет: I won't bite... unless I feel trapped lol

Emily Scott пишет: i won't bite... unless i feel trapped.

Carmen Castillo пишет: She's so hot lol.

amritdableed пишет: I Almost threw up lol <333

Krystal Lang пишет: sexy catch Phrase.."im asleep..go to town." ROTFLOL!!!!

ellucinate пишет: LOL your classmates are so awesome and you're lame

Sean Chen пишет: oh god that looks like puke/ diarrhea

Collins lopez пишет: I won't bite, unless I feel trapped.

wyly scheibe пишет: LMFAO!!!!

bob пишет: Probably the funniest skit wkuk has ever done

AVenomousLife пишет: It was difficult, but I eventually found a way to fap to this

bigshot dovahkin пишет: I think thats enough youtube for today

Nick P пишет: oh my... I can't unwatch that can I?

GalaxyDuelist64 пишет: im disturbed immensely

Ando San пишет: haha

MrHerpaderpaherpa пишет: My retinas!
They BURN!!!

Caleb DeVore пишет: i seriously just randomly typed baked beans into youtube out of boredom and found this.

WarHorse141 пишет: And now my sanity has left the building...thanks YouTube

steven11340 пишет: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

KirbyCow360 пишет: Confidential as hell

Joseph Wright пишет: This was fucking retarded, gay, and disgusting. Dislike for real humor.

Cassi Gemini пишет: confidential as hayl ;p


rawr57597 пишет: Haha "credit cards not excepted" LOL

dizzymcfluffy пишет: I was eating baked beans while watching this and almost threw up D:

pamNraab пишет: 1:13.......I came here from google images and had to show my fiance the baked beans....now I am regretting it....

Panodphantion пишет: Oh hell no.

pickleperri пишет: Lol, some morons in my class convinced our teacher to show this to us while she was pulling up funny videos to watch after third period today. She had no idea what it was, and niether did I at the time. Glad she stopped it when she did!

alex ingram пишет: this is the funniest/nauseating thing i've seen in a long time... it reminds me of those old john waters movies.

GamingChihuahua пишет: this turned me gay

RedGoal30 пишет: 22 people like snow peas

screamoe911 пишет: Yeah I said it...bah mitzvahs ;D lmaooooo

gustavomanya7 пишет: Hey... i need...... 20 bucks. Someone lend me?

Hayden Spencer пишет: I feel bad for all the kids that have seen ths video

kittyruler10 пишет: FUCK U AMBER THIS IS GROSS

jcmyoyo пишет: HAHAHAHAHA

MrAwesome2275 пишет: ill never eat it the same way ever again

ValerieRyan85 пишет: ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

egamer123888 пишет: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

TalleyGrace пишет: Confidential as hell.

Sam Thompson пишет: 0:37 is the best!! LOL

mike miller пишет: HAHAHA BAKED BEANS

Lag Junkie™ пишет: Fuck....this is creepy.

NekkedApes пишет: This video turned me gay....SOMEBODY LET ME BORROW FIVE DOLLARS FOR THE AY ANTIDOTE

shinymarshtop2 пишет: ...oh shit

Dovir пишет: Well this is awkward..

Lydia Maylott пишет: So... uncomfortable.

M.C. O'Neill пишет: Unless I feel trapped! LOL!

mrpodo100 пишет: Bush's baked beans.

Whatisthisim12 пишет: to the people who flagged this;

you offended me

Joey Estacado пишет: the announcer steals the show

deathkukki пишет: Couldnt look away e_e

onceapiece пишет: yay! i finally have someone to hold my hand erotically!

isaac bustos пишет: Baked beans gets a little messy

MrBluntNose пишет: LOL

hotdogplayzhalo пишет: I find this easy to masturbate to.

Mystery Man пишет: Hsheh

plasticaholic пишет: 2 funny !

TheChannelofDerp пишет: Shut your mouth and go watch Monty Python or some shit. What humour is good or not is largely an opinion-based thing. Some people are blunt as hell and like this shit. Others like a wittier style of humour.

Luis Freyre пишет: I'm never eating beans again.

jeremymartinez891 пишет: 00:36

B- Dawg пишет: WHY. CAN'T. I. LOOK AWAY!!!

http://www.youtube.com/profile_redirector/101515571717857334871 пишет: female

Chandler Falla пишет: I can't believe I watched the whole thing

HolyStoneOne пишет: yeah, your "friend"

emobunnyluvsandy6 пишет: O.O The fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk did I just see ?!
It sounded like a chick til I saw his face ._.

Kenneth Kurtz пишет: I Rubbed it raw to this lol

pamNraab пишет: *Timmy!!! If your going to yell out names, make sure its the right one, remember this next time you n your chick are 'bakin beans'.

Amber Karen пишет: hahahahaa with a can of baked beans, hell yes!

unholyswordsman пишет: Lololololololol

TheReidman22 пишет: ... unless i feel trapped

Cam Kuhn пишет: Stop it, boner

tehmastaify пишет: I definerly cumed my ass off hell ya excellent to fap to thanks wkuk!!!

IWearBowieShirts пишет: @Kenneth Kurtz

GrantTS19 пишет: one day, Timmy's son will find this video...

dokiejos пишет: I wonder... How much he gets payed for this

Evan Black пишет: They are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xShaidz пишет: How'd it go huh?

excut пишет: Timmy, the little dignity you still had is now gone

x3SuperMan3x пишет: Wtf did I click

Ando San пишет: I won't bite... unless I feel trapped lol

Emily Scott пишет: i won't bite... unless i feel trapped.
You'll Need:

3 tablespoons butter
1 cup chopped onion
1 pound ground beef
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup tomato soup or 1 small can tomato sauce
2 (1 pound) cans pork and beans
1 can pinto beans, undrained

Procedures : Brown onion and ground beef in butter. Drain grease. Combine in a cast iron skillet with the remaining ingredients. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes or until bubbly

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