Betty's Fritos Chili Pie Casserole Recipe
In this video, Betty makes the original Fritos Chili Pie Casserole for her family. The recipe originated either with the Frito-Lay Company or Sonic Drive-In Restaurants, where it was once served. If you like chili, cheese, and Fritos, youll *love* this recipe!
3 cups Fritos corn chips
1/2 large sweet onion, chopped (Note: I used 1 whole large onion in my video, but I think most people will like this recipe better with 1/4 to 1/2 onion, chopped—unless you *really* love onions!)
15 oz. can chili (either with beans or no beans)
1 cup grated American cheese (I used Velveeta.)
Place 2 cups of Fritos corn chips in a baking dish. Arrange chopped onion and half of the grated cheese on corn chips. Pour chili over onion and cheese. Top with remaining corn chips and grated cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, until cheese is melted and corn chips on top are beginning to brown. Serve immediately. This is a great dish for kids!!!
To give you an idea of how widespread this recipe is, here are a couple of link to the very same recipe that I demonstrated:
In this video, Betty makes the original Fritos Chili Pie Casserole for her family. The recipe originated either with the Frito-Lay Company or Sonic Drive-In Restaurants, where it was once served. If you like chili, cheese, and Fritos, youll *love* this recipe!
3 cups Fritos corn chips
1/2 large sweet onion, chopped (Note: I used 1 whole large onion in my video, but I think most people will like this recipe better with 1/4 to 1/2 onion, chopped—unless you *really* love onions!)
15 oz. can chili (either with beans or no beans)
1 cup grated American cheese (I used Velveeta.)
Place 2 cups of Fritos corn chips in a baking dish. Arrange chopped onion and half of the grated cheese on corn chips. Pour chili over onion and cheese. Top with remaining corn chips and grated cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, until cheese is melted and corn chips on top are beginning to brown. Serve immediately. This is a great dish for kids!!!
To give you an idea of how widespread this recipe is, here are a couple of link to the very same recipe that I demonstrated:
ohpineapples пишет: HI Betty ;) \r
That looks good. I do agree with U tho that an entire onion is too much. I think when I make that I will probably only use 2 Tbsp of onions because sometimes there little kids tha would luv that dish, but not the onion. Maybe I can pull that dish off around little kids with only 1or2 Tbsp's of onion.
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @JacRab25 Thanks for the great feedback! I really appreciate it!\r
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks for your great feedback! I appreciate it!\r
--Betty :)
Monica Chai пишет: I love your recipes and videos!\r
lol ive been watching liek 5 episodes straight\r
i cant wait to try a couple of them out\r
keep it up :)\r
cant wait for ur next vids \r
best wishes to you and all your family :)
Cyanical2000 пишет: Yummy! I'm sure my family will enjoy it.
itpaystobeme пишет: YUMMY!!!!
hcosocalidude пишет: thanks for the recipe ma'am!
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @satandeathpenis666 I don't make it really often; I am always busy trying to post new recipes on bettyskitchen, and I can't find time to repeat food we like at home!
--Betty :)
paula garcia пишет: omg ur the cutest thing and ur recipes are the bomb!!! cant wait to try one of ur recipes but the hard part is i dont know which one lol... super bowl nachos, or one of ur casseroles. whats ur fav?
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @InvalidAuthorization I may not have been taking a bite way back when I uploaded this recipe. I don't remember!
--Betty :)
Mela Jenifer пишет: thanks
greg kimmich пишет: Watching your show always puts a smile on my face. Thanks for taking the time to share your cooking, your home and your family. God bless you and your family!
Vynse Stakado пишет: Betty! Ur awesome !!
hilery049 пишет: When I make frito pie, I always used canned tamales and sometimes refried beans. If my daughter is not eating with us, I even use water chestnuts because while they have no flavor, they remain crisp unlike the fritos (though I still add the fritos). The best thing about Frito Pie, is you can do almost any ingredients. Also a dab of sour cream on this is awesome.
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Crowrocker71 Yes, you could use dried onion. It would be better if you put them in water while waiting to add them. The black olives sound great!
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @915LOCA I got mine at Wal-Mart, but you can find them at lots of stores that have kitchen gadgets.
--Betty :)
ImOnlyYoursBabyshh пишет: you should make a casserole w/ ramen noodles
wakemusicalarm пишет: Wow, I've never heard of Frito Pie before but after looking around it seems like it might be a fairly standard comfort food for some people and families. I just started a diet and work out regimen though, so I should probably watch some of your healthier videos haha. Thanks Betty!
Ryuu Sama пишет: I tried it, and it was soo delicious^ ^ Thanks Betty^ ^
Tmann321 пишет: Betty I will try this for the Super Bowl this Sunday, anything with Fritos has to be good. Thanks for the recipe.
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @minorot Thanks! I think we had strawberry pie for dessert that night.
--Betty :)
hash glass пишет: never trust a skinny cook lol good job betty
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Monica1810 Thanks for your lovely comment! I really appreciate it!\r
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @MrRupus2020 Tamales sound good, but I've only made it with chili! I hope you like it!
--Betty :)
TheVittleVlog пишет: My nephew is going to be a happy kid!!! I like the whole onion idea...\r
Betty's Kitchen пишет: Doritos would be great! Any kind of crisp corn chip will be fine! Thanks for asking!\r
--Betty :)
elisasmama пишет: Do the onions have time to cook enough in the 14 minutes or are they still crunchy? Would it be better to saute them first? Thanks for the great vids, Betty! :)
diddymuck пишет: me want some!!! BTW, Daughter and her family??? Gad! you look so young to have an adult child!
FreeMyBrothaBitchAARON HERNANDEZ пишет: @bettyskitchen my husband and I love your accent
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Igentenos Thanks for your great feedback! I really appreciate it!
--Betty :)
Pat Bonfig пишет: Hello!!!!!! At my school cafeteria, I love that Chili Frito Pie, it has fritos, chili w/ meat and cheese in it. I would make that when I have a church picnic, a birthday party, or a BBQ!!!!!!!!!
malhori пишет: It seems like it might be a tad dry. I find Campbell's canned mushroom soup is a really versatile ingredient for casseroles - I'd bet 1/2 a can would be a good addition in this recipe, or even a whole can (used concentrated / undiluted), if you removed out half the cheese (and that would make it more economical too - that Velveeta block is not inexpensive!).
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @UpcomingDeadSpace Thanks for your sweet comment!\r
--Betty :)
Smokeyrust1 пишет: Your fun to watch Betty... keep up the good work
nickname11 пишет: @neurotic666 you dont have fritos in the uk! im so sorry dude
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @pearsonlawrence1 Thanks for your lovely comment! I hope you enjoy the Fritos Pie!
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: I hope you enjoy the recipe!\r
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @PrivateSeverGM I will put empanadas on my list of things to make. It will take awhile to get the video made. Nice suggestion!
--Betty :)
violetmatthers пишет: OH Betty, we call this "Pepper Bellies" where we come from they actually serve this casserole at my childs school for lunch! and I can vouch the kids LOVE it! and so do we hehhehee.. so Pepper Bellies is what it is called. Thank you so much..:)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Abeba323 Thanks for your nice comment! I think everyone loves this Frito pie!
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Dark0Malkavian Thanks for your great feedback! I really appreciate it!
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @purpleladydragon Your Granny's version sounds delicious! Thanks for commenting!
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @malhori Those are some great tips! Thanks for your great comment!\r
--Betty :)
LeahDiamonds Mommy пишет: my favorite!! my mom use to put a lyer of corn too =) very good!
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @wakemusicalarm Yes, Frito Pie is well-known around here as a comfort food!
--Betty :)
thelocolexi пишет: i love how you say frito
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @tolatola69 Thanks for your lovely comment! I will sub back!
--Betty :)
carolyn sullivan пишет: made it, loved it! thank you. I'm going to make more of your recipes. Hubby & kids loved it.
Betty's Kitchen пишет: I do that a lot for my family! Thanks for the lovely comment!\r
--Betty :)
IGCentertainmentca пишет: perfect snack for entertaining guests during the TIFF film festival in toronto 2011, :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @tamara156972 You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the Frito Pie!
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: That's a great idea!
--Betty :)
Lori K пишет: I am horribly allergic to onion is it ok to make this without them?
FreeMyBrothaBitchAARON HERNANDEZ пишет: @bettyskitchen WHOS LUANN?
Betty's Kitchen пишет: She's a character on "King of the Hill." To sound like Luann is not great!\r
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @stakado17 Thanks...that is sweet.
--Betty :)
Adey Teshome пишет: One of the things I like about this channel is that there is a whole spectrum of recipes- balanced & healthy and pretty unhealthy like this one! It looks so good LOL. I love Fritos...and chili...and cheese!
Lawrence C пишет: Thanks for sharing this; making it tonight. (With less onion. :-) I like your channel, btw.
satandeathpenis666 пишет: LOVE YOU BETTS
Betty's Kitchen пишет: You're right, Velveeta melts best, but I wouldn't hesitate to substitute cheddar cheese in this recipe.
--Betty :)
UrgedCRUSHER пишет: but then i took a sweet roll to the knee XD
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @sdmomxs3 That's great! Thanks for commenting!
--Betty :)
Corie Ruth пишет: Thanks Betty, another recipe to try out tonight. I'm sure it will be great!
joshy9096 пишет: People from the uk we have corn chips they are by the crackers in every store
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @TheVittleVlog I hope your nephew enjoyed the Frito Pie! Thanks for your comment!\r
--Betty :)
Kim Steadman пишет: Betty - my husband likes to cook for me once a week, but he isn't the "chef" in the kitchen. He found your youtubes and made his christening recipe tonight - THIS wonderful dish! We did scale back the onions, but decided next time we are going to heap them in there! (We LOVE onions!) He will be cooking through some of your other recipes as well! (by the way, it was YUMMMMMO)
darcym68 пишет: Thank you very much Betty!
cookinwithcynthia пишет: i like the way you said chilli
Jack Meoff пишет: It's great during cold nights, my wife makes it for me before bedtime and I usually wash it down with milk.
satandeathpenis666 пишет: Ol' granny used to make this pie.. Me and my sis loved it. How often do you make this? Sundays?
Jesse Feinberg пишет: FREE TOES
Betty's Kitchen пишет: It is soft, but it is possible to do it with a hand grater. You can also buy shredded Velveeta cheese.
--Betty :)
mellowroast пишет: Yummy-looking recipe, and Betty may be the only person in the world who could persuade me to eat Velveeta. : )
Deitra Pawley пишет: Thanks for your tutorial on the chili cheese chip casserole ,I remember having this dish about 10 years ago ,but whenever I tried to make it I always did it wrong ,glad I came across your video helped immensely
Betty's Kitchen пишет: You should try this! It is interesting and tasty. The recipe comes from the Frito-Lay Co. Thanks for your sweet comment!\r
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @JessesMagic Cute!\r
--Betty :)
MrSoFreshSoFly пишет: mmmmmmm that looks good i wish you could make me some
bkgracia70 пишет: Hi Betty. I just wanted to say that I your Fritose chili Pie casserole recipe. it was so easy and so good. I really dont cook much but I wanted to surprise my husband and he was really surprise. I just wanted to say thanks so much. I will be looking up more of your recipes to try. \r
Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks very much for your nice comment!\r
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks for your lovely comment!\r
--Betty :)
bkgracia70 пишет: Hi Betty,\r
I tryed your Fritos Chili Pie Casserole recipe last night. It was so easy to make and my husband loved it. I dont cook that much but with your recipe and videos it was easy. just wanted to say thanks. I will be looking for more recipes. \r
once again \r
dsrtflwr пишет: Oh; avocado is such a good idea and sounds so good!
This is what I do: I get a can of tamales and cut them up for one of they layers. It's wonderful.
I also sometimes put a dollop of sour cream on top of each serving after it has baked.
purpleladydragon пишет: I <3 my Granny"s frito pie which is made similar to yours but she uses ground beef and then adds a can of chili to it along with onions, and she layers it with fritos then the meat mixture, next velveeta cheese ONLY lol, and finally a little bit more onions but i like your version aswell!
Valkyrie Grey пишет: I made this last night and it was AMAZING!! Definitely making this again for the big New Years Eve party. I just use the recipe like a party dip in a large flat pan and I used giant scoop chips for people to use to scoop up some of it onto their plate. 100 out of 5 stars lol
Jenna X пишет: @bettyskitchen thank you..I'm going to make this for my nephew
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @IGCentertainmentca You're right; It is a great choice for entertaining guests during a film festival or other event of interest! Thanks for your sweet comment!
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @mkimmich1 Thanks for your wonderful comment! I hope you have a beautiful day!
--Betty :)
Ma aV пишет: Your husband is a Hottie !!!
You are so Blessed.
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @calsweet Thanks for your lovely comment! I'm glad your boyfriend like the Frito Pie! I don't know if I will be as talented in getting the ingredients and good recipe for sauerbraten here in my (very American) small town! \r
Best wishes,\r
--Betty :)
garthmanor пишет: But Betty, where are the green vegetables?
ohpineapples пишет: HI Betty ;) \r
That looks good. I do agree with U tho that an entire onion is too much. I think when I make that I will probably only use 2 Tbsp of onions because sometimes there little kids tha would luv that dish, but not the onion. Maybe I can pull that dish off around little kids with only 1or2 Tbsp's of onion.
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @JacRab25 Thanks for the great feedback! I really appreciate it!\r
--Betty :)
Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks for your great feedback! I appreciate it!\r
--Betty :)
Monica Chai пишет: I love your recipes and videos!\r
lol ive been watching liek 5 episodes straight\r
i cant wait to try a couple of them out\r
keep it up :)\r
cant wait for ur next vids \r
best wishes to you and all your family :)
Cyanical2000 пишет: Yummy! I'm sure my family will enjoy it.
itpaystobeme пишет: YUMMY!!!!
hcosocalidude пишет: thanks for the recipe ma'am!
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @satandeathpenis666 I don't make it really often; I am always busy trying to post new recipes on bettyskitchen, and I can't find time to repeat food we like at home!
--Betty :)
paula garcia пишет: omg ur the cutest thing and ur recipes are the bomb!!! cant wait to try one of ur recipes but the hard part is i dont know which one lol... super bowl nachos, or one of ur casseroles. whats ur fav?
Betty's Kitchen пишет: @InvalidAuthorization I may not have been taking a bite way back when I uploaded this recipe. I don't remember!
--Betty :)
You'll Need:
1 pound ground beef
1 can Campbell's tomato soup
2 cans chili with beans
1 medium onion, chopped
1 package Fritos
1 package sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded
Procedures : Brown beef and onions. Drain. Add soup and chili to beef. Simmer 10 minutes.
Line bottom of 9 x 13-inch pan with Fritos. Pour mixture into pan. Cover top of mixture with Fritos and cheese.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes, or until cheese is golden brown
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