D.Gray Man AMV - Chop Suey
D Gray Man AMV
Music: Chop Suey by System of a Down (SOAD)
I used raw episodes and ZD Soft Screen Recorder to achieve the "no subtitles" video effect.
D.Gray-man is a manga series by Katsura Hoshino. It is a Gothic-fiction manga first serialized in 2004 in Weekly Shōnen Jump (published by Shueisha under their Jump Comics imprint). It is an ongoing series and is currently up to 137 chapters. There is also a novel series called Reverse, authored by Kaya Kizaki, that tells the characters' backgrounds. As of July 1, 2007, VIZ has released the first six volumes in the United States. The anime began airing on October 3, 2006 in Japan and is still ongoing.
D Gray Man AMV
Music: Chop Suey by System of a Down (SOAD)
I used raw episodes and ZD Soft Screen Recorder to achieve the "no subtitles" video effect.
D.Gray-man is a manga series by Katsura Hoshino. It is a Gothic-fiction manga first serialized in 2004 in Weekly Shōnen Jump (published by Shueisha under their Jump Comics imprint). It is an ongoing series and is currently up to 137 chapters. There is also a novel series called Reverse, authored by Kaya Kizaki, that tells the characters' backgrounds. As of July 1, 2007, VIZ has released the first six volumes in the United States. The anime began airing on October 3, 2006 in Japan and is still ongoing.
sergiu1231 пишет: @manda88876 ....thats a stupid thing to say.They are both great.U cant compare a action/religious anime like d gray man with a mech/mystery anime like cod geass
xbayb3x пишет: Good Job :D
kitkit11183 пишет: LOL\r
There's lotsa FMA fan converters here XD
tee2330 пишет: i haven't watched this yet i don't know about being better than fma but my god this is werid seruoisly if you look at it and haven't even seen the first ep don't know the story you'd think it is fucked up
UC65QbGP1LsNVE0eWEtYLmVw",0,0,"//i1.ytimg.com/i/65QbGP1LsNVE0eWEtYLmVw/1.jpg пишет: http://www.youtube.com/user/tee2330
Heather H пишет: i love how you synched all the talking/screaming. i laughed... d>o<b
Deonta B пишет: it fits naruto too well even dbz
miraclexMIRACLE пишет: i love the way u match the scenes with the song!!!
Peaches N' Creme пишет: i normaly dont ever follow a manga after watching an anime, well i never really finish an anime,ever. But after watching part of D.gray-man, i finished the whole series, and later on, started reading the manga. In my opinion, i absoultely LOVE D.gray-man <3 im actually happy they didnt make more episodes, becuase if they did, i wont watch the whole thing, then never read the manga!
dlord1 пишет: i think d gray man is better fma
AnimeFanGrl пишет: Awesome! LMFAO at 1:23, ahahaha! Hilarious xD This is one of the best DGM amv's I've seen yet.
brenks пишет: Yeah it's debatable, BUT you do not have to sit through thousands of pointless episodes like in Naruto and Bleach, granted there are a good 10-20 dumb episodes that didn't have to be there, however compared to Naruto and Bleach's filler seasons?
subbedanimefanatic2 пишет: LOL XD
huntermax04 пишет: Great AMV man keep up the good work!
omnislashdude пишет: Kick ass job on the editing I really like it
TheVapixPrototype пишет: Thank you very much, also I don't see why you have to compare something workaday like me to Hitler. I just don't want to see the world fall to pieces because of the country leaders and people not knowing anything past 3rd grade.
kitkit11183 пишет: Yup!! I think that too! I used to think FMA was the best, but then I found DGM, and it's waaay better! XD
NotSoHotTopic пишет: yes SOAD! :D I want to see someone do BYOB and time it right.
AnimeSasNeko13 пишет: what episodes did u use?
runningman416 пишет: i kills me that i cant find the entire series any where, i can only get to like 4 skip five, get six and then nothing. why must this world be so cruel to me?
TheVapixPrototype пишет: Plato luvs anime has he entire series uploaded.
emilyismykitticat пишет: awsome cool love love song yay
Aoi Kurashiki пишет: awesome AMV pal
Echo пишет: Are you sure about that? There are plenty of steps to help one climb out of denial. I can help, would you like some?
hashminia пишет: really then that good cause im luv FMA..lol
Pedro Nora пишет: History - Code Geass (Perfect ending, a lot of mental games and strategy in the war.)
Art - D.Gray Man
Animation - D.Gray Man
Soundtrack - Code Geass
My opnion: Both are very good but i prefer Code Geass.
vizarduzumaki пишет: this is so for d. gray man xD\r
i love this good job^^
o0oyumeo0o пишет: oh, sorry..i didnt know that...^ ^"
Compuzzlement пишет: Ehe, dude, Serj Tankian is the lead singer of System Of A Down. That'd be why. When SOAD broke up, he started his solo project.
118tariqkhan118 пишет: i agree with you on that point mate
Ketsuname пишет: Wow this is really good, hahaha! Love when they scream XDD. I just can't believe this video is overlooked, it really is well done too. And the quality wasn't that badly pixelated through youtube.
Vakian пишет: nice amv man soad rulz
Seathon Ruiz пишет: Great job with your video... take a look of mine too ^^
Echo пишет: First of all, yes you are right, it has been over 3 years ago. Second, from a confliction within, there's an uncertainty if a reply is necessary. Two basic reasons, one, 3 years is a long time. Whether or not my memory has faded, your reply is just as pointless as your honesty. It's a dead comment, it's been three years so why care? Second, we're on the net, remove the swastika please. Additionally speaking, why compare anime through debates when you can enjoy each of it's unique concepts.
animequeen567668 пишет: Me too.
BladesShadow пишет: @pandablood97 only?....jk
sasukefan903 пишет: i personally think DGM is better than naruto and bleach, you should check it out
Nijuun пишет: i love this song, it fits DGM perfectly ^^
huntermax04 пишет: yep
animetl пишет: im glad its not being called for copyright\r
anyways 5/5
liar18 пишет: That was a great video! 5 stars!
Echo пишет: Hitler was encouraging as well.
MrScytheMeister пишет: @manda88876 i don't see how you can compare code geass and d grey man in any way.
sasukefan903 пишет: same here
118tariqkhan118 пишет: better than bleach well yea but naruto not too sure mate, still one heck of a anime my opinion of course
Anklumos1 пишет: @o0oyumeo0o thatd be because hes the singer...
TheFinalWill пишет: That was awesome ;__;
Killrake пишет: indeed
TheVapixPrototype пишет: Please use proper spelling and grammar please, I realise that you said that 3 years ago, however, you can compare powers that are similar in anime easily, as in Allen's eye and Lelouche's eye(s). Allen's eye turns into a pretty much useless tool towards the end of the show, however, in a sense so does Lelouche's. Also, I would take Allen's eye over Lelouche's because Allen's can't lie to him.
Echo пишет: woops its*
minimoni9 пишет: im not sure of the actual name i think it was Darren or something else wit a d, but i think in the bible or something there was a man named D... Gray, so the manga ka adopted the name as it's title.
vizarduzumaki пишет: i think its doctor xDD
TheShadowhawk98 пишет: that was the best time of my life and i loved the DIE when Kanda was running forward with his sword lol
psychonautboy03 пишет: man...this is fucking awesime!! im starting to read the manga serias now and wnated to see an amv of this and man...WTF IS GOING ON 2:44 !!?? Õ_0
TheVapixPrototype пишет: And? That has nothing to do with what we were talking about.
Lavendahrr пишет: i love this song and i like this with higurashi :D
Echo пишет: I'm* You're lacking a noun on that sentence. Part of "teh" grammar Furheir.
yesystrife пишет: 5/5 this is great! I have to keep watching this anime... but I'm just in episode 5 xD
PetePL1989 пишет: When angel deserves to die you should show suman as fallen , beacause he had aureol and he was crying ;p
Th3Noobifi3r пишет: gay.
Shuichi252 пишет: I don't think so xd I like d gray man series, but i think code egass is better :D everyone prefers something else, thought xP
memop91 пишет: I saw code geass and indeed It's a great anime but this one is great too I would say that they're equal
hashminia пишет: Hmm iv been wondering if i should watch this show..and doesnt it take place in like the 1800's...?
Leonel Araújo пишет: They're very different, im just starting d.grayman, but Code Geass did INDEED ROCK *_*
Ivan Dreyar пишет: @romanianpride1992 WEll you can acctually, some are horrible some are quality lol. Like you can't say bakugan compares to GinTama lol. That's fail lame kids show vs Shakespeare worth legendary quality series.
Megan Tolbert пишет: Yay I have a new favorite song..........hmm I am going to watch D. Gray Man AGAIN! (This would be the fourth time)......\(>.<)/
Adam Arthur пишет: @manda88876
Aside from both being anime with teenage main characters, they have nothing in common. Completely different setting, tone, art style and attitude. I don't see how you can even bother to compare them.
babysam16 пишет: is this better than hypercam 2? cause it looks like it is. i have one but the quality is horrible
Lolkita пишет: cool song and video ;)
Echo пишет: Hope that makes you happy :D
Deidaria14 пишет: nice video *Q* i love it *Q*
Daniel Esparza пишет: awesome!!!!!!!
orginadarkstrike пишет: 58 epesodes in d.grayman.
xXCresentMoonXIIIXx пишет: i liked it. matched the lyrics.
midna sakura пишет: cool 5 star xD
mnlead пишет: IS D-gray man a good anime? i mean, it looks pretty tight, but is the storyline any good and are the fighting scenes decents or good, are they comparable to naruto/bleach or..... please anyone reply.
David Drobina пишет: cool one of the best amv
craigime пишет: awesome
Aoi Kurashiki пишет: @manda88876 bah there's no better anime, there's anime preferences, you just like D Gray man more, I do too, but does that really make it better?
azenramster пишет: thx lol i already found it though...im on ep 100 know..but im looking for somewere i can download it from lol... XD
MangaKaToBe пишет: do you no what ep in anime they have gotten up to? where i am they only have 7 gns out, and it is killing me. i have read up to chapt 137, and am worried the anime is getting ahead of the manga.
memop91 пишет: yeah! I'm not comparing them cause each serie has Its good things. Just saying that they are BOTH excelent series:)
Fuinamarth пишет: Good Job=] It was funny. Running with his weapon and shouting 'DIEEEE' really suits Kanda xD
chocolatecakey пишет: this song fits the anime really well somehow!
GamerX313 пишет: sorry if I'm late, download the veoh downloader and when you watch the video press the downloader, recommend a converter.
o0oyumeo0o пишет: great vid. and i dont know about you people, but every time i hear this song i think of serj tankian.....does anyone else do that? O.o
Taikoubou89 пишет: awesome 5/5
RukiaKuchikisama95 пишет: Lina Lee the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZallenDarker пишет: Good amv, 5/5
matt85908 пишет: nem cheguei nesse ep ainda.
Harry Jaguiles пишет: can some one tell me whats the meaning of "D" in D Gray Man
TheVapixPrototype пишет: No, but thanks. As it happens to be, I don't actually suffer from denial. I just don't want to live in a world of idiots. So improving their grammar and spelling. Do you have a problem with this?
sasukefan903 пишет: you do gotta point there
azenramster пишет: I CANT FIND EP 27 ANYWERE!!!
AND nice vidd
TheVapixPrototype пишет: I'm not trying to force anything onto other people, I just want to encourage them to use proper spelling and grammar. Also, I enjoy debating anime; it's one of my favourite pastimes. It may be pointless, but I do not truly care if it has a point or not. I just appreciate you took the time to actually write 3 reply's to my one. That takes at least a small effort. Have a nice day sir.
Williman007 пишет: LOL....\r
$Williman$. "Looking for something new"
Sskkhjfangirl пишет: If you see the ep were allen's eye is fixed in krowly's castle the skeleton thing that comes out of him has the letter "D" over its left eye so the "D" in DGM kinda symbolises allens curse.\r
the "Gray" in DGM is allens world of black and white = gray and the "man" is well kinda obvious.... so yeah thats it... kinda random if you think about it\r
DGM was origianaly soppossed to be called Zone for some reason... and alot of other names but thaey settled with DGM.... so yeah...
1ranma1 пишет: Lol, ok
azenramster пишет: oh yeah ahah i downloaded that for something else but for some reseon i never remembered that i wanted to download d.g-m .....lol
You'll Need:
1 cup chopped onion
1 pound hamburger
2 cups celery, in chunks
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup uncooked rice
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 cups hot water
Procedures : Brown onion and hamburger; drain. Mix remaining ingredients and add the hamburger and onion mixture. Put into a casserole and bake at 350 degrees F for one hour or more
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