Slumgullion- Castevania
Lovely beat !
Lovely beat !
Jay Scarlett пишет: Castlevania!! vocal sample Marvin Gaye distant lover.
Bobby Galvan пишет: Video game sampling makes for complete and utter win. 0 dislikes was no mistake.
Tetsumaru21 пишет: yo this right here is beast music!!! XD these guys look like they'd play castlevania lol
Christian Smiley пишет: It CASTLEVANIA not CASTEVANIA. I remover that game. Tight song though.
Saburmus пишет: this ish is 2dope
officialoriolebeats пишет: Sick! 5*
Kieran L пишет: pokemon
AsonUnique91 пишет: hmm my view count is telling me 19.999, fo real.
is it me the happy one million dollar guy? hell naw
so ehhh congratz on ya 20.000 view ;)
LuigiBoVer2 пишет: Slumgullion is so sick! Still rock Dok's beat tape a lot as well as OJ's
shodakane пишет: people should know of this MORE MORE MORE!
Bassmobile пишет: got this on 45rpm 7" classic.
nickshel пишет: Sick track. Props for uploading, its ruff nuff.
Eber Papyrus пишет: wowsers! amazing flip!
nsbsociety пишет: DOPE!
Samurai Jack пишет: YEAH LET'S GO MEGAMAN!
NiggaWitKush пишет: Finally someone upload this i was waiting for this song slowly craving to hear the FULL version lol
Nedric johnson пишет: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ill truth
Dwight Shrute пишет: @Gl0w955 (cum)
Ryan Talmadge пишет: @beantown54 chiptune
Gl0w955 пишет: i was gunna upload this just now but its already here..
but if you wanna here sum rare flying lotus trax that you have never herd or even discover new hip-hop artist cum to my channel
slowpokecity пишет: this version is shit. get the one off LuigiXBo's mixtape. a milion times better. big up slumgullion.
MrRobalina пишет: MAKE MORE MUSIC!
LegendOfFire00 пишет: This Should Be a Adult Swim. :)
JayDeezay пишет: bout time sum1 uploaded this
intergalacticmind пишет: lmao.....
PopEye .DGM пишет: Yeah yeah yeah!! Fucking Beats!! ^^ :D
beantown54 пишет: sounds like a pacman sample
Ja'Vaughn Turner пишет: Just realizing this is the Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse remix. . >>>> That game was my ish
musclemenace пишет: :O what else can you say?? i cant freestyle, but if i could, i'd do it to this all day!!
Romallis Tucker пишет: This should be an adult swim beat :)
Grin8 пишет: Lovely beat.. can't stop replying.. but if i'm not mistaken, I think the title is misspelled...?
YeeeahBaby11 пишет: SIIIIIIIICKKK!!!!!! thank you
Buzz-Duh пишет: It's nice to see people sampling "Beginning" from Castlevania 3 but this song is a clusterfuck of shit.
Ja'Vaughn Turner пишет: [Adult Swim] Bump worthy right here
Gina Altieri пишет: so can someone explain a little about the origin of this song? im way to intrested in it and want to know where it comes from ect...\r
PopEye .DGM пишет: another!! :P
ftcskater пишет: @Buzda this song is in no way shape or form a clusterfuck of shit. you must not like flylo.
galaxbeats пишет: Check mijn beats als jullie niks te doen hebben!
afgmonster пишет: CHECK OUT GALAXBEATS his channel for some dope beats!
If you love this you def gonna love it
noah tate пишет: The dislike bar is the size of Jb's dick...
Jay Scarlett пишет: Castlevania!! vocal sample Marvin Gaye distant lover.
Bobby Galvan пишет: Video game sampling makes for complete and utter win. 0 dislikes was no mistake.
Tetsumaru21 пишет: yo this right here is beast music!!! XD these guys look like they'd play castlevania lol
Christian Smiley пишет: It CASTLEVANIA not CASTEVANIA. I remover that game. Tight song though.
Saburmus пишет: this ish is 2dope
officialoriolebeats пишет: Sick! 5*
Kieran L пишет: pokemon
AsonUnique91 пишет: hmm my view count is telling me 19.999, fo real.
is it me the happy one million dollar guy? hell naw
so ehhh congratz on ya 20.000 view ;)
LuigiBoVer2 пишет: Slumgullion is so sick! Still rock Dok's beat tape a lot as well as OJ's
shodakane пишет: people should know of this MORE MORE MORE!
Bassmobile пишет: got this on 45rpm 7" classic.
nickshel пишет: Sick track. Props for uploading, its ruff nuff.
Eber Papyrus пишет: wowsers! amazing flip!
nsbsociety пишет: DOPE!
Samurai Jack пишет: YEAH LET'S GO MEGAMAN!
NiggaWitKush пишет: Finally someone upload this i was waiting for this song slowly craving to hear the FULL version lol
Nedric johnson пишет: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ill truth
Dwight Shrute пишет: @Gl0w955 (cum)
Ryan Talmadge пишет: @beantown54 chiptune
Gl0w955 пишет: i was gunna upload this just now but its already here..
but if you wanna here sum rare flying lotus trax that you have never herd or even discover new hip-hop artist cum to my channel
slowpokecity пишет: this version is shit. get the one off LuigiXBo's mixtape. a milion times better. big up slumgullion.
MrRobalina пишет: MAKE MORE MUSIC!
LegendOfFire00 пишет: This Should Be a Adult Swim. :)
JayDeezay пишет: bout time sum1 uploaded this
intergalacticmind пишет: lmao.....
PopEye .DGM пишет: Yeah yeah yeah!! Fucking Beats!! ^^ :D
beantown54 пишет: sounds like a pacman sample
Ja'Vaughn Turner пишет: Just realizing this is the Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse remix. . >>>> That game was my ish
musclemenace пишет: :O what else can you say?? i cant freestyle, but if i could, i'd do it to this all day!!
Romallis Tucker пишет: This should be an adult swim beat :)
Grin8 пишет: Lovely beat.. can't stop replying.. but if i'm not mistaken, I think the title is misspelled...?
YeeeahBaby11 пишет: SIIIIIIIICKKK!!!!!! thank you
Buzz-Duh пишет: It's nice to see people sampling "Beginning" from Castlevania 3 but this song is a clusterfuck of shit.
Ja'Vaughn Turner пишет: [Adult Swim] Bump worthy right here
Gina Altieri пишет: so can someone explain a little about the origin of this song? im way to intrested in it and want to know where it comes from ect...\r
PopEye .DGM пишет: another!! :P
ftcskater пишет: @Buzda this song is in no way shape or form a clusterfuck of shit. you must not like flylo.
galaxbeats пишет: Check mijn beats als jullie niks te doen hebben!
afgmonster пишет: CHECK OUT GALAXBEATS his channel for some dope beats!
If you love this you def gonna love it
noah tate пишет: The dislike bar is the size of Jb's dick...
You'll Need:
1 pound hamburger
1 (8 ounce) can Mexi-Corn�
1 pound canned tomatoes
1 (4 ounce) can diced green chiles
1 cup raw rice
Dash of Tabasco sauce
1 cup Colby or Cheddar cheese, shredded
Procedures : Brown beef; drain. Add remaining ingredients except cheese. Place in a casserole. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees F.
Remove casserole from oven and top with cheese. Return to oven to melt cheese, about 5 to 10 minutes
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