Italian Pancake Lasagna Casserole
This recipe from an e-cookbook called "Casserole Crazy"
This recipe turned out really well. I will be making this again as it takes a lot less time than regular lasagna and is REALLY good.
It tastes very much like lasagna but not quite as heavy because the "noodle" layer is so thin. I also like that it made a small amount, perfect for a family of four for dinner (with bread and a side salad).
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1/2 cup all−purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 pound lean ground beef
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
2 tablespoons instant minced onion (forgot to add this to mine)
1 teaspoon basil
3/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup creamed cottage cheese (I used ricotta)
2 cups (1/2 pound shredded mozzarella cheese)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Combine eggs and milk in medium mixing bowl with rotary beater. Add flour and salt; beat until
smooth. Heat a 9−inch skillet over medium high heat. Grease lightly before baking each pancake. Pour
batter, 1/3 cup at a time, into skillet tilting pan to spread evenly over bottom. When pancake is light
brown and set, turn to brown other side. Prepare 4 pancakes.
Brown ground beef in medium skillet; add tomato paste, onion, basil, garlic salt, oregano, salt and
pepper. Place one pancake on bottom of 10−inch pie pan, 9−inch round cake pan or 9−inch skillet.
Spread with 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 meat mixture, 1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese and 1
tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese. Repeat with remaining pancakes ending with cheese. Bake at 375
degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes.
To serve, cut into wedges.
Yield: 5 to 6 servings
Tip: Refrigerate up to 24 hours. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes.
This recipe from an e-cookbook called "Casserole Crazy"
This recipe turned out really well. I will be making this again as it takes a lot less time than regular lasagna and is REALLY good.
It tastes very much like lasagna but not quite as heavy because the "noodle" layer is so thin. I also like that it made a small amount, perfect for a family of four for dinner (with bread and a side salad).
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1/2 cup all−purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 pound lean ground beef
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
2 tablespoons instant minced onion (forgot to add this to mine)
1 teaspoon basil
3/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup creamed cottage cheese (I used ricotta)
2 cups (1/2 pound shredded mozzarella cheese)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Combine eggs and milk in medium mixing bowl with rotary beater. Add flour and salt; beat until
smooth. Heat a 9−inch skillet over medium high heat. Grease lightly before baking each pancake. Pour
batter, 1/3 cup at a time, into skillet tilting pan to spread evenly over bottom. When pancake is light
brown and set, turn to brown other side. Prepare 4 pancakes.
Brown ground beef in medium skillet; add tomato paste, onion, basil, garlic salt, oregano, salt and
pepper. Place one pancake on bottom of 10−inch pie pan, 9−inch round cake pan or 9−inch skillet.
Spread with 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 meat mixture, 1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese and 1
tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese. Repeat with remaining pancakes ending with cheese. Bake at 375
degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes.
To serve, cut into wedges.
Yield: 5 to 6 servings
Tip: Refrigerate up to 24 hours. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @babieangels Thanks!
maroze1874 пишет: Your son is too cute "obviously", the pancakes remind me of crepes. Thanks for sharing!
Supportahol пишет: The "cups" measurements thing kinda confused me before so thanks for letting your overseas friends (like me) know how to compare them. Really sweet of you to think of us like that. This looked like fun to put together and looks really nice and creamy. Making it from scratch is definately the way to go and obviously goes down well with the younger members of the family. Well done to you! xx
zeus5566 пишет: i gonna start making this and taste it yum yum
theycallmeloser пишет: and that looks delicious. keep in mind the temperatures if you're going to convert everything
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @silverscreamgrl I've answered comments until my eyes bugged out the last couple of days, don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up :(
SamAnne13 пишет: tried it with sour cream and it was beautiful. my 2 year old loved it and my partner even wanted me to make some for his work lunch haha
Valerie Nguyen пишет: looks really good
Aaron Meade пишет: Haha! Max is great!
Townie124 пишет: You can buy a kit called taco bake.. its just like this but with tortillas not pancakes
eelanue пишет: @yoyomax12 sounds good!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @KINDERKRAFTS I usually don't add the theme song on every video, but I'm glad you like it.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @HyperTheProfessor Thanks, Max is quickly developing his pre-teen attitude lol!
jacqui bell пишет: that's how we make our normal pancakes in Australia :D however i advise you use butter instead of oil it add a lot more flavour :)
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @CURIOUS0111 That's what I was thinking, same ingredients as egg noodles!
silverscreamgrl пишет: @yoyomax12 el-oh-elle
limelyx пишет: Woah, I'd love to try this... but maybe vegetarian version :P For my friends who are ^_^
irelgazzzar пишет: "Would you like me to make it again?"..."OBVIOUSLY!"hahah
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @enjoydotcom I'm going to have to make a poll video and find out what everyone uses as far as measuring devices where they live. I didn't know you had tsp and tbsp measuring spoons, I assumed they were all in ml.
This would make things easier because I use the same tsp and tbsp for measuring liquid and dry ingredients. Kind of hard to say add a "5ml tsp of baking powder" when you don't measure powder in mls.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @SwissAmandaful Max is 12 and in 6th grade
SamAnne13 пишет: hey there do you think it would taste ok with sour cream rather then ricotta or cream cheese?
advancewing пишет: @yoyomax12 I was just saying I noticed that you like different and unique casserole recipes. lol
TearsOfSnow пишет: @yoyomax12 Mmm.. Chicken sounds good! X3
Gabby Pacini пишет: gosh mom obviously
Verochka Green пишет: Yay! Thank you!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: Just a home cook :)
babieangels пишет: your son is ADORABLE!!! tfs!!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @YonDoll I'm going to have to do a poll on what countries use what kind of measurements, very interesting.
Alma Martinez пишет: humm just love it! I will make it for sure.
Melissa Bautista пишет: Hahaha, i love whenever you're talking to max while he's eating he seems like he wants to say "Be quiet and let me eat!"
MoBoudou пишет: I want to try this recipe it looks delicious.
Thanks for the measurements i always have problems whit that.
734marshall пишет: gotta try this *_*
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @TheKmila This recipe is now part of my regular dinner repertoire, we really liked it.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @skporto Thanks! :)
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @zeebeezneez I think that I may make manicotti (sp?) using these pancakes the next time, they would be a lot easier to fill and roll .
TurtleTart пишет: it looks more like a crepe
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @oqs15 Sure!
Holly Anderson пишет: That looks so yummy! Definitely going to give this a try. TFS
Fredde jpg пишет: this is a great recipe! its also so nice and considerate of you to do the conversions :D
this reminds me of when my dad makes cannelloni using crepes instead of pasta haha (its soooo much better that way)
mivatakuzi пишет: What's cottage cheese? I'm oriental so I mostly eat Vietnamese food.
SwimmerGotSoul пишет: Your son is cool.
iheartgdgc пишет: That Looks Yummy! That Pancake Recipe Alone Looks Great for Crepes =)
Bria Valentine пишет: i think those were crepes O.O
Adia Hong пишет: these look like crepe!
pernilleac пишет: Is this Fat Free..? (:
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @hardsimmer Made this a couple of times since then and we still love it!
chikipr пишет: HELLO!!!! =)
MMMMMMMMMM lasagna! yummy!!!!!
i did lasagna this week... and i add bacon delicious! hahahahaha :P
M Geels пишет: I will have to make this for my son, he is 12.. I am gonna make an italian version and a mexican version. Mmmmm looks GREAT!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @username121nj Thanks! This one turned out quite well.
LyricsxSong пишет: Geez, at the first you said it might turn out into a disaster until you tried it.
Haha. And that's what makes you a cool mom and an awesome chef!
oxRACH333Lxo пишет: the liquid and powder conversions are so awkward! i just sought out a set of cup measures (i live in ireland) and use those now, but liquid is twice as much as grams due to density, so it's more or less as follows..
-1 cup = 250ml = 125g
-1/2 cup = 125ml = 65g
-1/3 cup = 65ml = 30g
-1/4 cup = 30ml = 15g
also teaspoon and table spoon measurements are different in metric, basically imperial is half metric, so..
-imp. tsp = met. heaped tsp
-imp 1/2 tsp = met. tsp
..and so on. this is very aprox
samgower пишет: oh wow, I have to make this!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @ebuff57 I think you certainly could do that!
yourhippiegrandma пишет: If Max liked it, then it HAS to be amazing. :) I will try this!
Raspberry Bambi пишет: reminds me of a taco.
hardsimmer пишет: This looks really good. I have to try this. Thank for sharing. Love your videos
ilovemyboysable пишет: Thank you for all your hard work that you do for us. :•)
Rahma Yusuf пишет: I think that 120 grams is 1/2 a cup I read that on a website.
Lliisasaysso пишет: max is adorable! looks awesome I'm gonna make it tonight for my boys. one is 50 and the other 23! Thank you!
kyuutatsu пишет: I was thinking that while she was making it.
Petronella Wessman пишет: I love how you point out that exact measurements aren't required, because they're NOT and I get that question everywhere. My mom was an assistant to a boy in middle school and their teacher in, like home-management (cooking, cleaning, basic laws) told them they ALWAYS needed EXACT measurements when baking. So my mom went home and made a gingerbread cake that way. She still claims it was the worst thing she ever baked.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @ilovemyboysable You are very welcome! thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on my videos
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @eelanue I plan on including the metric measurements in the description box from now on.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @MrDuckydoo This is also one of my favourites for sure! Thanks for watching
anmoose пишет: I just finished my first serving of this (1/4 of the "pie"), and I'm resisting the horrible urge to go back for another hunk. It's unquestionably a 5 star winner and will be made around here again, often!\r
Only variations: whole wheat flour instead of all purpose, garlic powder instead of garlic salt and double the amount, double the minced onion, and added 1/4 cup of leftover marinara sauce I wanted to use up. I also doubled the fresh grated Parmesan and went heavy with both on the top layer.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @enjoydotcom Thanks for answering that!
pernilleac пишет: @yoyomax12 I knew...\r
Youre smiley busted you. (;
Verochka Green пишет: More savory easy videos please!! You make cooking look so simple and it probably is, im one of those people who is afraid of cooking,but ill be moving out away from my parents, hopefully soon with my fiance and im just watching all your videos (stalking you basically hehe! ) trying to learn easy things to make for my first dishes! I've also subscribe to your page so I can find my favorite videos again!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @AnechkaK7 Max is 12 and is quickly developing his pre-teen attitude.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @abigailien LOVE cheese!
darkroge пишет: In England that's how we make our pancakes we don't make them thick like Americans tend to do :) I wouldn't call this a crape because crepes are made using a different technique and are possible a little thinner.
MUAinTheMaking пишет: I just love your videos and learn so much. Even the tomato paste trick is so helpful. I think I am going to try this. I would also use the Ricotta to cottage cheese for this.\r
Oh, and thanks for not editing out your trial and error with the oil -- that helps us learn, too!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @pinkbuttrfly2004 Max is also 12! A Mexican version would be equally yummy
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @anmoose I like your substitution of the wheat flour, perfect way to make this healthier. I would put more spice and garlic in this the next time for sure. It will be made again here in our house as well :)
zeebeezneez пишет: Mmmh- this looks so good! I do a similar thing, where I roll bolognese sauce in the crepes (So I get kind of cigar shaped crepes filled with mince sauce) and then I sprinkle cheese over the top and brown it in the oven. It's a bit fiddly and this looks like this would be much easier and quicker to do! I'm going to try it next week and will let you know how it turned out:-)
Joyce Enjoydotcom пишет: @yoyomax12 My pleasure :). (I have a tendency to butt in sometimes ;D )
rekiepimie пишет: I'm from Holland, and I love your recipes!! Tnx for the explanation of the measures.\r
slskye пишет: i also love "different" recipes, and you are making me so hungry! :) looks soo yummy!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @LittleCowMina That is a great idea and that's exactly what I'm going to do the next time, thanks.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @GothyPingu Glad to hear it, I may have to make a video asking what kind of measuring cups people use to measure in all the countries that watch my videos
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @babieangels Thanks!
maroze1874 пишет: Your son is too cute "obviously", the pancakes remind me of crepes. Thanks for sharing!
Supportahol пишет: The "cups" measurements thing kinda confused me before so thanks for letting your overseas friends (like me) know how to compare them. Really sweet of you to think of us like that. This looked like fun to put together and looks really nice and creamy. Making it from scratch is definately the way to go and obviously goes down well with the younger members of the family. Well done to you! xx
zeus5566 пишет: i gonna start making this and taste it yum yum
theycallmeloser пишет: and that looks delicious. keep in mind the temperatures if you're going to convert everything
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @silverscreamgrl I've answered comments until my eyes bugged out the last couple of days, don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up :(
SamAnne13 пишет: tried it with sour cream and it was beautiful. my 2 year old loved it and my partner even wanted me to make some for his work lunch haha
Valerie Nguyen пишет: looks really good
Aaron Meade пишет: Haha! Max is great!
Townie124 пишет: You can buy a kit called taco bake.. its just like this but with tortillas not pancakes
eelanue пишет: @yoyomax12 sounds good!
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @KINDERKRAFTS I usually don't add the theme song on every video, but I'm glad you like it.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @HyperTheProfessor Thanks, Max is quickly developing his pre-teen attitude lol!
jacqui bell пишет: that's how we make our normal pancakes in Australia :D however i advise you use butter instead of oil it add a lot more flavour :)
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @CURIOUS0111 That's what I was thinking, same ingredients as egg noodles!
silverscreamgrl пишет: @yoyomax12 el-oh-elle
limelyx пишет: Woah, I'd love to try this... but maybe vegetarian version :P For my friends who are ^_^
irelgazzzar пишет: "Would you like me to make it again?"..."OBVIOUSLY!"hahah
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @enjoydotcom I'm going to have to make a poll video and find out what everyone uses as far as measuring devices where they live. I didn't know you had tsp and tbsp measuring spoons, I assumed they were all in ml.
This would make things easier because I use the same tsp and tbsp for measuring liquid and dry ingredients. Kind of hard to say add a "5ml tsp of baking powder" when you don't measure powder in mls.
yoyomax12 - the diet free zone пишет: @SwissAmandaful Max is 12 and in 6th grade
You'll Need:
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 pound lean ground beef
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
2 tablespoons instant minced onion
1 teaspoon basil
3/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup creamed cottage cheese
2 cups (1/2 pound shredded mozzarella cheese)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Procedures : Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Combine eggs and milk in medium mixing bowl with rotary beater. Add flour and salt; beat until smooth. Heat a 9-inch skillet over medium high heat. Grease lightly before baking each pancake. Pour batter, 1/3 cup at a time, into skillet tilting pan to spread evenly over bottom. When pancake is light brown and set, turn to brown other side. Prepare 4 pancakes.
Brown ground beef in medium skillet; add tomato paste, onion, basil, garlic salt, oregano, salt and pepper. Place one pancake on bottom of 10-inch pie pan, 9-inch round cake pan or 9-inch skillet. Spread with 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 meat mixture, 1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese and 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese. Repeat with remaining pancakes ending with cheese. Bake at 375 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes.
To serve, cut into wedges.
Yield: 5 to 6 serving
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