суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Apple Gingerbread Cobbler

Candles by Victoria July Scents Review


Scents Mentioned:

Blueberry Cornbread
Eternity for Men
Chocolate Pudding
Pumpkin Pralines
Apple Gingerbread Spice
Pumpkin Apple Cinnamon Bread
Blackberry Cobbler
Gentleman's Coconut Bay Rum
Mango Macadamia Nut
Granny's Pie Crust
Cherry Cobbler
Chocolate Banana
Banana Pancakes
Bikini Bottoms

PinkGlitteryStars пишет: put the Eternity for Men in the bathroom

Leesha Vlogs пишет: @whiterexy789 oh these are SUPEr powerful! theyre triple scented, if you burn them make sure its an open room because i find they can almost get overwhelming in a small room because they are SO scented

GiftOfGlamour пишет: please please please tell victoria to start shipping to the UK!! \r
all the videos from you and Brooke are killing me here! haha \r

Leesha Vlogs пишет: @kutekandy719 i have never ever heard anyone say it like that haha, and i'm pretty sure the way i say it is fine, like how pronounce words differently depending on where theyre from.. like caramel or car-mel :)

Lea Elizabeth пишет: @OneLonelySpider Probably because it's not beauty related..

BBsmileys пишет: ick i don't like fake chocolate smells either.. or flavors. like chocolate jelly beans.. eww

stayover13 пишет: @kutekandy719 She's saying it no different that the way I have heard it being pronounced.

Mel Darling пишет: Love watching your candle reviews, your super funny

franco пишет: I am in love with those baby blue eyes...

Kaleigh Reeves пишет: I hate it when people correct the way people say things, haha. Tomato, tomawtoe x)

Lindsey Lalka пишет: What are 5 scents you would recommend?

Esther P пишет: @bunny511 works in chrome and i'm pretty sure any other browser

Leesha Vlogs пишет: @cheeksie93 HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA omg i didnt even catch that in editing. IM A WINNER

whiterexy789 пишет: theres so much teal in this video lol. i love these videos because im super addicted to candles. how fragrant would you say her candles are compared to others? like with yankee candles i feel like you can barely smell them unless you're right next to them. are these more powerful?

Patricia Portela пишет: i love that flower in her hair <3

snowypanda93 пишет: @discodollies I think the pronunciation is just where you live. I live in the south of the UK and everyone I know says it like pr-ah-lines lol Ah well the more you know! ^^

kutekandy719 пишет: @ValleyGurlFrmHell Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but that was not AT ALL my intention. It was an innocent mistake that I didn't know there were two ways to say pralines and I was genuinely trying to help her. I was not trying to be rude, or mean, or snarky or anything like that, all I was trying to do was help her. I made a mistake, I'm sorry that I came across as rude. Leesha is one of my favorite YouTubers, and I would never intentionally be rude to her.

mille baci пишет: your scent descriptions are making me hungry

ZombieZillah пишет: those candles are weridly cool D

Katie Miller пишет: i love your makeup in this!! and that's a cool flower in your hair :]

mcrmsweetheart пишет: Eternity for Men = bed room scent just saying lol sorry if thats werid

alaynasimmons пишет: @kutekandy719 i'm from the south too :P

BellaLove пишет: I don't know why people think it's weird when companies have new scents that come out that they think should only be around during a certain season. Why does it matter? It's just a scent, my mom loves apple cinnamon candles and has them around all year long but people think of it as a fall/winter scent. I used to sell candles and kept the same scents around all year because if people really like a certain scent then a lot of times they will buy it no matter what season.

kutekandy719 пишет: @xkstrycharz I don't think its a matter of who's right and who's wrong. Its more of a matter of where you live.

kutekandy719 пишет: @jlinderts No, I'm not wrong. That was how I was brought up saying it and every other person I've ever known has said it that way. I didn't realize that dialect had an effect on people saying pralines differently from how I say it when I tried to correct Leesha. Obviously, neither Leesha or I are wrong because we are both from different parts of the country, therefore causing us to have different dialects which makes us say words differently, like pralines.

TiffanyReally пишет: You look like a beach angel.

chipsahoy7 пишет: omg everytime you put the candle up to your nose and look up to the left you look beyond goreous! omg i am so jealous! haha

leahcharlottte пишет: i love the lip colour in this video, it's so pretty!

xsparkage пишет: @louiseycheesey101 i know :( i really wish she would get it professionally redesigned, i think shed have so much more business

Andi Addimando пишет: i LOVE your candle reviews... i am pretty sure we have the same nose! Before I ever purchase a cbv I will definitely watch your reviews first..

sassysly555 пишет: sorry this has nothing to do with this video but I'm noticing your profile view and am super jealous of your hairstyle! was wondering what face shape you have lol I want to chop my hair off so bad but scared it won't look good on me lol ya I know random but I love your style :D

kutekandy719 пишет: @alaynasimmons haha! Well that's just an innocent mistake. I'm from the South, and I guess we just say it differently, haha!

cheeksie93 пишет: haha, i love how leesha says cry pust instead of pie crust :) so sweet x go to 06:28

Becca Bath пишет: Where did you get your earrings? They're so cute!

cutiepie29925 пишет: haha you said cri pust lol :p

Tiffany H пишет: I really want to buy from them now...

Jacquie G. пишет: @discodollies I 've heard your way and Anise with a strong an like and slight ise

alaynasimmons пишет: @kutekandy719 i've never heard anyone say in like that in my life. xD she did, however, say cry pust instead of pie crust. xD

Stefani Mesquita пишет: OMG U LIKE PITZELS? lol its like the italian family christmas tradition, i make it once a year on an old fashioned iron. takes FOREVER and and its pretttttty messy. hehe <3

Braidy Alexander пишет: how do you melt those. do you melt them? do you use a melter? or do they all come like that?

Kyli2004 пишет: @discodollies Your way is fine, I've heard it that way. I say it with the "pra" like "bra". While my mom says "pray"lines"......Each to their own. No right or wrong.

AshtynLovesMakeup пишет: @discodollies I pronounce it "ann-iss" lol

"," пишет: UltimateGrobanite

ZombieZillah пишет: (: love ur eyes

cheeksie93 пишет: @discodollies sooo sweet :) love it .. i do it all the time too x

AshtynLovesMakeup пишет: @kutekandy719 Ive never heard anyone say it like that either...everyone ive heard say it says it exactly like she does.

"," пишет: viczai

wicketyboo пишет: @discodollies the way you said anise sounded right to me... it's how i say it!

anjumstar3 пишет: Is your nail polish Zoya Ivanka??

Otterish пишет: I was trying to figure out if she ships to Canada from her site. Do you know if she does? Thanks for the review!

OhAnny21 пишет: i love your candle reviews!

Kayla Kristine пишет: I think she released so many fall/ Pumpkin scents in July because she knew people would want to use the big 20% off sale to stock up on candles for fall and winter, and buying christmas/ holiday gifts and stuff :)

gizmogal234 пишет: Not to be picky! But next time can you smell the scent and tell your opinion then read what it's supposed to smell like? <3 love your videos!

redgirlsrain пишет: @wicketyboo I was just stating a fact, there's no need to get upset about it.

ColoredSparkler пишет: How do they burn? They have no wick.

sensationalistt пишет: I've said pralines the same way you say it... all my life. LOL.

Myford16 пишет: How do you burn them? :)

medyaquesadilla пишет: Leesha, you look so pretty in this video!

sara102130 пишет: awe I love you Leesha your just so cute I swear I wanna hug you just look like such a sweet , positive and fun person your positive energy always puts me in a good mood that's why I love your vids so much
God bless and never change cuz your awesome

bunny511 пишет: ^_^ FYI, if you're using firefox, if you push "ctrl" and scroll up, your screen gets bigger... my bf pointed that out to me before I got my glasses lol... Just so you know Leesha, you're awesome!

redgirlsrain пишет: @discodollies
It's actually pronounced like you're saying An-Is ^_^

xXMaryRevolutionXx пишет: I love how you describe scents as foods. It makes it easy to imagine, even if you are making people hungry ahahah (:

SomedayWellFly пишет: I think that they should make some sort of scent that clears the other scents in your nose. Because I'd get totally confused smelling all those candles. I'd smell a blueberry and try to smell a pumpkin and all I'd smell is blueberry.

plumpkinpatch пишет: You totally said the graham cracker cry pust at 6:30 haha

LaurenNicole131 пишет: what is inscents? ik I probably sound stupid but my mom said that's it's just the smell it gives off

imle0is0me пишет: Krie Pust :)

crazyjkix пишет: Was about to comment that there was no sound...... But I had my computer on mute :)

Lily T пишет: I love how honest you were even though you had been sent these products xx

HauteBeautyGirl пишет: I think I'm going to try Bikini Bottom and Banana Pancakes. Maybe the blackberry Cobbler.

Ashton Lee пишет: Gram cracker crie pust? Lmao.

SomedayWellFly пишет: Hey, guess what! :D It's September now! WHOO!

kutekandy719 пишет: @Korisoup Well, I guess its just the way I was brought up saying it. Everyone in my family says it the way I say it and since its not a common word, I've never heard anyone else say it any differently, so that's why I thought she said it wrong. I guess its just like the two different ways of saying tomato.

,[[[0,"@Korisoup Well, I guess its just the way I was brought up saying it. Everyone in my family says it the way I say it and since its not a common word, I've never heard anyone else say it any differently, so that's why I thought she said it wrong. I guess its just like the two different ways of saying tomato."]
пишет: kutekandy719

chloe bevan пишет: i love the descriptions you do :)\r

Edwin Jahn пишет: @discodollies Your totally saying it right. Dont worry.

Seven of Nine пишет: I love your laugh! It's infectious and absolutely adorable! :)

SuchxAxBeautifulxLie пишет: Hahaha my bf keeps complaining about how hungry you're making him with the scent descriptions. q:

MintyMakeup пишет: @kutekandy719 I say it like she does too. And thats how I have always heard pralines pronounced =)

"," пишет: ScathachWarrior

Korisoup пишет: @kutekandy719 I thought it could be pronounced both ways? Most people I know say it the same way leesha does.

"," пишет: wicketyboo

Silver Mist пишет: To make your fonts bigger, just hit ctrl and +

atsparkler018 пишет: I love your review of these because your really honest! i was a little disappointed in a candle i got from her because i didn't know about the incense scent on top, thanks for mentioning it!

Migoto Chou пишет: @ColoredSparkler

They are actually just meant to be melted in a tart warmer. :)

Tia Smith пишет: It seems like you found your tropical scent!

RandomRaincloud пишет: 6:30 Graham Cracker Crie Pust (:

UltimateGrobanite пишет: @kutekandy719 It's called Dialect. Look it up.

girlnamedtex101 пишет: do you have a tutorial on the look your wearing? i forget and your eyes are soo pretty here

Rebecca Aldana пишет: I'm laughing at her reactions hahahaha... She's so adorable, I can't take it haha :D

AndroidFlowers пишет: I also can't do incense scents cuz they give me an instant headache as well. I really wanna try Bikini Bottom, and banana pancakes!

onyxfaith пишет: Not sure if this commented posted. Youtube is acting up on me.

If you're on a Mac and need to make the words or window bigger you can press the apple symbol and "+".

DSashie пишет: haha I was going to skip this one.. was so bored put it on anyway and am so surprised . Great descriptions.. they sound so delicious.. ure reactions are funni and so real.. love it

hepatica88 пишет: I'm from Sweden and can't order these candles but I love watching your videos on them anyways:P

SomedayWellFly пишет: Every time I watch this video, I see your makeup and almost cry because I know I will NEVER be able to do makeup that awesome!

ifuckyouforfun пишет: You are so pretty! love the tropical makeup :)

redgirlsrain пишет: @wicketyboo
The way it is pronounced in the dictionary is An-Is

rileybrat пишет: crie pust :P

anniestevens пишет: how are the tarts? are they strong or more subtle?

sistakrista пишет: lol cry prust

Haley Jane пишет: "gram cracker cry pust" lol
You'll Need:

4 medium apples, sliced
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup plus 3 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons cornstarch

Procedures : Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Cook apples, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and 1 cup of water until apples are almost tender.

Combine 3 tablespoons water with cornstarch, stirring until all lumps are removed. Stir into apples and cook until thickened. Pour into an 8-inch baking dish. Add topping. Bake 35 minutes.

1/2 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup molasses
2 tablespoons oil
1 egg
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Beat together the milk, molasses, oil, egg and sugar. Measure remaining ingredients into sifter and sift into egg mixture. Stir only until combined and pour over apple mixture

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