суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Apple Mincemeat Pie

Mincemeat Pie Filling, No Meat! Green Tomatoes and Apples!


OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: Thank you! I will!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I was FLUMMOXED at how simple it WAS!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: oven cleaner and steel wool!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: So wonderful I am making more!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: you put it in a pie shell and bake it and serve it with ice cream! Very traditional christmas fair.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I can't believe I have never had this before..It is DELICIOUS!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: BWAHAHAHAHA!

Chris Michelson пишет: Thank you for doing this and all your videos. This smells great.. I enjoy learning new things. I wish I had paid attention to my mom when I was young and helping with all the fall canning 40 years ago. It is nice to be able to learn it all over again. Thanks.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: LMAO!! I hear you Jodi..but guess what? This is really GOOD! you really should try it!

mesatop5 пишет: That looks yummy! I've made mincemeat with meat in it -- cooked shredded beef. It's good, too.

babylove1985of4 пишет: I just made a batch of mince meat...first time ever! I had to adjust your recipe a bit since I didn't have any green tomatoes but looks good with just apples. I also added a couple crystallized ginger pieces. Absolutely delicious if I do say so my self lol

Jessica Thibodeau пишет: My family makes mincemeat with deer meat. HEAVEN! I'm the only one that eats it in the house, so I make a mincemeat crisp for myself and usually a pie to take for Christmas dinner as part of my dads present.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: Always my pleasure!

kevpie718 пишет: Got any ideas how to clean baked on crud from glass or enamel casserole dishes?

Janie Dee пишет: My Mom always buys the jarred stuff at the grocery store and adds to it. This looks so much better. My step brother begged my Mom for months to make a mincemeat pie. So she finally did and he accidentally turned the electric stove burner on underneath it!! Lol talk about feathers flying!! It was years before she made another one! God Bless to You and Yours

Beverley Volfie пишет: YUMMY!!! I am making another batch tomorrow as Christmas gifts!

Prim n' Prepper пишет: another great recipe for green tomatoes is green tomato pie. My son always requested it for his Birthday instead of a cake. His birthday is the 28th of August, so we always had green tomatoes. It is still his favorite.

iamscrappybuttons пишет: Looks wonderful....I do have a question, I can't use raisins, would dried cranberries or blueberries work in place of the raisins ?

pennyann333 пишет: It was my first time making this and it turned out great. Family loved it. I added brandy, candied some pineapple chunks with the candied orange and lemon peels. I used cranberries instead of currents. This mincemeat was so much better than anything I ever bought. I wish I had more green tomatoes now. Thanks so much. I will be making this every year now. Thanks again. Love your vids.

kathy jo tourtois пишет: im willing to retry this . as a kid i hated mince meat pie. maybe my taste buds have changed through the years. i bet it smelled fantastic in ur kitchen. sure wish there was a diabetic version for this. tfs n have a great weekend.

maybeeme пишет: :o)

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I will have to give them a try!

FitAnge S пишет: Bev what a great idea! I've never tried green tomatoes before but I will. Love that it's easy made in the crockpot also. Fantastic!

armywife пишет: i think traditional mincemeat does have meat, venison I believe... thats what my grandma canned, venison mincemeat with apples and raisins.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: Thank you! If you don't have green tomatoes replace it with diced apple!
I love how you made it your own! Wonderful!

nikki mcmains пишет: In the 1940's and 1950's it had meat. We used deer.

Susan Robinson пишет: In times past most mincemeat contained beef suet. Yuck! Yours looks soooo much better!

christmasina пишет: thank you thank you THANK YOU, for making this video. I couldn't find a recipe for mince meat without the alcohol. we love mince meat here, and tons of green tomatoes.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: Volfie and I have never liked it..but this recipe is so good I am making MORE!

NingasKugon09 пишет: still afraid of mincemeat after hearing old stories from England and watching that movie

pangeria12 пишет: Look good. First time I heard about mincemeat. What do u eat it with?

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I don't see why not? Make it your own!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: that sounds delicious!

AgainEven пишет: Haha! I am in the same boat...had no idea there was mincemeat without meat!

MerAngel12121 пишет: What the heck? I never heard that one before. Was that saying brought to you from England, by chance? It actually sounds like that saying may have come from the black hills. I have a book on sayings from those parts. I'll have to see if it's in there. O ;-)

Salobrena Smith пишет: I am shocked to hear that you have never had it before.. a good Canadian gal like you.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I even made Volfie taste it twice..he is rethinking his stand on mincemeat pie!

Prim n' Prepper пишет: Magic eraser. Not the $ store ones, the original. They work great.

sha whit пишет: Thank you, love mincemeat!

freebygrace18 пишет: I may have to rethink my stand on that as well. As a child someone in the family made it and it had very greasy pork in it. Yuck Yuck Yuck!!! Made me sick. This does look pretty good!! I better it smells marvelous cooking with those yummy spices!! :)

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I have been re-education on food for 23 years..when I met him..he ate meat, potatoes and corn..greens were reserved for sub sandwiches...he has come a LONG LONG way!

girltwin64 пишет: I have never had mincemeat pie before the name always stopped me. Now that I know what is in it I think I will try it. Thanks again!!

Bonnie's Kentucky home пишет: I have never tried mince meat pies because I thought they had meat in them. I will have to try it now. And do try those fried green tomatoes! You will love them.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: My Pleasure hun! And it is delicious!

Beth DeRoos пишет: Still make venison mincemeat (yes its supposed to have meat) using my great grandmothers 1800's recipe. A food eaten during the winter months because it has meat, suet, fruit and spices, wine/brandy,rich in flavour that warms the body during the cold months. Have started our winter fruit cakes wrapped in cheesecloth with a 'baptism' of liquor at least once a month until the week before Christmas.

ladyhawthorne1 пишет: Originally mincemeat did have meat, but then folks started making it with replacements like the tomatoes. I made this some years back only it didn't say I could cook it in the crockpot. It's fabulous in pies!

peelmeone пишет: This makes my favorite pie, PERIOD! I always did wonder as to the name "mincemeat", knowing it contained no meat. Who cares. Mikey likes it!

NingasKugon09 пишет: :)...it was really scary, but this filling you made I can eat for sure...can't wait to see how you make the pie.

Jan white пишет: I loved my mom's mincemeat pie as a youngster . It did have meat in it. I think though that the nothing but fruit kind is maybe 25 or 30 years old.( of this I am not sure) About twenty years ago I made no meat mincemeat filling and canned about 20 pints. It was so good. I used it in cookies, cakes and pies and quick bread. Was very sad when it was gone and I don't have a clue where that recipe went.

ladyhawthorne1 пишет: I believe it came from England. At least all the old recipes I have seen were from there.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I had a fire going yesterday..not a blazing one..but enough to take the deep chill off the house!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: Apparently they USED to have meat in them...and even the meatless ones had ground suet..but I opted for butter...it is DELISH!

bebebutterfield1 пишет: I've always kept minced meat in the file of yuck along with fruit cake. Funny how we file things away as children and fear pulling them out and trying them. I've seen it in jars at the grocery store. Looks dark and ominous. You made it look good Bev per usual TY for sharing.

Shao Prepper пишет: Ive never had mincemeat "ever" sounds tasty (coming from deep in South Louisiana we can and cook almost anything..but this is new to me...me and the spunkmyer (kido) will have to try making some) great way to use up green tomatoes btw

monkeeblue пишет: Bev...I was lazy one year and just froze my green tomato mincemeat. It baked into mince tarts perfectly. I never liked mincemeat as a kid. 30 some years ago, on a whim, I bought some at Marks & Spencer's that was from the UK and my world changed and I knew I'd have to try making my own, so I did from a UK cookbook. I wish we still had Marks & Spencer's in Canada, I miss them so much.

Maile Sea пишет: that sure looked awesome!!! hugs

ShalimarPerfume пишет: Interesting. My mother used to make mince meat and pies n tarts many years ago I never liked it because it gave me serious heartburn. I think she probally used suet.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: My Pleasure sweety!

SilverStarGazer пишет: Never had it... Everyone I know doesn't like it although now after finding out what's exactly in it I can't understand why. It sounds and looks yummy!

MerAngel12121 пишет: Thank you, Mrs. V.

HHeirloomIA пишет: We always up end withore green tomatoes than we want so I shall add this yo the list! It sure is getting long. Bev, it sure does look good!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I am not going to ask what movie!

1994abbygirl пишет: Now that looks yummy.. unlike the kind with meat.. which I detest!! Thanks Bev..now I know what to do with those green tomatoes.. Its getting cold here in Utah... bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I am so not ready for winter!

Jenerous Soul пишет: Can you water bath butter? I didn't know if your mince meat needed to be pressure canned since there was butter in it? The recipe looks delicious.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: My Pleasure!!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: This one did not say I could cook it in the crock pot..but it DID say to cook on low for two hours..so rather than risk scorching..I put it in the crock pot..brouth it up to temp and cooked it on low for 2 hours..worked exceptionally well!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: lol

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I am pretty sure it is a British recipe.

bspadine пишет: I remember my mother making mincemeat out of the necks of the deer. She said that it was the only thing that they were good for.

reahalea1 пишет: Sounds great! I have a recipe that uses pears... it's really good too!

Witchyone131 пишет: That looks wonderful

markcumbriauk пишет: I've never seen mincemeat pie filling with tomatoes in, I'll have to see if I can find some

Mindy PatriotAngel пишет: I was like you and I thought it had meat in it...lol. Now that I know it doesn't, I will have to try it :)
Love your videos :)

sweetthink пишет: I was going to ask how on earth anyone could NOT like what you just made. Looked incredible! I might have to buy some green tomatoes at the farmer's market this week!

Rhonda K пишет: Thank you so much for this recipe/vid. I was just looking for a recipe last week!!!

AgainEven пишет: Someone is getting an awesome Christmas gift!

MerAngel12121 пишет: Cool Beans! Or is it hot mince meat? Your recipe should make anyone rethink, Eh? I know, I'm not Canadian, but my very best friend, when I was younger was a Canadian girl, so I picked up a bit of the talk. It makes me smile, and so do you. I agree with bena2one, and am also grateful, as so many others are. What's not to Love?

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: My Pleasure hun!

michelle from down under in bundy пишет: all ready for xmas mince pies

Prim n' Prepper пишет: Actually, mincemeat is supposed to have meat. My mother made it using just green tomatoes, no apples, and it had beef suet in it. It was my Great Grandma's recipe. I have it somewhere, if you would like the recipe.

Deb Nolan пишет: Hey there! Looks good...but in the south we treat those green tomato like gold. We have been known to pull them from the vine in the middle oft growing season just to have a few of these wonders known as "Fried Green Tomatos" Have you ever tried them? O but you should they are a gift from God.You slice them and fry them alittle like eggplant and you would not believe the outcome!!!Come over to the other side one day and we will show you our bounty...Wolfie would like them for sure!!!!hugs.deb

bina2one пишет: I love mincemeat (with or without meat)... Great way to use what you have when you have it! Good Job!
Bev, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much you do for me, personally. I have medical/mobility issues.. and like you, Sometimes I just have to "deal with it" .. But when I see that BIG smile of yours.. and the optimism in your face and voice... Well .. That means as much to me as the recipes and tips your offering..
Thanks again dear lady ... Have a great week and God bless!

Itazuke Dee пишет: My Mom was Welch she always put some greasy meat along with the Mince Meat Chutney I think it was Lamb I am Not sure.. this looks delicious and hers had brandy in it.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: you bet!

vicky Lahman пишет: I thought year I was going to have green apples way into the fall but when I wrapped them they ripened within the month and had to can them.But all was good.Have a blessed day and I love it when there are different ways to use our veggies.Love the mince meats,

twbigdogsgirl пишет: I have always heard of mincemeat, but never tried it. I don't anyone who actually has ever made it. I never even seem to have a lot of tomatoes anymore, so I am not sure what I am going to do next year.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: Sp,e mince meat recipes that DO have ground meat in them..not this one though!

MerAngel12121 пишет: I Love You!, Mrs.V Just like you, I had the same issues with mince meat, for the same reasons. HaHa. I did taste some with meat, Venison, I believe, not sure though, and not something I loved. The one with meat in it was homemade from an old farmers wife, friend of my grandma. I'm guessing they could hide a lot of different undesirable road kill, Lol, and or horse meat, etc. I'm guessing that recipe came from the Oklahoma territory, or in those parts? Maybe, or even Europe. Anyone know?

101sweetmom пишет: You try making tarts with this filling and having a top crust just like a miniature pie and then a sprinkling of icing sugar on top. Need to get some citrus peel and then I'm going to make some up. Thanks for this video another idea for green tomatoes.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I am already making another batch this very minute...it is in the crock pot now!

2redbird1 пишет: Great recipe. So easy. Thanks.

skybirdbird пишет: fantastic! i have a lot of green tomatoes... but not that many... they are great added to soup and stews... also tried some grilled slices added to grilled cheese sandwiches... they were great! looks like a very simple recipe... tkx...

contreeman пишет: i love ya but i agree with Volfie you should of made fried green tomatoes. mincemeat is yucko. lol

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: Thank you! I will!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I was FLUMMOXED at how simple it WAS!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: oven cleaner and steel wool!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: So wonderful I am making more!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: you put it in a pie shell and bake it and serve it with ice cream! Very traditional christmas fair.

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: I can't believe I have never had this before..It is DELICIOUS!

OurHalfAcreHomestead пишет: BWAHAHAHAHA!
You'll Need:

9 x inch unbaked refrigerated pie crust
8 sm tart apples cored & chopped (4 cups)
3/4 cup raisins
1 cup unsweetened apple juice
1 pkt sugar free lemon jello (4 serving)
1 pkt sugar free vanilla Cook and Serve pudding (4 serving)
1 tbl Apple Pie Spice
2 tsp cider vinegar
1 tbl Brown Sugar Twin

Procedures : Preheat oven to 375 F. In small bowl combine apples and raisins. In large pan combine apple juice, dry jello, pudding mix, spices, vinegar and brown sugar. Cook over medium heat about 1 minute. Add apple and raisin mixture.
Cook about 10 minutes, stirring often. Place pie crust in 8 inch pie plate. With sharp knife, carefully cut crust off even with edge to plate rim. Save scraps. Flute edge. Pour apple mixture into crust. Garnish top with pie crust scraps made into cute shapes! Bake 45-50 mins.
Diabetic: 2 fruit, 1 starch, 1 fat

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