суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Apricot Cobbler I

Paula Deen Cooks Peach Cobbler - Get Cookin' with Paula Deen


http://GetCookin.PaulaDeen.com - I just love cooking peach cobbler and I love seeing all your recipes even more. I hope you enjoy my very simple take on making peach cobbler. My entire recipe has six ingredients and is sooo easy to make. It is a favorite at the Lady and Sons and I hope it becomes a favorite on your dinner table as well. The winner of this weeks activity challenge are Erin McKinley for her delicious-looking pictures and recipe and Caitlin Fitzgerald for her great video on a cool twist to my Peach Cobbler recipe!

Thanks again for all the submissions and be sure to check back tomorrow to see what next weeks dish is going to be!

Love and Best Dishes,


David Clark пишет: You see what I mean? Here you are making these slurs and it shows you're a deficient person with a moron complex. An identity orphan who is starved for attention. I'd love to have you in front of Paul Deen's friend Dr. Phil. He'd sort your little weenie complex out fast.

Lori-Lyn Kendall пишет: We'll have to try making it with some bourbon or other liqueur. Thanks for the tip. We love you Paula Deen!

10thPlanet1 пишет: Regardless of the history of Southern (Soul) Cuisine, how its influences came to be, and whomever still doesn't want to believe in said influences...PAULA DEEN ROCKS...PERIOD!! :-)

bradmcklin пишет: Whats wrong with fried chicken and cake everyday?

dollfacedbabeokay пишет: Well, her food good, I'll still use her recipes. But I dont care for her personally. Never did. Dont know why you all are so shocked she's racist. She's just the only one that got caught! You'd be surprised whose a racist these days.... now back to this cobbler...

Psycointernetgangsta пишет: Not surprised. From the beginning I imagined A room full of people whose job was to post positive comments concerning her and her clan. Her Fb page is as sugary as that artery clogging peach cobbler.

ylfriends пишет: That's exactly her marketing point.

Samar Yahia пишет: I never had peach cobbler before ever and when i found this recipe about 2 hours ago I decided I'm gonna try it right away!
I just made it with a couple of differences ;I replaced peaches with nectarines (because it's 1am and that's all I had at home) and I added some almond extract to the batter (just because I love the idea of peachy-alomndy-flavors ) and it turned out great I loved it and my mom loved it!!! =D thanks !

Psycointernetgangsta пишет: Spoken like a true Deen Supporter. On behave of the DEEN family, I thank you!!

nakiajm пишет: @gshunw hahaaa I CONCUR!

Molly Maharaj пишет: me to

LilReese728 пишет: YES IT DOES. your racist towards white men!! LOL im just kidding. i have to admit Paula have some of the best recipes

bubbles02010 пишет: those peaches look really good *drool*

hds12 пишет: if you think she got it by eating a few dishes alone you really need to do research....some ppl just get it...its not always about the extra sugar and butter...i would know i've had it since i was 16 and never ate anything like this

dollfacedbabeokay пишет: preach

MiFFiL пишет: I love peaches

Ms. M. Steffen пишет: lol. I heard that. I guess it's sort of like her saying, I don't like those nigga's, but I'll accept their money.

10thPlanet1 пишет: First and foremost, I absolutely adore Paula...she seems to have a wonderful personality and a warm spirit about her regardless of what anyone else thinks. And yes, "Southern Cuisine" aka "Soul Food" has always been heavily influenced by African cuisine. And unfortunately, as psychmaj323 stated, Paula was unnerved to find out that YES she too had ancestors that owned Africans as slaves. The ancestor she found, was rather wealthy and owned over 30+ people. Reba McIntyre's ancestors did too.

Riley McCormick Mead пишет: song: Peach Cobbler - Peach

kjCooliO пишет: Peach Cobbler my favorite! - Yum!

haidey Tapia пишет: Man its been a long time since I have tried peach cobbler I have to learn how to make it.

Zane karim пишет: i love peaches

msladytsunade777 пишет: I use actually peaches too.. Makes a BIG difference. I also altered it for diabetic folks in my home...2 cups of sugar divided to 1/4 or 1/2. Can't tell the difference.:-)

Patty M пишет: If blacks are so upset about the word "Nigger", obviously their moms didn't teach them the phrase my mom taught me - "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me".

Psycointernetgangsta пишет: Yerh bitdch. U no uss ried nekcs ain;t the mos higgly edumacated. YALLLLLLLLLL and YEE HAWWWWWWWWW

sticknoise23 пишет: @Brighteyes1ful she sounds like she has a cold or something. haha

analy551 пишет: mmm i love peach cobbler =)

JeffsBearcat пишет: Love you Paula, you're the best!

ButtahscotchKisses пишет: I have the Lady & Sons Desserts cookbook and i was soooo thrilled it had the Peach Cobbler recipe in it. My first time was New Years and it was to delicious to be true. The second time was for a coworker. Him and his girlfriend loved it. When he got home all he could text was "WOW" lol. Thanks Paula!

Max Smith пишет: I just made this, it's really good, but way too much sugar.

Perplexin1 пишет: Paula Deen is not a racist damn people......Me on with ur lives...Im just trying to cook,lol

TheAmandaThorne пишет: That's why I'm searching !! LOL

maddygee93 пишет: this recipe is like magic ya'll.. LOVE IT!

justfeelingbubbly пишет: mmm looks delish! :) "this is where the magic happens y'all" haha she's cute.

Beddweller пишет: what an epic kitchen

SGmom2 пишет: She said that she used a total of 2 cups of sugar but the recipe lists 1 cup?

Mizz Flint пишет: omg that looks so simple!!

steelersftw911 пишет: 2 sticks of butter mmm yummy

HEEM HOUSE пишет: Please stop saying "Cracker"! In slavery time the white man was called "Cracker" because the sound that the whip made. If I was white it wouldn't bother me if someone called me a cracker, they would feeding to my already over blown ego. Now call them confederate rejects or inbred rednecks and maybe that would work, lol!

Franklin Smith пишет: she not racist who has not said that word people

Monica Lopez пишет: this was very helpful thank you!

RagingDeeman пишет: LMAO do you also like the sound of babies having their faces cheese grated off by a screaming ozzy osbourne? fuckin disgusting american dog accent


ursulagrubbs пишет: Your pie looks delicious !

saintsangelslsu74 пишет: I'll be making this today for my partner and I. Thanks Mrs. Paula!

MS. ILBB пишет: @porkchop745 I'm sorry but a percentage has no bearing on what was and still is a cultural impact.While it is correct that they used what was there, that's a given, the slaves also brought over many crops and spices with them. Gravy is not a Euro invention lol.Additionally, you don't know as much as you think. Whites prior to slavery did not eat the food you speak of prepared the way it was fixed for them. BBQ is not new, Indians are not the pioneer.Bèchamel guy was blk

George Eyebrowson пишет: that is tooo much sugar, diabetes alert.

ESTEFANIA BARRIENTOS пишет: How much water did you add to the peaches?


leeshalove98 пишет: I love this lady!!

Aznch0coLATEme пишет: Sooooo MUCH MAGIC!

ahseka25 пишет: gosh i wish i lived at paula deens house lol id be sooo fat lol

cluelocker пишет: I pretty much don't like that type of cobbler. I'd rather have the old fashioned type with a shell of pie crust below the fruit, swimming in thick, clear syrup, a lattice top with sugar sprinkled on it.

Krista Hogarth пишет: Go away dude.

anye76 пишет: Paula shops at Publix woohoo

ducky3307 пишет: Paula, I first had your peach cobbler at your buffet at The Horseshoe Casino hotel in S Indiana. I fell crazy in love with it, came home and found your recipe...It's now a staple in my house in the summer months (when I can find peaches) It's INCREDIBLE!!! Thank you for making it public!!!

GOP4USA пишет: Great, easy recipe. Made this for the 4th of July BBQ and it lasted just a few minutes. They were scalping the tin sheet for the left overs. I added a 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla and lost of wildflower honey during the peaches cook down. YUMMY!

Jessyca Luna пишет: i made this for a Christmas party and it was a big hit everyone was asking me to make more

QTACCESSORIEZ пишет: I just made my first peach cobbler for thanksgiving
And everyone loved it !!!
Thankz paula this is my new secret recipe.lol

view2mom пишет: did she say what the oven temp is?

porkchop745 пишет: What makes you think Paula Deen's family had maids and her family had slaves. Have you considered what you call "soul food" is actually regional Southern cuisine? I'm not throwing salt in your game. I'm just saying that there are multiple cultural influences in Southern cooking.

charlie taylor пишет: I have to say , as a black man I love me some Paula deen . she reminds me of my aunt from Texas .

Cherrie Williams пишет: Did you mean fried green tomatoes?chuckle, chuckle..

David Clark пишет: You see what I mean? Here you are making these slurs and it shows you're a deficient person with a moron complex. An identity orphan who is starved for attention. I'd love to have you in front of Paul Deen's friend Dr. Phil. He'd sort your little weenie complex out fast.

Lori-Lyn Kendall пишет: We'll have to try making it with some bourbon or other liqueur. Thanks for the tip. We love you Paula Deen!

10thPlanet1 пишет: Regardless of the history of Southern (Soul) Cuisine, how its influences came to be, and whomever still doesn't want to believe in said influences...PAULA DEEN ROCKS...PERIOD!! :-)

bradmcklin пишет: Whats wrong with fried chicken and cake everyday?

dollfacedbabeokay пишет: Well, her food good, I'll still use her recipes. But I dont care for her personally. Never did. Dont know why you all are so shocked she's racist. She's just the only one that got caught! You'd be surprised whose a racist these days.... now back to this cobbler...

Psycointernetgangsta пишет: Not surprised. From the beginning I imagined A room full of people whose job was to post positive comments concerning her and her clan. Her Fb page is as sugary as that artery clogging peach cobbler.

ylfriends пишет: That's exactly her marketing point.

Samar Yahia пишет: I never had peach cobbler before ever and when i found this recipe about 2 hours ago I decided I'm gonna try it right away!
I just made it with a couple of differences ;I replaced peaches with nectarines (because it's 1am and that's all I had at home) and I added some almond extract to the batter (just because I love the idea of peachy-alomndy-flavors ) and it turned out great I loved it and my mom loved it!!! =D thanks !

Psycointernetgangsta пишет: Spoken like a true Deen Supporter. On behave of the DEEN family, I thank you!!

nakiajm пишет: @gshunw hahaaa I CONCUR!

Molly Maharaj пишет: me to

LilReese728 пишет: YES IT DOES. your racist towards white men!! LOL im just kidding. i have to admit Paula have some of the best recipes

bubbles02010 пишет: those peaches look really good *drool*

hds12 пишет: if you think she got it by eating a few dishes alone you really need to do research....some ppl just get it...its not always about the extra sugar and butter...i would know i've had it since i was 16 and never ate anything like this

dollfacedbabeokay пишет: preach

MiFFiL пишет: I love peaches

Ms. M. Steffen пишет: lol. I heard that. I guess it's sort of like her saying, I don't like those nigga's, but I'll accept their money.

10thPlanet1 пишет: First and foremost, I absolutely adore Paula...she seems to have a wonderful personality and a warm spirit about her regardless of what anyone else thinks. And yes, "Southern Cuisine" aka "Soul Food" has always been heavily influenced by African cuisine. And unfortunately, as psychmaj323 stated, Paula was unnerved to find out that YES she too had ancestors that owned Africans as slaves. The ancestor she found, was rather wealthy and owned over 30+ people. Reba McIntyre's ancestors did too.

Riley McCormick Mead пишет: song: Peach Cobbler - Peach

kjCooliO пишет: Peach Cobbler my favorite! - Yum!

haidey Tapia пишет: Man its been a long time since I have tried peach cobbler I have to learn how to make it.

Zane karim пишет: i love peaches

msladytsunade777 пишет: I use actually peaches too.. Makes a BIG difference. I also altered it for diabetic folks in my home...2 cups of sugar divided to 1/4 or 1/2. Can't tell the difference.:-)

Patty M пишет: If blacks are so upset about the word "Nigger", obviously their moms didn't teach them the phrase my mom taught me - "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me".

Psycointernetgangsta пишет: Yerh bitdch. U no uss ried nekcs ain;t the mos higgly edumacated. YALLLLLLLLLL and YEE HAWWWWWWWWW

sticknoise23 пишет: @Brighteyes1ful she sounds like she has a cold or something. haha

analy551 пишет: mmm i love peach cobbler =)

JeffsBearcat пишет: Love you Paula, you're the best!

ButtahscotchKisses пишет: I have the Lady & Sons Desserts cookbook and i was soooo thrilled it had the Peach Cobbler recipe in it. My first time was New Years and it was to delicious to be true. The second time was for a coworker. Him and his girlfriend loved it. When he got home all he could text was "WOW" lol. Thanks Paula!

Max Smith пишет: I just made this, it's really good, but way too much sugar.

Perplexin1 пишет: Paula Deen is not a racist damn people......Me on with ur lives...Im just trying to cook,lol

TheAmandaThorne пишет: That's why I'm searching !! LOL

maddygee93 пишет: this recipe is like magic ya'll.. LOVE IT!

justfeelingbubbly пишет: mmm looks delish! :) "this is where the magic happens y'all" haha she's cute.

Beddweller пишет: what an epic kitchen

SGmom2 пишет: She said that she used a total of 2 cups of sugar but the recipe lists 1 cup?

Mizz Flint пишет: omg that looks so simple!!
You'll Need:

3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup water
3 (15 1/4 ounce) cans apricot halves, drained
1 tablespoon butter or margarine

Procedures : In a saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir in water; bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil and stir for 1 minute; reduce heat. Add apricots and butter; heat through. Pour into a greased 2-quart baking dish.

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons cold butter or margarine
1/2 cup milk

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl; cut in butter until crumbly. Stir in milk just until moistened. Spoon over hot apricot mixture. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown and a wooden pick inserted into the topping comes out clean.

Yields 6 servings

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