суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Banana Yogurt Pie

Prune and Banana Yogurt Cake Recipe プルーンとバナナのヨーグルトケーキレシピ


This is my favorite healthy high-fiber cake using prune and banana ;) Prune prevents an iron deficiency. Yogurt is good for your intestines.

When I say healthy, it doesn't mean fat-free or sugar-free because moderate amount of fat and/or sugar is not at all bad for your health, and makes the cake tasty delicious :D

You can substitute the prune with apple! Yummy, too!!!

Happy beauty cake for women!!!

Prune And Banana Yogurt Cake

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 45min
Number of servings: 20cm (8inch) pie dish

100g (3.5oz.) prunes
1 banana
50g (1.7oz.) butter
5 tbsp. sugar
2 eggs
150g (5.2oz.) plain yogurt (unsweetened)
100g (3.5oz.) flour
1 tsp. baking powder
powdered sugar

1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees C (392 degrees F). Butter and flour a 20cm (8inch) pie dish.
2. Thinly slice banana. Tear prunes into small bits. Keep butter in room temperature.
3. In a large bowl, mix butter and sugar. Then add eggs and plain yogurt and mix until smooth.
4. Sift in flour and baking powder a small amount at a time, and mix well.
5. Pour half of the mixture in the dish, arrange prune bits and banana slices on the mixture, pour the remaining mixture over them.
6. Bake at 200 degrees C (392 degrees F) for 25 minutes, or until lightly browned. (Depending on the heat of the oven, cooking time may differ, so please watch out.)
7. You can either eat at room temperature or chilled! Lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve with a scoop or vanilla ice cream if you want ;)


Product Details:

Lakanto: 100% Natural Sweetener made from Chinese fruit called 羅漢果 (Luo Han Guo)

Yodoran Hikari: Hikari brand of iodine-enriched eggs (premium egg in Japan!)

What is Cake Flour?

I use Steam Microwave Oven (national NE-SS30A). Talking oven is kind of standard in Japan. Especially when you get a Microwave Oven it talks. LoL

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You'll Need:

2 cups rolled oats

1 cup pitted dates

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons orange juice

3 tablespoons cocoa powder

1/4 cup boiling water

1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin

2 frozen bananas, peeled and chopped

1 cup low-fat evaporated milk, chilled

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup low-fat plain yogurt

1 banana, finely sliced

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Procedures : 1.Combine the rolled oats, dates, vanilla extract, orange juice, and cocoa powder in the bowl of a food processor. Blend for 3 minutes, or until mixture sticks together. Press the mixture thinly around the sides and base of a 9 inch pie dish and refrigerate.

2.Place the gelatin in a small bowl. Pour boiling water over gelatin, stir to dissolve, and set aside to cool.

3.Place frozen bananas in food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Add milk and blend for 3-4 minutes. Add extra vanilla and yogurt and mix well. Add dissolved gelatin. Pour mixture into the base of the pie dish and refrigerate until firm.

4.Soak the extra banana in the lemon juice, slice and place on top of pie. Sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.

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