Merging two recipes... a soothing yoghurt based drink from India and one of the first recipes Ben ever cooked as a kid! Banana and chocolate in a combo that's made for them!
Get the recipe here: http://sortedfood.com/bananalassi
You can also buy our book here: http://goo.gl/IihW6
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Merging two recipes... a soothing yoghurt based drink from India and one of the first recipes Ben ever cooked as a kid! Banana and chocolate in a combo that's made for them!
Get the recipe here: http://sortedfood.com/bananalassi
You can also buy our book here: http://goo.gl/IihW6
Share your cooking results with us:
7243527 пишет: 맛있겠다 ㅠㅠ
Kirusanth Jana пишет: Could u Make Coak cola next please
Karen Rama пишет: Love mango lassi, even strawberry lassi.
SORTED Food пишет: It's finer than granulated sugar. You could use granulated if you can't find caster sugar.
Hayley Rhianne пишет: Didn't think I'd ever be sad about not liking coconut.... :(
Gracieface13 пишет: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you do a oreo cupcake recipe!!
mathjb94 пишет: Oh Ben you were so cute talking about your childhood ^^ I just really want to give you a hug now ^^
SORTED Food пишет: We're not sure. It could affect the egg. We would recommend using caster sugar to dissolve into the egg white.
DdlyHeadshot пишет: Isn't Lassie a Korean dish?
Jorge Saenz пишет: I like that shit yo! I wanna try these, now that coconut, can I just use regular shredded coconut and make it fine like that in the food processor? Or should that finely shredded coconut be easily found in the supermarket? The banana lassi I will try right now, I have yogurt and bananas, I'll have to substitute something for the honey cuz we're out. CHEERS!
SORTED Food пишет: Just natural yoghurt!
Mikyle Hassanali пишет: I believe it is also called Baker's Sugar
kougraducky пишет: I imagine flaxseeds might work well...or oats.
ToxicReaper3 пишет: If you don't have access to Cardamom or want to save money and not go but it you can use equal parts nutmeg and cinnamon or ground cloves and cinnamon :)
Dan Hull пишет: Haha he peels a banana the wrong way
Laria Blank пишет: ok thanks!
Meryl Simmons пишет: Could you cocktails or cocktail inspired drinks/food/desserts etc. it kind of popped into my head after watching your very scientific sobering up video.
Laria Blank пишет: aren't those bananas under ripe?
Evan Pynn пишет: Having a hard time with that banana? Try opening a banana from the bottom it's easier... That's what monkeys do =P
Amelia S пишет: 2:25 "If you are gluten free"? :')
SORTED Food пишет: It's key for structure, texture and flavour, but you can try substituting with chopped nuts!
Rebe Rebe пишет: Hi, I have a question! May I please know the name of that fridge? Haha, I love it. :D
Michiko Yeung пишет: Are we all just going to ignore the fact that the chews are essentially Baby Ben Biscuits? I'm making them asap, but I could not stop "awww"-ing :P
Shona Morrison пишет: so.. is 'dollop' the technical term?
Princess Alice ♥ пишет: you shud try finding out about...bhang.. i dont know what it is...i know its something indian...their a very common milky drink in bollywood movies..that pple get drunk after having... id love for you to find out about it!
Shannen Swords пишет: Could you make French fancies (mr. Kipling) ? :)
dreamergirl247 пишет: I heard about rosewater lassi many times when I was little, but I can't seem to find any recipes anywhere now! I've heard of mango, strawberry and now banana, but i'm really curious about rosewater...
Khaled Alghanim пишет: could you make shawarma?
Borabosal пишет: My mom's allergic to gluten, so I'm gonna make her a batch of these for mother's day!
Julianna He пишет: can we omit the castor sugar in the chews or will it affect the whole look and taste of it?
Reanna Lee пишет: What kind of yogurt would you use? Just plain or could you use greek or something along those lines?
Roxynoxi пишет: i'd punch a cat straight in the face for that right now
Sorhavattiy пишет: im allergic to coconut, any substitutes?
sammybush9255xxx пишет: More drinks please Xxx
Lachlan Marshall пишет: Could i use any other fruit besides banana for the lassie or do you have to use the banana for the consistency?
SORTED Food пишет: You can!
beyondthewayfarers пишет: Is it alright to leave the coconut out? :)
SORTED Food пишет: It's there for flavour so if you leave it out it'll still work... but it could do with something. Perhaps cinnamon?
SORTED Food пишет: Thanks for the suggestion, we'll add it to our list of requests (you're not the only one to ask for hash browns ;-). Glad the biscotti went down well!
Rita Law пишет: I have drunk the mango flavor one before,tht was aweesomeeeee
SORTED Food пишет: Try our giant candy cookie - simple take out the candy and add choc chips
amyandmarkdotcom пишет: the more i watch u guys the ore i fancy ben <3 lol his just hot ok x
Vicky O'shea пишет: banana crumble doesn't have an annotation! :(
Orange Bunny пишет: Pakistan*
Niyati Joshi пишет: I'm not sure you can use milk with yogurt. Having yogurt after milk or vice versa isn't good for your system (at least that's what my mum's always said - kinda like not mixing lemon and milk or not having onions and milk together). These combinations are almost 'taboo' in my house! xD
Sit Still пишет: Is there an alternate for coconut?
Jessica Angela пишет: I feel like I have heard of a lassi before but I don't remember where...
andy chen пишет: can you use different fruits to make the lassi?
SORTED Food пишет: We haven't tried it, but maybe some other roughly blitzed nuts?
gemmagreeneyes пишет: can you guys do a video for hashbrowns?? I can never find a good recipe for them!
BTW I made the biscottis for my mum's bday and she loved them! Thank you :)
Giulia Leone пишет: Try opening the banana from the opposite end using the stem as a handle next time... Trust me, it works! ;) that's how monkeys do it!
ImCaptainPotato пишет: it's weird tho. sorted NEVER made a chocolate chip cookie recipe..
Erin CMcF пишет: 'Casually putting a dog in a blender' needs to be a tshirt
Weng Tze Yang пишет: Please do more drink recipes.
Tristan Frodelius пишет: You really need a Tumblr. :I
cece86848 пишет: Make a rainbow shake
JustElise97 пишет: mango lassi is da bomb!
GlamourKillsTian пишет: weird request, but you guys have a lot of cookware and other kitcheny equipments, and I was wondering how you store them without clutter? Like pots and pans and baking tray storage?
Adrian Wilson пишет: Could i use almond flour instead of coconut or would that make it more of a cookie consistency?
SORTED Food пишет: Yeah, that should work! Let us know how you get on!
rinoa97 пишет: This seems very doable at all cooking levels and not at all expensive. Can't wait to try this! Also love the stripe colors on your mixer :)
_melaniee. пишет: I know Barry would have a hard time with this, but could you make a banana cream pie please? <3
Yasmeen Shebli пишет: The coconut chews were a treat, love the
AnnikaTanja пишет: ohhh, long long time ago. Ben seems to get a bit emotional when he thoughts about his packed lunch. . . great recipe though.
Mieyya Mraz пишет: I really curious if pewdiepie is in one of your video
Zab Momochi пишет: its pronounced lus-si
SORTED Food пишет: Mango is a popular choice!
Lyssa Lud пишет: who is holding the camera?
suhwa6424 пишет: Ahahahaha u kind of can & we can't share hahaha Ben hahaha
desidol22 пишет: Yes! Milk is a commonly added into lassi not yogurt :)
StarkidDFTBA пишет: I just made your chocolate cake, and it turned out so well! Thank you for the recipe!
Julia S пишет: The drinks are fun! Can I request that a few are non-alcoholic?
Fayili пишет: If we were to go with mango or a different fruit, would that affect any of the ratios? Thanks!
domestosd пишет: More drinks :D
swe3t23 пишет: yea not a fan of coconut will try with chopped nuts
addictedonu68 пишет: Ill try this very soon. Thanks much. Ah~ Did ur chocolate cake in mug, and it was fantastic! Perfect alternative food for breakfast or snacks. Fast and easy.
John O'Hara пишет: Hey Sorted, you can easily separate eggs using an empty plastic bottle, if you haven't already, you should check it out :)
7243527 пишет: 맛있겠다 ㅠㅠ
Kirusanth Jana пишет: Could u Make Coak cola next please
Karen Rama пишет: Love mango lassi, even strawberry lassi.
SORTED Food пишет: It's finer than granulated sugar. You could use granulated if you can't find caster sugar.
Hayley Rhianne пишет: Didn't think I'd ever be sad about not liking coconut.... :(
Gracieface13 пишет: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you do a oreo cupcake recipe!!
mathjb94 пишет: Oh Ben you were so cute talking about your childhood ^^ I just really want to give you a hug now ^^
SORTED Food пишет: We're not sure. It could affect the egg. We would recommend using caster sugar to dissolve into the egg white.
DdlyHeadshot пишет: Isn't Lassie a Korean dish?
Jorge Saenz пишет: I like that shit yo! I wanna try these, now that coconut, can I just use regular shredded coconut and make it fine like that in the food processor? Or should that finely shredded coconut be easily found in the supermarket? The banana lassi I will try right now, I have yogurt and bananas, I'll have to substitute something for the honey cuz we're out. CHEERS!
SORTED Food пишет: Just natural yoghurt!
Mikyle Hassanali пишет: I believe it is also called Baker's Sugar
kougraducky пишет: I imagine flaxseeds might work well...or oats.
ToxicReaper3 пишет: If you don't have access to Cardamom or want to save money and not go but it you can use equal parts nutmeg and cinnamon or ground cloves and cinnamon :)
Dan Hull пишет: Haha he peels a banana the wrong way
Laria Blank пишет: ok thanks!
Meryl Simmons пишет: Could you cocktails or cocktail inspired drinks/food/desserts etc. it kind of popped into my head after watching your very scientific sobering up video.
Laria Blank пишет: aren't those bananas under ripe?
Evan Pynn пишет: Having a hard time with that banana? Try opening a banana from the bottom it's easier... That's what monkeys do =P
Amelia S пишет: 2:25 "If you are gluten free"? :')
SORTED Food пишет: It's key for structure, texture and flavour, but you can try substituting with chopped nuts!
You'll Need:
2 cups(480 ml) sugar
1 stick butter
1/2 cup (120 ml) cocoa
3 cups (720 ml) quick cooling rolled oats (not the instant oats!)
1/2 cup (120 ml) milk
1 tsp. (5 ml) vanilla
1/2 cup (120 ml) chopped nuts
large saucepan
mixing spoon
pot holders
sheets of waxed paper
Procedures : Put the sugar,butter,cocoa,and milk into the saucepan. Put the
saucepan on the burner and turn it on high. Stir the mixture until
it starts to boil. Quickly turn the heat down to medium. Stir and
boil for four minutes longer. Remove it from the heat. Turn off the
burner. Add the oats,nuts and vanilla to the saucepan. Stir until
well mixed. Drop the mixture by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper
They are ready to eat when they cool. You can put them in the
refrigerator if you want them to cool faster
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