Dinuguan (Pork Blood Stew)
A step-by-step video on how to cook Pork Dinuguan...
A step-by-step video on how to cook Pork Dinuguan...
emmanuel nava пишет: to the butcher shop store or to the china town market but my advice use or buy beef blood instead of pork kasi malansa ang pork blood...and use pork ears instead the belly for sahog, ok enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
deeplydeepali пишет: you should put like filipino music in the background ;). just a suggestion. and maybe dub over your voice so your viewers can hear you more
Lovely Dang пишет: joey manuel ang dinuguan ay talagang nilalagyan ang suka....maybe you are the dumbest or bobo in the kitchen...kanya kanyang style ang pagluto...you have to put vinegar ang pork blood para di maglumpy lumpy....some cook dinuguan with the vegetable upo ....with a little bit pork meat..depende sa anong style ng pagluto ang gusto mo....so,dont say bobo...kong marunong kang magluto di ka bobo..so dont say that...hmmmp?
Marjun Lester Desales пишет: why chicken cube instead of pork cube? :)
emmanuel nava пишет: 'lito, thanx 4 ur comment .even myself embarass with my speaking english.hehehe
airforcefun пишет: We have the edible pork blood, but we want to make it firm, so we can cut it like a tofu consistency, but i can't find a recipe/instructions on google or you tube, do you know how to make the blood firm before i put it in the soup. (It's a viet nam soup) any advice would be grand
emmanuel nava пишет: BEEF blood is the best than PORK blood to cook because the porkblood is smelly(MALANSA). and use PORK EARS rather than lamanloob or belly, its so delicious,promise....ENJOYYYY .
honeylaine tutor пишет: hi kuya...i just what to ask how to make my dinuguan more black?..i just like blacker dinuguan..
Marjun Lester Desales пишет: and sinigang mix?
Robert Colinares пишет: @airforcefun Also. Make sure you cover the mold with aluminum foil to keep it moist and from burning it. If you don't have an over you can also steam this using the same method. Hope this helps and good luck on your cooking!
yamaha4759 пишет: bakit mo hinalo yung pagkatapos mo ilagay yung dugo with vinegar, di mahihilaw ang vinegar aasim yan..
basically una ang pag gisa ng garlic and onion then sangkutsa ang baboy.. until ma cook then lagay ang dugo, when it boils ilagay ang vinegar, and never stir it until it starts to boil again... just saying..
Robert Colinares пишет: @airforcefun to make the blood firm you'll have to cook it. Season your pork blood with vinegar, salt and pepper. I would say for evey cup of blood I would put 1/2 once of vinegar and just a pinch of S&P.
Pour the blood onto some kind or mold making sure its a non stick also make sure that the blood is about half an inch deep. Then just bake it for 15 minutes or until blood is cook at 400º degrees.
After that remove blood from the mold cut it to size you desired then add it to your soup.
Carolina Pongasi пишет: This video is very helpful! Thanks for this great job!
joey manuel пишет: ano yan inasimang dinuguan??????????? yan n ang pnkabobong cook na pinoy
xhimexkawaiix пишет: I am so addicted to Dinuguan! I could eat it everyday! YUM YUM!!!!!
Letmaku пишет: sir..nagtry ako magluto nyan pero namumuo ung dugo..anong gagawin ko para hindi mamuo? gusto ko ung parang sauce lng ang texture e...salamat po
MrTKeele пишет: It happens here as well, even when served to others. Some folks don't have issues eating after loved ones, or realize that the heat destroys any pathogens and denatures "gross" enzymes.
airforcefun пишет: We have the edible pork blood, but we want to make it firm, so we can cut it like a tofu consitency, but i can't find a recipe/instructions on google or you tube, to you know how to make the blood firm before i put it in the soup. (It's a viet nam soup) any advice would be grand
Kenneth Larson пишет: It's his food who cares haha.
Robert Colinares пишет: We don't have pork cubes here. Besides most chicken broth is better than pork it is use for pork and chicken dishes.
Robert Colinares пишет: You can buy them at International groceries store in the frozen food section.
nassenasen пишет: Ignore them
Robert Colinares пишет: Guys you don;t have to so rude telling me to have manners because I used the same spoon to taste and cook this dish. Generally that is not acceptable, but if you grow up in the Philippines you will know that this practice is not un-usual at all.
Besides I am not serving this to anyone my American family doesn't eat this stuff. So, get off my ass about this...
retrosamurai пишет: My family adds the blood by gradually pouring it in the center and constantly stirring it, is there any difference between just pouring the entire blood in the wok versus doing it their way?
avidiver пишет: I'm gonna knock on your door, ring on your bell...
Robert Colinares пишет: Sinigang mix is good substitute for vinegar, but I do use them both defending on my mood when I am cooking.
DCaple0013 пишет: i like the song in the background shotouts from Little Rock, AR but i'm from Baganga/Davao City
Robert Colinares пишет: Hi retrosamurai, Some may argue that there is difference, but I don't that there is. The idea of doing that is to make the blood smooth while getting cook.
So, the way I do it is pour the whole blood at once, but I make sure that the heat is turn down low.
If you do it that way the blood will not cook to quickly while giving enough time to keep stirring it.
If you don't stir it constantly you will end up with lumps and basically ruined dish. Hope this answers your question.
emmanuel nava пишет: use beef blood instead of pork blood kasi malansa ang blood ng baboy, kahit di mo haluin
cnsistent beef blood is the best at di malansa thru my 10yrs cooking it...enjoy at malasa kung taynga ng baboy ang sahog rather than belly.
retrosamurai пишет: Oh, okay--I see! My parents stressed the importance of keeping the heat down low while doing this. Thanks, this answered my question completely.
Kenneth Larson пишет: I'm half Filipino . I love this dish with rice so good
Miguelito Angelito Gamboa пишет: Your english is annoyingg!!
paulianna gi пишет: Question, where can I find pork blood? Please reply . Thanks :)
Marides Nawa пишет: im salivating with dinuguan!!!! miss ko na dinuguan, crispy pata, sisig, sinigang na baboy.. pagkalapag ko pa lang ng Pinas, punta na ako sa pinakamalapit na FIlipino resto para makakain ng mga namiss kong pagkain.. !!! cant wait anymore!!!
juiceybeautydoll пишет: I'm mixed Hispanic and filipino:) and so proud to be both :) love this dish aka chocolate meat my #1 favorite food... always wanted to know how to make it!! And now I know thanks:)
Kronikwookie пишет: finally a video on how to make the dinuguan i grew up with! that you for posting this. all the other dinuguan tutorials dont look like the dish i love so thankfully i was able to find this video.
Robert Colinares пишет: @Kronikwookie You're welcome, I am glad that you like my version of Dinuguan. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, so you can be notified each time I upload in the future.
Zachary Metzler пишет: :/ my family would freak if I cooked with blood. But the soup looks delicious!
187AUDIOHOSTEM пишет: [Enjoy]
jockeyhanes пишет: Robert grabeh ka talaga! wow na wow! my gosh! i am so homesick now...
Robert Colinares пишет: Letmaku25 - The key to avoid lumps (mamuo) is lower the heat before adding the blood and don't stop mixing it until the blood is cook. So, you need to constantly mixing within 3-5 minutes from the time you add the pork blood.
nassenasen пишет: What kind of wok is this? There's no patina on it?
ShinjuHoshi пишет: blood..................
yuufarlc пишет: you stuck the spoon in your mouth and then back into the food.
Jasmine Rice пишет: Kudus to you. The" real pro" does it all the time " . I see it in some cooking show. some people are just jealous. You do a good job.
Jeff Gajol пишет: pataka kalang ug luto..
Robert Colinares пишет: Zachary - I used to worry about my American wife freaking out if she see me in the kitchen with blood, but she actually surprise me she was not bothered by it at all.
emmanuel nava пишет: to the butcher shop store or to the china town market but my advice use or buy beef blood instead of pork kasi malansa ang pork blood...and use pork ears instead the belly for sahog, ok enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
deeplydeepali пишет: you should put like filipino music in the background ;). just a suggestion. and maybe dub over your voice so your viewers can hear you more
Lovely Dang пишет: joey manuel ang dinuguan ay talagang nilalagyan ang suka....maybe you are the dumbest or bobo in the kitchen...kanya kanyang style ang pagluto...you have to put vinegar ang pork blood para di maglumpy lumpy....some cook dinuguan with the vegetable upo ....with a little bit pork meat..depende sa anong style ng pagluto ang gusto mo....so,dont say bobo...kong marunong kang magluto di ka bobo..so dont say that...hmmmp?
Marjun Lester Desales пишет: why chicken cube instead of pork cube? :)
emmanuel nava пишет: 'lito, thanx 4 ur comment .even myself embarass with my speaking english.hehehe
airforcefun пишет: We have the edible pork blood, but we want to make it firm, so we can cut it like a tofu consistency, but i can't find a recipe/instructions on google or you tube, do you know how to make the blood firm before i put it in the soup. (It's a viet nam soup) any advice would be grand
emmanuel nava пишет: BEEF blood is the best than PORK blood to cook because the porkblood is smelly(MALANSA). and use PORK EARS rather than lamanloob or belly, its so delicious,promise....ENJOYYYY .
honeylaine tutor пишет: hi kuya...i just what to ask how to make my dinuguan more black?..i just like blacker dinuguan..
Marjun Lester Desales пишет: and sinigang mix?
Robert Colinares пишет: @airforcefun Also. Make sure you cover the mold with aluminum foil to keep it moist and from burning it. If you don't have an over you can also steam this using the same method. Hope this helps and good luck on your cooking!
yamaha4759 пишет: bakit mo hinalo yung pagkatapos mo ilagay yung dugo with vinegar, di mahihilaw ang vinegar aasim yan..
basically una ang pag gisa ng garlic and onion then sangkutsa ang baboy.. until ma cook then lagay ang dugo, when it boils ilagay ang vinegar, and never stir it until it starts to boil again... just saying..
Robert Colinares пишет: @airforcefun to make the blood firm you'll have to cook it. Season your pork blood with vinegar, salt and pepper. I would say for evey cup of blood I would put 1/2 once of vinegar and just a pinch of S&P.
Pour the blood onto some kind or mold making sure its a non stick also make sure that the blood is about half an inch deep. Then just bake it for 15 minutes or until blood is cook at 400º degrees.
After that remove blood from the mold cut it to size you desired then add it to your soup.
Carolina Pongasi пишет: This video is very helpful! Thanks for this great job!
joey manuel пишет: ano yan inasimang dinuguan??????????? yan n ang pnkabobong cook na pinoy
xhimexkawaiix пишет: I am so addicted to Dinuguan! I could eat it everyday! YUM YUM!!!!!
Letmaku пишет: sir..nagtry ako magluto nyan pero namumuo ung dugo..anong gagawin ko para hindi mamuo? gusto ko ung parang sauce lng ang texture e...salamat po
MrTKeele пишет: It happens here as well, even when served to others. Some folks don't have issues eating after loved ones, or realize that the heat destroys any pathogens and denatures "gross" enzymes.
airforcefun пишет: We have the edible pork blood, but we want to make it firm, so we can cut it like a tofu consitency, but i can't find a recipe/instructions on google or you tube, to you know how to make the blood firm before i put it in the soup. (It's a viet nam soup) any advice would be grand
Kenneth Larson пишет: It's his food who cares haha.
Robert Colinares пишет: We don't have pork cubes here. Besides most chicken broth is better than pork it is use for pork and chicken dishes.
Robert Colinares пишет: You can buy them at International groceries store in the frozen food section.
nassenasen пишет: Ignore them
Robert Colinares пишет: Guys you don;t have to so rude telling me to have manners because I used the same spoon to taste and cook this dish. Generally that is not acceptable, but if you grow up in the Philippines you will know that this practice is not un-usual at all.
Besides I am not serving this to anyone my American family doesn't eat this stuff. So, get off my ass about this...
retrosamurai пишет: My family adds the blood by gradually pouring it in the center and constantly stirring it, is there any difference between just pouring the entire blood in the wok versus doing it their way?
avidiver пишет: I'm gonna knock on your door, ring on your bell...
Robert Colinares пишет: Sinigang mix is good substitute for vinegar, but I do use them both defending on my mood when I am cooking.
DCaple0013 пишет: i like the song in the background shotouts from Little Rock, AR but i'm from Baganga/Davao City
Robert Colinares пишет: Hi retrosamurai, Some may argue that there is difference, but I don't that there is. The idea of doing that is to make the blood smooth while getting cook.
So, the way I do it is pour the whole blood at once, but I make sure that the heat is turn down low.
If you do it that way the blood will not cook to quickly while giving enough time to keep stirring it.
If you don't stir it constantly you will end up with lumps and basically ruined dish. Hope this answers your question.
emmanuel nava пишет: use beef blood instead of pork blood kasi malansa ang blood ng baboy, kahit di mo haluin
cnsistent beef blood is the best at di malansa thru my 10yrs cooking it...enjoy at malasa kung taynga ng baboy ang sahog rather than belly.
retrosamurai пишет: Oh, okay--I see! My parents stressed the importance of keeping the heat down low while doing this. Thanks, this answered my question completely.
Kenneth Larson пишет: I'm half Filipino . I love this dish with rice so good
Miguelito Angelito Gamboa пишет: Your english is annoyingg!!
paulianna gi пишет: Question, where can I find pork blood? Please reply . Thanks :)
Marides Nawa пишет: im salivating with dinuguan!!!! miss ko na dinuguan, crispy pata, sisig, sinigang na baboy.. pagkalapag ko pa lang ng Pinas, punta na ako sa pinakamalapit na FIlipino resto para makakain ng mga namiss kong pagkain.. !!! cant wait anymore!!!
juiceybeautydoll пишет: I'm mixed Hispanic and filipino:) and so proud to be both :) love this dish aka chocolate meat my #1 favorite food... always wanted to know how to make it!! And now I know thanks:)
Kronikwookie пишет: finally a video on how to make the dinuguan i grew up with! that you for posting this. all the other dinuguan tutorials dont look like the dish i love so thankfully i was able to find this video.
Robert Colinares пишет: @Kronikwookie You're welcome, I am glad that you like my version of Dinuguan. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, so you can be notified each time I upload in the future.
Zachary Metzler пишет: :/ my family would freak if I cooked with blood. But the soup looks delicious!
187AUDIOHOSTEM пишет: [Enjoy]
jockeyhanes пишет: Robert grabeh ka talaga! wow na wow! my gosh! i am so homesick now...
Robert Colinares пишет: Letmaku25 - The key to avoid lumps (mamuo) is lower the heat before adding the blood and don't stop mixing it until the blood is cook. So, you need to constantly mixing within 3-5 minutes from the time you add the pork blood.
nassenasen пишет: What kind of wok is this? There's no patina on it?
ShinjuHoshi пишет: blood..................
yuufarlc пишет: you stuck the spoon in your mouth and then back into the food.
Jasmine Rice пишет: Kudus to you. The" real pro" does it all the time " . I see it in some cooking show. some people are just jealous. You do a good job.
Jeff Gajol пишет: pataka kalang ug luto..
Robert Colinares пишет: Zachary - I used to worry about my American wife freaking out if she see me in the kitchen with blood, but she actually surprise me she was not bothered by it at all.
You'll Need:
# ? kilo pork (diced)
# 1/8 kilo pork liver (diced)
# 1 small head of garlic (minced)
# 1 small onion (minced)
# 2 pieces laurel leaves
# 3 tablespoons oil
# ?-cup vinegar
# 3 tablespoons patis (fish sauce)
# 2-cups stock
# 1-cup pig blood (frozen)
# 4 long green peppers
# 2 teaspoons sugar
# 1 teaspoon salt
# ? teaspoon black pepper
Procedures : # In a pot, simmer pork for 30 minutes and remove scum that rises to the surface. Keep stock.
# In a casserole, heat oil and saute garlic and onion for a minute.
# Add in pork, pork liver, laurel leaves, patis, salt & pepper and saute for another 5 minutes.
# Add in vinegar and bring up to a boil without stirring.
# Lower heat and allow simmering uncovered until most of the liquid has evaporated.
# Add in stock and allow simmering for 5 minutes.
# Add in blood, sugar and long green peppers.
# Cook for 10 minutes more or until consistency thickens, stirring occasionally to avoid curdling.
# Serve hot with puto
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