Doogh | Thirsty For ...
You might not lust after Doogh like you would a Sweet Tea or a Bandung - but trust us, one sip of this while eating a chelo-kebab, and you'll understand why this drink has been in rotation in the Middle East since ancient times. FULL RECIPE BELOW.
*We'll pick one email at random and get in touch with your shipping information.
Director: Eric Slatkin
Editor: Jacob Metiva
Food Stylist: Sienna DeGovia - http://www.siennacake.com/
Title Graphics: Lydia Baillergeau - http://www.byairjo.com/
"Hekayat-e-Nagofteh / Elaheh" by Elaheh Habibollah Badiei
Courtesy of Vampisoul:
Thirsty For Spotify Playlist -
Doogh Recipe
Makes 4 Servings
-1 cup prepared yogurt
-1 cup water
-2 cups seltzer water, divided
pinch each of :
-dried mint
-dried rose petals
-dried celery
-dried thyme
-ground black pepper
4 sprigs of fresh mint for garnish
-1/2 gallon whole milk
-1/4 cup whole milk yogurt with live cultures
Special equipment:
clip on beverage thermometer
-In a large sauce pan with a heavy bottom (or a double boiler) over medium-low heat
warm the milk, stirring frequently, to 170-180º F.
-Remove from heat and allow the milk to cool to 100-115º F.
-You can place the pot in an ice bath in your sink to speed up the cooling process.
-Whisk in the yogurt and transfer the mixture to a ceramic or glass container with a lid. -Wrap the container with a few kitchen towels and place it in a warm place for 8-12 hours or until thickened. An oven with the light turned on is a good option.
-Stir and refrigerate the yogurt overnight or for at least 8 hours.
-Yogurt will last refrigerated for 10-14 days
-Combine all dried herbs in a mortar and pestle and pulverize (you can also place herbs
in a plastic bag and roll over them with a rolling pin a few times).
-In a large pitcher, with a long wooden spoon, mix yogurt, water and ground spices together until water is totally incorporated. /// OR whisk in bowl
-Stir in one cup of seltzer water.
-Pour over ice to serve.
-Top each glass with remaining seltzer and fresh mint.
You might not lust after Doogh like you would a Sweet Tea or a Bandung - but trust us, one sip of this while eating a chelo-kebab, and you'll understand why this drink has been in rotation in the Middle East since ancient times. FULL RECIPE BELOW.
*We'll pick one email at random and get in touch with your shipping information.
Director: Eric Slatkin
Editor: Jacob Metiva
Food Stylist: Sienna DeGovia - http://www.siennacake.com/
Title Graphics: Lydia Baillergeau - http://www.byairjo.com/
"Hekayat-e-Nagofteh / Elaheh" by Elaheh Habibollah Badiei
Courtesy of Vampisoul:
Thirsty For Spotify Playlist -
Doogh Recipe
Makes 4 Servings
-1 cup prepared yogurt
-1 cup water
-2 cups seltzer water, divided
pinch each of :
-dried mint
-dried rose petals
-dried celery
-dried thyme
-ground black pepper
4 sprigs of fresh mint for garnish
-1/2 gallon whole milk
-1/4 cup whole milk yogurt with live cultures
Special equipment:
clip on beverage thermometer
-In a large sauce pan with a heavy bottom (or a double boiler) over medium-low heat
warm the milk, stirring frequently, to 170-180º F.
-Remove from heat and allow the milk to cool to 100-115º F.
-You can place the pot in an ice bath in your sink to speed up the cooling process.
-Whisk in the yogurt and transfer the mixture to a ceramic or glass container with a lid. -Wrap the container with a few kitchen towels and place it in a warm place for 8-12 hours or until thickened. An oven with the light turned on is a good option.
-Stir and refrigerate the yogurt overnight or for at least 8 hours.
-Yogurt will last refrigerated for 10-14 days
-Combine all dried herbs in a mortar and pestle and pulverize (you can also place herbs
in a plastic bag and roll over them with a rolling pin a few times).
-In a large pitcher, with a long wooden spoon, mix yogurt, water and ground spices together until water is totally incorporated. /// OR whisk in bowl
-Stir in one cup of seltzer water.
-Pour over ice to serve.
-Top each glass with remaining seltzer and fresh mint.
geral spiee пишет: Make thirsty for ayran pls
Hi Im Who пишет: So in order to make yogurt... I need... Yogurt?
Natasha Didytch пишет: that sounds kinda disgusting.....
cyropyro пишет: Wow. That's intriguing...
Connor David пишет: Why You no make Halo Halo
jmizra3 пишет: Farsi writing at 2:48 is supposed to be ! به سلامتی - Great video though.
Tina Etemadi пишет: Woo its persian
Electropunk13 пишет: I know, it's like the movie Inception but culinary edition...it doesn't make sense lol.
Ella Doe пишет: I like how you need yogurt to make yogurt
Talia Bayrak пишет: anyone out there that is Turkish, isnt this just Ayran with herbs?
twittergirl пишет: Nice video
Lucian Smith пишет: Can ya'll make Tibetan yak butter tea?
Shyne пишет: This does not look good to me. No offense
rdidri пишет: Very interesting!
Andressa Bezerra пишет: Uuuau! Sou apaixonada por este canal!
CarmenChanCooks пишет: Love the thirsty for series! I know you've done a Singaporean drink Bandung before but you guys should look up Milo Dinosaur and Milo Godzilla. Milo is a chocolate malted powder and a dinosaur is where u add extra heaped powder on top. Godzilla is when you add ice cream
GAs honeybear пишет: I tried it since I had everything. It's an acquired taste, but it's far from bad. Thanks for letting me know.
Katerina T. пишет: neither. passionate cook.
Konoha Mitsu пишет: The bgm is kind of creepy
Youree Banannas пишет: That's true but then, why not just buy yoghurt? :-P
YoursTrulySabrina пишет: my mom makes this every summer! love it
randy orton пишет: Nice.
Olcia27 пишет: But curdled milk is good...
KenKen3593 пишет: This is the most intense thing you've ever done. Kudos, good sir.
jaspertkoop пишет: that looks good, im going to go try some right now.
iShuffleAt Raves пишет: Uh huh lol
Ryan Cree пишет: you guys should make Sahlab (A.K.A.salep, saloop, salop)
matdization пишет: oh my gof i cant believe you made doogh, how cool is this! Great video!
HeyLookItsAmy пишет: Looks so gross.
sujueunhaelover пишет: If u make it with sweet yogurt it will taste disgusting! This drink needs to have a sour savoury taste to it! Its not a drink you would have with biscuits like u would with tea or milk... If you dont like sour things then u wont like it! I personally love it!!
Nunu SKhan пишет: great
skudzer1985 пишет: this looks like foamy vomit
Becckkoni пишет: You need the specific bacteria in the yogurt to curdle it. You can buy those as a powder from speciality retailers, but it's way easier to just start with yogurt.
Haru Tour пишет: Hahahaha im Afghan and i drink almost everynight doogh, its funny to see it up in your channel!
Matthew Potter пишет: What does it say at the end on the drink? Is there a reason the letters aren't connected?
foanz vabile пишет: Umm why do u guys put so much ice it just waters down the fdrink
Gabrielle P. пишет: This looks um....
TheTripolitania пишет: Awesome video.
Reminds me of Ayran , a yoghurt drink popular in Turkey and some other middle eastern countries.
Arabic coffee next please ? :)
redstar55 пишет: That's pot is so pretty!
Jenny Jen пишет: flawless editing
Kismet137 пишет: Love the song for this episode!
houri1987 пишет: please do a season 2 :(
misslizzy667 пишет: When I saw this I was like "yes!!!!" Because I'm Persian :3
MJ Spice пишет: Erm the writing in the end, It's not joined.
Maya D пишет: You didn't offend anyone, the person is saying that before judging, you should taste it. It is a more salty drink very similar to the arabic drink called "Ayran". You should taste Doogh, it is delicious!
tsastsastss пишет: No one is asking anyone to drink these drinks...they make these recipes for our enjoyment which also happens to educate everyone about the amazing and unique drinks enjoyed around the world. I don't think I'd be able to make 90% of these drinks (let alone find the ingredient where i live), but I absolutely love watching!
kaylashalaylaaaaa пишет: well, this is the only tastemade drink i can say that seems truly off-putting
pmasoudi пишет: i like the doogh without carbonation much better.
monkeydice2 пишет: Was it me or did a design appear on the pot when the burner was turned on. If it did where can I get one of those pots!?
battula9 пишет: the way you guys present it, the titles,Music and everything is just amazing.
Jcblue10 пишет: I love your channel, you guys are fabulous. Thanks again for the quality programming.
desertsonata пишет: God, it angers me when people don't measure ingredients :s Imagine the person who took their time and effort perfecting the recipe, and then you just haphazardly throw everything together!
my1995life пишет: Looks.. Different! I wonder how it tastes
Andrea S пишет: That does not look good!
Nushin Farjadi пишет: Beautiful video and music, Doogh is the ultimate probiotic hydration drink with calcium, magnesium, sodium and rose petals and mint to help with relaxation ...
Why not ask a native speaker to look over the videos? that text done right would have been a nice touch.
qaroqchi пишет: persian's don't add celery in fact they don't have celery in their native country. pepper and rose peddles usually is not added. In hot summer day they chop the cucumbers very finely and add them. or at least thats how my mother used to make
Rachel Wang пишет: i always appreciate the great music paired with these videos:D
andrea garcia пишет: What does it taste like?
jmizra3 пишет: Lovely vid, but you erred in the Farsi writing at 2:48. It's supposed to be به سلامتی !
Shima Shaporifar пишет: It may not look good but it's actually really good. I'm Persian and we drink this all the time.
Janet Pelua пишет: The only reason I subscribe to Tastemade is to see Thirsty For
f santoso пишет: My goodness. Pretty saucepan! 0:50
iShuffleAt Raves пишет: google or nerd?
Aldonza Márquez пишет: and the sugar or honey? EVEN CANDY...
haha XD it seems a little bit weird, but interesting :P
Haru Tour пишет: Beautiful song you chose btw, i love that song
Yaisha Diaz пишет: What does this taste like?! Sweet savory?
Divine Order пишет: That sauce pan at 50 seconds is beautiful!
Nilondra Cabrera пишет: what really surprises me is that doesn't have, any sweet ingredient... but nothing, I recognize my ignorance of Eastern cultures especially their food... ;-)
Unwhined and Dined пишет: WHAT HAPPENED TO BUTTERBEER?
Casey Cameron пишет: That is the most disgusting drink I've seen you make!
pyro1056 пишет: What makes yoghurt yoghurt is the microorganisms that live in it. By itself, milk doesn't have enough of them to turn into yoghurt. So to make yoghurt, you heat up milk to kill all the bacteria, let it cool, then add the bacteria you need and let it grow. In this case they used some other yoghurt to introduce the bacteria, but you can get it plenty of other ways.
Christian Castillo пишет: 0:51 loved it
cece86848 пишет: Hotchocolate63 its 6 eps away from the finale theres voting still
Travis Gill пишет: I cant believe no one has commented on how amazing that pot is at :50
geral spiee пишет: Make thirsty for ayran pls
Hi Im Who пишет: So in order to make yogurt... I need... Yogurt?
Natasha Didytch пишет: that sounds kinda disgusting.....
cyropyro пишет: Wow. That's intriguing...
Connor David пишет: Why You no make Halo Halo
jmizra3 пишет: Farsi writing at 2:48 is supposed to be ! به سلامتی - Great video though.
Tina Etemadi пишет: Woo its persian
Electropunk13 пишет: I know, it's like the movie Inception but culinary edition...it doesn't make sense lol.
Ella Doe пишет: I like how you need yogurt to make yogurt
Talia Bayrak пишет: anyone out there that is Turkish, isnt this just Ayran with herbs?
twittergirl пишет: Nice video
Lucian Smith пишет: Can ya'll make Tibetan yak butter tea?
Shyne пишет: This does not look good to me. No offense
rdidri пишет: Very interesting!
Andressa Bezerra пишет: Uuuau! Sou apaixonada por este canal!
CarmenChanCooks пишет: Love the thirsty for series! I know you've done a Singaporean drink Bandung before but you guys should look up Milo Dinosaur and Milo Godzilla. Milo is a chocolate malted powder and a dinosaur is where u add extra heaped powder on top. Godzilla is when you add ice cream
GAs honeybear пишет: I tried it since I had everything. It's an acquired taste, but it's far from bad. Thanks for letting me know.
Katerina T. пишет: neither. passionate cook.
Konoha Mitsu пишет: The bgm is kind of creepy
Youree Banannas пишет: That's true but then, why not just buy yoghurt? :-P
YoursTrulySabrina пишет: my mom makes this every summer! love it
randy orton пишет: Nice.
Olcia27 пишет: But curdled milk is good...
KenKen3593 пишет: This is the most intense thing you've ever done. Kudos, good sir.
jaspertkoop пишет: that looks good, im going to go try some right now.
iShuffleAt Raves пишет: Uh huh lol
You'll Need:
yogurt (Greek if possible), one glass
carbonated (fizzy) mineral water, 2-3 glasses
dried mint, one teaspoon
dried pennyroyal, one teaspoon (optional)
black pepper (optional)
Procedures : Beat yogurt until it flows smoothly. Add mint, pennyroyal, salt, and black pepper, and mix well. Add mineral water to yogurt gradually and mix as you add. The quantity of mineral water can be adjusted to obtain the desired density. Place in the frig for a few hours. Mix again before drinking. Carbonated doogh is a popular soft-drink in Iran.
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