How To Make Potato Salad - Hilah Cooking
Learn how to make potato salad with this easy video recipe! This traditional potato salad has mayonnaise, mustard, eggs, and a secret ingredient to make it extra tasty.
Potato salad recipe at http://hilahcooking.com/perfect-potat...
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Hilah Cooking is a short-form, educational web series focused on making cooking FUN! We release two episodes every week. Our focus is on simple, low-cost recipes with a Texas flair. Everything is made from scratch, people! You will not see any packets of taco seasoning mix or gravy powder up in here. If you are going to learn how to cook, you are going to learn it for real! But I promise it will be fun and easy.
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Perfect Potato Salad Recipe
Learn how to make potato salad with this easy video recipe! This traditional potato salad has mayonnaise, mustard, eggs, and a secret ingredient to make it extra tasty.
Potato salad recipe at http://hilahcooking.com/perfect-potat...
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Subscribe on YouTube (never miss a video!) http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...
HILAH COOKING: New Episodes Every Tuesday and Thursday!
Facebook: http://facebook.com/hilahcooking
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hilahcooking
Check out over 100 video recipes at http://hilahcooking.com
- - - - - - - - - - -
Hilah Cooking is a short-form, educational web series focused on making cooking FUN! We release two episodes every week. Our focus is on simple, low-cost recipes with a Texas flair. Everything is made from scratch, people! You will not see any packets of taco seasoning mix or gravy powder up in here. If you are going to learn how to cook, you are going to learn it for real! But I promise it will be fun and easy.
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Perfect Potato Salad Recipe
bigbullbk пишет: Who's Emily?
AndresKochbuch пишет: I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad
Hilah make me Happy :)
best greets from Germany
Hilah Cooking пишет: I wrote about it on my website. If you search for "boiled eggs" on my site (link is in description box) you will find all the instructions. But, short answer, sounds like you're using eggs that are too fresh. Older eggs peel a lot easier.
TheReginaUniverse пишет: Hi Hilah! I just made a half-recipe of this for my family and I love it! Thanks for this awesome recipe!
misskimberly5 пишет: hilahisms I laughed at today:
"because that is boring as hell"
"between you & your...pastor?"
RuralBreakfast пишет: I love this type of salad in the summer, as well as gazpacho and vichyssoise. They all accompany a lovely assortment of BBQ grilled food :)
Party party party! :D
Hilah Cooking пишет: Thank you!
Zulkifi Ibrahim пишет: I love it potato salad can you give you give comment for me
Derick Shamblin пишет: Thanks for the recipe, Hilah! Here in Michigan and I'm sure commonly throughout the Midwest, we have a tendency to call potato salad with a mustard dressing "Amish potato salad." The deli in my grocery store carries Amish potato salad, which is very similar to your recipe, and red skin potato salad, which is made with a white dressing. Does Texas have any Amish or Mennonite communities? Around here they're known for their yummy, hearty food and exquisite furniture and crafts. And buggies. :D
Hilah Cooking пишет: Love the roasted potato idea! I'll have to try that sometime!
David Lebo пишет: So good! You rock Hilah!
TheMichellenicole14 пишет: I love how picky Emily is...
Titi Starr пишет: I like the idea of grating the egg,I am going to try it in guacamole.
Playsbasketball пишет: Hila i googled " How to Make Tortillas" today and i found out about your videos, and your COOKING IS SO AMAZING! Im glad i googled it today! All your videos teach me how to cook and i hope ill become a decent cooker, so i can impress my friends! You are the best cooker i have seen on youtube! Keep up the good work! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !
Leeli Tan пишет: What if i dont like celery?
Dablkwid0w2008 пишет: That potato salad looks sooo good!
Hilah Cooking пишет: Yum! Great combo! :)
Big Paul Tu'ivai пишет: Man that was just mouth watering good! Next stop ...grocery store to buy potatoes! Thanks and glad to have stumble on your site (I was looking for Country Fried Steak recipe and that lead me to subscribing...and THIS). Okay I better go before I am branded a stalker! Follow me back @Paulynesian. Cheers from the Land Down Under
Blufacia пишет: I definitely second the pickle juice suggestion
SeattleMarksJoint4 пишет: Love a good tater salad in the Summer. 'specially if it's got some chopped celery in it.
Amir Valdes пишет: wow a hot girl, being down to earth and cussing a bit...I love it she's awesome and I hope to see more choking videos like this, PS stay sexy and natural you rock!
Eric Marchuk пишет: Thanks for the recipe. The egg cheese grater thing is brilliant :) I love the way you talk its like getting cooking advise from one of my buddies, if one of my buddies was a cute blonde chick.
Shaniachannel пишет: Great video recipe for potato salad & your salad look very delicious great work :-)
nicktecky55 пишет: Juice from the pickles... genius!
MaryE MCLea пишет: thanks so good
Hilah Cooking пишет: Good! :D
Estellamed пишет: How long did you cook the potatoes? And, how many potatoes did you use?
Hilah Cooking пишет: It's easier to not overcook them if you boil them whole, instead of chopping them before cooking.
Hilah Cooking пишет: :)
captmack735 пишет: I got some banana peppers left over from something else, I'm gonna add them to this awesome goodness. Looks great Hilah! Also, I hope your youtube-ness hits off even better and things work out.
I love the show and your personal tidbits! Be cool and I can't wait to see what you make next!
Just thought of it, this potato salad is going to go great with some burgers we're making tomorrow. We're going stuff them cheese. Would cheese be good in this potato salad?
da959 пишет: Cool! The badder the better..hehe! I guess I just don't subscibe to the whole "If it tastes good spit it out" idea.. I'm looking forward to your post on how to make it.
calady11 пишет: Great potato salad recipe! I've never tried adding celery seed, but I will the next time I make potato salad. Oh, and a great pickle to use instead of dill is bread n' butter pickles.
Waiata Elia пишет: i aint a dude
6catss пишет: i meany that word dingie
Sierra EraEra пишет: your videos make my day... i can cook but your vids are so entertaining i would watch you on tv and buy shitty overpriced t-shirts with your name on it :)
TFLAT'S Tech Games and More пишет: I'm going to have to try this in the next day or two. :)
Ben A пишет: Who doesn't like eggs in PS?
charles vereschagin пишет: Thanks for taking the time to do your cooking show. What you are giving us is real down home cooking. Some of these recipes is just what an old guy ( like your gramps ) remembers when he was a kid. Keep up the good work. Hugs.
SeattleMarksJoint4 пишет: OMG! Hilah. FINALLY I've seen someone else do what I do. WHICH is to use that pickle juice we usually throw out when the pickles R gone! I LOVE the kosher dills and I save the leftover juice for home made tartar sauce. I don't end up using all of it but I hate to waste stuff. I also use it for a nice burger sauce. Take a couple helpings of mayo, a bit of pickle juice, bit of 'chup, and just a tad of Montreal steak seasoning and well... trust me :) It rules! Burger heaven. Thanx....
Hilah Cooking пишет: Aw, thank you for the update! I'm so glad everyone liked it. :)
Hilah Cooking пишет: Hip Hip Hooray!
elbacooks4u пишет: Looks good,Hilah.And Mike sure can potato salad everyday if I make it.
God Bless,
MaddSimmer пишет: Yeaaah New Zealand is best :)
#Kiwi pride
foreveryoung3214 пишет: You kinda look like Pheobe from Friends hahaha
Kevin Torres пишет: 2:17-2:35 is funny as fuck
Southtacomamook пишет: I'm a single dad with four kids. When my wife died I had no idea what to feed my kids, your recipes are simple easy to execute and delicious. Since discovering your videos my kids and I have learned to love cooking. It brings us together in a way we never bonded before, and the benefit of our fun time together is a great meal. Love you Hilah. You had me at corn dogs. ; )
nicolassoleil пишет: Why doesn't this chick have a cooking show already?!?!
John Chong пишет: i made it for my family im 9 i love ur potato salad and thanks
Hilah Cooking пишет: You're the best! :)
grantexans пишет: I guess demons eat potatoe salad to Hilah. And they dont have a sense of humor either. Love videos!<3
Ernest Wood пишет: Almost Perfect potato salad. LOL. I like to put some finely diced carrot in mine as well, and I prefer sweet pickle over dill. I also use a small amount of Beaver Brand Hot cream Horseradish along with the mayo and mustard, but I guess any brand of cream-style horseradish will do.
6catss пишет: you look so much like that diggy blonde on Friends show , not to say you are diggy but just you look like her. Ive enjoyed your receipes thanks so much.
Hilah Cooking пишет: Yay! :)
Glenn Swafford пишет: UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,but needs Bacon,love it.
Derick Shamblin пишет: Yeah, I was being slightly facetious. But I bet you could find some 70 year old grandmother who DOES put pickled herring in her potato salad. I actually don't mind pickled herring, but lutefisk........ I dunno.
Amber Davis пишет: Oh please Karen like you never licked your finger or tasted the spoon by habit when cooking.
Hilah Cooking пишет: Ha! Daring! I hope he likes it! :)
Karen Lopez пишет: When preparing food for others to consume,one should not be licking one's fingers and
continuing to touch the food.
anmoose пишет: Ha! Tater salad season started here on St. Pattie's day. I had it with the corned beef.\r
This is not at all far removed from how I do it. The only differences: I use large red potatoes, because I like the creamier texture, and I leave the skin on. I use Grey Poupon (always), and I'm heavier on mayo and lighter on mustard. I throw in a little dill weed, and BACON!!, some lemon juice, some Slap Ya Mama, and I chop the eggs because I like chunks. We're definitely on the same wavelength.
Hilah Cooking пишет: Just the cheapo dill pickle spears
Bao Her пишет: lol your personality is so nonchalant!! it's hella funny... but great simple recipe. thanks!
ohcardboardbox пишет: @hilahcooking right!? But, i found a lovely dinner to cook soon!
Tlikey пишет: You make me laugh! this is perfect and easy for the 4th of July. Can't wait to share it with my friends.
1lovemocha пишет: I love your dresses and tops? Where do you get your cool clothes from?\r
I'm going to make your ginger snap cookies btw!
thomasmccarty09 пишет: my husband was like lets make this weekendd looks good :):)
greattvshows452 пишет: That was a very cool trick with the potato !! :D
joyce puty пишет: In my country... we put mixed vgetable from a can... eggs, bits of apples and onions and mayonaye and potato of course
herosinahalfshell4 пишет: I love me some. Bad ass potato salad. I like to mash up the eggs in the mayo mixture like deviled egg style. Mmmmm
Derick Shamblin пишет: Oooh, Scandinavian potato salad? Does it have herrings in it? :D
tntownsend96 пишет: Oh crap, I've been gettin' nervous lately when I see you have new videos. Might have to make a trip to the store to make myself at little snack. Never mind that I already had all my meals and snacks for the day!
L4dyE пишет: Love Potato Salad!!
Hilah Cooking пишет: Yay! Good job, John!
tiana2 пишет: The Boring part is what I needed. How long do you typically boil the potatoes?
Michelle beautyfabstar 2000xxooxxooxx пишет: This recipe looks great! I'm going to use sweet pickle relish instead of pickles. I'd like it sweeter.
Troll Interrupted пишет: Laura went to NZ? she gonna be a hobbit or an elf? oh and yah u look like pheobe on friends.
Miki's Pantry пишет: Nice video, Hilah! I wonder if I could make this without mayonnaise...I hate mayonnaise. >_<
Tokpela пишет: Great! But it just takes seconds to peel the potato BEFORE you cook them! Never the less, potato salad is my favorite! :-D
Hilah Cooking пишет: Ha! That is bizarre.
bigbullbk пишет: Who's Emily?
AndresKochbuch пишет: I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad - I LOVE HILAHS Potato Salad
Hilah make me Happy :)
best greets from Germany
Hilah Cooking пишет: I wrote about it on my website. If you search for "boiled eggs" on my site (link is in description box) you will find all the instructions. But, short answer, sounds like you're using eggs that are too fresh. Older eggs peel a lot easier.
TheReginaUniverse пишет: Hi Hilah! I just made a half-recipe of this for my family and I love it! Thanks for this awesome recipe!
misskimberly5 пишет: hilahisms I laughed at today:
"because that is boring as hell"
"between you & your...pastor?"
RuralBreakfast пишет: I love this type of salad in the summer, as well as gazpacho and vichyssoise. They all accompany a lovely assortment of BBQ grilled food :)
Party party party! :D
Hilah Cooking пишет: Thank you!
Zulkifi Ibrahim пишет: I love it potato salad can you give you give comment for me
Derick Shamblin пишет: Thanks for the recipe, Hilah! Here in Michigan and I'm sure commonly throughout the Midwest, we have a tendency to call potato salad with a mustard dressing "Amish potato salad." The deli in my grocery store carries Amish potato salad, which is very similar to your recipe, and red skin potato salad, which is made with a white dressing. Does Texas have any Amish or Mennonite communities? Around here they're known for their yummy, hearty food and exquisite furniture and crafts. And buggies. :D
Hilah Cooking пишет: Love the roasted potato idea! I'll have to try that sometime!
David Lebo пишет: So good! You rock Hilah!
TheMichellenicole14 пишет: I love how picky Emily is...
Titi Starr пишет: I like the idea of grating the egg,I am going to try it in guacamole.
Playsbasketball пишет: Hila i googled " How to Make Tortillas" today and i found out about your videos, and your COOKING IS SO AMAZING! Im glad i googled it today! All your videos teach me how to cook and i hope ill become a decent cooker, so i can impress my friends! You are the best cooker i have seen on youtube! Keep up the good work! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !
Leeli Tan пишет: What if i dont like celery?
Dablkwid0w2008 пишет: That potato salad looks sooo good!
Hilah Cooking пишет: Yum! Great combo! :)
Big Paul Tu'ivai пишет: Man that was just mouth watering good! Next stop ...grocery store to buy potatoes! Thanks and glad to have stumble on your site (I was looking for Country Fried Steak recipe and that lead me to subscribing...and THIS). Okay I better go before I am branded a stalker! Follow me back @Paulynesian. Cheers from the Land Down Under
Blufacia пишет: I definitely second the pickle juice suggestion
SeattleMarksJoint4 пишет: Love a good tater salad in the Summer. 'specially if it's got some chopped celery in it.
Amir Valdes пишет: wow a hot girl, being down to earth and cussing a bit...I love it she's awesome and I hope to see more choking videos like this, PS stay sexy and natural you rock!
Eric Marchuk пишет: Thanks for the recipe. The egg cheese grater thing is brilliant :) I love the way you talk its like getting cooking advise from one of my buddies, if one of my buddies was a cute blonde chick.
You'll Need:
* 125 gr fish roe
* 3 - 4 potatoes
* 150 gr olive oil
* vinegar
* parsley
* lemon juice
Procedures : Peel wash and boil the potatoes. Remove from heat and mash them. Place the fish roe in a bowl and beat with a mixer. Add gradually the olive oil, the lemon juice, some drops of vinegar and the potatoe mash (spoon by spoon). Continue beating until the mixture becomes soft and creamy. Garnish with parsley
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