суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

French Toast Peach Cobbler

Pain Perdu with Caramelised Peaches - Gordon Ramsay


Season 3 of Gordon Ramsay's The F Word

Gordon Ramsay's BAFTA-nominated food show opens its doors for another night of mouth-watering food, with every dish something you can cook at home, plus recipe-based challenges and fast food that won't make you feel guilty.

Gordon Ramsay prepares Pain Perdu with Caramelised Peaches.

https://plus.google.com/100415820296850802905/posts/ZKEvj1Gtb5i",,,1,,["Alxmir23 пишет: 100415820296850802905

Tatiana Alsace пишет: Delicious !

3vligt пишет: He always look like he needs a toilet break. Calm the fuck down. lol

peterluvssouthpark пишет: haha americans

Richmond Lee пишет: This is almost an elaborate French toast.

PhotoShopAdmin пишет: COLAH AND BUTTAH

pyrox369 пишет: @jinzo530 lol same hes such a boss

benvolio15 пишет: I don't think I'll ever be an expert either...but I find myself becoming more passionate about food over the last decade or so just by watching him.

JoeySkate24 пишет: @Kazmacable dude.. i agree 100%

Mucho Chen пишет: Maybe thinking in Japanese. Pan = bread in Japan

MegaChangle пишет: People like you are the reason everyone complains about the Youtube comments section. The guy you began an argument said something that almost every normal person would consider completely inoffensive, yet you got all pissed off and angry.

93hickey пишет: it was the perfect summer on a plate, until he spat on it!!!

Thomas Zheng пишет: How to make a baby.

AccursedGlacial06 пишет: Its pan Pedru, not pain pedru haha

Troo Kidd пишет: It is Pain Perdu.

DutchPs3Gamers пишет: I swear this ''james empire awards'' shit add annoys the hell out of me its the same shit all the time i just wanna wreck my screen when it comes up christs sake....

freddyfingerr пишет: If you like Gordon, you should check out Marco Pierre White's "Marco Cooks For" series on Youtube (if you haven't heard of him). He was head chef and trained Gordon for some time.

Clazzy8 пишет: I'm starting to get a headache from the fast video cuts..

dierjran пишет: Yummie!!! And the food looks good too! ; . >

ZeTaCk1 пишет: so we clearly eat the toast covered in the egg mixture?
but without the peeaches

Maximus Orilias пишет: i love the way he says "basil" :)

lisa mccoy пишет: i love uu!!!


pknikplays пишет: What is perdu, I know that pain mean's bread in french.

McLovin JR пишет: redmercy anyone?

Maximus Orilias пишет: you're* and i assume you're a snobby British prick. I was born in Eastern Europe btw

Britt Coello пишет: Perdu means lost!

tehkoalainsurgency пишет: Ramsey doesn't make me wanna be a Chef, I just want to make some money and order all this shit at restaurants

sarge727 пишет: Gordo, its fuckin French Toast with topping.

syaoranpies пишет: that looks fucking delicious

sarge727 пишет: LOOK AT MY FOOD! -spit on it-

sickrevolver пишет: Love it when he blows the powdered sugar at the camera towards the end. So rock and roll

Guau пишет: haha me too! XD

piaka56 пишет: Loved the end.

Deimiond пишет: I just gained 15 pounds just WATCHING that video!

AstralJokers пишет: That's sadly not pain perdu.. it's pain dorée... meh.

Nathalie Buzaglo пишет: me too!! :)

ubernaffa пишет: Good fucking god that looks delicious.

perrywinkleist пишет: he makes it look so easy and fun and...good. damn

Cerberus1030 пишет: you can really get the sense how much he loves what he's doing

Jerrytohg пишет: @Kazmacable
So do I.. too!

Mattias Larsson пишет: Gordon Ramsey makes me hungry. :(

slobberty пишет: Just made it and eating it now, but used Purple Basil and Vietnamese Mint instead of the run of the mill types of herbs. Very interesting spin on a classic!

Anita Yustisia пишет: THIS MOTIVATES MEEEEEE

tkasper1 пишет: What the hell is "B-ahh-sil"

micglou пишет: Pain Perdu? Eggiebread!

Geraldine Silicon Valley пишет: Wow Amazing Pain Perdu!, absolutely gorgeous!. It’s similar to French toast with topping but How do we know how much of which ingredients we add?. I want to make this :))) Looks so yummy!!!! ^.^

alteregoash пишет: At about a minute 30 in I realized this was "french toast".

Sarah W пишет: that is one fancy french toast!

Kong Vimolchalao пишет: sex on a plate

michael lee пишет: count the calories

vu nguyen hai пишет: i am a cook and i am his idol

AccursedGlacial06 пишет: Its called Basil, its a type of leaf used in cooking.

soposopi пишет: i agree. he's real inspiration, he's doing everything with such a passion omg u gotta love this man

Camille Boudier пишет: The secret for the best Pain Perdu: use stale bread. (Not the old, rotten stale bread, a newly hardened dried bread)

mitchellemmen пишет: Hahaha! @ 0:40 OUCH!! :P yeah yeah i know he ssaid 'out' but its funny though :P

GFBNews пишет: thats some fancy french toast

Ender Ragnarok пишет: Why do I watch these clips while I'm hungry? WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!?! :(

Lillian Parker пишет: My mom: Lillian, you have to control your food obsessions *as Im watching this film*
Me: But mom, its Gordon Ramsay's cooking ; His cooking makes food a million times better than regular food!

PRIZDIX пишет: lol

Cassie Robertson пишет: Same here! XD

JTROCKS030300 пишет: at 0:53, it looked like he had blended somebody's arm

Jarrod0067 пишет: FUCKIN' DONE

Dat Tran пишет: unhealthy but delicious


DeGcookie пишет: I suddenly want a Gordon Ramsay for a father. Q.Q

Innoculate пишет: It's french toast with a fruit compote >.<

Trippa035 пишет: such an easy dish, and yet zo tastefull and fresh. absolutely gorgeous. we have it on the menu at my restaurant too, with some small changes offcourse.

Paul21691 пишет: and Jamie Oliver.

Trippa035 пишет: im gonna try it very very soon:o

Algerro Martin Reyes пишет: Pan Perdu with Caramelised Peaches are very good. That is awsome. YES.

garrettface пишет: pain is french for bread. i.e - pain au chocolat is choclate bread.

xhmcsx пишет: pain doré just means golden or toasted bread (it's doré btw, not dorée)... he doesn't cook toast. he cooks pain perdu.

Spar6tan9 пишет: with all that sugar, do urself a favor and pull ur teeth out urself rather than wait they rot slowly from that sugar.

key2010 пишет: i hate peach i hate bread and i hate peach again

pemchem пишет: Say, that looks pretty good...

tehsuckdotnet пишет: I've never heard a fancier way to say "French toast".

Marfnl disse пишет: you know that if you talk like him, And you are no superstar YOU WILL GET HIT! ^,^

peterluvssouthpark пишет: lost bread? Why lost?

Johnny C пишет: ...... DONE!

MegaChangle пишет: I realized it 8 seconds in when he said "Pan Perdu is basically posh eggy bread."

Sarah Xia пишет: bet it tastes better than your french toast tho

einkaya пишет: that's why I became one

hdturner пишет: My mouth won't stop watering.

dglamor пишет: Ohhh..Mmmmmy GOD!!!

Jerrytohg пишет: Edition its F great!!

Stephen Mulkey пишет: I have huge respect for Chef Ramsey. He is incredibly talented, but I feel like he uses basil too much.

Nathalie Buzaglo пишет: I love the "peuh" at the end when he blows the icing sugar :)

SolvexxAU пишет: wrong, pain is french for bread.
lol, you failed pretty hard.

basha G пишет: how...how do you stay slim?!

loy648 пишет: Ramsey

Meidy Pandeirot пишет: OMG!!! THAT SO AMAZING!!!

TheLazarussLedd пишет: That looks like it can kill you in seconds. sugar sugar fat sugar sugar.

kjhgfdsxcv пишет: Pain Perdu is literally "Lost Bread" and is what the french call French Toast. The reason being is that they usually only made it when the bread became stale or "lost".

viciouswolf1111 пишет: Looking forward to trying this after the exams.

Kazmacable пишет: Gordon Ramsay makes me want to be a chef.

jinzo530 пишет: @Kazmacable \r
I agree lol. I've started cooking because of him lol\r

https://plus.google.com/100415820296850802905/posts/ZKEvj1Gtb5i",,,1,,["Alxmir23 пишет: 100415820296850802905

Tatiana Alsace пишет: Delicious !

3vligt пишет: He always look like he needs a toilet break. Calm the fuck down. lol
You'll Need:

12 to 14 large peaches
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar, divided
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
Cooking spray
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 large egg whites
8 slices white bread
2 tablespoons granulated sugar

Procedures : Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a 9 x 13-inch baking pan with cooking spray.

Peel and slice peaches to yield 12 cups. Combine peaches, 1 cup sugar and 1/3 cup flour in prepared baking dish and let stand 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Combine 1/4 cup sugar, orange rind, orange juice, melted butter, cinnamon and egg whites in a shallow bowl. Trim crust from bread; cut each slice into 2 triangles. Dip each bread slice in egg mixture, coating well. Arrange bread on top of peach mixture. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons sugar over bread. Bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown.

Makes 10 servings

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