Welcome to the SimpleCookingChannel. Things might get pretty simple sometimes but sometimes that's just what a person needs. I hope you like homemade Greek biscuits.
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170 Grams ( 6 Ounces ) of butter
175 Grams ( 6.17 Ounces ) of white sugar
2 Eggs
50 Mills of Orange juice
1 grated orange rind
30 Grams ( 1.05 Ounces ) of baking powder
3 Cups of plain flour
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon of water
1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract
Welcome to the SimpleCookingChannel. Things might get pretty simple sometimes but sometimes that's just what a person needs. I hope you like homemade Greek biscuits.
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170 Grams ( 6 Ounces ) of butter
175 Grams ( 6.17 Ounces ) of white sugar
2 Eggs
50 Mills of Orange juice
1 grated orange rind
30 Grams ( 1.05 Ounces ) of baking powder
3 Cups of plain flour
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon of water
1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract
EZGlutenFree пишет: I've never heard of koulouraki but they certainly look delicious.
Dragons3ye пишет: And can u use selfraising flour too:3
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: They sure are. Thanks :D
CookingWithKris пишет: yum
Electra54321 пишет: i alwas know how to mack those cuz im greek! btw coulourakia
(κουλουρακια) meants cookies! :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: That's great :D
loveforevexoxo пишет: eiste ellines episis?
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: lol :D
Nagy Alexandru пишет: Sweet!Do you know why I asked that?I am heading to the kitchen in this moment to try your great recipe out.Cheers! :D
Richard Blaine пишет: Oh man that just SUCKS! One fantasy shot to hell!
iEviiLxKiiDz09 пишет: the intro music
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Orange rind :D
Regina Aretha пишет: Luv ur vids
BeautyWithArtemi пишет: That's so cool!
I live in Greece and i have never made them,but i will try your recipe :)
NikkiDinkiCooking пишет: Omg I HAVE to make these for easter, yum!
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: I don't like everything. I love everything i cook. I wouldn't cook something i hated :D That's why i have big expressions. I love the food i cook. :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: lol :D
RobustFilms1 пишет: Hey This is more like it! Yum Yum Yum, can i reccomend canaloni?
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
Georlene zaharakis пишет: My aunty always makes these on Greek Easter! An she saves me a heap of them because they are my favourite!
Kelsey swanson пишет: looks good ^-^
hieveryone9872 пишет: Haha these are sooo good! We always eat them durung my Greek easter ;D (which is a week after normal Easter)
Maza Kiwarkis пишет: There's an Assyrian dish called Dolma. It's rice and herbs inside cabbage leaves or grape leaves. Try it
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: lol :D
Marietta Strataki пишет: Every easter here ingreece the godfathers give as present a chocolate egg a tsoureki some easter buiscits and the main present a toy propably woth our cundle for the holy light
KaotiKFilms пишет: Lol kookaburra in the back ground go you Aussie just like me
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: It was. It may have looked like less because it spend out & was obscured. 3 cups of flour is 384 grams :D
Electra54321 пишет: gosh i love doing this dish , but there anther greek easter dish that rocks its kinda like sweet bread so yummy :) its calld choureki or Easter Loaf
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
elvacilondominicano пишет: nice chef hat
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
THEDEECHANNEL89 пишет: Greek pride and lovin it
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: lol :D
loveforevexoxo пишет: yeah baby!!
Steven Ziegler пишет: My roommate is allergic to oranges could I leave the juice and rind out?
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Awesome :D
dilligaf93 пишет: My yiayia would kill you! No man in kitchen! >.<'
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: lol :D
Kirra Immokalee пишет: I happen to be Greek and LOVE a variety of Greek cookies, desserts, etc!!!!
This was amazing. Thanks for sharing!!
1979timdog пишет: man, those look super delicious!!!
aggelos pano пишет: lol
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: I will :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thanks :D
Richard Blaine пишет: Hey! When is that Hot Chick of a wife of yours gonna make some more cocktails? I mean your easy enuff on the eyes.............but Vavavavooom! for her dude!
loveforevexoxo пишет: im greek and they are also sometimes on christmas
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
ExtremeAll2000 пишет: im greek and when its easter me and my sister always make KOULOURAKIA!!!!!!!!!!! its sooooooooo nice
StatenIslandSlim пишет: They look tasty!
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: I sure am. I wouldn't so it any other way :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Cookies. Thanks for letting me know :D
Ellie Bryan пишет: I love this channel so much! So glad I found it :D
Kelly Marie пишет: You sound like you need to be "alone" when you eat. Like you are SUPER into it! O.o
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thanks. Happy Easter coming up for you :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Yes :D
loveforevexoxo пишет: yaaay im greek and this is close to home btw im 15
Charlotte Krystad пишет: did any one else notice that this vid is 4:59?
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thank you :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Awesome :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Awesome :D
loveforevexoxo пишет: same with mine haha
aggelos pano пишет: you asowme!
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thanks. Oh i love making canaloni :D
Myrtle Winchester пишет: ahahahahahahaah i'm greek and when i saw the koulourakia...awwww:D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thank you. The orange gives it such a fresh yummy taste :D
Cinori пишет: @SimpleCookingChannel I hope so. My brother and I really enjoyed those, and don't want to hold the craving for them for another year.
SuperMineApple пишет: im half german and half greece my grandma makes these every single year :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
aggelos pano пишет: koulourakia you say it wrong :3
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: lol i sure am. I wouldn't do it any other way :D
andrewtecktonikgr пишет: I am Greek !
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
playlikethem пишет: Awesome
HomeHaunter Germany пишет: iam greek and you are awsome just because of that vid :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: I have changed it a few times :D
THEDEECHANNEL89 пишет: ur welcome u should do one on Pita its yum
Nagy Alexandru пишет: I got 2 questions as well. Is that really 30 grams of baking powder? It doesn't even look like 10 but well it's different behind the screen and I don't want to mess the recipe.Also how much are the 3 cups of flower in grams? :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
Jeffrey Mathew пишет: what was the ingredient after the orange juice
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
Coolulises пишет: You painted the Biscuits NO!!!!!! BISCUITS ARE RUINED!!!! :D
Wendy DIAZ Sims пишет: thank you very much, I will check it out tomorrow, when I am not quite so tired. I look forward to making these cookies
BonBonToro пишет: 1:16
There's a weird and a bit scary looking face in that mixture!! :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Still can't see anything :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: I might make that in the future :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Awesome :D
swissdark7 пишет: wow... when you say throw the butter you really mean it! xD I <3 You and your videos they are soooo fun to watch! Thank you for making me happy... and hungry.. o.o xD
andrewtecktonikgr пишет: hahahaha :P eleos re!
ladypyramidhead пишет: They taste fantastic dipped ever so slightly in coffee and sometimes I put a little natural peanut butter on it when I have it on hand.
I've never had it with orange in it, but as a fan of all things citrus, I MUST try this! Thanks for this one :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Awesome :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thanks :D
Cinori пишет: Thanks for the recipe. Btw could you please do a Shamrock Shake recipe. Im really mad that they are gone.
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: lol :D
Electra54321 пишет: it is :)
I KYBROS пишет: @SimpleCookingChannel I got an uncle who is a baker in Greece and I sent him this video and he said the recipe is the same but they add a few teaspoons of brown sugar in. Do you know if you will make any more Greek food recipes? :D
Lois Clayton пишет: Omg yeah! XD I got the wrong time bit... :D it's at 3:15 :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thanks :D
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Thanks :D
You'll Need:
* 2 cups butter
* 1 1/2 cups white sugar
* 4 egg yolks
* 1/2 cup milk or orange juice
* 8 cups sifted all-purpose flour
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1 tablespoon grated orange rind
* 1 egg
Procedures : Sift together flour and baking powder and set aside. In large bowl, cream together butter and sugar. Add 4 egg yolks one at a time, beating well after each one. Add milk and flour. Work with the hands until dough is smooth. Add grated orange rind. Dough should be stiff so add additional flour if needed. Break off small portions of dough and roll out into pencil-size strips about 11 inches long. Fold each strip into thirds, sideways, and press lightly together at ends. Place cookies on ungreased baking sheet. Brush tops with beaten egg. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 18 to 20 minutes
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