суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Homemade Graham Cracker Crust Mix

Betty's Homemade Graham Cracker Pie Crust Recipe


In this video, Betty demonstrates how to make a Homemade Graham Cracker Pie Crust. Soon to be filled with a delicious filling, the crust itself is versatile enough for many different fillings!

1 1/4 cups fine graham cracker crumbs (You may make these by crushing Graham crackers or by using ready-made crumbs.)
1/4 cup sugar
6 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted

Combine 1 1/4 cups Graham cracker crumbs, 1/4 cup sugar, and 6 tablespoons melter butter or margarine. Press the mixture into a 8-inch pie plate. Bake at 375 degrees for 6 to 8 minutes, or until edges are browned. Cool. For an unbaked crust, chill 45 minutes before filling. This is a great pie crust--much tastier and better consistency than the ready-made ones! You can use it for *many* types of pies or desserts!

ekaj77 пишет: Would you recommend adding some cinnamon or nutmeg to the dough? Maybe both? I wouldn't know the proportions to avoid an overpowering spice flavor... Any suggestions?

chuchu7s пишет: Hi Betty,\r
Thanks so much for your pie crust recipe.\r
I am enjoying learning from your show\r
I love your beautiful kitchen and I love all\r
your beautiful outfits and your sweet voice.\r
I like how you go by step by step because\r
you make it easy to learn new cooking skills.\r

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @dee309s Thanks for your comment and your nice compliment!
--Betty :)

Breleigh Hines пишет: Hey if you were to use sugar would you prefer brown sugar or white sugar?

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Mounddog Thanks!
--Betty :)

bowler8 пишет: everything looks perfect...you are awesome

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks for your comment! I have showed so many pies with ready made crusts that I thought it was time to make the crust from scratch! And it is not much trouble with this type! Thanks forcommenting!
--Betty :)

firefighter1811 пишет: you are very welcome

Betty's Kitchen пишет: That's great! I hope you enjoy the recipe!\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: That's a great idea--much better than my method! Thanks for the compliment and the tip!\r
--Betty :)

HamenChips109 пишет: Does the graham cracker need to be finely crushed?
And can I use white sugar instead of powered sugar?

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Here's a big hint: Graham cracker pie crusts do not have to be baked. You can just refrigerate them and fill them, and keep them refrigerated. The crust will not be as crisp as a baked crust, but it will taste good. I don't think a microwave will give you the effect you want. Thanks for your question!\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @laurysocheerful Yes, you should bake it first, unless you plan to fill it with something that bakes for a very long time.\r
--Betty :)

SinnFein4ever пишет: @bettyskitchen \r
I took your advice and served it cold.\r
It was a hit!\r
I think I'll use this rescipee to make shells for Pumpkin Banana Mouse Tarts next weekend, and when I make Praline Pecan Pie for my family for Thanksgiving!\r

Parris Daley пишет: imim going to do a video responce with shortbreag crumbs hope its not a flop

PrincessFlowerAngel пишет: Can i use this crust for cheesecake crust? 9 inch springform :D

EzzieEzz66 пишет: It looks great and It's so easy!

Betty's Kitchen пишет: I think you can vary the amount of butter, crumbs, and sugar in this type of crust and get away with it--It's very forgiving! It will just make it a little healthier if you can reduce the amount of butter! Thanks for commenting!
--Betty :)

Vivien Chan пишет: @bettyskitchen thanks. I shall give it a try again.

Jeffrey2735 пишет: can bake it in a microwave??

VictoriahhhXD пишет: i would love to use this for a cheesecake... \r
would i be able to bake this for about an hour? \r
i believe i use the oven at 350...

cobwebownz пишет: PIE

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @PrincessFlowerAngel Yes, it works great for cheesecake!
--Betty :)

VictoriahhhXD пишет: thanks :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @MisturMuffin I hope it comes out great! Thanks for commenting!
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks!\r
--Betty :)

D Rod пишет: Hi Betty! I enjoy using your recipes. I like that you are clear when you speak and I like that you take it step by step. I was wondering if you know how to make COCONUT CUSTARD PIE and if so, would you please put up a video showing us. Thank you so much.
Your fan :)

Morga Shinwari пишет: u r so welcome and id love to become a pastry chef one day! u r the best cook on utube!* take care

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @laurysocheerful I would go ahead and put the filling in and bake the crust and the pie at the same time.\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks so much! I appreciate your sweet comment!\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: I agree! Thanks for your comment!
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @IRON5 Make plenty of crumbs. Place one layer in the pie pan as directed. Chill for an hour or so and place another layer on top. This will make a nice, thick graham cracker crust.
--Betty :)

Julie Perekurenko пишет: Betty, I love your recipes!! I'm very detail oriented so I love it that you take your time explaining everything so clearly!! =)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @vivien2020 Ovens vary and yours may be a little hotter than mine. In the future, you can turn the temperature down a bit, and put aluminum foil over the top. Remove the foil toward the end of cooking.
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @HamenChips109 the graham crackers do have to be finely crushed, and yes, you may use white sugar.
--Betty :)

IRON5 пишет: How can I make my crust thicker?

Jim Copley пишет: @bettyskitchen what if i need to bake it at 325° for 25 to 30 minutes.

wonderblunt пишет: @AquaClarisse \r
At the hardware store, every body knows that!! loll

MisturMuffin пишет: i'm trying it out now for my lemon meringue pie! :)

yanz0307 пишет: @bettyskitchen
you're great...

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @dee309s Your pie sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing your great feedback!
--Betty :)

phyllis Last пишет: You are a great teacher!!!! Thank you

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @SinnFein4ever Thanks for your wonderful feedback! I'm glad the crust was good!
--Betty :)

SinnFein4ever пишет: I used this with the Tropical Orange Chiffon Pie that I made today.\r
It turned out great!

Betty's Kitchen пишет: I'll take the blame--I'm sure you will enjoy your pie! Thanks for the sweet comment!\r
--Betty :)

Raiden Serrano пишет: Me and my younger cousin decided to make a pie today and I looked at this so we came up w the idea of using ritz crackers add cinnamon vanilla extract to the melted butter and we made the crust that way lml it was yum!!

Jim Copley пишет: can i use any type of crackers?D:

firefighter1811 пишет: Ok you done it this time Betty it is all your fault now I am going to have to make a pie in the next couple of days. LOL thank you for sharing this crust recipe.

RoboCNC Frees- \u0026 Graveerwerk пишет: Your beautiful....

MaryE MCLea пишет: nice

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Yes, it would be fine as the base of a cheesecake. The time in this recipe is short, because there is no filling.\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Jeffrey2735 Yes; just check it occasionally to make sure it is cooking evenly.
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @laurysocheerful Yes, actually you can. Most people don't think about it, but finely crushed butter crackers make a great pie crust!\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: You've probably seen it by now! I hope you like it!!!\r
--Betty :)

AquaClarisse пишет: i LOVE your kitchen! Thanks for the advice! where can i buy the pre-made graham crumbs?\r

Shannon Gray пишет: hey betty um if you dont have gram crackers can you use cream crackers ?

HamenChips109 пишет: @bettyskitchen Thank you very much! :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Yes, you may use just about any kind of cookie-type cracker.
--Betty :)

dancinggymnast98 пишет: Thank you for this wonderful recipe. My mom needed a good one and you solved that problem for her. Keep on cooking!:)

SinnFein4ever пишет: @bettyskitchen \r
I took your advice and served it cold.\r
It was a hit!\r
I think I'll use this rescipee to make shells for Pumpkin Banana Mouse Tarts next weekend, and when I make Praline Pumpkin Pie for my family for Thanksgiving!\r

Shannon Gray пишет: i betty can i use cream crackers instead

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks again for a wonderful comment! I appreciate your viewing and commenting!\r
Warm wishes,\r
--Betty :)

Baldoxxx4000 пишет: Pae!! she said Pae!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Dry ingredients should be measured with dry measures and liquid ingredients should be measured with liquid measures, regardless of what I used in this video. Sometimes I run out of measuring equipment and use approximations.
--Betty :)

nyOritah k. пишет: hi i wouLd Like to know if i can microwave it instead of putting it in the oven..bcoz i dont have an oven.. :) i wouLd reaLLy appreciate it if youLL repLy.. tnx betty.. :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: I usually use white sugar, but brown sugar will also work.
--Betty :)

Mounddog пишет: like your accent and outfit

dkkd123 пишет: cant wait 4 the filling

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @parrisdaley That sounds like a good idea!
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: I honestly don't think this particular pie crust needs any extra spice--it's very tasty! But, you may add 1/4 teaspoon of either cinnamon or nutmeg, and you will be able to taste a little extra flavor. thanks for commenting!\r
--Betty :)

IRON5 пишет: @bettyskitchen Thank you Betty.

cookwithadam пишет: Just posted a video of my key lime pie where I make a graham cracker crust too! This looks just as delicious!

minklerender пишет: @bettyskitchen
Hello Betty! I'd like to ask what's the volume of 1 cup that you're using. I live in a metric world and 1 cup with my measuring spoons is 100ml, and that really messed up my cooking

Audrey Brooks-Thomas пишет: mmmm, good!!

silentfades пишет: I again have never seen anyone cook with such pure and simple elegance \r
thanks \r
marc in nyc

Jim Copley пишет: so if i want to use this for cheesecake, i still need to bake it first? wouldnt it be burned the next time i bake it with the cheese fillings?

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @AquaClarisse I must have missed this question. I just get pre-made graham cracker crumbs at my local supermarket (Kroger).\r
--Betty :)

Vivien Chan пишет: Hi Betty, I tried your pecan pie recipe on this cracker pie crust, but it turned out burned!! Any reason why ?

Betty's Kitchen пишет: I'm not familiar with a digestive Biscuit. Graham crackers are made from graham flour. They are sweetened up and sometimes spiced with cinnamon. If you would rather substitute a cookie, like a vanilla wafer and crush those up, that would work just fine! Thanks for asking!
--Betty :)

Dennis Barry пишет: Hey Betty, you can use the bottom of a glass to press down and form the sides & bottom of the pie crust.

Betty's Kitchen пишет: A lot of home baked items are very easy--just wait for the filling! Thanks for your comment!\r
--Betty :)

PointingTheWeigh пишет: Unfortunately we don't have Graham Crackers here in the UK but I'm sure there will be an alternative, What are Graham Crackers? Are they like a Digestive Biscuit? What flavour and texture are they?\r
The crust look SOOO yummy!\r
UK Hugs x

Morga Shinwari пишет: i used a very similar recipe for a cheesecake graham cracker crust but with alot of butter this is so much better!* will try soon for my next new york style plain cheesecake! :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Hi Marc!\r
Thanks for your (always) sweet comments!\r
--Betty :)

halobona пишет: hi, Betty, I like this recipe. I have a question, \r
what mixture of water you add from the pan?

ekaj77 пишет: Would you recommend adding some cinnamon or nutmeg to the dough? Maybe both? I wouldn't know the proportions to avoid an overpowering spice flavor... Any suggestions?

chuchu7s пишет: Hi Betty,\r
Thanks so much for your pie crust recipe.\r
I am enjoying learning from your show\r
I love your beautiful kitchen and I love all\r
your beautiful outfits and your sweet voice.\r
I like how you go by step by step because\r
you make it easy to learn new cooking skills.\r

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @dee309s Thanks for your comment and your nice compliment!
--Betty :)

Breleigh Hines пишет: Hey if you were to use sugar would you prefer brown sugar or white sugar?

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @Mounddog Thanks!
--Betty :)

bowler8 пишет: everything looks perfect...you are awesome

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Thanks for your comment! I have showed so many pies with ready made crusts that I thought it was time to make the crust from scratch! And it is not much trouble with this type! Thanks forcommenting!
--Betty :)

firefighter1811 пишет: you are very welcome

Betty's Kitchen пишет: That's great! I hope you enjoy the recipe!\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: That's a great idea--much better than my method! Thanks for the compliment and the tip!\r
--Betty :)

HamenChips109 пишет: Does the graham cracker need to be finely crushed?
And can I use white sugar instead of powered sugar?

Betty's Kitchen пишет: Here's a big hint: Graham cracker pie crusts do not have to be baked. You can just refrigerate them and fill them, and keep them refrigerated. The crust will not be as crisp as a baked crust, but it will taste good. I don't think a microwave will give you the effect you want. Thanks for your question!\r
--Betty :)

Betty's Kitchen пишет: @laurysocheerful Yes, you should bake it first, unless you plan to fill it with something that bakes for a very long time.\r
--Betty :)

SinnFein4ever пишет: @bettyskitchen \r
I took your advice and served it cold.\r
It was a hit!\r
I think I'll use this rescipee to make shells for Pumpkin Banana Mouse Tarts next weekend, and when I make Praline Pecan Pie for my family for Thanksgiving!\r

Parris Daley пишет: imim going to do a video responce with shortbreag crumbs hope its not a flop
You'll Need:

1 box graham crackers -- 32
1 cup Granulated sugar
2 tsp Ground cinnamon

Procedures : Process 6 or 7 graham crackers at a time in a blender (or food processor fitted with the metal blade) until fine crumb stage is reached. Pour crumbs into a large bowl; repeat with remaining graham crackers. Stir in sugar and cinnamon. Pour into a conta
Makes about 9 c of Homemade Graham Cracker Crust Mix

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