суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Iced Caffe Latte Cups

How to make a cafe latte


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Step 1: Steam the Milk

The first step in brewing cafe latte is steaming the milk. Cafe lattes are typically served in huge cups, so 16 ounces of ice cold ideally fresh milk is one of the two main ingredients. It should be ice cold, because warm or room temperature milk cannot steam and foam well. With a culinary thermometer ready, dunk the steam wand of the espresso machine to the milk. Do not immerse it totally. Just dip it a little bit so that it barely touches the milk. It should not be above the surface, either. 

Turn on the steam wand. Use your sense of hearing, instead of sight, to judge if the steaming process is done correctly. The wand should suck in bubbles and not splatter the milk. If you want to use your eyes, a whirlpool is considered a good sign. The target temperature is anywhere between 155 and 160ºF. Be sure to turn off the wand before the temperature reaches 160ºF. The milk should continue to rise. Set aside the steamed milk to allow it to stiffen up a bit.

Step 2: Pull the Espresso

Cafe latte is typically foamy steamed milk flavored with thick Italian-style espresso coffee, so the second step in preparing cafe latte is brewing the espresso. Depending on the espresso coffee making tools you have, brew espresso using an extraction time of 18 to 22 seconds. 

The streams of dripping espresso should look like mouse tails. They should not be too thick or too thin. The perfect espresso is characterized by crema or "cream." The cream is actually a big, thick layer of natural coffee oil, concentrated by the espresso machine. It is the center of the flavor of the espresso. Good-looking crema can indicate delicious espresso.

Step 3: Flavor the Milk

Now that you have the two main ingredients for your first ever home-made cafe latte, it's time to mix them up or to flavor the foamy steamed milk with the rich espresso. Using a big spoon to hold back the foam, slowly pour the steamed milk to the big cup that will hold your cafe latte. You will want to save the last bit of creamy foam to use as a finishing touch later. 

Now pour the espresso coffee slowly into the milk. Finally, when you're done pouring the espresso, gently pou the milk foam you had saved earlier on top of the coffee. Now your cafe latte is ready to be served.

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susanlinda150 пишет: @HusqvarnaRules I agree with everything that you just said XD thou you said it with a bit more honesty then i would of have LOL

HbRbOxXeR пишет: your cafe isnt verry clean but you make great coffee :)

bebettertoday1 пишет: will come visit when I feel like a filthy coffee , made on a filthy machine ,by a rat tail , no wonder u got no customers!!!

Vally Zhang пишет: good!

Sam Baaj пишет: @Tanaka666666 Cafe latte = coffee & milk. So technically it is a Cafe latte. His technique on the other hand is completely retarded. Also if you think this is a Macchiato you are also a complete retard.

jonnymobs790 пишет: dude, i cant thank you enough for your vids. i just started at a cafeshop and to say i was threw into the deep end is an understatement so you're such a big help. subscribed!

ben dover пишет: Damn,didnt know just a cup of coffee could have its own science lol so deep.

Hunter Rayborn пишет: You must feel so big and bad with that bad language, aye?

susanlinda150 пишет: @NarthulRTFM yep looks like he did LOL XD

susanlinda150 пишет: @vegoya yeah its like that in new zealand too too many pretty coffees not enough good coffees
like i say learn to do the basics before you learn the harder stuff
sometimes i watch some people do some techniques that make me cringe ALOT lol

Hrcak1 пишет: What is good brand of coffee in Melbourne? Thanks

mimi jones пишет: why u making fun of me?? huh? with your stupid machine im POOR i cant afford that you idiot.....stupid old wrinkly smelly man BOOOO

S Sanders пишет: By letting the shot sit for more than 10 sec. it will taste burnt every time. Ruined

noisey23 пишет: That's not a latte

Bennjamin Scott пишет: What the fuck did I just watch!?

StriclySunny пишет: Oh boy what a discrace. Your tamping and extraction was AWFUL! Furthermore this not a cafe latte, but a latte macchiato..

Weso1296 пишет: YOU ARE VERY HELPFUL, my friend. Thank you :) i subed.

CantoraMask пишет: @Evaldas521 \r
At home, something you can do which I find quite useful, is to do your milk, simlar to the way he does it (and in your case you should lower the panarello further in to the milk if you cant just take it off. Most Saeco ones are removable I thought?) and once finished, put it directly under the portafilter and draw the coffee directly in to the milk. Then once done, pour it in to your glass, the same way as in the video, and leave some froth till the end.

bircruz555 пишет: Give him a slack. You are piling up on him. He is trying to show people one way to make the drink. You cannot judge good or bad cafe latte unless you drank it. Taste is the final arbiter. The foam is standard only with cappuchino. Cafe latte need not have it. The milk is not foamed in Italy and in places that follow the original practice. It is American adaptation, much like pizza in Italy is not the same as pizza in America. The time it takes to make it is a valid criticism if you retail.

insertanamee пишет: hahah you suck. this is not a latte.

MrK0ni пишет: Dude...that's a Latte Macchiato..if at all.
Your Espresso shots died long time before you used them.

For a cafe latte, you need to pour the milk directly after steaming over the fresh Espresso shot. You can basically throw the shot away, after it stays there over 10 seconds..

Airlessbadger пишет: Your method is horrific..especially if you have a line of 20+ people waiting for a drink..i would just walk away if i was a customer :L

shalltovo пишет: great coffes you make there i had a idea but now im good thakxs

alfombrodrb пишет: Not a latte. Too much foam and milk goes into the shot so you can play with the mix of crema and froth. Dissapointing training here

Yousef Al-Nassar пишет: Stupid airhead I want to make some damn coffee with caffeine not a bio reactor ?
i'm outta here to the cafe

Kong Leung пишет: wrong tamping

profssrfunk пишет: so whats the difference between a breve latte and a cafe latte

cks0950 пишет: why does a latte even has that much foam in it

ben dover пишет: your just making it sound more interesting :P
if this was your product,id be sold haha

Cesar Anthony Manzo Casiano пишет: That latte has too much foam and a latte does not have the shots on top, that's a latte machiatto. A latte is shots first, then milk with a small layer of foam.

Hadassah Green пишет: Is this a joke? This has to be a joke. The coffee is so bad, and he's doing everything wrong... it's a joke, right?

mcchrisco пишет: @yogiyo56 Ok, upload your own series of videos showing us Americans how to make coffee, then show proof you work in a good coffee shop. Then maybe someone will listen.

Alphahawk A25 пишет: or you can use a kureig...

Teana Dunham пишет: @HusqvarnaRules shut up i dont see you making coffe vids!

ben dover пишет: hell yeah man..this would make one interesting hobby (:

Andres Manuel Rodríguez Duhr пишет: one question why it has to be ice cold milk?, you say the foams some better, so should we allways use icecold milk to make good foams?

Idan Reuveni пишет: Look LIke Beer Or What?

Ps05205 пишет: if you want to achieve layered latte macchiato wait at least 20 sec after you pour steamed milk into the cup,foam will separate from milk and shots will not get mixed with milk.After you see a clear line between milk and foam you can pour the shots.You can also speed up the process by pouring a bit of cold milk into it.You were right by pouring the shots slowly,that is important.What I do in the end is covering spots after pouring by fresh foam.And last thing, proper barista never uses spoon.

Jeff Mende пишет: like the music; appreciate the video;

choon guan lim пишет: Pls clean up. Your tools and surrounding is so untidy.

ApriliaCityMelbourne пишет: ah wtf ?! you let the milk SIT?!? STIFFENING? espresso made and milk JUST made otherwise you get a head on your milk and need to swish it around in the jug. trained by new zealands top barista 2011

Josh Hill пишет: the comparison to mousetails really makes me want that hahaha

Crawfish1has2mints пишет: > Look up Gwilym Davies
> Watch how to make a real latte and the methods behind it
> Call yourself a barista until you've mastered the basics

James Vaughn пишет: @maddles21 i just got a Mr coffe espresso machine from target, it work real well

1061shrink1061 пишет: I have to agree with others, this was quite a poorly made latte (and it wasnt really a latte). You never pour the shots over the milk, doing that means you get poor incorporation and absolutely zero opportunity for latte art. Second, latte's need microfoam, not full on marshmallow foam. The light dusting of foam on the top of a latte, is a natural characteristic of a good pour from well steamed milk. Lastly, you tamp once, not twice, and the tamp should be level, not squint as was shown here.

Max Lowe пишет: thats a huge cup for a late

Niku Jamamoto пишет: This has to be a fucking joke?!

Adam Dean Shafi пишет: Very informative and great length. Detailed and precise video. Idk why there is so much hate lol.

Sam Baaj пишет: @Tanaka666666 Italian lesson 101
cafe = coffee
latte = milk
macchiato = spotted
you = idiot

Oxy Tony пишет: By the way.. contact me if you would like to a sample of truly fresh coffee. :) Thank you

tremblaytwo пишет: Wrong. And it's a tutorial, he's not making you a drink to have through your laptop, mangiacake.

markpianoman пишет: "Perfectly tamped espresso" -- you've got to be kidding -- your tamper was soooo crooked,

julien aumasson пишет: dude worste looking latte ever!!!!

momentousnation пишет: Since I got some pointers from coffeeloverstipsandtricks (.) com I've saved so muuch money

Evaldas S пишет: Well, not everyone has a commercial machine at home, with such powerful steamer. You should be showing more how to steam the milk with a machine suited for home. For example I have a Saeco with a "panarello" device, that is a pain in the ass, and always get too much foam because it introduces too much air into the milk, if I'd be using what you're using it'd be a piece of cake!

Josiah Till пишет: @Xiia0Sn00pY Damn

yogiyo galloté пишет: 1st: since when americans gonna teach us how to make coffee???!!!
2nd: Use a spoon to make a coffee,, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER
3rd:What u did for me it's not a latte man...
Start with basics man, come in australia to practice.

mryoheylol пишет: I'd say this was more of a cappuccino than a latte. Lattes don't really have that much foam/froth on the top.

madelyne thomas пишет: Any recommendations for at home espresso machines?? This video was amazing.. now if only I can get the right equipment.

Quang Huy Le пишет: Did he work for Starbuck before?????

Teana Dunham пишет: That lie of a comment isn't even worth my time :l

La Femme Dominus пишет: pretty good man, i think you overfilled it just a little though. awesome vids

AirHalfling пишет: It was steamed

Daniel Tara пишет: This is a latte macchiato not a cafe latte. To make a cafe latte you need to pour the milk in the espresso, not the other way around. Also, the foam you made is too dry for a cafe latte. You should make a wet foam and you should also mix it a bit with the milk before pouring it to make the milk have a gooey consistency.

Teana Dunham пишет: @HusqvarnaRules Shit stands for store high in transport. This term was used by sailors so they could remember to store the animal feces up high . Also swearing is really a way of saying im a idiot living in a low class family and i never went to college! . And if you had any idea on how to make a cafe latte` you wouldnt be searching it on YouTube. Next time dont try to criticize someone who has a job and can pay the bills to nurture your obviously bruised self esteem

Fabio Vegoya пишет: @nauseousnathan really? Where exactly? In Melbourne is very hard find a good coffee, cappuccino, latte or espresso. Very often the coffee is always burnt. You can put 3 or 4 sugars in there and it is still bitter. The problem is there are so many courses they teach you how make a nice flower on the cappuccino instead of making a good cappuccino.

Antonio Pickett пишет: To all those who watched this, this is a terrible latte. Milk should be poured over the espresso, not the other way around.

kenny maese пишет: Do you have anything to say to these comments?

NarthulRTFM пишет: Errr so you made a latte macchiato, not a cafe latte.

andrelis35 пишет: Don't do lattes like this...
latte stands for milky coffe
in this guys videos i notices he puts exactly the same amount of espresso to all his coffes thats just wrong.
for a latte you should first of all put 1 shot of espresso to your cup , then add nicely foamed micro foam and try to make latte art.
All off this guys videos are just american rubbish coffes not proper italian style coffes.
You can judge the man buy his equipment and this guys equipment is all dirti and in stains.

simonmafy пишет: I thought expresso shot spoiled after 10 seconds of extraction.

mossesphom пишет: I work at Starbucks, I have to say, this is way better then our latte wich we make in a big hurry becouse we have to make like 1000 transactions in a shift! Coffee five!!

Oxy Tony пишет: I would have to agree with pseudoxiah. My father is a roaster and has never use this "SCIENCE technique". My father can make you a real Latte with truly fresh coffee. I have to say nice try on making yourself like a pro.. But I must say.. Buddy.. you have a long way to go. Good Luck. Fresh Coffee makes all the difference in the world, without true fresh coffee... you are just selling "starbucks" coffee.

louieiscarzy пишет: thats so fucken american its not funny

annerki пишет: Mate, stop making these videos.... you have no idea how to make a perfect cafe latte & your misinforming others!!!! please pay no attention to this idiot!

Ryan Morris пишет: @jonnymobs790 hey Jonny, no problem at all glad I can help. if you ever have any questions let me know, owning a cafe is hard but can be amazing if you have the right support. -Ryan

whatever1824ff . пишет: Really Helpful !!!! thx

David Grabowski пишет: Thanks so much for this fantastic video! I've been making espresso at home that's just as good as Starbucks!

halfbreed1426 пишет: People, please listen. I've been making coffee for better part of my working life, and there are tens of different deviations as to how one makes and kind of labeled coffee type. This, albiet unsusal, is among the many ways one can make a Lattee.\r
Other methods include:\r
-One espresso shot, extracted into the glass, froth milk co-terminus, pour ino espresso\r
-Espresso shot, and milk served seperate\r
-Froth first, extract into milk.\r

La Femme Dominus пишет: @yogiyo56 oh shut up

yogiyo galloté пишет: http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=FuJbz0fSIqc&lc=7gyuFc2WKD5Mdy5ZpMwWGIhi4_ar2ap7GtTXkbjY_6c

eric t пишет: clean your basket man! all that spent coffee in there is going to kill any potentially decent, well extracted espresso.

maxval54 пишет: Hi. I'm working as a barista for 2 weeks now, and in our training they told us NOT to use a spoon to distribute the foam around the cup, but i think using a spoon is an ideal way to put in the foam in a perfect way. What is the proper way to do it??? it depends of the milk you're using??

don'tblink пишет: I've seen so many pretentious videos lately on coffee. I like yours because you're still making beautiful coffees, but your not a dick about it :) thanks\r

TheDavidMac90 пишет: Your group handles will last longer if you tamp on the side of a table dude. Also, funky machine, also. Americans don't know how to make coffee. You should be good enough with the steam wand to make your milk perfect without using a spoon :)

bebettertoday1 пишет: clean your bastard curtains u filthy bitch!

susanlinda150 пишет: @HusqvarnaRules I agree with everything that you just said XD thou you said it with a bit more honesty then i would of have LOL

HbRbOxXeR пишет: your cafe isnt verry clean but you make great coffee :)

bebettertoday1 пишет: will come visit when I feel like a filthy coffee , made on a filthy machine ,by a rat tail , no wonder u got no customers!!!

Vally Zhang пишет: good!

Sam Baaj пишет: @Tanaka666666 Cafe latte = coffee & milk. So technically it is a Cafe latte. His technique on the other hand is completely retarded. Also if you think this is a Macchiato you are also a complete retard.

jonnymobs790 пишет: dude, i cant thank you enough for your vids. i just started at a cafeshop and to say i was threw into the deep end is an understatement so you're such a big help. subscribed!

ben dover пишет: Damn,didnt know just a cup of coffee could have its own science lol so deep.

Hunter Rayborn пишет: You must feel so big and bad with that bad language, aye?

susanlinda150 пишет: @NarthulRTFM yep looks like he did LOL XD

susanlinda150 пишет: @vegoya yeah its like that in new zealand too too many pretty coffees not enough good coffees
like i say learn to do the basics before you learn the harder stuff
sometimes i watch some people do some techniques that make me cringe ALOT lol

Hrcak1 пишет: What is good brand of coffee in Melbourne? Thanks

mimi jones пишет: why u making fun of me?? huh? with your stupid machine im POOR i cant afford that you idiot.....stupid old wrinkly smelly man BOOOO

S Sanders пишет: By letting the shot sit for more than 10 sec. it will taste burnt every time. Ruined

noisey23 пишет: That's not a latte
You'll Need:

Preparation - 5 minutes and freezing time

4 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup freshly made espresso coffee
1 3/4 cups evaporated milk
1 cup light cream
handful roasted coffee beans
cantuccini or chocolate finger cookies, to serve

Procedures : Stir the sugar into the coffee until dissolved. Mix in the evaporated milk and cream.
Pour into six coffee cups and scatter four or five coffee beans on top of each. Freeze for several hours until frozen solid.
About an hour before serving, transfer to the refrigerator, then serve with a biscuit or two on the side

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