суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Linguine with Red Clam Sauce

Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce


This is The Bald Chef's favorite Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce. Vongole con Linguini is a classic recipe made with a marinara sauce infused with fresh clams. The Bald Chef will show you how to make this outstanding Italian pasta dish. Some like their clam sauce white but the tomato, red pepper, and basil are much more flavorful.
This is The Bald Chef's favorite Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce. Vongole con Linguini is a classic Italian recipe made with a marinara sauce infused with fresh clam liquor. Crowed with fresh Little Neck clams that are sweet and tasty. The Bald Chef will show you how to make this outstanding Italian pasta dish. Some like their clam sauce white and it's not to bad . But Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce is a much better recipe. The Italian plum tomatoes , red hot pepper, basil, and the garlic are much more flavorful.For more on this Italian Cuisine recipe and how to cook Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce check the recipe at http://www.thebaldchef.net/linguini-r...

The Bald Chef пишет: Clams vrs oysters I think this would be a great recipe give it a try and get back to me with the results!

joed596 пишет: Glen . . .. quick question: at around 2:50 if there IS still sand at this point, could you just filter it out with gauze before continuing?\r
I never tried cooking clams before :-(\r
Thanks again, "Bald Chef"\r

Maliwan Madong пишет: Looks so nice i love to test it :-)

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks man!

De Ce Ma пишет: I'm gonna try this tonight! Looks delicious!

joed596 пишет: Glen, you do a GREAT job! You could use your Italian bread with this! ;-)\r
But, how do you decide what to make each night? Does your wife or your daughter ask for something in particular? Or do they leave it all up to you?\r
Just curious!\r
All best, Jersey Joe :-)

ManCaveMeals пишет: Looks awesome! BTW- I hit Cuba Libre last week and it was excellent :)

FitAnge S пишет: Yum I love linguini. Never tried it with clam sauce though. Very interesting.

The Bald Chef пишет: Did it help when you added the vinegar to the recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce ? I would love to know how it tasted.

The Bald Chef пишет: Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce rocks on. Like it might wake up Keith Moon! I don't get too excited about many of my recipes but this is the best of the best when it comes to cooking. Thanks for the support, if you ever want to cook any of my recipes this is the one! I would have to say this is my signature dish, and that’s a bold statement

The Bald Chef пишет: Now your cooking looks like you mastered the Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe. This is now your recipe, great job!

EZGlutenFree пишет: This looks fantastic. I don'r know why I'm always making it with white sauce. After seeing your video, I'm thinking I gotta break out the red sauce. Nice job.

Mugwump Kwingwaage пишет: Well, I tried with the clams. Didn't get as much clam taste as I'd have liked. I'll try with the fishier oyster next time.

The Bald Chef пишет: When you go with the red clam sauce you will never go back to a Linguini with white sauce. The Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce is so much more flavorful. Give this recipe a try and you will then see what I know! Thanks always for your support and comments.

The Bald Chef пишет: When you think you have this recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce your style down to your cooking specifications I would love to hear about your cooking experience and ideas!

CheesySanchez пишет: It gave the sauce a certain sheen, I'm not sure if you achieved the look but when I used the vinegar, it gave the sauce more shine. The acidic of the wine I used and that of the vinegar complimented the clams. It was very much along the lines of lemon complimenting crabs or salmon. I very much enjoyed the clam sauce you made before hand. I would've never though to do that prior but now I do!!! :)

Mugwump Kwingwaage пишет: Yeah, hopefully they don't dissolve. And maybe have to balance out the spices or use something else to bring out the taste of seafood in such a dish. Ah well, that's the fun of cooking. Experiment!

The Bald Chef пишет: Oh you have to try this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe just one time. It's good, and if you have never had clam sauce take my recommendation. Thanks for your comment, and have a good day!

The Root Boy Cooks ! пишет: Red is the best! Everybody makes the white but I love the red. Another great recipe! Thumbs Way Up!

Chumplestilskin пишет: Looks excellent! Going shopping for the stuff tonight!

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks Joe for your comment, and question. I will start off by saying my children are all grown and out on their own. My wife almost never eats my food. She likes rice and vegetables. I myself enjoy all types of food! some nights it might be Italian food. Then I just think of an Italian recipe, like Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce for example. Then I get my camera out and start cooking, and filming. Eat the meal and edit and post the video. This then gives me content for my web site.

The Bald Chef пишет: This is sad. Thank God I live on the East coast where we still have fresh Clams. One thing is for sure this is an outstanding recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce (Vongole con Linguini). Thanks for your review and comment.

The Bald Chef пишет: Well it will be worth the effort, this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe is off the hook. When you cook this pasta dish re -post the results, I would love to hear your review! Thanks for checking this recipe out and good luck!

lpgft пишет: As I am watching this video I am eating my linguini with my concoction of pasta sauce and added jar bought clams and i must say, yours looks much more deliciousa !! I trya thisa nexta timea !!

CheesySanchez пишет: I added a bit of vinegar to blend with the red wine.

Chumplestilskin пишет: Yep..tried again tonight with 3/4 Tablespoon. Just right! I felt like a pro. Tasty recipe

Mugwump Kwingwaage пишет: How about oysters without the shell?

The Bald Chef пишет: I would love to hear how your Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce comes out with fishier oysters! Might be tasty , thanks for the post!

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks Deanna.This is a great recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce, and it is delicious. If you cook this Italian recipe tell me how it came out.

The Bald Chef пишет: Great minds think alike. Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce is the best and i refuse to argue this point. Thanks for your comment and good taste!

Nirwan Mainali пишет: Gonna try this tonight. Looks good.

Chumplestilskin пишет: Followed it exact, great but a little spicy for me. I think next time I will put in a half tablespoon of rushed red pepper and work it up from there. Thanks for the recipe!

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks for your good taste and comment! I just love this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe.

The Bald Chef пишет: Maliwan do your self a favor and try cooking this Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce. It is easy to cook and tates great. Thanks for your rview of my pasta recipe :) Cheers!

The Bald Chef пишет: Well I have always been a big fan of this Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce. It a great recipe, and I thank you for your comment!

gck82V пишет: Thank you!!

The Bald Chef пишет: Cut down on the crushed red peppers and you may find the sweet spot for this recipe that is talored to your taste. Thanks for giving this e Linguini With Red Clam Sauce a try! :)

The Bald Chef пишет: Give this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe a try. I think you would love it. Thanks for the comment.

James Strange пишет: Looks really good!

The Bald Chef пишет: Joe at 2:50 what you are seeing is a tan color that may appear to be sand but I can assure you it is not.What you are seeing is the Marsala Wine,garlic, and the clam liquor. I am an absolute stickler when it comes to preparing clams, I have made the mistake of not washing the sand off of clams in the past. One thing I also do, that was not seen, is I take the clam liquor and pour it into the measuring cup very closely so that the last few ounces that may contain residual sand are never used.

bebebutterfield1 пишет: Ummmm I love clam sauce red or white. Due to the Fucushima radiation leak I'm giving up any shell fish...sadly. We live in the great north west and I just dont want to risk radiation poisoning. Maybe when the big fishing industries start crying the world leaders will send in a clean up crew. Nice video and sorry to bring up a enviromental disaster. TY for sharing.

The Bald Chef пишет: Clams vrs oysters I think this would be a great recipe give it a try and get back to me with the results!

joed596 пишет: Glen . . .. quick question: at around 2:50 if there IS still sand at this point, could you just filter it out with gauze before continuing?\r
I never tried cooking clams before :-(\r
Thanks again, "Bald Chef"\r

Maliwan Madong пишет: Looks so nice i love to test it :-)

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks man!

De Ce Ma пишет: I'm gonna try this tonight! Looks delicious!

joed596 пишет: Glen, you do a GREAT job! You could use your Italian bread with this! ;-)\r
But, how do you decide what to make each night? Does your wife or your daughter ask for something in particular? Or do they leave it all up to you?\r
Just curious!\r
All best, Jersey Joe :-)

ManCaveMeals пишет: Looks awesome! BTW- I hit Cuba Libre last week and it was excellent :)

FitAnge S пишет: Yum I love linguini. Never tried it with clam sauce though. Very interesting.

The Bald Chef пишет: Did it help when you added the vinegar to the recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce ? I would love to know how it tasted.

The Bald Chef пишет: Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce rocks on. Like it might wake up Keith Moon! I don't get too excited about many of my recipes but this is the best of the best when it comes to cooking. Thanks for the support, if you ever want to cook any of my recipes this is the one! I would have to say this is my signature dish, and that’s a bold statement

The Bald Chef пишет: Now your cooking looks like you mastered the Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe. This is now your recipe, great job!

EZGlutenFree пишет: This looks fantastic. I don'r know why I'm always making it with white sauce. After seeing your video, I'm thinking I gotta break out the red sauce. Nice job.

Mugwump Kwingwaage пишет: Well, I tried with the clams. Didn't get as much clam taste as I'd have liked. I'll try with the fishier oyster next time.

The Bald Chef пишет: When you go with the red clam sauce you will never go back to a Linguini with white sauce. The Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce is so much more flavorful. Give this recipe a try and you will then see what I know! Thanks always for your support and comments.

The Bald Chef пишет: When you think you have this recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce your style down to your cooking specifications I would love to hear about your cooking experience and ideas!

CheesySanchez пишет: It gave the sauce a certain sheen, I'm not sure if you achieved the look but when I used the vinegar, it gave the sauce more shine. The acidic of the wine I used and that of the vinegar complimented the clams. It was very much along the lines of lemon complimenting crabs or salmon. I very much enjoyed the clam sauce you made before hand. I would've never though to do that prior but now I do!!! :)

Mugwump Kwingwaage пишет: Yeah, hopefully they don't dissolve. And maybe have to balance out the spices or use something else to bring out the taste of seafood in such a dish. Ah well, that's the fun of cooking. Experiment!

The Bald Chef пишет: Oh you have to try this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe just one time. It's good, and if you have never had clam sauce take my recommendation. Thanks for your comment, and have a good day!

The Root Boy Cooks ! пишет: Red is the best! Everybody makes the white but I love the red. Another great recipe! Thumbs Way Up!

Chumplestilskin пишет: Looks excellent! Going shopping for the stuff tonight!

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks Joe for your comment, and question. I will start off by saying my children are all grown and out on their own. My wife almost never eats my food. She likes rice and vegetables. I myself enjoy all types of food! some nights it might be Italian food. Then I just think of an Italian recipe, like Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce for example. Then I get my camera out and start cooking, and filming. Eat the meal and edit and post the video. This then gives me content for my web site.

The Bald Chef пишет: This is sad. Thank God I live on the East coast where we still have fresh Clams. One thing is for sure this is an outstanding recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce (Vongole con Linguini). Thanks for your review and comment.

The Bald Chef пишет: Well it will be worth the effort, this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe is off the hook. When you cook this pasta dish re -post the results, I would love to hear your review! Thanks for checking this recipe out and good luck!

lpgft пишет: As I am watching this video I am eating my linguini with my concoction of pasta sauce and added jar bought clams and i must say, yours looks much more deliciousa !! I trya thisa nexta timea !!

CheesySanchez пишет: I added a bit of vinegar to blend with the red wine.

Chumplestilskin пишет: Yep..tried again tonight with 3/4 Tablespoon. Just right! I felt like a pro. Tasty recipe

Mugwump Kwingwaage пишет: How about oysters without the shell?

The Bald Chef пишет: I would love to hear how your Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce comes out with fishier oysters! Might be tasty , thanks for the post!

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks Deanna.This is a great recipe for Linguini With Red Clam Sauce, and it is delicious. If you cook this Italian recipe tell me how it came out.

The Bald Chef пишет: Great minds think alike. Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce is the best and i refuse to argue this point. Thanks for your comment and good taste!

Nirwan Mainali пишет: Gonna try this tonight. Looks good.

Chumplestilskin пишет: Followed it exact, great but a little spicy for me. I think next time I will put in a half tablespoon of rushed red pepper and work it up from there. Thanks for the recipe!

The Bald Chef пишет: Thanks for your good taste and comment! I just love this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe.

The Bald Chef пишет: Maliwan do your self a favor and try cooking this Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce. It is easy to cook and tates great. Thanks for your rview of my pasta recipe :) Cheers!

The Bald Chef пишет: Well I have always been a big fan of this Italian recipe Linguini With Red Clam Sauce. It a great recipe, and I thank you for your comment!

gck82V пишет: Thank you!!

The Bald Chef пишет: Cut down on the crushed red peppers and you may find the sweet spot for this recipe that is talored to your taste. Thanks for giving this e Linguini With Red Clam Sauce a try! :)

The Bald Chef пишет: Give this Italian Linguini With Red Clam Sauce recipe a try. I think you would love it. Thanks for the comment.

James Strange пишет: Looks really good!

The Bald Chef пишет: Joe at 2:50 what you are seeing is a tan color that may appear to be sand but I can assure you it is not.What you are seeing is the Marsala Wine,garlic, and the clam liquor. I am an absolute stickler when it comes to preparing clams, I have made the mistake of not washing the sand off of clams in the past. One thing I also do, that was not seen, is I take the clam liquor and pour it into the measuring cup very closely so that the last few ounces that may contain residual sand are never used.

bebebutterfield1 пишет: Ummmm I love clam sauce red or white. Due to the Fucushima radiation leak I'm giving up any shell fish...sadly. We live in the great north west and I just dont want to risk radiation poisoning. Maybe when the big fishing industries start crying the world leaders will send in a clean up crew. Nice video and sorry to bring up a enviromental disaster. TY for sharing.
You'll Need:

1 (11 ounce) package fresh linguine
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
4 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1 (28 ounce) can crushed Italian tomatoes in pur�e
1/2 cup clam juice
1 pound littleneck clams, scrubbed

Procedures : Prepare pasta according to package directions.

Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, heat olive oil and butter over medium heat. Add the garlic and simmer for 3 minutes or just until the garlic begins to color. Take care not to burn the garlic. Add basil, salt, tomatoes and clam juice. Lower heat and simmer for about 8 minutes. Add clams; cover and simmer for about 3 minutes or until clams open.

Ladle sauce and clams over drained pasta.

Yields 4 servings

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