Spicy Mexican Grilled Cheese Sandwich - The Melt Master
Chef Eric Greenspan turns a traditional Oaxacan recipe for mole sauce from famous Mexican restaurant Guelaguetza into an unbelievable grilled cheese sandwich. Subscribe! http://goo.gl/Z7lbS
Go on more mind-blowing grilled cheese adventures: http://goo.gl/n9UkD
In this episode of Melt Master, chef Eric Greenspan does the unthinkable— he uses chocolate bread to house a spicy grilled cheese sandwich. It may sound weird but the recipe will make sense when you see how the Mole Master, Bricia Lopez of Guelaguetza restaurant, makes the famous Mexican sauce using chocolate, cinnamon, chilies, herbs, tomatoes, sesame seeds and ton of other ingredients. A couple shots of mezcal later — including one with a scorpion — the Melt Master lets the traditional Oaxacan flavors guide him towards another amazing, over-the-top grilled cheese sandwich recipe. Cotija cheese takes center stage but gets dressed up with a "slaw" of red onions and plantains marinated in a guajillo chili and lime juice puree. Some crunchy chicharonnes (aka pork rinds) provide that satisfying crunch, but you'll never guess how he finishes off the sandwich. Actually, maybe you will — it's a nice bath of butter and more cheese!
In this new Tasted.com show, chef Eric Greenspan, world-renowned chef, takes on the most insane culinary journey of his life: Proving himself the King of Grilled Cheese. Each episode, we challenge him to make a unique, never-before-seen grilled cheese sandwich inspired by iconic foods from landmark restaurants, from Randy's Donuts to Bludso's BBQ. Yes, you will be seeing a doughnut grilled cheese!
Watch the Eric make the grilled cheese that put him on the map in Star Chef Secrets: http://youtu.be/URYkQRY387c
New episodes of The Melt Master every Thursday on Tasted!
Chef Eric Greenspan turns a traditional Oaxacan recipe for mole sauce from famous Mexican restaurant Guelaguetza into an unbelievable grilled cheese sandwich. Subscribe! http://goo.gl/Z7lbS
Go on more mind-blowing grilled cheese adventures: http://goo.gl/n9UkD
In this episode of Melt Master, chef Eric Greenspan does the unthinkable— he uses chocolate bread to house a spicy grilled cheese sandwich. It may sound weird but the recipe will make sense when you see how the Mole Master, Bricia Lopez of Guelaguetza restaurant, makes the famous Mexican sauce using chocolate, cinnamon, chilies, herbs, tomatoes, sesame seeds and ton of other ingredients. A couple shots of mezcal later — including one with a scorpion — the Melt Master lets the traditional Oaxacan flavors guide him towards another amazing, over-the-top grilled cheese sandwich recipe. Cotija cheese takes center stage but gets dressed up with a "slaw" of red onions and plantains marinated in a guajillo chili and lime juice puree. Some crunchy chicharonnes (aka pork rinds) provide that satisfying crunch, but you'll never guess how he finishes off the sandwich. Actually, maybe you will — it's a nice bath of butter and more cheese!
In this new Tasted.com show, chef Eric Greenspan, world-renowned chef, takes on the most insane culinary journey of his life: Proving himself the King of Grilled Cheese. Each episode, we challenge him to make a unique, never-before-seen grilled cheese sandwich inspired by iconic foods from landmark restaurants, from Randy's Donuts to Bludso's BBQ. Yes, you will be seeing a doughnut grilled cheese!
Watch the Eric make the grilled cheese that put him on the map in Star Chef Secrets: http://youtu.be/URYkQRY387c
New episodes of The Melt Master every Thursday on Tasted!
HaxorSpain пишет: Actually no.
supamsp пишет: This series needs more views.....It's hilarious and entertaining. This and burger lab top my charts
Tasted пишет: WORTH IT!
Dara S пишет: This guy is like the cutest fluffiest thing in the whole entire world, I just wanna eat him (no homo)
im100percentg пишет: Why are you here? 37 people here voting but yet continue to watch. Drink bleach
SlurW0nn пишет: Diabetes right there
XxxPallyxxX пишет: I recommend eating mole with white rice the combination is so fucking good is hard to describe, you just got to try it.
MrBlackLenses пишет: She's beautiful, not hot, guys.
George Washington пишет: WTF
gimeamin602 пишет: that's a greasy ass sandwich
Tasted пишет: the voice at the end? yes.
Sam neeqa пишет: Dude, will you eat anything? God that's looks nasty .
Saad Safar пишет: Please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia !!
Slippingaway86 пишет: Sooo horribly fat
Johnwightyful пишет: This guy is so annoying.
Bryan Adams пишет: Best thing ive ever seen
Weed Talk пишет: I will not do this to my colon
BigGlokk пишет: Your comment disgusts me.
dannykey5 пишет: why do u support a fat guy gettin bigger and bigger?!
benzin1614 пишет: C'mon man I'm Mexican, Actually I live in Oaxaca, this are mexican candies, real mexican cheese, and chocolate, take it from some one who knows. neta soy mexicano wey, no es choro.
Juan Sanchez пишет: She's beautiful!
MrOldestPerson пишет: the woman's really pretty.
EWillard44 пишет: What happened to this man's neck? Somebody stole it I guess.
A Eman пишет: The Melt Master... Best ever!
IvoryDoll пишет: SIGN THE PETITION
GamersAgainstBigotry org
Tasted пишет: def not
Butt HoleTerror пишет: damn, that's one sexy ass latina
Bonz Gallen пишет: The last thing this 'chef' needs is a grilled cheese sandwich!
V Wu пишет: best. show. EVER.
Ghengis Khan пишет: Oh god....The calories.....
Totally worth it......
Keovink пишет: Damnn she's cute.
J.I. Vargas пишет: a hot chick who can cook delicious mexican food? what more could a guy ask for?
Payton Campbell пишет: does he have trouble breathing?
Kree Thatisme пишет: Greenspan brought me here. Literally ran into him yesterday on Melrose. Cool Dude. Even Cooler Channel! *subscribes*
187tynes пишет: i love it when she deep sucks her finger he he he!! lol...i am in love!!
The Super Floor Mat пишет: why don't these people have there own TV show?
blackdragon1399 пишет: so what happens if they dont like the gill cheese
HiddenStar пишет: He looks and sounds like he's constipated when he's trying to make a decision...
GOGETTERKAMIKAZ11111 пишет: Soloyod racist prick
Eris Alvarez пишет: This guy reminds me of the plus size guy on jurassic park. Yish.
Ricardo Romero пишет: I went to that place 3 days ago
bensontam пишет: Actually, the more I watch this show, the more I like the host.
Dennis Buzz пишет: she fine
kat k пишет: mexicans know how to mafuckin cook i mean am i wrong here god i love tasted
Jerome Le пишет: I would have subscribed but this guy needs to take it down a notch lol
Yassin Rebin пишет: I miss this show
ssjmeetri пишет: this fucking porn right here
Tasted пишет: YEAH!
Luis Angon пишет: Where exactly is this restaurant?
im100percentg пишет: I would marry this mexican woman...she is very hot. Hopefully that doesn't change
Syphian пишет: @ 4:10 Seth is that you?
yakuzelizard пишет: Couldnt get through it...that dude ruined for me....
BiggyMacSauce пишет: This guy is fuckin hilarious
MRYOUDONTKNOWJACK пишет: daaaaammmnn, knowing hes a chef i did NOT need to see his dirty ass finger nails at 4:09 fuckin guy man lol
Levi Kemner пишет: I cant watch this shit i have to puke about the edditing. top comment so true.
winkydinkable пишет: His laugh in slow motion is almost exactly like Seth Rogen's laugh.
llamaking1995 пишет: 1:38 eye to breasts, target aquired
Rosalie Mayo пишет: His smile at the end all devious lol!
Jon пишет: Woahh dude I just saw you on Bar Rescue!
eligirl100 пишет: i need to get me some chocolate bread
CaptinTrips пишет: That looked good and I really do not eat that kind of stuff ><
Long69Horns пишет: classic seth rogan laugh @ 4:10
Krain N пишет: i love this host tbh
jaylovesmj50 пишет: how i long to bite into one of the melt masters astounding creations. my saliva glands are pleading with me.
Aristocob пишет: I ate there tonight for the first of what I hope will be many times, thanks to you. The molé was awesome and after a grasshopper appetizer I enjoyed the Molé Negro chicken. Between the two of us and the three people beside us we weren't able to put a dent in those grasshoppers, though. Thanks for highlighting this gem.
NorthLakeWhisperer1 пишет: Melt Master is a godlike genius...
MrCasualplayer пишет: this guy needs to host every fucking show ever
Jerkie Boi Productions пишет: OMG. She's so hot!
Jamie Todd пишет: i love this man
lolwalker пишет: I go here alot these place is awesome
FALL4TIMESGETUP5 пишет: that girl is fineeee
sagenspirit пишет: my god i wish they had one of those places on the east coast
dxelson пишет: you're*~
so you're telling me that you dont lose any fat at allby running/exercising you only lose fat by dieting?
i was just giving a sugesting~ runing 20 min per day would make a huge diference for him
Jeremie Chung пишет: hold on, hold on 00:58 MoLE NEGRo?
oly пишет: Eewww his nails are dirty!! Can't believe she let him put his fingers all over ewww
koolaid5684 пишет: Goddam that looked tasty
brandon idgaf пишет: Mexican food is delicious Mexican dessert... not so much and Mexican candy... hit and miss mstly miss lol
amadeus her пишет: im not goin watch this guys videos again its just pure dumb like the way he acts and etc. but still goin watch why woud u eat that and etc.
TheBoontu пишет: She can get the dick
redscarf11 пишет: Eric makes it happen!
BigUrb65 пишет: She my dream girl
John Marano пишет: T? Ron?
blacktigertheone пишет: Do you have a car,or you ate your car?
veal225 пишет: She makes me hor-- hungry lol
Jozef Rigore пишет: She's the perfect woman.
Tasted пишет: AWESOME!!!
Max Is Here пишет: The robot
HaxorSpain пишет: Actually no.
supamsp пишет: This series needs more views.....It's hilarious and entertaining. This and burger lab top my charts
Tasted пишет: WORTH IT!
Dara S пишет: This guy is like the cutest fluffiest thing in the whole entire world, I just wanna eat him (no homo)
im100percentg пишет: Why are you here? 37 people here voting but yet continue to watch. Drink bleach
SlurW0nn пишет: Diabetes right there
XxxPallyxxX пишет: I recommend eating mole with white rice the combination is so fucking good is hard to describe, you just got to try it.
MrBlackLenses пишет: She's beautiful, not hot, guys.
George Washington пишет: WTF
gimeamin602 пишет: that's a greasy ass sandwich
Tasted пишет: the voice at the end? yes.
Sam neeqa пишет: Dude, will you eat anything? God that's looks nasty .
Saad Safar пишет: Please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia please be Georgia !!
You'll Need:
1 pkg (6oz) Swiss cheese slices
1 pkg (6oz) thinly sliced ham
4 tsp salsa
8 (10-inch) flour tortillas
2 tbs butter or margarine
Procedures : Arrange cheese and ham slices evenly over 4 tortillas. Spread 1 tsp salsa over each; top with remaining tortillas. Spread butter on outside of top tortilla; invert sandwiches onto a hot skillet or griddle. Cook until tortilla is lightly browned. Spread butter on ungrilled side; carefully turn and cook until lightly brown and cheese is slightly melted
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