суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Papita Lassi

Prescribed Choice Papaya "Lassi"


Chef Lauren puts a spin on the traditional "Lassi" by using all superfruits! Prescribed Choice's Supreme Nutrition Powder adds powerful anti-oxidants to make this Lassi great tasting and great for you. Try this for breakfast or as a pick me up in the afternoon!
You'll Need:

1 cup papaya, ripe, diced, mashed well
1 cup yogurt, plain
2 cup chilled water
2 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
Mint few sprigs
Ice cube

Procedures : Beat or blend yogurt, then add water and beat or blend again. Add mashed papaya with all the seasonings. Beat or blend again. Pour in individual glasses. Garnish with mint and serve cold.
If you want to make sweet papaya lassi, then omit salt, lime juice and pepper. Add 2 tbsp sugar instead and flavour with rose water

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