суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Soda Or Apollinaris Lemonade

How to make Lemon Lime Soda - The Bikini Kitchen - Joyce Nichols-


http://www.thebikinikitchen.com : Do you like Sprite, Sierra Mist or Fresca? The you'll love this guilt free rendition that you can have along side your fave snacks :)

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seanix54 пишет: This video was made on my birthday

mybikinikitchen пишет: No problem! I hope you enjoy it :)

lidiapastrana020 пишет: thats cool thx now i have a good drink and cold refreshing drink to drink in summer or when im hot

seanix54 пишет: This video was made on my birthday

mybikinikitchen пишет: No problem! I hope you enjoy it :)

lidiapastrana020 пишет: thats cool thx now i have a good drink and cold refreshing drink to drink in summer or when im hot

You'll Need:

Juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons sugar
? teaspoon soda
? cup cold water

Procedures : To prepare this Soda Or Apollinaris Lemonade Recipe, first prepare the lemonade, cool, and add the soda, stirring thoroughly.

Or Apollinaris water may be used instead of the water and soda

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