суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Spudnuts I

How to make SPUDNUTS


Spudnuts, are they donut's or are they a potato? Well they are both and regardless of which they taste fantastic!


Follow me on:

1 lrg potatoe
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 cups flour
1/4 cup water
2 eggs
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Ahmad Ali пишет: Are you a Muslim?

Todd's Kitchen пишет: It should be fine. I have never tried it myself but i would like to know how they would turn out :)

PaulMichaels2010 пишет: Can't eat them because I'm on a strict diet. But they look amazing. Well done sir.

Todd's Kitchen пишет: There is nothing much healthy about this recipe full stop :)

bendietrees пишет: Oh shit these look good and so unusual!

MultiMediam пишет: yum

platinumblondie пишет: i totally agree. it's the same when someone says "no offense". you know there will be an insult to fallow.

powerranger20155442 пишет: can u make apple upside down pie

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Its a small taste

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thanks :)

42261alex пишет: how is the vanilla extract so thick

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Fantastic! :)

RhysWasHere пишет: Okay thanks

michelle from down under in bundy пишет: todd how would sweet potato be like it would be sweet donuts but i think they would be to heavy,what to you think todd from michelle

Ineedmorelives пишет: Don't tell me something like that! =)

Heidis Time пишет: These looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todd's Kitchen пишет: All extract is because its concentrated. You may be thinking of essence which is far runnier

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you :)

Rikadamefroggy пишет: OMG I just made these and they are so delicous!! my family wont stop eating them though >.<

Todd's Kitchen пишет: LOL Thank you :)

rick bolton oldsalty пишет: mate that just put my colesterl up about 6 points, but they look great P&L buddy

JustRach3L. пишет: What is the difference between vanilla exraxct and vanilla essence?

Mr. Bean пишет: No... He's not

Todd's Kitchen пишет: LOL

sofruity3 пишет: looks like krispy creme

Watch My Cats Do Stuff! пишет: potatoes in a donut?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! eh im down to try anything at least once

Todd's Kitchen пишет: HAHAHA you didn't see this one coming :P
And you will love them :)

Kelly Caniff пишет: I love it

fencerxena21 пишет: why is your vanilla extract so thick and syrupy?

Todd's Kitchen пишет: And sounds wonderful to! I must give it a try thanks :)

Kai08271 пишет: it looks yummy, i will try that for someday soon.

Ghada kg пишет: مهبول انت

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Fantastic! :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: maybe you have been using Vanilla essence? that is a much thinner runnier liquid. What i use is concentrated vanilla extract. It has a far far better taste to it.

simonefeliz71 пишет: Todd can i use vegitble oil thanks

Todd's Kitchen пишет: oh wow, so you know how good they do taste. :)

Renee burchill пишет: can u skip the patato? lol just kidding

Dukesoulrender пишет: I'll defenately try this one

JustRach3L. пишет: But am I still able to use vanilla essence in this?

Ghada kg пишет: Botato مرة وحدة ههه

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you :)

1982KASEY пишет: Ok.:(

Kai Tendo пишет: Nice video Todd :D

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thanks! :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: I don't the these ingredients will work so well with baking sorry :)

734marshall пишет: lol ive never heard it before xD

TheHotPlate1 пишет: These look amazing! Can't wait to make them! Thanks for this!

xo @TheHotPlate1

Todd's Kitchen пишет: I have never made them before and by the looks of it it is very hard to make at home.

SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Probably about the best thing i have ever seen. Amazing! :D

Megan Putnam пишет: I have never heard of these! How fun! How "potato-ey" do they taste? I know you said a "distinct" taste but can you taste the potato? I wonder if these can be made to be savory?

Jim Foreman пишет: Many years ago, like in the mid-1950s, I had a Sputnut franchize in a drive-in movie theatre. We made more money off the Spudnuts than ticket sales. Most of our customer came for a dozen Spudnuts and then to get sweaty in the back seat.

734marshall пишет: lol i love the name :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Your welcome :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you so much Lyndsay! :)
Have you ever tried them before from a spudnuts shop? I know most have closed down but from my research they were pretty big at one stage.

RhysWasHere пишет: But they look amazing<33

Bridges\u0026Balloons пишет: Todd you should live in my kitchen and cook yummy food, I'd love you forever! lol

Todd's Kitchen пишет: :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: no, just a very fine hint and it really does work.

Todd's Kitchen пишет: You will love them :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Essence is more or a fake flavour, extract is the real deal and its concentrated.

Alissa Buabeng пишет: I have a recipe its called Football dip ingredients are hamburger meat, can salsa, velveeta cheese or block cheese. Start by cutting cheese in small pieces then put on stove on low and stir continuously. While thats melting cook your hamburger when cheese and hamburger are done drain your hamburger then pour into cheese add can salsa and mix well it may look gross but it taste wonderful serve with chips.

Todd's Kitchen пишет: It does, it even has the same texture :) But has a taste of its own.

emmajphotography пишет: What mixer do you have Todd? I'm about to start a patisserie traineeship & I've been told that the ideal thing to buy would be a Thermomix.. Not having a spare couple of grand handy I'm looking for something else! Spudnuts.. Can't deny I cracked up each time you said it :P

RhysWasHere пишет: Do you have to use a potato >_< im think it might taste grose.

JustRach3L. пишет: Thank-you.

Syed Zaeem пишет: i am

Todd's Kitchen пишет: They are store brought. They were also straight out of the fridge. Cold eggs tend to have a darker yolk :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you :)

Fallout3131 пишет: exactly

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: yes :)

MsBurpy пишет: Todd they look beyond DELICIOUS!
I so have to stop watching your videos when I've got the munchies!
I'm thinking I'm going to go upstairs RIGHT NOW and make us up a batch of those!

Todd's Kitchen пишет: You do :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Yes! :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thats fantastic! :)

Mika Lee пишет: Another good one Todd :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: In my own kitchen at home :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thanks mate :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you :)

Bridges\u0026Balloons пишет: Prefacing something you say with "Not to be mean" doesn't mean what follows isn't mean.

Jade Chan пишет: But amazing recipe nonetheless

1982KASEY пишет: May I leave the sweet stuff out? I trying to eat more healthier.

tammymiller351 пишет: Looks simpely delicious

ARTSIEBECCA пишет: Spudnuts??? Is that something that is known in Australia? Its a very interesting recipe.

drummerthing2 пишет: Hey, do you have to make these into a dounut shape, or could you make them into balls and small shapes with a cookie cutter? Also, do you have an exact measurement for the potato? I'd love to make these but I only have small potatoes, no large ones. Looking at the video, I would think that 2 small ones would do, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks for your awesome recipes!

Jessica Tat пишет: Yum it looks like a glazed donut my fave

Todd's Kitchen пишет: I hope you enjoy them! :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: hey thats outstanding! :)

Richard Lamb пишет: Here Here, Snake appears to be forgetting that some of the most famous and successful chefs in the world are Larger men, it might not even have anything to do with his genetics or metabolism maybe Todd Likes to eat good food - is there anything wrong with that. The man is here to put on an informative cooking show not to be judged by people to small minded to get past his appearance. If your going to Judge him do it on his Content not his looks

Todd's Kitchen пишет: thanks :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: OH IT IS! :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: no they have the consistency of the crispy cream donuts.

moto19762009 пишет: It saw putting in a potato and making a doughnut for the first time. I make shortly.

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you :)

Todd's Kitchen пишет: Thank you so much :)

SPIELELEGENDE пишет: You're the best :) Have a subscription from me :)

Ahmad Ali пишет: Are you a Muslim?

Todd's Kitchen пишет: It should be fine. I have never tried it myself but i would like to know how they would turn out :)

PaulMichaels2010 пишет: Can't eat them because I'm on a strict diet. But they look amazing. Well done sir.

Todd's Kitchen пишет: There is nothing much healthy about this recipe full stop :)
You'll Need:

1 cup granulated sugar
3 cups mashed potatoes
3 packages dry yeast
5 eggs
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup shortening
4 cups milk

Procedures : Put yeast into enough warm water to cover. Let activate.

Mix sugar, shortening and eggs. Add potatoes and remaining ingredients, except the flour. Mix. Add enough flour to make a soft dough. Let rise.

Roll out and cut. Let rise again, then fry

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