суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Three Ways to Heaven Cake

Cake- Sheep go to heaven goats go to hell (with lyrics)


I couldn't find a video with the lyrics in it so I decided why not? :P

I'm not feeling alright today
I'm not feeling that great
I'm not catching on fire today
Love has started to fade
I'm not going to smile today
I'm not gonna laugh
You're out living it up today
I''ve got dues to pay

And the grave-digger puts on the forceps
The stone mason

does all the work
The barber can give you a haircut
The carpenter can take you out to lunch

I just want to play on my pan-pipes
I just want to drink me some wine
As soon as you're born you start dying
So you might as well have a good time

Sheep go to heaven
Goats go to hell

I dont wanna go to sunset strip
I dont wanna feel the emptiness
Bold marquees with stupid band names
I dont wanna go to sunset strip

And the grave-digger puts on the forceps
The stone mason

does all the work
The barber can give you a haircut
The carpenter can take you out to lunch

I just want to play on my pan-pipes
I just want to drink me some wine
As soon as your born you start dying
So you might as well have a good time

Sheep go to heaven
Goats go to hell

jezekiel card пишет: i just want to drink me some wine

Paganguy1 . пишет: As the Goat-God, I also greatly approve of this song.

Szriko пишет: No, that's still not a religion. To be a religion, you need supernatural elements explaining the universe.

abalancedact пишет: LOVE this Cake tune!

Lido Franco пишет: this song song is basically "be yourself"

jeremiahn пишет: You are displaying trademark errors in logical thinking.\r
1) Not all atheists are members of the Church of Satan. Therefore your argument that atheism is a religion is invalid.\r
2) Your desire to be immortal does not validate any superstitious belief system. If it validates Christianity then it also validates every other religion. Use your ability to REASON. The truth shall set you free.

Deja Entendu пишет: I'm Atheist and don't force it on others, don't start with that shit. And you can't say we all have the same reasons why he doesn't exist. People come to conclusions on their own for different reasons. Nor do we even denounce it. Some of us do, but that is THEM. Every point you had is just you making assumptions.

muffinlordghoti1 пишет: Absence of religion is agnosticism not atheism. Atheism is a religion of disbelief.

heroguy97 пишет: You know what's funny? The comments section. Why do people care so much about religion when the song itself doesn't even dive into this stuff?

C. Denny пишет: I think kuwraths answer is the best logically, and makes sense the most though sir hiskinglienss's answer makes sense too.

Shinaurdian пишет: 23 people are Goats

Sir HisKingliness пишет: It's ragging on suppresive religion and a conformist society. Sheep are known to follow the next sheep and so on, they travel in herds. Goats just kind of wonder off by themselves. He's saying what the jobs do. If you do anything other then that, then you are a "goat". The song utilizes a lot of exaggeration and sarcasm.
Modern day people don't like to admit they're conformists, because a lot of people are closet hipsters. But this last part is just my opinion.

Macey TheFace пишет: So, I'm just curious. What does your name mean in Goat-Speak?

jeremiahn пишет: Heaven? Hell? You're refering to mythological places--or states of being--as the only "truth" represented in the song? Amusing. I don't believe the point of this song is blasphemy; it's to prompt the listener to question absolute authority, as in, when someone says, "Accept what we tell you without argument--it is your only chance to avoid eternal punishment." \r
Be sheep, and bow your neck to the axe, in hopes of a payoff after death. Or, buck that shit and live your OWN life.

FIrestorming Fox пишет: all is forgiven.

Abi Jones пишет: aw... i have goats... they deserve to go to heaven not hell! Love you Ruthie, Galdys, Alfonzo, and Fawn! <3

Jetblackcrack пишет: Agreed. Live and let live. As an ex-muslim atheist I have to say, I don't give two shits whether or not your a christian, muslim, jew, atheist, etc. As long as your a good person, I got no problems with you.

DKM101 пишет: methinks he attempted and succeded.

sdkt411 пишет: i think its funny how they oftentimes they repeat the last part of the chorus just to make it hook, but in this song it takes on a different meaning. if you repeat go to hell over and over, you would think it was to talk shit, this song is saying "let them tell you go to hell".

xtristicordx пишет: Don't forget drugs.

ArtyToon пишет: Thank you, You stay awesome as well! cya! ^_^

Samuel Rankin пишет: Yeah, I guess you can't always be 100% about everything. But for me it's enough. Thanks man.


bethmar82 пишет: Kampret kampret kampret

gibbo funk пишет: Love this song instantly related to being a Goat.... @95jonesie, yeah a little bit weird...

The idea of being a goat kinda appeals to me.. I had a pet Goat named SID he was a pest, chewing shit up and my mother used to tie him up and very intelligent was SID in his old age he'd learnt a grudge against my mother and used to religiously Head Butt her whenever she was in range..... also if you put a goat among a herd of sheep the sheep will be less likely to get in trouble. :)

Beta Maxis пишет: Well way to ruin a joke by being an ass.

llamabot156 пишет: haha lel nice epic winzor for the lolcats!!!1

art diva пишет: I agreed wholeheartedly!

user98xp пишет: hahaha

joe buffets пишет: got any grapes?

greg silva пишет: Why are heaven and hell religious? Just because you do not believe in something does not mean it does not exist.

derdum пишет: Who the freak cares if its religious its a good song

blimp oriley пишет: god i hate when asians put up youtube shit

treejr1000 пишет: You good sir deserve a medal.

John Graham пишет: Atheism is a belief, just like believing in "god" is a belief. Faith, if you call it that.
Religion is when you subscribe to a specific god.

Sheepzez пишет: As a sheep, I approve this song.

jeremiahn пишет: Hey bub Hell and Heaven are imaginary places dreamt up to scare you into doing what you're told to do. If you believe what MEN wrote in your book of fairy tales, you're one of the sheep--being tended and fleeced your whole life, and at the end, what are you getting for your trouble? Nothing.

dusparr пишет: And atheism includes no positive beliefs by default: ergo, it is not a religion by that definition.

Julia Robinson пишет: Catchy. c:

Ørjan Vatneberg пишет: Love this song!

tamcon72 пишет: Well, you're wrong about ONE white. Hint-hint.

ArtyToon пишет: Thank you good sir! ^_^

StevePelcz пишет: Perfect for valentines day

Memolbg пишет: Of course is a ideology, is the ideology that claims the inexistence of any god and tehrefore any religion, is the same shit that religion, who the fuck is some one to tell if some kind of god exist or not. The scientific view really is not negate or afirmate nothing to the 100%, simply doubt of all and make statment based on the evidence and the lack of that evidence only permit us to suppose

FifaNinjaHQ пишет: lol, poor whitboy7thst

Samuel Rankin пишет: Being an atheist requires no faith at all. There is real, substantial evidence supporting someone's decision to have a lack of belief in a specific god. Why would you need faith when you have proof?

KarenEHamilton пишет: I would have thumbs-up-ed(?) that comment all day long if Google would have allowed me to do so. I, for one, am an Agnostic as nothing has been proven nor dis-proven to me which means that I will probably forever remain on the fence until some inevitable epiphany (probably post-death), categorizing me as an Agnostic. I think that consistent and relentless questioning is healthy and I hope that many more take up the habit.

LentilsOverkill пишет: This song is amazing live.

SorrowsFlight пишет: He clearly doesn't give a duck

Daniel Cruz пишет: I f Were to suppose a "yes" to your question, I think the proof would have to be found in the minute details of the individuals reality. Such as any even were the person may find them selves unwilling to listen to an opposing argument based on their "views" What i mean is that a "religion" serves us NOT to have to re-negotiate the details of what we hold to be true constantly. If we have a religion then we have a pre-disposed way of interpreting information from that point on.

Fiona Bonnett пишет: just remember, we are here to listen to music, not to argue or be a thumbs up farm....... PS who wants a dinosaur sticker????

Thomas Dwyer пишет: LOL! I would love to see that!

TheBrignad пишет: I suppose. Would you consider anti-theism to be a religion? Atheism just means you don't believe while anti-theism is directly against the idea of god. So I'd consider that a religion.

HailCthulhuFhtagn пишет: I'm a goat and i find this song offensive

TWSkeptic пишет: Wrong. Atheism just means that a person does not accept any religion or belief in a god. Not accepting is not an ideology, just like bald is not a hair color.

GeneralRazor пишет: Same thing. Don't be a moron.

FIrestorming Fox пишет: woah, a well worded arguement that is not agressive...dude this is youtube...like...what are you doing?

BrokenChair88 пишет: They played in my backyard circa 1992.

Kit42 пишет: Ummm.... Music is fun?

nkithebest пишет: A religion is following an ideal, beeing ahteist actually is a religion.

Jacob Mondzelewski пишет: thats called a "like a sir" face

eatdikz пишет: agnosticism
a religious orientation of doubt; a denial of ultimate knowledge of the existence of God; "agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God's existence"
Disbelief in the existence of God or gods
yeah dude u got it right

Rick Albert пишет: cake is awsome

soadluv18 пишет: Everyone shut up and listen to the music!

serbdetritus182 пишет: Why so?
Hell is where it's at ^_^

john Holmes пишет: fuck the pope

user98xp пишет: Oh my gosh, I haven't heard this song in YEARS, man, fuckin' YEEEAAAAARS... not since we were touring europe with Scorpions back in '86! HELLO CALIFORNIA! YOU ARE CRAZY! WE ARE SCORPIONS! ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICAAAAAAA- what the FUCK!?


DjangoTryHard пишет: its about the ridiculous superstition called actually saying as a fact that you know what actually happens when you die or before we existed, the only thing we can know for an absolute fact is that we know nothing. But hey! Enough about religion and philosophy and lets enjoy the music buddies!

Lordloss36 пишет: no clue who that is i learned this through watching some gaming videos and the person randomly brought it up

WarPigsLukesWall пишет: http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=zzKUzRJUzQ0&lc=dTejD3VnEiua78z_ry8qkJLsp0uuEcng8PmF7AHFfcg

jezekiel card пишет: i just want to drink me some wine

Paganguy1 . пишет: As the Goat-God, I also greatly approve of this song.

Szriko пишет: No, that's still not a religion. To be a religion, you need supernatural elements explaining the universe.

abalancedact пишет: LOVE this Cake tune!

Lido Franco пишет: this song song is basically "be yourself"

jeremiahn пишет: You are displaying trademark errors in logical thinking.\r
1) Not all atheists are members of the Church of Satan. Therefore your argument that atheism is a religion is invalid.\r
2) Your desire to be immortal does not validate any superstitious belief system. If it validates Christianity then it also validates every other religion. Use your ability to REASON. The truth shall set you free.

Deja Entendu пишет: I'm Atheist and don't force it on others, don't start with that shit. And you can't say we all have the same reasons why he doesn't exist. People come to conclusions on their own for different reasons. Nor do we even denounce it. Some of us do, but that is THEM. Every point you had is just you making assumptions.

muffinlordghoti1 пишет: Absence of religion is agnosticism not atheism. Atheism is a religion of disbelief.

heroguy97 пишет: You know what's funny? The comments section. Why do people care so much about religion when the song itself doesn't even dive into this stuff?

C. Denny пишет: I think kuwraths answer is the best logically, and makes sense the most though sir hiskinglienss's answer makes sense too.

Shinaurdian пишет: 23 people are Goats

Sir HisKingliness пишет: It's ragging on suppresive religion and a conformist society. Sheep are known to follow the next sheep and so on, they travel in herds. Goats just kind of wonder off by themselves. He's saying what the jobs do. If you do anything other then that, then you are a "goat". The song utilizes a lot of exaggeration and sarcasm.
Modern day people don't like to admit they're conformists, because a lot of people are closet hipsters. But this last part is just my opinion.

Macey TheFace пишет: So, I'm just curious. What does your name mean in Goat-Speak?

jeremiahn пишет: Heaven? Hell? You're refering to mythological places--or states of being--as the only "truth" represented in the song? Amusing. I don't believe the point of this song is blasphemy; it's to prompt the listener to question absolute authority, as in, when someone says, "Accept what we tell you without argument--it is your only chance to avoid eternal punishment." \r
Be sheep, and bow your neck to the axe, in hopes of a payoff after death. Or, buck that shit and live your OWN life.

FIrestorming Fox пишет: all is forgiven.

Abi Jones пишет: aw... i have goats... they deserve to go to heaven not hell! Love you Ruthie, Galdys, Alfonzo, and Fawn! <3

Jetblackcrack пишет: Agreed. Live and let live. As an ex-muslim atheist I have to say, I don't give two shits whether or not your a christian, muslim, jew, atheist, etc. As long as your a good person, I got no problems with you.

DKM101 пишет: methinks he attempted and succeded.

sdkt411 пишет: i think its funny how they oftentimes they repeat the last part of the chorus just to make it hook, but in this song it takes on a different meaning. if you repeat go to hell over and over, you would think it was to talk shit, this song is saying "let them tell you go to hell".

xtristicordx пишет: Don't forget drugs.

ArtyToon пишет: Thank you, You stay awesome as well! cya! ^_^

Samuel Rankin пишет: Yeah, I guess you can't always be 100% about everything. But for me it's enough. Thanks man.


bethmar82 пишет: Kampret kampret kampret

gibbo funk пишет: Love this song instantly related to being a Goat.... @95jonesie, yeah a little bit weird...

The idea of being a goat kinda appeals to me.. I had a pet Goat named SID he was a pest, chewing shit up and my mother used to tie him up and very intelligent was SID in his old age he'd learnt a grudge against my mother and used to religiously Head Butt her whenever she was in range..... also if you put a goat among a herd of sheep the sheep will be less likely to get in trouble. :)

Beta Maxis пишет: Well way to ruin a joke by being an ass.

llamabot156 пишет: haha lel nice epic winzor for the lolcats!!!1

art diva пишет: I agreed wholeheartedly!

user98xp пишет: hahaha

joe buffets пишет: got any grapes?
You'll Need:

6 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon lemon extract
1 cup cake crumbs
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons gelatine
1 cup crushed pineapple
1/2 cup raspberry jam
1/2 cup cold water
1 cup apricot puree
3/4 cup chopped pecans
3 cups whipping cream

Procedures : Beat egg yolks well, adding sugar gradually. Fold in water and flavoring. Fold in crumbs. Beat egg whites until frothy. Add cream of tartar and salt. Beat until stiff. Fold into yolks. Pour into ungreased angel food pan and bake 1 hour at 325 degrees F. When cold, remove from pan. Split into three layers and fill.

Filling: Sprinkle gelatine over cold water and let stand for 10 minutes. Dissolve by placing in a pan of hot water.

Drain pineapple and puree apricots.

Whip cream, and slowly whip in gelatin. Divide into four parts. Add one fruit to each of three parts. Fill the layers. Frost sides and center of cake with plain whipped cream, and sprinkle the cake with nuts

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