суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Brandy Milk Punch

New Orleans' Best Cocktail: The Brandy Milk Punch


Mixologist Chris McMillian prepares the New Orleans brunch classic.

Sheenza O пишет: that looks so good

Cynthia Powell пишет: This man could have easily starred in any of those classic
Hollywood movies. Easily!

fresh87uk пишет: half whole milk and half cream

crater33 пишет: can anyone tell what brand of brandy that is?

terratrema пишет: Amazing. I'm gonna make one right now.

philhellmouth пишет: im pretty sure its half skim and half full cream milk.... but i could be wrong

Ares310788 пишет: man you're simply awesome.
and your voice is also so cool hehehe.

keep doing this !

Gas'n'Oil пишет: whats half and half?

texascarl пишет: A packaged cream that is 1 part whole milk, 1 part cream. "Single Cream" is similar.

teflonmagnet пишет: maybe korbel

Ganalef пишет: Try this with dark rum and brown sugar syrup. Mmmm...

cookiep972 пишет: Kiddies if y'all haven't had a milkpunch @ the Carousel Bar in the Monte Leone Hotel on Royal St., you haven't had the BEST START of a shoppin day in the Quarter.
CLASSIC yummy N O. Ritz's r FINE 2.
Make em at home. DEVINE in chilly weather.

Sheenza O пишет: that looks so good

Cynthia Powell пишет: This man could have easily starred in any of those classic
Hollywood movies. Easily!

fresh87uk пишет: half whole milk and half cream

crater33 пишет: can anyone tell what brand of brandy that is?

terratrema пишет: Amazing. I'm gonna make one right now.

philhellmouth пишет: im pretty sure its half skim and half full cream milk.... but i could be wrong

Ares310788 пишет: man you're simply awesome.
and your voice is also so cool hehehe.

keep doing this !

Gas'n'Oil пишет: whats half and half?

texascarl пишет: A packaged cream that is 1 part whole milk, 1 part cream. "Single Cream" is similar.

teflonmagnet пишет: maybe korbel

Ganalef пишет: Try this with dark rum and brown sugar syrup. Mmmm...

cookiep972 пишет: Kiddies if y'all haven't had a milkpunch @ the Carousel Bar in the Monte Leone Hotel on Royal St., you haven't had the BEST START of a shoppin day in the Quarter.
CLASSIC yummy N O. Ritz's r FINE 2.
Make em at home. DEVINE in chilly weather.
You'll Need:

1 tsp sugar
1 jigger brandy
1 cup very hot milk

Procedures : In a blender put the sugar, brandy, and milk. Blend the mixture, pour it into a large glass or mug, and sprinkle with nutmeg.
Or stir the sugar and brandy in a warmed glass or mug and fill it with very hot milk. Add a few grains of nutmeg.
Serve the drink at once

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