суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.


Homemade Doughnuts Recipe Demonstration - Joyofbaking.com


Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/breakfast/... Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make Homemade Doughnuts. Homemade Doughnuts (Donuts) are hard to beat. And I'm talking about homemade "raised" doughnuts. The ones made from a buttery rich yeast dough that are deep fried and then rolled in sugar. There is no doubt that these doughnuts are best eaten freshly made. That is when the sugary outside crust is wonderfully crisp. Yet when you bite through that crust, the inside is so soft and tender. I find it almost impossible to eat just one.

We welcome questions on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/joyofbaking

http://www.youtube.com/profile_redirector/101457694909534443899 пишет: female

ladapabr пишет: Noooo You can't eat those fantastic donuts in front of us ! I want some !

Smita Das пишет: Hi, I tried the recipe but my dough did not rise. I have used dry yeat ball available here, the yeast ball remain as it is in the dough, kindly let me know how to solve the problem.

Jwenz Li пишет: I just made doughnuts using regular pizza dough... 1 hr later i stumbled upon ur video!!! Oh man!!! If only i had seen ur video earlier!!

Salwana HM пишет: Can I use bread flour instead of all-purpose flour?

Carlota Reyes пишет: you can bake them however, they wont be as fluffy!

SuzieLady пишет: Oooo! lovely!

Summer Noybn пишет: yes. Unless you use a different recipe for cake like donuts.

Applepiebetty пишет: Yes people, change the recipe, eliminate the milk for water, and take out the eggs, put whatever amount of yeast you want, then bake them don't fry and you can make 8-3" donuts that do not resemble these at all. "Bon appetit!"

Shar Zahan пишет: Greetings from the Netherlands! Gonna make those tomorrow, they look delicious! Thank you for sharing, you make the loveliest and most tasty recipe's, and I like them! I appreciat that you always mention the metric weight of ingredients.

Joy of Baking пишет: This recipe will give you 8 - 3 inch (7.5 cm) doughnuts.

Melody Beaulieu пишет: Could you show us how to make glaze?

Crafty Ashley пишет: O_o

Alexander Petrohv пишет: homers` favorites !!!

Maria Zuniga пишет: Awesome :D makes me wanna eat donuts haha :)

jay shree пишет: Thanks for the lovely recipes my family loves the doughnuts

Syeda Begum пишет: Qqqqqws,

gohandesuyo пишет: It's not easy to make Doughnuts for Japanese.

Zac MacDougall пишет: Awesome video :D

Joy of Baking пишет: We've not tried baking this recipe, but we did try baking the cake donuts recipe and it was no where near as good.

Sapphire Ice пишет: I would heat the milk in the recipe to 80-100 degrees, and disolve the yeast in the 1/2 c. milk. Mix the dry ingredients & butter, then the salt, then the egg, and then add the milk/yeast mixture and continue with the recipe from there. (By that time the milk should have cooled to luke warm - if not, set it in a bowl of cold water and stir till luke warm.) Just make sure your yeast cake is the same amount as she's stated in the recipe. Hope that works. :)

eagoodwin1 пишет: I made donuts once in a cooking class. It was so much fun.

baitbunny пишет: I love this lady

hùng thái пишет: Is the milk sweetend or unsweetend ???

jasmine willie пишет: Can you use powder sugar?

Dolly Valera пишет: Thinks so much.I love your cooking and I learn a lot..thing's!!

la_cjurx3 пишет: you r just rude well you have to talk a lot when your making cooking videos don't you get that so back off she's a nice lady!!!!

Sapphire Ice пишет: I would heat the milk in the recipe to 80-100 degrees, and disolve the yeast in the 1/2 c. milk. Mix the dry ingredients & butter, then the salt, then the egg, and then add the milk/yeast mixture and continue with the recipe from there. Just make sure your yeast cake is the same amount as she's stated in the recipe. Hope that works. :)

sillyilly baking пишет: looks amazing

TopTenMoves пишет: Flour

candy ammy пишет: stephnie you are just waooooooooooooooo. i love your recipes they are perfect and i am making many sweets or my hubby coz of you. but i want to ask you whenever i am making doughnuts after some time they start to become hard, what wrong i am doing with these innocent sweet doughnuts:-))) plz plz explain me.

N.E.Arkansas Trash Trucks\u0026Lottery пишет: These are excelent donuts !!! I personally like to glaze mine instead of white sugar but thats just a matter of taste.Thanks paul

Joy of Baking пишет: I've only ever made these doughnuts with the active dry yeast. But you could try making them with regular yeast.

Anna Shokotova пишет: It's amazing, Steph!!! You're the best! I love this video because you're so cheerful here and you smile all the time. Don't be so seriously in the other videos, we love your smile!

http://www.youtube.com/profile_redirector/101457694909534443899 пишет: female

ladapabr пишет: Noooo You can't eat those fantastic donuts in front of us ! I want some !

Smita Das пишет: Hi, I tried the recipe but my dough did not rise. I have used dry yeat ball available here, the yeast ball remain as it is in the dough, kindly let me know how to solve the problem.

Jwenz Li пишет: I just made doughnuts using regular pizza dough... 1 hr later i stumbled upon ur video!!! Oh man!!! If only i had seen ur video earlier!!

Salwana HM пишет: Can I use bread flour instead of all-purpose flour?

Carlota Reyes пишет: you can bake them however, they wont be as fluffy!

SuzieLady пишет: Oooo! lovely!

Summer Noybn пишет: yes. Unless you use a different recipe for cake like donuts.

Applepiebetty пишет: Yes people, change the recipe, eliminate the milk for water, and take out the eggs, put whatever amount of yeast you want, then bake them don't fry and you can make 8-3" donuts that do not resemble these at all. "Bon appetit!"

Shar Zahan пишет: Greetings from the Netherlands! Gonna make those tomorrow, they look delicious! Thank you for sharing, you make the loveliest and most tasty recipe's, and I like them! I appreciat that you always mention the metric weight of ingredients.

Joy of Baking пишет: This recipe will give you 8 - 3 inch (7.5 cm) doughnuts.

Melody Beaulieu пишет: Could you show us how to make glaze?

Crafty Ashley пишет: O_o

Alexander Petrohv пишет: homers` favorites !!!

Maria Zuniga пишет: Awesome :D makes me wanna eat donuts haha :)

jay shree пишет: Thanks for the lovely recipes my family loves the doughnuts

Syeda Begum пишет: Qqqqqws,

gohandesuyo пишет: It's not easy to make Doughnuts for Japanese.

Zac MacDougall пишет: Awesome video :D

Joy of Baking пишет: We've not tried baking this recipe, but we did try baking the cake donuts recipe and it was no where near as good.

Sapphire Ice пишет: I would heat the milk in the recipe to 80-100 degrees, and disolve the yeast in the 1/2 c. milk. Mix the dry ingredients & butter, then the salt, then the egg, and then add the milk/yeast mixture and continue with the recipe from there. (By that time the milk should have cooled to luke warm - if not, set it in a bowl of cold water and stir till luke warm.) Just make sure your yeast cake is the same amount as she's stated in the recipe. Hope that works. :)

eagoodwin1 пишет: I made donuts once in a cooking class. It was so much fun.

baitbunny пишет: I love this lady

hùng thái пишет: Is the milk sweetend or unsweetend ???

jasmine willie пишет: Can you use powder sugar?

Dolly Valera пишет: Thinks so much.I love your cooking and I learn a lot..thing's!!

la_cjurx3 пишет: you r just rude well you have to talk a lot when your making cooking videos don't you get that so back off she's a nice lady!!!!

Sapphire Ice пишет: I would heat the milk in the recipe to 80-100 degrees, and disolve the yeast in the 1/2 c. milk. Mix the dry ingredients & butter, then the salt, then the egg, and then add the milk/yeast mixture and continue with the recipe from there. Just make sure your yeast cake is the same amount as she's stated in the recipe. Hope that works. :)

sillyilly baking пишет: looks amazing

TopTenMoves пишет: Flour

candy ammy пишет: stephnie you are just waooooooooooooooo. i love your recipes they are perfect and i am making many sweets or my hubby coz of you. but i want to ask you whenever i am making doughnuts after some time they start to become hard, what wrong i am doing with these innocent sweet doughnuts:-))) plz plz explain me.

N.E.Arkansas Trash Trucks\u0026Lottery пишет: These are excelent donuts !!! I personally like to glaze mine instead of white sugar but thats just a matter of taste.Thanks paul

Joy of Baking пишет: I've only ever made these doughnuts with the active dry yeast. But you could try making them with regular yeast.

Anna Shokotova пишет: It's amazing, Steph!!! You're the best! I love this video because you're so cheerful here and you smile all the time. Don't be so seriously in the other videos, we love your smile!
You'll Need:

1 cup granulated sugar
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 cups all-purpose flour (about)
2 eggs
1 cup milk
3 tablespoons melted butter
Fat (for deep-fat frying)

Procedures : Sift together sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and flour.

Beat eggs thoroughly, then stir into dry ingredients. Add the milk and melted butter. Roll about 1/2 inch thick on a floured board and cut with a doughnut cutter. Fry several at a time in 375 degrees F fat until nicely browned. Drain on paper towels. Dust with granulated or confectioners' sugar.

Makes 24

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