суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Down Home Apple Cobbler

Apple Crisp Recipe Demonstration - Joyofbaking.com


Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/AppleCrisp... Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make an Apple Crisp. Apple crisp belongs to a long line of simple baked desserts that combine fresh fruit with a topping. Cobblers, Crumbles, Grunts, Brown Bettys, Pandowdies, and Crisps may be called old-fashioned and homey but having a dessert of warm baked fruit topped with a tasty crust is hard to resist. Unlike a cobbler that uses a biscuit dough topping, this Apple Crisp uses a streusel-like mixture of flour, white and brown sugars, ground cinnamon, and butter, along with rolled oats and nuts.

We welcome comments on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/joyofbaking

Joy of Baking пишет: We love your comments however due to our busy schedule questions on the recipes may take some time. We check our Facebook page more often so if you would like a quicker answer post your question there. A link to our Facebook page is in the description above.

Joy of Baking пишет: They are ceramic knives.

gloria p Jauregui пишет: just love your videos :)

sharz6 пишет: hey if you dont mind me asking..what is the difference with this and apple crumble? thanks! :)

Joy of Baking пишет: They are essentially the same thing.

Joy of Baking пишет: It doesn't have to, but that is how I like to make the streusel.

Joy of Baking пишет: Yes, you could leave it out.

izacv2 пишет: Where did you buy the knife it is cool

Vivienne Monti пишет: And a year later...
My stomach feels nausea and my whole body feeling weak, so once again, I made this crisp. Still comforting and one bowl I'm going to bed :)
Thanks Stephanie, I'm glad that I've known you for a year (btw the crisp this year tastes better than last year's one, so I guess my baking skill gets better hehe thanks to you)

luz murillo пишет: looks good

sharz6 пишет: thank you! :)

Diksha Rai пишет: what is the diffrnc btwn apple cobbler n apple crisp???

WrightsSmoke пишет: Great recipe, can't wait to try this out!

Joy of Baking пишет: About 85 grams.

Anna Murasova пишет: Hi! Great recipe! I tried it with sweet apples and it turned out really awesome!! Can I add some orange zest into this pie?

Duduzinhosobral пишет: These are fancy knives...plastic ones? Interesting!

xini zin пишет: thanx :))

Lindsay Klepacka пишет: Your plate to tarte with removable bottom is very nice. But I can't find iny my city in stores. :(

penguinmonster пишет: i like the way you cut and peel the apples!
so you don't need to pre-cook the apples before topping them with the flour mixture? Most recipes do that.. thanks!

Duduzinhosobral пишет: You Americans are so creative and inventive! No wonder why you guys lead the world. Congratulations, the recipe is great!

ajhak пишет: does the butter need to be cold?

Joy of Baking пишет: Sure if you like.

xini zin пишет: how much is 6 Tb of butter?

Brandon Crawford пишет: oh that look good am making it tomorrow

k1ngdragon411 пишет: Steph your the best.

izacv2 пишет: Thank you

Vivienne Monti пишет: i am having a flu and wake up in the middle of the night feeling headache and dry throat, so i made this, take me only 30 mins or so, very comforting absolutely delicious! so now i can go back to sleep hehe thanks stephanie!

daffodilZephyr пишет: I think cobbler has doe at the bottom

April Rose Amig пишет: Yummy wanna make this one.

kate koss пишет: How can you make any apple crisp without no cinnamon in the apples.

Joy of Baking пишет: It is a ceramic knife. You can buy it at cookware stores or even on line.

Joy of Baking пишет: We love your comments however due to our busy schedule questions on the recipes may take some time. We check our Facebook page more often so if you would like a quicker answer post your question there. A link to our Facebook page is in the description above.

Joy of Baking пишет: They are ceramic knives.

gloria p Jauregui пишет: just love your videos :)

sharz6 пишет: hey if you dont mind me asking..what is the difference with this and apple crumble? thanks! :)

Joy of Baking пишет: They are essentially the same thing.

Joy of Baking пишет: It doesn't have to, but that is how I like to make the streusel.

Joy of Baking пишет: Yes, you could leave it out.

izacv2 пишет: Where did you buy the knife it is cool

Vivienne Monti пишет: And a year later...
My stomach feels nausea and my whole body feeling weak, so once again, I made this crisp. Still comforting and one bowl I'm going to bed :)
Thanks Stephanie, I'm glad that I've known you for a year (btw the crisp this year tastes better than last year's one, so I guess my baking skill gets better hehe thanks to you)

luz murillo пишет: looks good

sharz6 пишет: thank you! :)

Diksha Rai пишет: what is the diffrnc btwn apple cobbler n apple crisp???

WrightsSmoke пишет: Great recipe, can't wait to try this out!

Joy of Baking пишет: About 85 grams.

Anna Murasova пишет: Hi! Great recipe! I tried it with sweet apples and it turned out really awesome!! Can I add some orange zest into this pie?

Duduzinhosobral пишет: These are fancy knives...plastic ones? Interesting!

xini zin пишет: thanx :))

Lindsay Klepacka пишет: Your plate to tarte with removable bottom is very nice. But I can't find iny my city in stores. :(

penguinmonster пишет: i like the way you cut and peel the apples!
so you don't need to pre-cook the apples before topping them with the flour mixture? Most recipes do that.. thanks!

Duduzinhosobral пишет: You Americans are so creative and inventive! No wonder why you guys lead the world. Congratulations, the recipe is great!

ajhak пишет: does the butter need to be cold?

Joy of Baking пишет: Sure if you like.

xini zin пишет: how much is 6 Tb of butter?

Brandon Crawford пишет: oh that look good am making it tomorrow

k1ngdragon411 пишет: Steph your the best.

izacv2 пишет: Thank you

Vivienne Monti пишет: i am having a flu and wake up in the middle of the night feeling headache and dry throat, so i made this, take me only 30 mins or so, very comforting absolutely delicious! so now i can go back to sleep hehe thanks stephanie!

daffodilZephyr пишет: I think cobbler has doe at the bottom

April Rose Amig пишет: Yummy wanna make this one.

kate koss пишет: How can you make any apple crisp without no cinnamon in the apples.

Joy of Baking пишет: It is a ceramic knife. You can buy it at cookware stores or even on line.
You'll Need:

Makes 12 servings

8 large Granny Smith apples, peeled and sliced
1 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1 cup red hots
1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1 large egg
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup all-purpose flour

Procedures : Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Using electric mixer on medium speed, beat butter with brown sugar in large bowl until creamy. Blend in egg and vanilla. Stir in rolled oats, flour and cinnamon thoroughly. In baking dish, combine apple slices, brown sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, all spice and red hots. Mix well. Pour into baking dish. Slice 1/4-cup butter stick in thin slices and place over apple mixture then top with topping mixture. Spread evenly over apples. Bake one hour or until golden brown.

Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream

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