суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Garlic Ravioli

Baked Garlic Ravioli


Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I hope you like it....you can also use 1/2 Olive oil and 1/2 butter if you don't want all that butter :)

AnnyaMoon пишет: Oh that looks good! \r
I also heard on the coking shows that not only do you not add oil but contrary to popular belief ya dont want to rinse the pasta if you want the sauces to stick well. I didnt know this. :)

Michelle Flannery пишет: I made these tonight, they tasted delicious, but I did over cook them and left them rubbery. I need a little practice. Great recipe thank you.

Lethesunshine пишет: Diana, I always come back and read the comments people post. You crack me up everytime! She's too perky for you!?! Let Snookie have at her! Lol...(((Hugs)))~Mimi~

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I'd win (giggles)

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Thanks :)

midnightmistress8675 пишет: is that a bird in the background? what kind??

thornekatt пишет: oh yum! I make a lasagne that uses ricotta cheese ravioli---the cheater lasagne. You & your hubby are adorable together. =D

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: My husband loves to drink milk and pepsi...GAG!!!

thornekatt пишет: jelly roll pan....I LOVE your spice cabinet!!\r
Were those cheese or beef raviolis?

love9boy пишет: Is you hard-anodized cookware from QVC's Technique line? If so, do you like using it? Another great recipe! Thanks.

Mum2Ana пишет: wow, I am going to try this, love the wine glass at the ending! You have such a cute figure, how do you do it with all that cheese/butter??!!

heyawhaw пишет: haha finally some real people! I'm so tired of people trying to make videos with perfect recipes and antiseptic videos with no life in them. Like scared kitchen robots. But this looks real enough. Great spice drawer!!! Maybe I'll make one myself?

Whack him with the spoon, unless he enjoys it! XD

More videos!

cofcfemmes пишет: I love your videos! I'm going to try this recipe. I'm no great cook, never cooked ravioli before. You make it look so easy and tasty. Thank you!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: you can use any brand as long as it's seasoned :)

mathewmonty пишет: You should be on TV with your husband people would tune in to see who killed each other first.

jenluv37 пишет: I LOVE my new spice cabinet. I organized it just perfect for me and it makes me so happy. Your recipe looks really really good. I need to try it sometime soon. :D

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Thanks!

DLSea Studios пишет: HAHAHAHA..

One drink of the aforementioned concoction, I'm sure you'll look at it slightly different..

You know what? You could easily have your own cooking show on like, Food Network or something. Move over Giada De Laurentiis! O_o

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: It is Italian!!!! it's Northern Italy....you friggin Sicilian LOL

stephanie gascho пишет: you two should have ur own cooking show on tv..ur hilarious together<3

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Thanks!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I hope you enjoy it :) you can also use 1/2 extra virgin Olive oil and 1/2 butter if you don't want all that butter :)

sumotherdude пишет: Oh no.. now I'm really hungry! Seriously though, great job guys... funny and informative, always a good combo!!!

Michael Farina пишет: DIANA! we made this for christmas dinner.. O M G.. it was flippin delicious!? how could something that easy be soo good? Thank you Frankie and Diana.. hope you had a great holiday.. love to you nd your family

Whits1bone пишет: So Simple-looks delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: finally someone that understands the importance of the spice cabinet!

BoomerChick55 пишет: DIANA, I LOVED IT!! Makes me want to go make it NOW.
I go to a restaurant that has "Garlic lovers Ravioli" and it's the only thing I ever order. I think you just taught me how to make it! Thanks, you're the Best.

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: wow I never thought of using that...thanks for the tip!!

08CARIB пишет: I have watched most of your cooking videos and I notice that you seem to use a certain brand of Italian bread crumbs. Would Pergresso(not sure of the spelling)be a good brand to use? Because I have never seen the 4c can that you use.

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: You're welcome

BellaBronx пишет: I usually just throw some marinara on my ravilois and I wanted to mix things up so I finally decided to try this. It is absolutely delicious! My new fav recipe. Thanks! Definitely keep the cooking shows coming.

TheMighty Thor пишет: What kind of italian recipe is that? No sauce on raviolis? Sacriledge! Oh wait thats right, give out the non italian recipes to the non italians i forgot!\r

melissa totino пишет: regarding the sexual comments lol...my father is from calabria, italy and he does the same thing. soo i think its an italian or it could just be the name frank lol. but my grandfather was the same way...much worse actually haha

astrangeone пишет: Yeah. I like the man. "Food and sex are near and dear to my heart!"


Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Snookie can smell the pasta....he loves pasta!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I got a recipe for you soon too :)

Siciliana37 пишет: Love ur little spices cabinet hahaha i know what you mean by grabbing them up im sick of grabbing the chair out for the top cabinet hehe nice video

love9boy пишет: she is way to perky! what's with that?

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: <i><b>YEAH!!!</b></i>

ddjhke пишет: I am drooling.
Thanks Di. I've never seen ravioli done quite this way.
I will make it soon.
Great job.
Make more cooking vids, OK?

tubeeorrnottubee пишет: I lovvvvvvvvvve ravioli!!! Mmmm.. butter.. garrrlic, {we're big on garlic here, too};) Ohhhh boyy does thatt look DiViNE!!!!!
I'll hAVe to try this!
Love your tin, {zinc?}, heat shield on the wall by your stove! We want to do that, too!
Thanks, Diana, this was GREAT!:)

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: You boil the Ravioli for the amount on the package less maybe 2 minutes and you broil it until it gets a little golden I usually find that it's about 10 minutes in the broiler

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Frankie ate most of it and a bottle of wine...so he was passed out on the couch the rest of the night LOL

Amanda David пишет: ahhh, okay, Your kids have great taste buds! lol

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I should have...Next cooking vid I will :)

wrongdom пишет: You are one versitile lady! Loving your vids...and definitely going to try this one!

WideScreenFiend пишет: I went to "La Mela" in Little Italy one time....OMG that food was SO GOOD, that was the SLOWEST I EVER ate! LOL! I will NEVER FORGET it! The mozrella melted in your mouth! Midwest mozarella is always rubbery & stringy.

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Pasta has to be salted otherwise it's too bland....I'm gonna make an Alfredo sauce one day soon...my kids really like it and I love it too.

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: So was Frankie's lol

Stewart Hadley пишет: Had to come back today to applaud, since comments were down last night. The only thing more delicious than the recipe was the chemistry between you and Frankie! I'd watch a show of you two anytime!

DLSea Studios пишет: One thing I'd try with that to drink is what my dad calls a CHOCTEER. Half root beer, half chocolate milk. (Quit it, people, you never know unless you try it! o_O;; )

It's good and goes well with salty foods..

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: OMG I"m so glad you tried it!!!

LegoPrincess пишет: Great Video! You and Frankie should get a show on FOOD TV! I am going to make that today for lunch! Bravo Princess & her Frankie!!!! :)

Rhonda Jackson пишет: Have you thought about having your own cooking show on the Food Network? You rock!!! I'm going to try your recipe. I love Italian food and like Emeril, I love to kick it up a notch with lots of garlic! Bam Bam Bam

Mugglesam пишет: Fantastic!!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Not really, I should start though

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: 2 packages about 24 raviolis all together

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I might be wrong but.... 2 sticks equal 1 cup of butter which is 237ml....is that right? Cause my math is terrible :(

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: You can never add too much salt :) Glad you liked it!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: As long as Loco Mama don't try to steal my man....I would love that :)

gypsyfirestorm пишет: I actually learned alot! Although I never use oil, I was always afraid to add too much salt to the water. You rock :-) Loved it!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: They are delish....you have to try them sometime :)

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I can't get him to take out the garbage....you think he's gonna set up cams for me??? I stand a better chance of having the Pope to dinner LOL

tubeeorrnottubee пишет: Amen to thatt!:)

CarnivalShine пишет: your spice drawer is fabulous! i wish i had one that awesome =) love your cooking vids!

Walt Anthony пишет: excellent substitute, thanks

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: try making it...it's very good!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: It's great cookware! It's the only kind I use :)

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: You are too sweet lol

sarrycrey пишет: ahhh he wants a tight shot of you! that is awesome! ya'll are wonderful and I am so happy that you guys are so happy together!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I hope you enjoy it :)

cindy j пишет: mmmmmmm my mouth is watering!

AnnyaMoon пишет: Did you know that the abbreviation E.V.O.O (extra virgin olive oil for those who dont know) was made famous by chef Rachel Ray and its now in the encyclopedia! They gave her a little ceremony for it.

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: They were cheese Ravioli :)

Lethesunshine пишет: Oh...I want some! Thanks for the recipe! I could hear snookie in the background. He was trying to say something, but y'all weren't paying attention. Poor snookie!!! Sending Hugs To You Diana! ~Mimi~

Walt Anthony пишет: I absolutely loved this segment. Well done guys. This has to go on my list of things to make.

Thanks Di!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: LOL!

Rhonda Jackson пишет: Ah, I thought you were going to eat a Ravioli after you plated your dish. That would have made a perfect ending to your show. :-)

Bostorican1969 пишет: great,,now I'm hungry!!! I guess I will settle with a can of Chef BoyArdee!!! :o)

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Yeah it's easy...to the butter while it's warming up so the flavors infuse it....I love that word...infuse, sounds sexy!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I hope you prepare it one day :)

Sandguy99 пишет: Looks delicious! How much Ravioli did you use?

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Lock n' Lock rules....i'll never use another type of container again.
Yeah Frankie's a perv, then again so am I lol

snowblind696 пишет: QVC ROCKS!

rextangle пишет: Food and sex! I'm with Frankie on that one

LegoPrincess пишет: That was a really nice segment. I like your tip about "salty sea water". Alot of people do not know that trick. Now you need a camera over your stove top, work space and maybe one in your fridge! Have Frankie set that up for you. What is he doing now? He could do it! ;)

soonfully пишет: Di I hope you dont mind my off topic questions but am wandering how you stay soo thin? Do you work out ?

Michael Sproles пишет: I LOVE that spice draw. I want one of those sooo bad!

TheMighty Thor пишет: freakin northerners!! a plague on italian cooking they are!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Glad you enjoyed, try making it one day :)

twish1999 пишет: Looks great! I want to try this but how much is 2 sticks of butter cos we don't measure butter like that here in England! xxx

FunkMan53 пишет: European cooks here use salt, to reduce the boiling point of the water and 1 teaspoon of vinegar, so the pasta does't stick together, it really works!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: Yuck lol

kupimoka пишет: I love your recipes Diana :)

SerbSpice пишет: Lil Serbian trick: put a wet kitchen towel or a textured jar opener(the ones that look like cupboard liner-forgot what its called) under your cutting board so it doesn't move around.

torigirl35 пишет: its yummy and i have a set of ceramic chefs knives as well...my mom was a chef and i cook too and love my kitchen supplies and i've had toasted raviolis .... yummy ...ciao bella...love ya...need ya...want ya...


michikoww пишет: At the risk of giving the same comment everyone else gives, you and Frankie make a fabulous team. So glad you found each other and I hope I end up as lucky as you guys.

Hey, maybe Youtube is the new key to a great marriage XD

Zipster пишет: Loco Mama wants to do a cooking show with you sometime!!

Diana DeLaFuente пишет: I hope you like it....you can also use 1/2 Olive oil and 1/2 butter if you don't want all that butter :)
You'll Need:

Wonton wrappers

12 large garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 pound Ricotta cheese
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons chopped chives
1 egg, beaten

Garlic B�chamel Sauce
6 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Procedures : For Filling: Saut� garlic, Italian seasoning and pepper in olive oil. Drain. Mix Ricotta and Parmesan to garlic mixture. Add chives and egg. Mix well. Fill wonton wrappers.

For Sauce: Saut� garlic in oil and set aside.

Melt butter over low heat; stir in flour, gradually add milk to thicken. Stir in garlic, salt and pepper. Serve over garlic ravioli. Garnish with fresh parsley

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