How to Make Gyoza - Japanese dumplings
Impress your friends and your belly with homemade gyoza - Japanese-style potstickers. Learn how on this Emmymade How- to: gyoza on Emmymade in Japan. gyoza! gyoza! gyoza! New videos every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday!
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1/2 C.(100g) ground pork
2/3 C. green cabbage, finely shredded
1/4 C. green onions, finely chopped
2 t. soy sauce
1/2 t. sugar
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/8 t. fresh ginger, minced
1/4 -1/2 t. sesame oil
black pepper to taste
20-24 fresh gyoza wrappers
water for sealing dumplings
1 t. soy sauce
1 t. rice wine vinegar
1/2 t. water
In a medium bowl, combine all of the filling ingredients until well mixed.
Depending on the size of wrapper use 1/2 -3/4 t. of filling per wrapper. Pleat as instructed in video and placed filled gyoza on a well-floured plate. They can be cooked immediately or frozen at this point.
Heat a frying pan on medium-high heat. Place 1 T. of oil in the heated pan, swirl to coat bottom and add gyoza in a even layer and allow bottoms to get golden brown. Once browned, add a 1/4 C of water and quickly cover to steam. The gyozas are cooked after 5-8 min. or when all the water has evaporated. Serve them golden-side up with dipping sauce or hot chili oil. Makes 20-24 dumplings.
My blogs:
twitter: emmymadeinjapan
Impress your friends and your belly with homemade gyoza - Japanese-style potstickers. Learn how on this Emmymade How- to: gyoza on Emmymade in Japan. gyoza! gyoza! gyoza! New videos every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday!
Join the Emmy League of Adventuresome Eaters & follow me here:
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1/2 C.(100g) ground pork
2/3 C. green cabbage, finely shredded
1/4 C. green onions, finely chopped
2 t. soy sauce
1/2 t. sugar
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/8 t. fresh ginger, minced
1/4 -1/2 t. sesame oil
black pepper to taste
20-24 fresh gyoza wrappers
water for sealing dumplings
1 t. soy sauce
1 t. rice wine vinegar
1/2 t. water
In a medium bowl, combine all of the filling ingredients until well mixed.
Depending on the size of wrapper use 1/2 -3/4 t. of filling per wrapper. Pleat as instructed in video and placed filled gyoza on a well-floured plate. They can be cooked immediately or frozen at this point.
Heat a frying pan on medium-high heat. Place 1 T. of oil in the heated pan, swirl to coat bottom and add gyoza in a even layer and allow bottoms to get golden brown. Once browned, add a 1/4 C of water and quickly cover to steam. The gyozas are cooked after 5-8 min. or when all the water has evaporated. Serve them golden-side up with dipping sauce or hot chili oil. Makes 20-24 dumplings.
My blogs:
twitter: emmymadeinjapan
Dingo Locca пишет: They look so delicious!
F2E002 пишет: Can I don't add cabbage? Just pork?
Doyun пишет: My Mom (Korean) Always Adds Tofu And Different Things ... I'm Sure To Try This!
123kaelee123 пишет: This is great! Probably the most uncomplicated recipe. Thanks so much Emmy!
Gwen Hinkle пишет: yum!
lovleylola12345 пишет: I would like to try those
emmymadeinjapan пишет: Of course :) A combination of tofu, cabbage, & mushrooms would be delicious.
emmymadeinjapan пишет: cute :)
Akane1313 пишет: I just made these. ^_^ I didn't think I could make anything that tastes so awesome. Thank you! I'll never again have to go out to buy a complete meal just so I can get some gyoza with it.
Kelly Benadie пишет: Wow Emmy, this recipe is really awesome. I got my boyfriend to help me out with this one and we had a blast (especially while watching him wrap the gyoza skins! >.<)
The result was a success and tasted freakin amazing! Thanks again!
ThisIsSyonaAmira пишет: The o
Tracy Nhu пишет: mmm.. so yummy. they look great! =)\r
maznah ahmad пишет: i canot eat pork
starchild4013 пишет: I kid you not, I was on a video spree with your vids and I was thinking about these because when I was 5 or so my Korean aunt made these and I helped her and like Littlebluefrry said we also used ground beef they tasted so fantastic and that is EXACTLY how we made them oh I'm so hungry now!!!
Cheryl S. пишет: You're adorable, great video, great presentation...I'm about to make them right now :)
ColorfulWaffles23 пишет: This looks so good! love ur vids!
nesar shetty пишет: u have magic in ur hands
NerdCrowd пишет: long comments...
Littlebluefry пишет: Emmy I really love this recipe, me and my mom have made these almost 15 times now together and we love the time spent and outcome of the food! I think we're making some tomorrow too! :) We like to use ground beef instead of pork though, and we use extra garlic because we're garlic freaks :P
brendastyles пишет: Yummm it look just like to pot stickers i buy at Costco
LisaTigressHardy пишет: This brings bacjk memories just like the onigiri. My mom used to make them wheni was little and sometimes i'd help. and i've made some by myself when I was little too. Like when I was 8. My mom though, she used ground beef and made it like hamburgers with green onions, egg, soysauce and season-all seasoned salt, and then when she crimped them, she crimped both sides tgether instead of just one side. then she'd fry them up. I also came up with the idea to shape them into won-tons. lol.
TheMagicalTea пишет: Does the beef produce about the same results? I know some (depending on quality) tend to be greasier than pork.
Ily max пишет: You can get it from eBay white rabbit express or at an local Japanese store @aroria27
LilJosieLeAnn пишет: They want some Gyoza! :-)\r
Cychro пишет: Karishmav, try tofu cubed really small or cheese curds. Maye some hearty veggies? Use your own flavor palate and put in it what you like to eat.
BlairWillowsTV пишет: Hi Emmy... Can I ask what's the music at the start of the video? I like that ;)
theHellostrawberry пишет: haha today i sat here and watched like all of your videos O.O they're so addicting! you're fun. :D
emmymadeinjapan пишет: @danifilth363 :)
Robynn Wimmer пишет: Yes, yes you did baby.<3 they were amazing boobboo<3
Mamikins71 пишет: God I am so tired, my spelling sucked and everything. I meant to say that meat is not being eaten raw, and Gyozas are first fried and then steamed for about 5 to 6 minutes after being fried. The cooking part was not fully shown in the video for obvious reasons. Some people are freaking out like she was eating the raw meat. If you are that worried, deep fried them. you can also deep fry Gyoza if that is what you prefer.
Kiarra Davis пишет: looove these!! my friend made me some before...i almost melted
trianglechokeU пишет: no ryu in the gyoza sauce?
tinycupcakes47 пишет: Now I'm hungry
xxdramalover1xx пишет: just wondering,what's the difference between gyoza's and dumplings?
MegaSdiaz пишет: these are so friggin good
Sim ruthi пишет: fun!!!
LeilaHusseini пишет: YUM! They look great :P i dont eat pork so what meat would you recommend i use? xx
Edward Hiscocks пишет: Do you have pet birds emmy because I can her some birds
xyzaffair12345 пишет: Gosh you make me so tempted to make this! This looks very delicious!
david Rugg пишет: I see other recipes for this where the meat is cooked before filling - I'm a little nervous to put it in raw.... am I being a scaredy-cat here?
Seni Clifford пишет: Mm. They look really good! :3
behtee payweyne пишет: your really pretty and talented
missAlover13 пишет: @emmymadeinjapan Umm Emmy can I ask if the table ur using is called a kotatsu??? Thnx
lissakitty пишет: I actually fry up some eggs and garlic and put that in my gyoza. Tastes great.
KaseyKakes пишет: They look so mouthwatering!
Sarah пишет: when i went to japan a few wks ago i ate these and i dont really like it but after a few tries i liked it XD
Eli Da пишет: I'm gonna try it ^^
but when you put the water do you "close" the heat? or do let it to medium heat?
LingSovereign пишет: @webcamfan2569 My way of spelling :)
frozenlay3 пишет: i eat them before it taste good!
shahedchhatak пишет: Emmy i love your videos and your soooooo cute. love your lips. x
noa jalen пишет: What's the sqeaking
Jessie May пишет: This is my favourite food. Thank-you for teaching me how to make it! Kisses.
Trinity Allen пишет: Those look really good keep up the good videos
StormyWo1f пишет: I want it now soo bad
Mamikins71 пишет: I don't understand why so many people are freaked out about the meat being used for Gyozas. I am Japanese who lives in the UK, and when I make Gyozas at home, I make them exactly the same way as Emmy does. It is not like she is eating raw meat here. After Fillings are put in those Gyoza shells, they are first frired and then steamed for about 5 minutes for them to fully cook. Again I say this, meat IS NOT eating raw. I just had to say something.
Maheen Ahmed пишет: .....Then don't........
Aisyah75 пишет: the same things.. japan = gyoza, china = wonton, korea = mandu.. :D
romanticprincess8888 пишет: @emmymadeinjapan please make takoyaki!
Cindy Tran пишет: I want to see your baby
loveloveelaine пишет: @F2E002 haha i dont like vegetable either.
ilovelps5 пишет: That looks GOOD in really hungry
MrsVicFuentes101 пишет: Can you just make me some emmy?cx
Kaspiian Q пишет: omg, i MUST try to make these...TO MY MOTHER!
Tatsujin пишет: Can I use Beef instead of Pork? I don't like pork.
Audrey Wilson пишет: I'm hungry now.....me want dumplings!
Cat пишет: What if I don't want to use cabbage for the filling?
Khadijah Zul пишет: what soy sauce did you use and can u tell me the brand? thanks! :)
NeonCheetoz пишет: That looks yummy! Girl you can cook. you go girl
Davatehi пишет: I remember that I ate something like this over at a friends place. Well, with the exception that he put chili, wasabi and all other kinds of hot things as the filling in mine without telling me. It was quite an experience.
emmymadeinjapan пишет: @SexyAlmy - Great! Glad you liked them.
Sydney Lin пишет: Lol, turn on the captions
Cyndi Krystelle пишет: gyoza!gyoza!gyoza!and now i'm hungry~ (x_x)|||
emmymadeinjapan пишет: @krystoria - Sweet!
Emmely454 пишет: I really need to get that stuff and make it. It looks so gooooodddd
Jade Scott пишет: Are ginger and cabbage needed? If so is there something else I can substitute?
aroria27 пишет: I started watching your popin' cookin videos with my oldest son he is just amazed lol. I eventually came across this video and I had to try the recipe. They are so great! My family loves them and any time Im making home made asian food we have these. Thank you so much for posting this video it is great!
P.S do you know of any websites that I might be able to buy popin' cookin? Ive tried amazon but they normally only have two different ones.
Christian Brown пишет: Your recipe works so much better than cookingwithdogs. youre my savior :D
Kari Liu пишет: My parents make gyozas/wontons all the time! I love it!
laughalltheway1 пишет: i eating the ones i made right now!SOOOOOO GOOD:D
cristofer huerta пишет: Injuries
nikki sun-im пишет: hehe koreans says if you make pretty dumplings youll have a cute child ^^
emmymadeinjapan пишет: @alexseh9 - Sweet! I'm happy to hear you tried the recipe & that it was a success.
NiT34ByTe пишет: Intro?
Mamikins71 пишет: Are you sure they were authentic gyoza recipes? I know that when they make Ravioli, they cook the meat filling before actually filling the shells, but Gyozas are always made the way Emmy made them in this video. I am a Japanese who were born In Tokyo, but lives in the UK. I make Gyoza at home as well, and I make them exactly same as Emmy makes them. Since Gyozas get fried first and then steamed, there is no reason for you to be worried about filling not being pre-cooked.
MrCuty1999 пишет: Guozas are called "guo tie " in Chinese in Singapore or China, Asian.
ishtinka9 пишет: Can this be done with just veggies? :)
lovleylola12345 пишет: Comershals grrrr
Theresa A. пишет: Mmmmm...love gyoza. :)
Yeon Jin Joo пишет: It looks great! :D
I should try this ^^
kiruthika lakshmi пишет: Hi,
Sorry to say this. I some of ur videos I noticed ur top look unironed n it keep on disturbing the concentration. May b the top material s like tht or u didn't iron it. If so, next time choose someother one. Sorry
Dingo Locca пишет: They look so delicious!
F2E002 пишет: Can I don't add cabbage? Just pork?
Doyun пишет: My Mom (Korean) Always Adds Tofu And Different Things ... I'm Sure To Try This!
123kaelee123 пишет: This is great! Probably the most uncomplicated recipe. Thanks so much Emmy!
Gwen Hinkle пишет: yum!
lovleylola12345 пишет: I would like to try those
emmymadeinjapan пишет: Of course :) A combination of tofu, cabbage, & mushrooms would be delicious.
emmymadeinjapan пишет: cute :)
Akane1313 пишет: I just made these. ^_^ I didn't think I could make anything that tastes so awesome. Thank you! I'll never again have to go out to buy a complete meal just so I can get some gyoza with it.
Kelly Benadie пишет: Wow Emmy, this recipe is really awesome. I got my boyfriend to help me out with this one and we had a blast (especially while watching him wrap the gyoza skins! >.<)
The result was a success and tasted freakin amazing! Thanks again!
You'll Need:
170 mL water
200 g strong flour
200 g ground pork
Nira*: can be substituted by leek or green onion
Leek or Green onion
Soya sauce, salt, and pepper
Sesame oil
Dipping Sauce:
Soya sauce
Procedures : Mix the water and the flour to a dough that should not be sticky but as soft as an ear lobe.
Put a wet towel over the dough, and let it stand for several minutes.
Separate the dough in 30 pieces, and form each of them to very thin discs with a diameter of about 10 cm. The middle of each disc should be a little bit thicker than the edge.
Cut some green, outer cabbage leaves, some green onion (or leek), nira, ginger, and garlic in very small pieces. The amount of these ingredients should equal the amount of meat. Do it as you like.
Put some salt on the cabbage, and let it stand for five minutes. Then press the water out of the cabbage pieces.
Mix the cabbage, green onion (or leek), nira, ginger, garlic, and the ground pork all together, and add some salt, pepper, soya sauce, sake, and sesame oil. Mix it all very well.
Making and frying the Gyoza:
Put some of the filling onto a piece of dough. Remember that the filling should suffice for 30 gyoza pieces.
Moisten the edge of the dough with water. Moisten only a semicircle, not all the way around.
Close the gyoza. While closing it, fold the edge about 6 times as shown on the image.
Put the gyoza on the table as shown in the image.
Fry the Gyoza in a little bit of hot oil until the bottom is brownish, then add water so that the gyoza are in the water with about half of their hight.
Keep the high heat and wait until all the water has vaporized. Then remove the gyoza from the heat.
Dipping sauce: Mix the same amounts of soya sauce and vinegar together.
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