The Hangtown Fry - Mark Bittman
NYTimes.com - Mark Bittman, a k a The Minimalist, makes scrambled eggs with bacon and oysters.
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The Hangtown Fry - Mark Bittman
NYTimes.com - Mark Bittman, a k a The Minimalist, makes scrambled eggs with bacon and oysters.
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Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube.
The Hangtown Fry - Mark Bittman
Fender010592 пишет: i see that there are a lot of people commentting about the mistakes he makes...how about you make a video to support your ideas?we are all so good at talking but when it`s time to show what we know,we cower...so...make a video in which you make this dish and show us how it`s made.or else,SHUT THE F**K UP.you couldn`t do this shit in a thousand years...
borgerdi пишет: he's a bit of an idiot, bittman
MoonBlackCat13 пишет: I agree with Silver..Lemme know if you want some help.
ronnymerrill пишет: THIS IS A REAL PLACE! HANTOWN!
MrKingsandCastles пишет: Add to your eggs three tablespoons of finely chopped parsley with some salt and pepper, then take some breadcrumbs and dip the oysters first in the eggs, then in the breadcrumbs. Then fry them with the bacon and mushrooms. Works a treat.
ronnymerrill пишет: PLACERVILLE CA.
JunNights пишет: @19viper Cooking and taste vary with country, availability and personal opinion being part of it. So... if you 'fail' a dish, all you are saying is that your view of food is extremely limited. As long as its edible, it looks somewhat decent and to someones palate... well ->Its a dish.\r
As for your recc... post a video response instead of starting an argument – it would make you seem far more professional as a cook, and might make me interested enough to try it just to compare.
sharpasaneraser пишет: a daring, decadent dish if ever there was one.
silver965 пишет: if you actually took the time to send this to 6 videos, i will tie you up and disembowel you for you being so amazingly retarded.
zackguy5 пишет: IM NOT TRYING TO ADVERTISE BUT IM SCARED OF WHAT IT SEES in 1908 a lady named sally rusa was in the woods looking for a dog until a ghost came and killed her so if ur reading this u will find a bloody body in your closet hanging there haunting you and will kill you and ur family and if u want to stop this just sends this to 6 videos in 30 mins or this will happen good luck!!
Fender010592 пишет: i see that there are a lot of people commentting about the mistakes he makes...how about you make a video to support your ideas?we are all so good at talking but when it`s time to show what we know,we cower...so...make a video in which you make this dish and show us how it`s made.or else,SHUT THE F**K UP.you couldn`t do this shit in a thousand years...
borgerdi пишет: he's a bit of an idiot, bittman
MoonBlackCat13 пишет: I agree with Silver..Lemme know if you want some help.
ronnymerrill пишет: THIS IS A REAL PLACE! HANTOWN!
MrKingsandCastles пишет: Add to your eggs three tablespoons of finely chopped parsley with some salt and pepper, then take some breadcrumbs and dip the oysters first in the eggs, then in the breadcrumbs. Then fry them with the bacon and mushrooms. Works a treat.
ronnymerrill пишет: PLACERVILLE CA.
JunNights пишет: @19viper Cooking and taste vary with country, availability and personal opinion being part of it. So... if you 'fail' a dish, all you are saying is that your view of food is extremely limited. As long as its edible, it looks somewhat decent and to someones palate... well ->Its a dish.\r
As for your recc... post a video response instead of starting an argument – it would make you seem far more professional as a cook, and might make me interested enough to try it just to compare.
sharpasaneraser пишет: a daring, decadent dish if ever there was one.
silver965 пишет: if you actually took the time to send this to 6 videos, i will tie you up and disembowel you for you being so amazingly retarded.
zackguy5 пишет: IM NOT TRYING TO ADVERTISE BUT IM SCARED OF WHAT IT SEES in 1908 a lady named sally rusa was in the woods looking for a dog until a ghost came and killed her so if ur reading this u will find a bloody body in your closet hanging there haunting you and will kill you and ur family and if u want to stop this just sends this to 6 videos in 30 mins or this will happen good luck!!
You'll Need:
5 eggs
2 tbs whipping cream
1/4 lb shucked raw oysters, drained
All-purpose flour
3 tbs cracker crumbs
3 tbs butter or margarine
Salt and ground black pepper
Procedures : Beat eggs with cream until blended; set aside. Rinse oysters and pat dry. Coat with flour, shaking off excess. Dip in egg mixture, roll in crumbs, and place slightly apart on a rack; let stand until slightly dry (about 20 minutes). In a wide frying pan, melt 2 tbs of the butter over medium-high heat. When butter is hot, add oysters and cook, turning once, until golden (about 2 minutes total). Lift out and set aside on paper towels. Melt remaining butter in pan and pour in remaining egg mixture. Cook, lifting edges with a spatula to let uncooked portion flow underneath, until eggs are set but still moist on top (about 5 minutes). Slide onto warm platter and top with oysters. Season to taste with salt and pepper
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