суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Hungarian Pastry

Krémes - Hungarian Pastries - Hairy Bikers BakeAtion - Hungary - BBC Food


Krémes ("crem-esh") is a beloved Hungarian pastry sold in practically every Hungarian pastry shop. The Hairy Bikers meet Auguszta Auguszt whose family's patisserie survived the ravages of communism and still bakes over 300 Krémes a day from the same recipe that her great grandfather used.

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You'll Need:

4 cup Flour
1 lb Margarine
4 x Egg yolks
8 oz Sour cream

Procedures : Use prune lekvar, solo filling, apricot preserves, or anything!!!!! Mix flour and oleo like pie dough. Add egg yolks to sour cream, and beat well.
Pour into flour mixture and blend with hands. Put on flat plate and over with oleo paper**, cover with dish cloth and put in the refrigerator OVERNIGHT!!!(important!!) Cut off a piece and roll to a square dough. cut squares, then put filling in the middle, shape it*** brush with egg yolk.
Put in 350 F oven and cook until golden brown (10-15 minutes)
** Oleo paper- cut a paper bag into a sheet slightly bigger than your plate. With the empty oleo wrapper, oil the brown paper. Cover dough with oiled side down!
***Cookies are shaped like this, two opposite corners fold together, fasten with a little water. After baking- dust with confectioner's sugar.

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