How to Make Temakizushi/Temaki Sushi (Japanese Hand Rolled Sushi Recipe) 手巻き寿司 作り方レシピ
Ingredients for Temaki Sushi (serves 3)
300ml Rice (10 1/2 oz)
300ml Water (10 1/2 oz)
1 tbsp Sake
5x5cm Kombu Kelp (2x2 inches)
2 tbsp Roasted White Sesame Seeds
A Little Ginger
40ml Rice Vinegar (2 tbsp & 2 tsp)
1/2 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs
2 tsp Sugar
A Bit of Salt
4 Srimps
100g Chu-Toro - Medium Fatty Tuna (3 1/2 oz)
100g Kampachi - Greater Amberjack (3 1/2 oz)
100g Fatty Salmon (3 1/2 oz)
1 Precooked Anago - Conger Eel
2 Scallops
1 Cuttlefish
Looseleaf Lettuce
Newly Harvested Onion
Radish Sprouts
1/2 Cucumber
50g Takuan - Pickled Daikon Radish (2 oz)
50g Nagaimo - Japanese Mountain Yam (2 oz)
10 Shiso Leaves - Beefsteak Leaves
Toasted Nori - Toasted Laver Seaweed
Gari - Sushi Ginger
Wasabi - Grated Japanese Horseradish
Soy Sauce
How to Make Steamed Rice
Wash 300ml rice (10 1/2 oz) and drain the rice in a sieve basket. Put the rice in a rice cooker, and add 300ml water (10 1/2 oz), 1 tbsp sake and 5x5cm kombu kelp (2x2 inches). Let the rice soak in the water for 30 minutes and turn on the rice cooker.
Ingredients for Temaki Sushi (serves 3)
300ml Rice (10 1/2 oz)
300ml Water (10 1/2 oz)
1 tbsp Sake
5x5cm Kombu Kelp (2x2 inches)
2 tbsp Roasted White Sesame Seeds
A Little Ginger
40ml Rice Vinegar (2 tbsp & 2 tsp)
1/2 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs
2 tsp Sugar
A Bit of Salt
4 Srimps
100g Chu-Toro - Medium Fatty Tuna (3 1/2 oz)
100g Kampachi - Greater Amberjack (3 1/2 oz)
100g Fatty Salmon (3 1/2 oz)
1 Precooked Anago - Conger Eel
2 Scallops
1 Cuttlefish
Looseleaf Lettuce
Newly Harvested Onion
Radish Sprouts
1/2 Cucumber
50g Takuan - Pickled Daikon Radish (2 oz)
50g Nagaimo - Japanese Mountain Yam (2 oz)
10 Shiso Leaves - Beefsteak Leaves
Toasted Nori - Toasted Laver Seaweed
Gari - Sushi Ginger
Wasabi - Grated Japanese Horseradish
Soy Sauce
How to Make Steamed Rice
Wash 300ml rice (10 1/2 oz) and drain the rice in a sieve basket. Put the rice in a rice cooker, and add 300ml water (10 1/2 oz), 1 tbsp sake and 5x5cm kombu kelp (2x2 inches). Let the rice soak in the water for 30 minutes and turn on the rice cooker.
Fatima Jawaid пишет: YUMM!!!!!
Laura Ufomrs пишет: Gurl, yes.
lluvia makiado пишет: Aww the little dogs is all like "I want some" lol
TheNova5 пишет: omg that sakura chopstick rest is so cute! iwant one xD btw francis' hair is awesome haha
Chrisline G пишет: "good luck in the kitchen" love that part!
Tylady пишет: The internet says its flavor has been compared to basil, but as being lighter. I have never tried shiso, personally.
Ana Paula пишет: Nori is a kind of seaweed =)
Chubby Bunny пишет: When it comes to japanese food, i only trust cookingwithdog, runnyrunny999 and ochikeron ;)
deafomega пишет: omg hahaa this is sooo old :P
glad to have seen the show come such a long way
youngprince17386 пишет: That all looks real good :)
Chen Michael пишет: Dog is like : What!!!!!
Sinnipop Lolligag пишет: She can cut me into quarter inch slices any day.
123bannanna пишет: Yum!!!! I'm hungry now.
albertoleonb23 пишет: Haahahahhahahahaha
runswithmilk пишет: aww is Francis sick? he doesn't sound as cheeper as he usually does.
LesnarNextBigThingF5 пишет: bask in my feces because i just shat on you, #YouCantPhaseMe #Itsjpgnotjpeg
Cem Temeltaş пишет: Good job with the Tamagoyaki. It requires some skill to roll it like that with just two chopsticks.
radioactivenonesense пишет: im so hungry i want to eat this right now. im about to attack my monitor
GlitterInTheAiir пишет: Omg. I read your comment and i threw up.
aznbank пишет: I'd have her as my mother so I can cook along side with her.
Cooking with Dog пишет: The scallops, tuna and salmon have to be "sashimi-grade" fish meant to be eaten raw :) Please ask your local fish dealer to find the good one.
LaxPanda25 пишет: If it's not sushi grade dont eat it raw. Just like you wouldnt eat jarred oysters raw or supermarket eggs raw
Hufflepunk пишет: Something tells me that I'd like sushi a lot more with lettuce since I really dislike the taste of nori
mushcake56 пишет: she's such a cute lady ^_^
ibnelmina пишет: look delicious
rainX21kitten пишет: do you mean the one that starts at 0:20? It's Chopin's "Minute Waltz" (Op. 64 No. 1 in D flat) here is a link! /watch?v=OoX6ZTUd3Vo
onlymhine18 пишет: But i like it the dog was very cute
Hany Ahmad Ilzam пишет: PLEASE MADAM..PLEASE BE MY MOM!
Nooa Avo пишет: dog has come a long way : )
jessica dong пишет: then try a california roll... there's nothing raw in that
MrOtterfuzz пишет: Then you'd only get to see her every once in a while! Wouldn't you prefer her as your mother, so you can have her cooking every day?
Jason Chen пишет: the dog gets after the video
Tian Gerrand пишет: The skill blows me away! She's so comfortable with everything. Absolutely amazing.
possumshake пишет: Chop the ginger into fine feces. XD
lsmaassable пишет: i loled when chef muffled delicious
abermin пишет: 食べたい!
Nipomuceno del japon пишет: then,this way is Temaki Sushi.....IS EASY
Kirsten Raphael пишет: looks great! my kids love it! my husband is japanese so now i can share my foodtaste with him. loving it!!!!
cfreeman5100 пишет: Francis' voice is different!
Tina Huang пишет: Shes so skilled that shes better at cracking eggs than me >.<
Sarah Gamer пишет: i waant ):
MsLansones пишет: coward
k santander пишет: They did in one episode!
Prince Kehy пишет: lol Fransis soooooo wanted a bite!
o Oliver пишет: yum
Jianwen163 пишет: This is just too good
Clearie552 пишет: haha poor dog wants some fish!
momkatmax пишет: @ 5:50 Francis was dancing with JOY for his temaki.
ACCS5G пишет: fuck you Japan is awesome.
Valerie Chapman пишет: That lady is the most amazing chef I've seen in a long time! I would love to try one of her meals at least once!
Kaeflaith пишет: So Chef showed two ways to put the ingredients together, but how do the rest of the ingredients go together? I have never made sushi so I don't know what to put with what.
Faith S пишет: Aww Francis.
Sweet y Salado пишет: I can watch her cut and slice anything for days.
Cyrine Boussetta пишет: is the scallops non baked ? :O
Kadj Kadjepicdear пишет: wasabii ummm i think it's so spicy
bandita43 пишет: My friend sent me these videos for lols, because of the dog...but now I actually watch them to help me make japanese food.
eric wong пишет: How did you get the dog to stay still at every video??
Pangrum Naja пишет: Oh, Francis. Your voice are really boring!!
MissAssassin пишет: this is HEALTHY!!!! :)
PangyaGamer пишет: Yes it is. :3
SasukeUchiha758 пишет: ah thanks :D I was thinking about buying the things I need for this lol I used to hate rice and seaweed with a passion until my friend made me a couple of rice balls and i just absolutely love em :D She said she is gonna make a few of em for my 16th birthday :D
TechnoJunkie109 пишет: Oh my god, Francis looks so adorable ;_;
SOPHIA MULLER пишет: 5:26 the dog sound:')
onlymhine18 пишет: The dog was getting bored
xRawrMeansILoveYou0x пишет: Ever since I watched your bento video, I've been getting addicted to your video's DX My friend's think I'm crazy ._.
Cao13 пишет: Put all those ribbons in the hair of a man and he'll be pissed for a while.
viralarchitect пишет: A good rule of thumb is up to two different proteins (fish) and one vegetable. But really you just have to try everything and see what you like. Remember, not all sushi has to be wrapped, it can simply be a single ingredient and rice.
Jennifer Vu пишет: Dog looks like a she, sounds like a he xD
ariel awr пишет: What happened to Francis' voice?
My Nguyen пишет: OMG, this looks so darn good! FEED MEEEEEEE!
winne chan пишет: we wonna see u feed the dog
Fatima Jawaid пишет: YUMM!!!!!
Laura Ufomrs пишет: Gurl, yes.
lluvia makiado пишет: Aww the little dogs is all like "I want some" lol
TheNova5 пишет: omg that sakura chopstick rest is so cute! iwant one xD btw francis' hair is awesome haha
Chrisline G пишет: "good luck in the kitchen" love that part!
Tylady пишет: The internet says its flavor has been compared to basil, but as being lighter. I have never tried shiso, personally.
Ana Paula пишет: Nori is a kind of seaweed =)
Chubby Bunny пишет: When it comes to japanese food, i only trust cookingwithdog, runnyrunny999 and ochikeron ;)
deafomega пишет: omg hahaa this is sooo old :P
glad to have seen the show come such a long way
youngprince17386 пишет: That all looks real good :)
Chen Michael пишет: Dog is like : What!!!!!
Sinnipop Lolligag пишет: She can cut me into quarter inch slices any day.
123bannanna пишет: Yum!!!! I'm hungry now.
albertoleonb23 пишет: Haahahahhahahahaha
runswithmilk пишет: aww is Francis sick? he doesn't sound as cheeper as he usually does.
LesnarNextBigThingF5 пишет: bask in my feces because i just shat on you, #YouCantPhaseMe #Itsjpgnotjpeg
Cem Temeltaş пишет: Good job with the Tamagoyaki. It requires some skill to roll it like that with just two chopsticks.
radioactivenonesense пишет: im so hungry i want to eat this right now. im about to attack my monitor
GlitterInTheAiir пишет: Omg. I read your comment and i threw up.
aznbank пишет: I'd have her as my mother so I can cook along side with her.
Cooking with Dog пишет: The scallops, tuna and salmon have to be "sashimi-grade" fish meant to be eaten raw :) Please ask your local fish dealer to find the good one.
LaxPanda25 пишет: If it's not sushi grade dont eat it raw. Just like you wouldnt eat jarred oysters raw or supermarket eggs raw
Hufflepunk пишет: Something tells me that I'd like sushi a lot more with lettuce since I really dislike the taste of nori
mushcake56 пишет: she's such a cute lady ^_^
ibnelmina пишет: look delicious
rainX21kitten пишет: do you mean the one that starts at 0:20? It's Chopin's "Minute Waltz" (Op. 64 No. 1 in D flat) here is a link! /watch?v=OoX6ZTUd3Vo
onlymhine18 пишет: But i like it the dog was very cute
You'll Need:
4 c sushi rice; see recipe
4 takuan (japanese pickles);
-cut in thin strips
2 sheets nori seaweed
Procedures : HAND VINEGAR 1 ts rice vinegar
3 tb water
Soy sauce; for dipping
Just before rolling sushi, toast the nori by passing the shiny side over
high flame. The color of the nori will change from brownish black to
green. (Without toasting, the nori will be gummy and hard to chew.)
Cut toasted nori sheets in half crosswise.
Lay a 1/2 a sheet of the nori, shiny side down on a counter. Combine the
rice vinegar and water, and moisten your hands with this hand vinegar to
keep the rice from sticking to your hands as you work. Spread about 1
of the sushi rice on 3/4 of the nori closest to you, in a layer about
inch thick, spreading it to the edges. Lay 1/4 of the pickle slices
the center of the nori. Roll gently, using the fingers and palms of both
hands. Eat immediately, without cutting, and serve the soy sauce as a
dipping sauce.
Per serving: 680 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (2% calories from fat); 12g
Protein; 156g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 20mg Sodium
Food Exchanges: 10 1/2 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit;
1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates
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