суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Lasagna Bolognese

Lasagna bolognese - original Italian recipe


From Giallozafferano, the italian most famous food website, a new video recipe: lasagna bolognese. Find this and many more recipes with pictures on the Giallozafferano App (in English) http://itunes.apple.com/app/giallozaf...


Welcome to the GialloZafferano kitchen. I'm Sonia and today we'll be preparing a pasta dish from the Emilia-Romagna region -- Lasagne Bolognese
Let's look at the ingredients we'll need:
• 4.5 cups (1 kg) of Béchamel sauce
• 3 cups (1 kg) of ragu Bolognese -- you can find the recipe on the GialloZafferano site.
• 1.5 cups (200 g) of grated parmesan cheese
• 1 pound (500 g) of fresh egg lasagne noodles
• Extra virgin olive oil
OK, let's see how to prepare our Lasagne Bolognese.
Begin by getting a pan that's about 8x12 inches (20x30 cm). Add a thin layer of olive oil and spread a spoonful of sauce at the bottom of the pan. This will keep the bottom of the lasagne from burning. After this, begin to lay down the sheets of lasagne. You can cut them to fit the size of your pan and use the trimmings to cover any space leftover. Now add a layer of béchamel, spread it out, and add another layer of sauce. Keep in mind that you'll want to make about four layers including the cover, so measure your ingredients according to the room you have in the pan. Now, sprinkle with a layer of parmesan cheese. Go on like this with the other layers.
I'm finishing here with the last layer. Spread the béchamel right up to the corners, and finish everything with a layer of sauce. The last layer can get a bit more sauce than the rest. Give a generous sprinkling of the parmesan, and now we're ready to bake the lasagne Bolognese for about an hour at 320°F (160°C).
Our Lasagne Bolognese is ready. Remember that after you've baked it, leave it to rest for at least 15 minutes so that the layers can settle, which will make cutting portions much easier. From Sonia and GialloZafferano, bye and see you in the next videorecipe!

JapanForSale пишет: This looks so much like what a mom would make.

To any native Italians: Please enlighten me; is this something your mom would make on an ordinary day? What're some stories you could share with us about your cuisine? Is all your food so delicious looking and appetizing?

Really, the two top most countries I'd want to spend the rest of my life in are Italy and Japan. Too wonderful for words.

Sarah Edwards пишет: You could also cut some mozzarella off a block and put it over the parmesan.

yellowsaffron пишет: If it's homemade it should be boiled for a few seconds... if it's ready-made, you may not need to boil it first, but read the package instructions

IllKeepOnDreaming пишет: its better if you finish with pasta coated in cheese.. it makes it crunchy and lovely:3

PlayerBAbyOG пишет: Nice I love my lasagne!

doubletrouble241 пишет: ขอบคุณค่าthang you

kiminokami пишет: @IllKeepOnDreaming The pasta itself is coated in cheese?

lola212665 пишет: now that's a lasagna

yellowsaffron пишет: @Lenaleenallen You have to add the triple w or you can click the link from the video, near the ingredient list!

ixkey пишет: ! Yum all up :o)

Gambiaann пишет: I wanted to know if you first boiled the noodles first??
THanks :)

Lali Laa пишет: My father said that in America there will never be afraid to die because of hunger.

ishitadirectioner пишет: Yummy :)

Mere simpleasthat пишет: i lke how the bowl magically appear...but that dish looks so yummy. might try it tonight. thank you.

Denji2006 пишет: I got to make a mental note to make this someday :p
Wish I were able to make it from scratch as well. lol Also wish I was having some of that :p I'm hungry lol

Krisztián Franta пишет: very important ! the first layer should be a pasta instead of the meat...
that will avoid the pain of taking that out of the caserolle:)
othervise its amazing recipe:)
love italian food, from Hungary

ValeValeVale1989 пишет: Are you kiddin me?! It's an italian recipe, I think that a great italian cook like Sonia knows how to make it. Lasagna WITH mozzarella it's an insult for anyone who has ever tasted the original italian lasagne.

magaum1981 пишет: it may be the original recipe,,, but, the recipe that the italians imigrants brought to Brasil in the XIX century, is waaaay much better.....

carson antonio пишет: @LaCibeles you can find it under spaggeti bolognese vidio

yellowsaffron пишет: @Gambiaann If you use fresh pasta, it depends on how thick it is: if it's thin, you don't need to boil it first, but use more sauce to make it wet; if it's quite thick, just put it in boiling water for 1 minute. If you buy the noodles, follow the instructions on the package

pdjfkldjfisdofj21234 пишет: @lexo30 you could make it....

IllKeepOnDreaming пишет: @kiminokami No, i mean, on this, the top layer was meat.. and i think the texture is nicer if it has pasta and a layer of cheese on top :)

rmpglro007 пишет: Holy cheese!!

LaCibeles пишет: Can we have the recipe for the ragu bolognese? I can't find it on the channel

yellowsaffron пишет: It depends... some lasagna brands do not require boiling

munge63 пишет: L'amo Sonia, lei mi sposera?

AmberFur пишет: @gagakacka we are hungry

Onè Scot пишет: @calimocho71
melt butter in a pan, add flour, keep on the heat and slowly add milk then
add cheese .

Doyle Pogson пишет: looks good enough to eat :)

AfghanpowerNL пишет: hmm, what's the white saus she is putting into the lasange? it looks so delicious

Mindbender05 пишет: Mozzarella in a Lasagne? First time i heard about that. Are you sure you didnt mix up dishes here?

yellowsaffron пишет: Lasagne bolognese is definitely without mozzarella, but with bechamel sauce! :-)

yellowsaffron пишет: @frantakrisztian It's not correct, if you put the first layer of pasta without greasing it below with the sauce, it's much more likely to stick to the pan

Aero Kid пишет: hello giallo zafferano.. i have a question.. do i need to boil the lasagna before assembly? i'm not using fresh pasta but the one you get in the supermarket.

dragoninfire123 пишет: at 2:39 it sounds like a drum! love that sound!!! :D

Angel Eyes пишет: I'm in desperate need for one rite now
just one bite *_* yummmm

kaka engeler пишет: Isso Sim Que é uma Lasanha Bem Preparada hummm Agora Posso Fazer A minha!!!
This is a well-prepared lasagne Humm And Now I can make My !!!

Fry1989HD пишет: Italian Grandmothers make the best food in the world!!!!!! I'm not Italian, but my parents know a woman from Italy, and she's always been my third grandmother in a way. Always made the best food when I was a kid, including tomato sauce fresh from the vegetables and herbs she grows in her own garden.

deltafour1212 пишет: To all those who say they rather have motzarella on there lasanga than bechamel sauce have never had real italian lasanga . If you did you would never go back! \r
I was just in Italy,for 2 weeks and ate this exact lasanga recipe they used in a small pizzeria in the small city of Barga Italy. It was the best tasting lasagne I have ever tasted in my life!. \r
I praised their lasanga so much they were happy to share the recipe with me !\r
I am now addicted to this dish! \r


KillWithFire12 пишет: only buy*

Hamy Bangalter пишет: Great, i came out delicious!♥

bhodghead пишет: check your facts please. The historical lasagne recipe you're referring to above is from an anonymous text. Francesco Zambrini reprinted it in 1863!

Dombamatic пишет: MY FAVOURITE MEAL!!!!

thabwah пишет: I better save me some ;)

oriramu пишет: wow, my version had a lot more mozzarella..but this one hm..just might.!

dziczku пишет: The same way I make it, I just make everything from scratch - lasagna too, I simply drain it and put right into the pan. As far as bechamel is concerned - I never use cheese - in fact there's no cheese in the recipe, it consists of butter, flour, milk, salt, freshly ground black pepper and nutmeg. That's it. You mix the first two over the medium heat, then you add the third one and while still mixing you add the last three ingredients. Keep on stirring until it becomes thick.

murid khan пишет: Can i add mozarella chees on top n bolognese sauce in the layering

yellowsaffron пишет: Ah, we have also a recipe for fresh egg pasta! youtube.com/watch?v=2HLTQBAi5ow

Andrea Fisher пишет: .. shouldn't this be, the last part of lasagne recipe? :-/

magaum1981 пишет: @happyidiottalk I will look for a link and then i'll send u!

tmpnash пишет: @stargirlvictoria Not all lasagna has ricotta cheese. This is a traditional lasagna from Bologna in Emilia- Romagna in the north. There is no ricotta or mozzarella cheese in this type of lasagna. If you put it in there - it won't be Lasagne alla Bolognese anymore... It's scrumptious - you should try it!

Sarah Edwards пишет: When I'm living on my own and my parents come over for dinner, I'm going to make this.

gianni casu пишет: @wischM0B oh no panna non te lo consiglio :)guarda quì besciamella sul canale Giallozafferano.

Mimmo Tabacco пишет: You must use less besciamella!!!!

kiss from italy

thefran911 пишет: That girl is speaking spanish

Smlie09 пишет: I need to go to Italy before I die.

wischM0B пишет: @umadbro201182 i allready did, ty.
because of the german brand "maggi fix" that uses instant powder, nearly everyone thinks crème fraiche goes on a lasagna -.-

Elvira Magnotta пишет: desolves

VitCor9595 пишет: Really I appreciate your recipes. Waiting for next and I hope you'll make much much more helpful recipes. Good work! Keep on it!

domhessey19651 пишет: @nitannna120194 what are lasgane noodles

Eryn-Rae Rogers пишет: it looks amazing, i have to learn to make a variety of foods in a few days, and i find all your videos helpful, and i really like the italian taste,

Eryn, United Kingdom

agostinho1234 пишет: my favorite!

Elvira Magnotta пишет: @jukeboxboxbox you can get reduced fat mozzarella as well but most mozzarella is good for you

hellonpluto пишет: @calimocho71 its basically cheese sauce with not so much cheese

SoSoniLove пишет: you do all the Sonia`s in the world proud
including me

William Gilbert пишет: Ok thank you

lepetitelush пишет: @mdndahoodnawaz wow

Cabin Yim пишет: The girl speaking english makes me fall in love

Sarah Edwards пишет: I'm making this for New Year's Eve dinner. It took me all afternoon, with making the white sauce and the tomato sauce, and layering the ingredients.

umadbro201182 пишет: @wischM0B You really need to use Bechamel wisch. Would totally change the dynamic of the dish w/ creme fraiche

gagakacka пишет: y am i watching cooking videos at 11:14 pm??

kara0k3 пишет: i love your recipes! im not italian but they all look delicious\r
their very simple and easy to follow

UK1774 пишет: @missygurrly its fresh pasta not dried it does not need boiling

Sarah Edwards пишет: I made this for New Year's Eve dinner! Sometime I might make it as a side dish with chicken cacciatore and an angel food cake cut into cubes and layered with orange jello mixed with orange sherbet!

jngwatson пишет: Looks delicious.

Neostormz пишет: The Best Thing I Ever ate

TheSoulLessOne90 пишет: My favourite recipe to eat and to do... i'm proud of be Modenese and i'm proud to live in emilia romagna *_*

jadensmum пишет: AMAZING!

yellowsaffron пишет: @nitannna120194 It depends on what kind of lasagna noodles you're using: if they're fresh, you need to boil them; if they're packed, sometimes you don't have to

TRATTORE1225 пишет: @thefran911 italian

InkedBastardRH пишет: @gagakacka been there, done that.

yellowsaffron пишет: Yes, it's not lasagne bolognese though!

yellowsaffron пишет: @AfghanpowerNL It's the bechamel sauce! Here is the recipe v=0YT1cU6xIhc

thebratpack444 пишет: NO, you CAN 'T ! :P greetings from Bologna

yellowsaffron пишет: You can find the links to the other recipes to the side of the ingredient list: bechamel sauce youtube.com/watch?v=0YT1cU6xIhc, and bolognese sauce youtube.com/watch?v=wwyCUOijLeE

Nik Neuy пишет: i immediately recognise the right lasagna. Many people make it too big and thick.

yellowsaffron пишет: @JapanForSale Yes, your mom would make it on an ordinary day, especially if you feel a little upset...! Come to Italy and taste all that you can... so you'll be able to tell us what you think about Italian food!

missygurrly пишет: did u boil the noodle or just add inside the pan??

yellowsaffron пишет: @wischM0B No, it's sour!

TheHQMusicChannel пишет: sass

admiradorad пишет: @thefran911 You need some urgent Spanish lessons if you think the lady is speaking Spanish ;)

skyliz1 пишет: not an insult if your mama is from naples / brooklyn,ny & mozzarella & ricotta cheese with loads of pecorino & basil is the favourite and she preferred no meat & let the cheese do the talking -- no right no wrong--just not a Bolognese just one fabulous tasty lasagna..

tillwolfster пишет: I successfully made this!! Thanks Sonia!! :D

JapanForSale пишет: This looks so much like what a mom would make.

To any native Italians: Please enlighten me; is this something your mom would make on an ordinary day? What're some stories you could share with us about your cuisine? Is all your food so delicious looking and appetizing?

Really, the two top most countries I'd want to spend the rest of my life in are Italy and Japan. Too wonderful for words.

Sarah Edwards пишет: You could also cut some mozzarella off a block and put it over the parmesan.

yellowsaffron пишет: If it's homemade it should be boiled for a few seconds... if it's ready-made, you may not need to boil it first, but read the package instructions

IllKeepOnDreaming пишет: its better if you finish with pasta coated in cheese.. it makes it crunchy and lovely:3

PlayerBAbyOG пишет: Nice I love my lasagne!

doubletrouble241 пишет: ขอบคุณค่าthang you
You'll Need:

For the Bolognese sauce
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 pound ground beef
4 ounces prosciutto (se Note No. 2 below)
4 ounces pancetta
2 celery stalked, trimmed and chopped
2 large carrots, peeled, trimmed and chopped
2 onions, peeled, trimmed and chopped
2 to 3 tablespoons tomato paste, diluted in a little water
1/2 cup tomato puree
4 cups dry red wine
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the white sauce (besciamella)
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
4 cups light cream, heated
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Freshly grated nutmeg
Unsalted butter for baking dish
2 to 3 cups grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
About 1 pound cooked and drained lasagna noodles

Procedures : To make the Bolognese sauce, melt the butter with the olive oil in a large saut� pan over medium heat. Add the ground beef, prosciutto, pancetta, celery, carrot and onion and saut�, stirring often, until the vegetables are soft and lightly golden, about 15 minutes. Stir in the tomato paste diluted with water, the tomato puree and the wine. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. The sauce should be very thick and richly condensed after the long simmering. check from time to time if it needs more liquids and add wine or water as needed. Season with salt and pepper.

To make the white sauce, melt the butter in a sauce pan over medium heat. Add the flour and cook, stirring, until it is well incorporated, about 3 minutes. Slowly and gradually stir in the hot cream and cook, stirring often, until quite thick and the flour has lost all of its raw taste, about 8 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and a mere pinch of nutmeg. Remove from heat.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

To assemble the lasagna, spoon a thin layer of Bolognese sauce at the bottom of a 9 x 12 x 3-inch baking dish that has been lightly buttered with unsalted butter. Add a layer of cooked lasagna noodles. Top with Bolognese, then a layer of white sauce, then a sprinkling of Parmigiano-Reggiano. Repeat this layering process, beginning with the noodles and ending with the cheese. Dot the top with bits of unsalted butter. Bake until heated through, about 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let rest for 10 minutes, then cut into 8 or 12 portions.

Serves 8 to 12.

Note No. 1: Since my lasagna was to be cooked well ahead and kept warm in the oven over several hours, I made my last layering in the lasagna process a thin film of meat sauce. This kept the lasagna from drying out.

Note No. 2: I have to plug my favorite prosciutto here. San Daniele, from the town of the same name in Friuli Venezia-Giulia, is sweeter and earthier than regular prosciutto, and connoisseurs often prefer it to the celebrated Parma. San Daniele now is available in this country, and a good one is being sold at Wegmans in Manalapan. It's what I used in this recipe

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