суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Loganberry And Apricot Drink

Summer Drink #1 Fresh Organic Apricot Juice


If you're gonna juice a lot of apricots, than it's a good idea to REALLY CLEAN YOUR JUICER WELL AFTER EACH JUICING SESSION. Apricot juice is rather thick and will clog the holes in the juice screen, so really scrub it well after your done. Apricot juice is delicious though. A good idea is to juice only a few hard apricots (not mushy or your juicer will be toast). And don't forget to take out the seeds.

In this video I go outside to pick 25-30 apricots from my tree, then I juice them (made about 20 Fl. ounces of juice).

Juice Recipe Page ---- http://www.martinsmedia.net/juiceRECIPES

JuiceAddict пишет: Yes Indeed

pawsinface пишет: Wow. Nice to have oppty to pick your own apricots!

JuiceAddict пишет: Yes Indeed

pawsinface пишет: Wow. Nice to have oppty to pick your own apricots!
You'll Need:

1 cup loganberries, washed, picked
? cup loganberry juice
3 apricots, peeled, pitted
? pint water
3 tablespoons sugar
cracked ice

Procedures : To prepare this Loganberry And Apricot Drink Recipe, first crush and mix together loganberries, apricots and sugar. Dilute little by little with the water. Put in shaker with cracked ice. Shake well, strain and serve

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