These guilt free brownies are so super moist and soft .. you will absolutely love them!
Ingredients: (makes 12)
1 cup of plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup of unsweetened apple sauce
1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
1/4 cup of cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/8 cup of low calorie sugar (I used natvia -- a natural sweetener)
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1/4 of low fat milk
1 egg white
1 teaspoon of chocolate flavouring
1 teaspoon of mint flavouring
2-3 pieces of dark chocolate (grated)
Bake for 20 mins at 170 degrees celsius, 350 degrees fahrenheit
These guilt free brownies are so super moist and soft .. you will absolutely love them!
Ingredients: (makes 12)
1 cup of plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup of unsweetened apple sauce
1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
1/4 cup of cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/8 cup of low calorie sugar (I used natvia -- a natural sweetener)
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1/4 of low fat milk
1 egg white
1 teaspoon of chocolate flavouring
1 teaspoon of mint flavouring
2-3 pieces of dark chocolate (grated)
Bake for 20 mins at 170 degrees celsius, 350 degrees fahrenheit
Sarah Abdel Hamid пишет: the recipe is very easy and yummy and u are very nice keep it up :)
somestupidity пишет: she used a natural one called natvia
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. I hope you like them :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. it gives it a lovely sweetness and moisture :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. thanks buddy :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. haha! yayyy! about time :D x
Maggi12310 пишет: Oh Anna these look FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! clever clever girl. They look so moist. I'm so making these tomorrow, thank you so so much. I really CAN'T wait to give these puppies a try. Your such an AMAZING chef. Love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hysonly пишет: Chocolate Brownies..we love that here, and it looks yum :)
Kat Apple пишет: You misunderstood me. I never go on diet! Instead, I view diet as a lifestyle. So I eat healthily for most of the time and watch my weight everyday. It is life so we need treats. And as a human being, sometimes I'm greedy - I want treats, at the same time want it to be less unhealthy. Not having those unnecessary fat and sugar but can still taste the same or similar thing is just perfect. For your information, my BMI have never gone larger than 19 so actually that works.
CookingwithKarma пишет: ... they sure are! :)
Maria de Lurdes Oliveira Coelho пишет: I love chocolate a lot, it is really nice.
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. it says it makes 12 in the description box :)
angel пишет: how many calories a piece?
Jeany song пишет: i made mine with instant brownie mix and i substitute the oil with apple sauce....they amazing and of course....guilt free...
fuxkingshxt m пишет: how many cals per brownie?
ihave7sacks пишет: apples huh! who would have thunk it. yum
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. oh awesome! I'm so glad you enjoyed them :)
TruthSeekingElf пишет: Plain, thanks. Chic peas, yikes!! I FORGOT TO STEEP THEM! Ugh! Sorry and thanks so much!! I was being over confident on this one, didn't want to start running from the kitchen into the living room every two minutes to see what to do cos usually I do the cooking WITH you... hahahaha!! Well that's what I get for getting too big for my boots!!
FitAnge S пишет: Lol it's ok.. I'll let you off this time.
Hey I made my girl a Nutella cake in a mug today!!! OMG let me tell you, this cake was gooey and fudgey and I was in food porn hell.. I torture myself so bad haha. Have you had one of those? If not u make sure you do :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. thanks buddy :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. haha :D
georgia404rox пишет: That was part of the brownie
Hanifah khanom пишет: Yummmmmm
Martin Barkaway Nielsen пишет: I would if i ate it cause it looks so yummy:D
Maggi12310 пишет: I made these with biodynamic organic self raising wholemeal flour. Oh Anna there to die for I loved them . Thanks for an awesome recipe xxxxxxxxxxx
Killrave2 пишет: Apple sauce in a brownie? How unusual and interesting at the same time.
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. thanks so much :)
christdli пишет: COuld I add some cookies into it?
ArabMuslimPrincess14 пишет: Ooo :o say naughty again!
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. you won't need your fat jeans for these babies! lol :D xx
FitAnge S пишет: Oh my subscription must not be sensing the vids to me. I'll Check it out. Thanks hun
FitAnge S пишет: LOL damn that nicko!! Hey what happened to the one pot chef (forgot his name) I havnt seen him in a while!
Hamish Watson-Holmes пишет: if i want a fudgy rather than cake like brownnies, i should not add baking soda right?
JustKevYTP пишет: Oh my god. Yummmm. I'm gonna go eat chocolate now :)
Odettesweet пишет: Good!
Martin Barkaway Nielsen пишет: I know, but they look like they taste naughty:P If thats even possible:D
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. ohh really? Hmm .. this is a long shot, but you can used pureed apples from the baby food section lol, as long as it hasn't got added sugar in it! :)
Melissa Turner пишет: I'm making these. Except instead of icing sugar I'll top them with ganache. Which I learned how to make thanks to your chocolate cake vid :-)
Martin Barkaway Nielsen пишет: Oi that cheesecake, my arteries started blocking up just by watching the video:D
Juli Rivera пишет: hi i know this is kind of funny to ask but i was wondering if you could do some sort of dessert-y recipe with yogurt instead of chocolate? my mom doesn't eat chocolate anymore and i wanted to surprise her with some kind of dessert thing but i just dont know what to make! so i was just hoping maybeee you'd have an idea... okay thanks!
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. I know right, it's awesome! :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. lol, yep .. sure is! :D
georgia404rox пишет: You make baking easy which is soo good because i am such a bad baker. Thank you :)
Jessica Vella пишет: Making these right now, there in the oven haha! Keep the low calorie treats coming!
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. cake that isn't actually too bad for you!! lol :D x
TruthSeekingElf пишет: Is it plain flour or self raising? Looks delicious! I made the pumpkin and potato curry today and it was lovely except the chic peas were still very crunchy which I didn't like although the pumpkin and potatoes were ready so not sure what I did wrong there.
ItsTheTrickAttack пишет: mmmm pre average..guess thats just me
FitAnge S пишет: LOL I know your telling me! I could have killed you each time you made all those yummy videos! Lol
Elena Kesyakova пишет: How much calories do these brownies have???
FitAnge S пишет: Good lord! I think I might be able to finally try one of your desserts :-) yay!!! Thanks Hun they look sooooo good and tempting xox
shristi Pattinson пишет: how many calories is this? n how much is the fat content??
MissSuz пишет: i dont think you put brown sugar in your description?
dustyrustee пишет: I made these and they were just great!!!
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. a great way to enjoy them without feeling too guilty, unlike my rocky road ones! lol :D
Nicko's Kitchen пишет: guilt free, moist and soft :) just the way I like my women! :P
CollinDUBS пишет: Because most brownie recipes contain an unnecessary amount of calories.
o00thunderhawk00o пишет: inspired by me this time? hhaha :p what is this chocolate flavouring you? i have never seen this where i live. is it similar to imitation extracts like maple or rum? or is it a natural extract like almond or vanilla?
katiebaby1 пишет: i love any brownies :D specially if there chewy
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. LOL! So I've heard! :D
KatzRUs91 пишет: your videos make me hungry. even when i'm full lol!
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. plain flour :) did you soak the chic peas first? They do have a little bit of crunch, because I liked it that way, but soaking them should make them a lot softer ;)
funky3ddy пишет: But they were meant to be eaten, no need to feel guilty!
You will not become fat if you eat couple of brownies.. Your weight can fluctuate about 4-5 KG daily, that's water loss\gain.
I saw a lot of people who eat a chocolate bar, go weight themselves in the evening to find out they gained 2 kilograms, which they link to chocolate bar, while in reality it's simply water.
You can't get more than 2 kilograms of fat per week And that's only if you pig out (sitting for days, eating 5K+ calories) :)
Martin Barkaway Nielsen пишет: hey nice, gave you all the thumb i could:) But i would still feel a bit guilty:D
gumio1 пишет: These look awesome and I really like the video attitude/pacing/not sure what you'd call it. I think mentioning that the ingredients are in the description box at the beginning of the video will save you some typing.
Charmeee12 пишет: Its just 85cal without the low calorie sugar and flavorings. Its still good :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. sadly I can't please everyone, trying to give people choices
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. I'm trying to work that out properly, I would say about 100-120 calories per brownie. Could be less :)
BIGITCHMAN пишет: But hang on, I love the guilt bit the best... onya KG
wiwa116 пишет: Awesome ! Love it Anna :D
GrillingNetwork™ пишет: Another great Video, awesome job!!
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. you shouldn't, because there is not much naughty stuff in them. You have to treat yourself every now and then :)
preeti kaur пишет: Great recipe. Love from all the way in New Zealand!
CollinDUBS пишет: With my metabolism weight isnt a problem. But ofcourse if losing weight is your main goal you shouldn't even be consuming processed sugara for that matter.
ShaunieceCooks пишет: I have never baked with apple sauce something I must try. Brownies look so, so good.
gumio1 пишет: Oh no, I understand that! Makes it easier for me too. I meant, to say that "The ingredients are below!" at the introduction of the video might help. =x ~Happily waiting for your next video!
miles2057 пишет: Looks delicious.
Noor Al-Bender пишет: how many calories?
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. thank you Missy Ratliff ;)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. thank you, sending love back from Oz :)
DibbersPage пишет: OMG i can't hold back any longer CCCCAAAAAAKKKKKEEEEE hahahahahaha xxxxxxxxxxxxx
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. haha, sorry love! :D
Greg Putnam пишет: Icing sugar and powdered sugar LOOK the same but are they treated the same? I know you live in a different country(im in the US) so maybe powdered sugar goes by something different where you are... Or i could be overthinking this lol
funky3ddy пишет: Why do you feel guilty? :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. awwwh thank you, I'm too shy to be on tv, much easier in your own home where no one is watching!! lol :D
ArizonaPublic пишет: Does your fake sugar have Aspartame in it? I hope not.
Martin Barkaway Nielsen пишет: just do as Chef John from Foodwishes, when ppl ask like that he just say no:D
rick bolton oldsalty пишет: and another day of mouth watering yumies, see you in Brissie i hope P&L sweetie
Stephaniebobo пишет: yes, you are great, really give us low cal/low fat recipe this time, as your last yummy cheesecake i dare not to try and eat, so should try this brownies. BTW, 1 cup of flour is equal to how many grams, as some said is 110 g , some are 120 g and some even 130g, i afraid it affect the outcome. do you know it?
Fred Kaoud пишет: whats the cal, fat breakdown?
MsShanShanwashere пишет: that looks oh so goooood
Sarah Abdel Hamid пишет: the recipe is very easy and yummy and u are very nice keep it up :)
somestupidity пишет: she used a natural one called natvia
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. I hope you like them :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. it gives it a lovely sweetness and moisture :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. thanks buddy :)
CookingwithKarma пишет: .. haha! yayyy! about time :D x
Maggi12310 пишет: Oh Anna these look FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! clever clever girl. They look so moist. I'm so making these tomorrow, thank you so so much. I really CAN'T wait to give these puppies a try. Your such an AMAZING chef. Love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hysonly пишет: Chocolate Brownies..we love that here, and it looks yum :)
Kat Apple пишет: You misunderstood me. I never go on diet! Instead, I view diet as a lifestyle. So I eat healthily for most of the time and watch my weight everyday. It is life so we need treats. And as a human being, sometimes I'm greedy - I want treats, at the same time want it to be less unhealthy. Not having those unnecessary fat and sugar but can still taste the same or similar thing is just perfect. For your information, my BMI have never gone larger than 19 so actually that works.
You'll Need:
vegetable cooking spray
1 cup chopped green pepper or sweet red pepper
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp prepared mustard
1/8 tsp freshly ground pepper
1/8 tsp hot sauce
egg substitute to equal 2 large eggs
1/3 cup calorie-reduced mayonnaise
1/3 cup fresh crabmeat, drained and flaked
Procedures : Using a nonstick skillet, coat with cooking spray and place over
medium-high heat until hot. Add chopped pepper and celery and saute
until tender; approx. 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add parsley,
mustard, ground pepper and hot sauce & stir well. In a separate
bowl, beat eggs lightly and combine with mayonnaise; stir with wire
whisk until smooth. Add celery mixture and crabmeat; stirring
gently. Divide into individual baking cups and place on baking
sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. Makes 8 servings
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