THE DATE PEOPLE: http://datepeople.net
PHONE: (760) 359-3211
ADDRESS: PO Box 808 Niland, CA 92257
THE DATE PEOPLE: http://datepeople.net
PHONE: (760) 359-3211
ADDRESS: PO Box 808 Niland, CA 92257
Patrick Bronckers пишет: Addicted to suger A Natural high !
pinetree909 пишет: Great vid Dan, sending you lots of love & support with your detox. Can you tell us what will signal to you that you have detoxed, what are the signs that you're looking for? What are the symptoms that you're trying to clear. Peace
thornekatt пишет: @rb1763 I just tried a honeycrisp apple for the first time 2 weeks ago. It was the best apple I ever had in my life!
wtfbroskie пишет: @ThomasKeddy smoking cannabis doesnt set you free from cultural bullcrap. your mind does. if you really wanted to be free you would be drug free
gofurkh пишет: Hello, have you heard of "BellyFatTack" yet? Simply search on Google and you are going to spot bellyfattack.com On there you will discover a beneficial free video by a well accredited doctor talking about the best way to eliminate excess weight. It helped Khalid to eliminate his tummy fat. I will probably give it a shot. I hope it helps you too...
zigzigerblat пишет: Dan, one thing that always confuses me is when you say you are eliminating spices. The main spices I use are chilies, pickled garlic, cilantro, basil, oregano and ginger.
Are you talking about cinnamon, black pepper, cumin and spices like that? Would you make a video elaborating on what spices to avoid and why?
TokenDrone пишет: You serve the most high? I havent seen you before in my life brah.
abjkl пишет: Dan, can you mention a "how-to" open coconuts - in different ways? Thanks.
stoptheevil1 пишет: There he goes again... Being amazing !!!! U may have already said it in the video but how much r these dates?
psychojewboy пишет: @phlemsatch what kinda idiot would accidentally cure infections with mold
MissRawSweden пишет: Yum Yum <3
itchcitizen2 пишет: if your in London Spitalfields Market has much variety !
La ne пишет: Is dan the man under-carbed again? Talking about sitting in a house for a month and then with one taste of a high carb high calorie sauce "a wave of joy shout down his whole body". hmmm.....
GooseMooseLooseJuice пишет: Sweet Video Dan! Thanks A lot! I've also been watching Dr. Morse's videos and they are also very enlightening spiritually and promote good colon health!
MSMAXIALE пишет: Dude, your videos keep me in check. I wouldn't say your information is based on scientific data or case studies but it's empirical or experiential that we can all relate to if we listen to our bodies.
ddAdmire пишет: do you ever watch the videos after you make them?
1deleau пишет: he's just 'so chill' ...lol
you ARE the man, Dan!
stephlovesthejobros пишет: Seeing you being so full of joy brings me joy, DTM. DTM is LFRV and orders cases of dates? Best video ever ;)
Sylvia Oakley пишет: hahaha Dude!! You're hillarious, I can totally relate to the little jolt of awesome you got when you tasted the caramel;) I actually laughed out loud when you did that, cause I get suuuper stoked when I'm in my kitchen and a raw recipe comes out like gold! I think it's really amazing that you spoke from your heart throughout the video, food is most definitely a mind/body connection:) *highfive*
Eddy Garcia пишет: Hello Dan, Im new and i am willing to follow your words. May i receive your email?
"," пишет: fairiebloom
Sandy Garcia пишет: My mouth is watering lol I wanna lick my iPad lol
212days пишет: " A wave of joy just shot down my whole body when I did that... wow, that is chronic dude..."
Kjarlune Rae пишет: Dan, how does one thank someone who has changed their lives? I watch others too but it you, your energy I have been trusted...bought some cd's from you and I am excited to watch them...I have been doing green smoothies and mostly raw for 2 and half weeks...I am down 18 pounds...I feel amazing...my cold has barely lasted and I have completely changed as a person..I don't crave, I don't snack, I don't like salt anymore, I have no desire to eat anything not good for me...I had no detox...
Marc Faucher пишет: @chuckerchek 8:45
lovsoup пишет: Dan's month long fasting in the house ...brings us a Yummy dessert
I want to order some dates from The Date People. Thank you!!!
"," пишет: aliciam237
mzoesp пишет: This was great, thank you!
Patrick Bronckers пишет: @baycoralore Hello , Maby this helps ,try to get organic coconut-sugar online , mix it with some filtered water . and voila :)
ACLogikel пишет: @CleezyClark just eat only good fresh foods, get some raw local organic honey and some pharm grade green tea .. try traditional medicinals, but do not stop your meds now once you've started, it does an injustice to others, the virus learns and gets stronger if you stop your meds once you start.
lge4590 пишет: i made "caramel" with medjool dates, vanilla and water and fooled my 18 year old! YUMMY. Thank you Dan.
casaaprile пишет: one thing I don't understand Dan has so much energy and enthusiasm. how come he's not out there protesting corp America and trying to get the country on track. people with influence like this shouldn't just be making videos about juicing and healh all the time. the world is imploding and we need people to help with bringing it back.
abjkl пишет: Thanks, rale190!!
JackieRawe пишет: Bless you!
Marcie Macari пишет: Anyone know how to eat raw, if you also need to eat low-oxalate? I LOVE green foods, but just discovered the oxalates in them may be upsetting my health condition...ideas anyone? \r
CleezyClark пишет: Hey anyone know whats good for strep throat besides garlic? I've had it for a week now and finally decided to pop the antibiotic this morning :/ I dont want to continue to tho
grevetraint пишет: 6:36 careful with that Dan! Just make sure you chop the right nut
itchcitizen2 пишет: @PoKerFaceN1 I have no idea but have found green ones at Southall Market, why don't you try the Asian markets in Manchester !? sure your find some ! happy hunting !
Rita Marie пишет: checked out the date people website.. great raw
date recipes there to try out too.
Sumon Kumar пишет: Hey there, have you heard of "BELLYfatTACK"? Simply do a search on Google and you will spot bellyfattack.com On there you can find a good free video by a recognised medical doctor revealing how you can burn excess weight. It made it easier for Melody to reduce her abdominal fat. I will probably give it a shot. Hopefully it works for you as well.
Joanne Bhaloo пишет: Thank you for shipping your DVD so fast, looking forward to your live chat! :)
rale190 пишет: @abjkl go on his channel, there is a video in there
O Prz пишет: The biggest ameeen! thx for inspiring on many levels... we praise God in Jesus mighty name for good folks like you :) enjoy an amazing happy healthy blessed day always! HUGSSSS to you and your loved ones oxox
TheInnerEssence пишет: Cannabis is a medicine and they've been supreesing the advantages of its properties via research at the Jerusalem University in Israel....Durian can be considered a drug...with the amounts of different sulfur compunds.......we are all diffrent even our fingers are different from one another , we have different fingerprints per finger right? So how is it that one thing that is good for another is bad for the other? Different Strokes for Different Folks...
TheInnerEssence 1 second ago
prn1111 пишет: Man, you're so cool :D I love watching your videos!
SuperVt100 пишет: you are the master -- dates = caramel !
TheaDragonSpirit пишет: Could I replace coconut water with rice milk?
karen liliacfestival пишет: Dan may I suggest some EFT to help u along your way? Believe me it works wonders.
Catwoman501 пишет: That is an original recipe. I think I will make that for some friends. Good idea...so simple. Looks delicious. Dates and coconut juice..damn good idea.
stine klostergaard пишет: Thank u man!
Christopher Silverton-Thong пишет: great video man
Lavender fields пишет: That looks awesome! I am soooo trying this. :)
Lee Braxton пишет: Hey everyone, for the past weeks I have been following this simple weight loss program from POUNDALE.COM , I lost 27 pounds so far! Its 100% natural weight loss solution. Follow POUNDALE.com for best results. You would be very surprised on how easy it is to lose weight, I would highly suggest visiting this website called POUNDALE.COM When does the electric debt furnish the fact? How does the behavior explain the gentle color? When does the chilly balance navigate the sea?
Sue Peterson пишет: I had rec'd. a mailer from a date co. in Cali., but lost it. Glad you posted this video. Am going to order from Datepeople right now! Thanks!
runtillyoupuke пишет: @r3c8 Not true! Dates have a relatively low glycemic load. I've seen diabetics eating white bread, pasta, drinking alcohol, juice, milk etc.. These foods have an extremely high glycemic load. Fruits are much lower. I know several diabetics that do VERY well on a high fruit diet, and that includes dates.
videos пишет: youtube.com/watch?v=ufzLIhVJbes
Is it you talking in the background?
I bet you and your channel viewers love this video.
Averunks пишет: Dan I love you man.
goingwiththeflowww пишет: but i am forever thankfull for the new store we have in town ..... this getting ' high on fruit' thing is now a very close reality - from now on , buying fruit is above and beyond in priority to making sure ive got a computter at everyones house to worki on - i would rather sit with the god energy , and upt my funds into fruit and meditation than carry on at the same level of technological gathering
zigzigerblat пишет: @casaaprile He is trying to get America back on track. The leading causes of death in this country are heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, not poverty, starvation, financial indentured servitude, terrorism or war. His teachings can eliminate those leading causes of death.
Roshanda Williams пишет: ....oh by the way....what juice could I focus on to increase my thyroid?
shannonshann пишет: NO WAY?! I made this today before seeing this video.
Everyone in my family loved it..none of them are raw or vegan : )
doves750 пишет: Ahaha...you made me smile immediately when you starting talking. I'd kill for one of those caramel apples right now. I don't think 'the date people' are available in my country. Anyways- I'd love your advice on the best way to eat when your stressed out>>>Thanks Dan! :D
Wretchedable пишет: Damn Coconut again?? :( cant get them
pandahuggles пишет: You have an awesome energy, and I love your videos!! You are the only person who can make eating raw fun and interesting! You could convince anyone of this lifestyle just with your pure joy, and passion. You're so cute when you get excited about the food! I really enjoy your videos!!!! :)
KarlBrkr пишет: Hey Dan. Where do you get those prepeeled coconuts? They look good.
GoodWhispers пишет: I like him with his shirt on thanks :)
LouPremo пишет: carapple
zigzigerblat пишет: @casaaprile They are going to start that wether we are angry or not. On the guardian uk I saw that the MOD is preparing plans to support a unilateral attack on Iran. Why? WMD. Why is that conspicuously missing from US news networks? A: Because it would not be supported by either side.. Or B: because the conveniently timed terrorist attach from Iran just as we leave Iraq hasn't happened in tim before the info was leaked. Evil wants you to be angry. The only way to win is to deny it battle.
zeels пишет: All right, I tried it. The date caramel is way too much sugary for me but most importantly I think the apple completely killed the taste of the date caramel itself.
Peace bro.
scumbubbles1 пишет: ✌Dan
Victoria Atler пишет: Dan, I live in Northern Europe, and there is absolutely NO CHANCE to get coconut water in here. Any suggestions of substitutes for your international fellas?
Michelle Mills пишет: Good one!
sowazupb пишет: Now I want dessert! Great recipe.
joy4ki пишет: That looks soooooo good
wjrsb58 пишет: I am doing this today!!!!!!! Thanks Dan. :)
Douger4u777 пишет: DATES are freaken AWESOME! .....:)
quasim0do пишет: Please don't stick your hand into the blender jug while it's on the machine! It would be so easy to flip it on by mistake and you'll end up with a iron rich smoothie.
Rita Marie пишет: U are so funny and entertaining.. can't wait to try this recipe.
thanks for being so sincere and honest about your journey.
makes us realize that we can beat almost anything that
comes our way.
Sabatheus пишет: 9:10 Ffffffsssssssssssssssswwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Hahahahahaha Dan you crack me up!
TheInnerEssence пишет: Let it Goooooo you should be healed by now! God is love and most of all forgiveness...let me put it to you this way....most women that get pregnant and get c-section have to have all kinds of crap injected in thier bodies but guess what after the baby comes the body heals a MAX of 7 months...so enjoy what your are now the past is done and away with ...just make sure your always number one with your daughters!
fancyladydiane1 пишет: You are so inspiring Dan,yur helping soo many people,im one...you deserve soo much respect .yur trying to do somthing positive for the world & its hard to beleive the negitive people who luv to try to drag u down ,put u down..its really not hard to beleive ..thats the way of the world.sadly..ive lived my life amougst so many haters...it deff takes a higher level to survive it...yur videos are so amazing...so glad im finding the way~
Angelwise11 пишет: Looks positively delicious.
Atreyul пишет: I laughed soooo hard at the electricity sound you made. thanks man.
aideezmom пишет: Thanks, Dan! I bought the Breville juicer today. It's fantastic!
phlemsatch пишет: what kinda idiot could flip the blender switch ON by mistake?
Velvela23 пишет: this video just made me smile :D and the apples..yum
wondervamp пишет: Those people do not need help promoting there dates...they need more people helping them get mores dates to the customers, as it is just the two of them with a wait time that is unnecessary. Yes their dates are good, but their service is not great.
Rony Khan пишет: Hey there, have you come across " BellyFATtack "? Simply search on Google. There you can find a beneficial free video by a well established qualified health practitioner talking about how to reduce extra fat. It made it easier for John to lose his tummy fat. Just give it a try. It may work for you as well.
goingwiththeflowww пишет: its sooo simple and yet soo darn hard at the same time - god sure has a 'funny' way - i hold onto those little lights that go off along te way , rest inbetween , and then when i have another little light , im more ready for it next time - and dont think , but just do gods highest will 4 me
TheInnerEssence пишет: Quit saying that your paying for what you did to your body! If you believe in God than you know God forgives, your body forgives, and the universe forgives you...let it go man! Don't you remember Gloria Estephan from the Miami Sound Machine? She got in a car accident and boom her entire dancing body paralized...but guess what a few months of believing and healing and she is on stage again...xoxoxo
jrosa2000 пишет: Hi Dan..I wanted to ask you something ...How much u charge for a private consult on SKYPE??? =)
nobbilc пишет: HaHa "I've been on a letdown" Now that's FUNNNNEEEE !! \r
TheaDragonSpirit пишет: I would of said you was a athlete... but guess that's my point of view.
MSMAXIALE пишет: @Cocovegan11 - must be HCA. I used to work HCA and they made us do that a few years back. I was happy to, no sick people coughing all over me infecting me with god knows what. It was hard to adjust after flu season was over and I'd grab at my face randomly to see if I'd forgotten my mask.lol. If I were you I'd wear the mask. There were only four of us in our dept. but we stuck together and never got sick. ha ha ha.
Patrick Bronckers пишет: Addicted to suger A Natural high !
pinetree909 пишет: Great vid Dan, sending you lots of love & support with your detox. Can you tell us what will signal to you that you have detoxed, what are the signs that you're looking for? What are the symptoms that you're trying to clear. Peace
thornekatt пишет: @rb1763 I just tried a honeycrisp apple for the first time 2 weeks ago. It was the best apple I ever had in my life!
wtfbroskie пишет: @ThomasKeddy smoking cannabis doesnt set you free from cultural bullcrap. your mind does. if you really wanted to be free you would be drug free
gofurkh пишет: Hello, have you heard of "BellyFatTack" yet? Simply search on Google and you are going to spot bellyfattack.com On there you will discover a beneficial free video by a well accredited doctor talking about the best way to eliminate excess weight. It helped Khalid to eliminate his tummy fat. I will probably give it a shot. I hope it helps you too...
You'll Need:
10 ounces frozen apple slices
2 Tablespoons apple juice
1/2 cup fat free caramel topping
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
2/3 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Cool Whip Free
Procedures : Thaw apples. In medium glass bowl, combine apple juice and caramel
topping. Microwave, uncovered on high for 2 minutes, stir twice
during cooking. Add apples and lemon juice, stirring until coated;
set aside. In medium bowl, combine flour, sugar and cinnamon.
Sprinkle over apple mixture. Microwave, uncovered on high for 7
minutes or until heated through. Sprinkle apple mixture with
additional cinnamon. Chill for 1 hour. Top with Cool Whip just
before serving. Makes 8 serving
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