Chicken Teriyaki
Chicken Teriyaki a simple dish made from sweet soy sauce and chicken thighs, It is usually garnished with green onions and sesame seeds. The dish has it roots in Japan but is now common in many many kitchens and restaurant around the world. The recipe can be used with many other meats such as pork, beef, or fish. My personal preference is the chicken version as chicken seems to have the perfect consistency for the dish. Pork seems to heavy, while fish is a little light. As with many foods, Chicken Teriyaki sauce is available in many supermarkets, but the homemade sauce is far nicer. For the full recipe, please visit: http://ourgreatrecipes.com/recipe/chi...
1/2 kilo chicken breast cut in serving pieces
1/4 cup flour
3 tbsp cooking wine
1/4 cup soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
3 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup water
cooking oil
1 tsp onion leeks finely chopped
1 tsp sesame seeds
For the full recipe, please visit:
Chicken Teriyaki by Our Great Recipes http://ourgreatrecipes.com/chicken-te...
Chicken Teriyaki a simple dish made from sweet soy sauce and chicken thighs, It is usually garnished with green onions and sesame seeds. The dish has it roots in Japan but is now common in many many kitchens and restaurant around the world. The recipe can be used with many other meats such as pork, beef, or fish. My personal preference is the chicken version as chicken seems to have the perfect consistency for the dish. Pork seems to heavy, while fish is a little light. As with many foods, Chicken Teriyaki sauce is available in many supermarkets, but the homemade sauce is far nicer. For the full recipe, please visit: http://ourgreatrecipes.com/recipe/chi...
1/2 kilo chicken breast cut in serving pieces
1/4 cup flour
3 tbsp cooking wine
1/4 cup soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
3 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup water
cooking oil
1 tsp onion leeks finely chopped
1 tsp sesame seeds
For the full recipe, please visit:
Chicken Teriyaki by Our Great Recipes http://ourgreatrecipes.com/chicken-te...
tony long пишет: This is more like Shoyu Chicken. LOL.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Sure!
Yanna Boohoo пишет: Thank you !!
Your video is great !! :))
Alexander Delaroso пишет: @Dozadozadozadoza, show us ur face r u hidding? U don't hav a gud manners to ask da right question?
wolverineislogan21 пишет: What is cooking wine???
Nancy Nuguid пишет: love it easy to prepare yummy
Dave's Kitchen пишет: It is really only for effect as it depends on the wine you use. You can leave it out if you wish. If you are worried about the alcohol, it cooks out pretty fast. Thanks for the comment. Take care!
marie cabauatan пишет: easy recipe,,but i use japanese mirin and brown sugar.more tasty,
UndercoverAngel пишет: cooking wine, means any wine you wish, usually you will look for a wine that is not so expensive but not extremely cheap, it can be white wine or red wine, depends on the recipe, this recipe it seems like they use white wine, so just buy any white wine that is not too expensive, the cheaper wines, but not the cheapest, the better the wine, the better the taste
Douglas Brown пишет: were is the Teriyaki?
Malea Jefferson пишет: can you just by the teriyaki sauce?
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Yes, that would be ok I imagine. Cooking wine seems to have a fuller body, however.
starfishtrial104 пишет: nice or not?
Kate Chuayya пишет: It comes out soooo good.:) thank you so much :)
MegaBanjaluka пишет: @SKITTLESBI671 Maybe your aunt could join us here in Bosnia. I lived most of my life in western Europe before coming back and was shocked on my return at the volume of salt, sugar and unhealthy oil used in the local cuisine. I thought it was a western European disease but have been proved wrong. Fortunately quality olive oil is readily available, along with untainted meat and vegetables and other sundries.Members of the younger generation are also becoming more 'eclectic' in their tastes as well
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Great point.
missmixie327 пишет: what is the name of the song? >.<
Judi Treble пишет: thank you for your quick response
Dzenis alickovic пишет: lol arigato is japanese not chinese :p
Anisa Ali пишет: is it okay to cook withouty wine ?
revren mane пишет: Am to high am gonna try this with a phat blow kindbud to start off
candyisbetternyou пишет: HELP PLEASE i have a problem. when i cook it the taste is fine however the frying part doesnt go well all the flour from the beginning sticks to the pan and none of it stays on the chicken.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: I put the link to the website in the description.
Chamae Campado пишет: Is there an alternative for the wine? or how about not using it
franeizn пишет: Hi i tried looking for a cooking wine but i didn't find any..i found
Damina lopez пишет: olive oil is not good for frying foood...
mikhail loven apura пишет: if with out cooking wine? PLEASE HELP ME!
Tommy galletas пишет: thanks in mexico its hard to have all the tings four cook japenes food , this is the easy way to cook it thanks a lot. :3 ARIGATO. :)
Tommy Harris пишет: Any red wine, preferably sweet
jacksonbigdog2 пишет: is that Japanese Olive Oil?
Toan Nguyen пишет: but teriyaki is soya with mirin? I didnt see the mirin?
eternal bliss пишет: are people REALLY STUPID that they don't look at the description box or are they SUPER LAZY to have everyone else tell them what they need to do?
THE RECIPE IS IN THE DESCRIPTION BOX. gosh...............smh
SweetCandiPop пишет: What kind of fiour ?
Roodoe пишет: Thank you for this. I've been using soy chicken (i'm a vegetarian) and my friends couldn't tell the difference :)
ronie cabardo пишет: thanks sa panlasang pinoy...
Avenel Britanico пишет: Im gonna try this recipe today.
Malea Jefferson пишет: when your frying the chicken to do you have to turn it?
Dave's Kitchen пишет: It sounds to me as if you are not using enough oil. Try using a little more olive oil and don't let the pan get too dry. Let us know if this works. Happy cooking!
Dave's Kitchen пишет: You are very welcome. Glad to hear it turned our great.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: I don't think all recipes originated from whoever that person is.
Dana Romerosa пишет: this serving is good for how many people?
fernao carbonar пишет: Thank you for the recipe! I'm going to try to use mirin instead of cooking wine... I'll tell you how it went!
Airen Baliza пишет: i'm gonna try this later,looks yummy,hmmm :)
monda4031 пишет: muchas gracias lo pondré en practica
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Hi! You can actually leave this out and achieve about the same taste.Let us know the outcome.
Crystal Mendoza пишет: What? That was stupid. You didn't give any measurements whatsoever, how do I know how much to use?
Daedian Drae Golias пишет: oh goodness salt to taste? >o. < oh boy that more salt addition to the soy sauce *whistles*
My aunti is a saltaholic XD she would love that extra salt XD
Judi Treble пишет: hi, the wine looks like it is a white cooking wine in the video, can I use a white cooking wine?
Pretty Glow пишет: What is a good cooking wine?
KenWorkProduction пишет: Wow taste good!!! just made some for my self :P
MrQuagmire26 пишет: And its also less preservatives, msg and stuff. It's so easy to make at home anyway.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: You can use a decent red wine or simply leave it out. Happy cooking.
Alexander Fokas пишет: measurements?when you cook you dont need to measure. Use your natural senses to measure thats why you have a tangue,nose,eyes and even ears.
lafemme523 пишет: excuse me, can you just ask in a nice way. you're so rude and you're stupid for not checking first before commenting
Paul John пишет: thankyou so much for your reply,i really want to cook chickenteriyaki.now i can start because of the info that you gave.thanks again.please make more delicious recipe..
rayano пишет: why not use regular teriyakis sauce?
Dave's Kitchen пишет: It only takes a couple of minutes to thicken. As for the wine, it is really only for effect as it depends on the wine you use. You can leave it out if you wish. If you are worried about the alcohol, it cooks out pretty fast. Thanks for watching. Happy cooking!
Lillian Tigner пишет: Hi! I could not locate this recipe...chicken teriyaki, on your website...I wanted to know the measurements of the ingredients... could u help me, please? Thank you!
Thatsnicky пишет: Hi
Do you use All purpose flour or cornstarch? :)
And thanks for the recipe! n_n
SaftasCookingShow пишет: Check out how we did the outro on our video. It is designed to help those who don't look below for the link.
Ease up DozaDozaDozaDoza.
MsSilverPuppet пишет: The vidio does not provide the amount of ingridients. How much chicken? How much souce? How much shuger? Otherwise very nice and e.z. I loved it.
franeizn пишет: I found something else,cooking liquor salt,is it different than the cooking wine?and if i didn't find it,can i leave it out?thanks!
Dave's Kitchen пишет: You could try zinfandel, Carlo Rossi's Californian Red, Regina, or as I said before substitute a red wine and cook the oil off. Just let it boil for a few minutes. You should end up with the same results. If all else fails, just use grape juice or a mixture of beef broth and a tsp of two of balsamic vinegar. Let us know how you make out.
Joshua Militar пишет: Excuse me dear sir but can I add something to spice it up such as chili peppers or any such?
thary nham пишет: Some people jump into conclusion without reading -_-x
MarcoTUV пишет: actually olives and olive oil don´t come from Italy or Spain but from the region of Lebanon, Jordania and north of Iraq, Rome adopted that exquisite fruit and made it part of their culture. olive oil is made from several variant of olives but i like a spaniard variety comes called "hojiblanca olives" flavour is mild and non dominant above other ingredient flavors
Paul John пишет: hi,i miss this,thats my favorite dish when i was in japan..i'll cook this using your recipe.but can you help me find where to buy MIRIN or your cooking wine?what brand did you use?thanks
shair00 пишет: this looks tasty but the sauce needs a few more ingredients to make a great teryaki sauce.....
1230ski пишет: thank you for sharing....
SopranoProductions пишет: This is a Japanese dish.
jacksonbigdog2 пишет: why do you use olive oil in Japanese cooking?
Landotter1 пишет: I use sake, mirin, brown sugar, sometimes, honey, or molasses, ginger, soy sauce, garlic and sometimes onion powder, white pepper, salt and sugar to taste, then simmer it for an hour. turns out great but getting the flavors balanced can be tricky and try one's patience. I once had a Japanese person tell me that it tasted very traditional. That made my day for sure!
Dave's Kitchen пишет: About 3 - 4. Hope you give this a try. Let us know the outcome.
ano nymous пишет: how long does the sauce thicken and can i not use wine?
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Sure you can.
Benedict Delantar пишет: .. merin and rice wine are missing...
zhangsterali пишет: can you use white wine instead of coking wine?
jacksonbigdog2 пишет: italian olive oil?
OMGZmadgab пишет: Just made Teriyaki for the first time ever following this recipe. Tastes Great! Thanks!
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Sure the wine just adds a little extra body and zip.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: All purpose flour is the best.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Hi Joshua! It's not part of the original recipe. On the other hand, cooking is experimenting. Give it a try. We will be interested in the outcome.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: No is't just ordinary cooking oil.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Sure you can. That is certainly an option. Like anything else, it always tastes better homemade for some reason.
GILBERT RICAFORTE пишет: Is there any alternative for the cooking wine? Thanks for sharing.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Yes, by all means give them a flip after 2 or 3 minutes. You can flip them a couple of times if you wish to ensure they are done according to your taste. You can also take a knife and cut a little slit to ensure there is no redness and they are not too dry.
tony long пишет: This is more like Shoyu Chicken. LOL.
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Sure!
Yanna Boohoo пишет: Thank you !!
Your video is great !! :))
Alexander Delaroso пишет: @Dozadozadozadoza, show us ur face r u hidding? U don't hav a gud manners to ask da right question?
wolverineislogan21 пишет: What is cooking wine???
Nancy Nuguid пишет: love it easy to prepare yummy
Dave's Kitchen пишет: It is really only for effect as it depends on the wine you use. You can leave it out if you wish. If you are worried about the alcohol, it cooks out pretty fast. Thanks for the comment. Take care!
marie cabauatan пишет: easy recipe,,but i use japanese mirin and brown sugar.more tasty,
UndercoverAngel пишет: cooking wine, means any wine you wish, usually you will look for a wine that is not so expensive but not extremely cheap, it can be white wine or red wine, depends on the recipe, this recipe it seems like they use white wine, so just buy any white wine that is not too expensive, the cheaper wines, but not the cheapest, the better the wine, the better the taste
Douglas Brown пишет: were is the Teriyaki?
Malea Jefferson пишет: can you just by the teriyaki sauce?
Dave's Kitchen пишет: Yes, that would be ok I imagine. Cooking wine seems to have a fuller body, however.
starfishtrial104 пишет: nice or not?
Kate Chuayya пишет: It comes out soooo good.:) thank you so much :)
You'll Need:
3 chicken breasts; shredded
4 c bean sprouts
3 c cabbage; sliced
1 c mushrooms; sliced
1 c any other vegetables;
-matchsticked or chop
1 salt and pepper
1 terriyaki sauce
Procedures : 1. In wok or large skillet, with small amount of oil, cook vegetables until
2. In smaller skillet (or same skillet after vegetables are cooked), heat
small amount of oil and quickly cook chicken shreds until done. Season with
salt and pepper to taste.
3. Serve both over plate of sticky rice drizzled with a good store-bought
terriyaki sauce.
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