MYSTERY MEAT - Stem Cell Burgers
A team of Dutch scientists have been able to grow muscle tissue from cow stem cells that can be ground up just like hamburger meat. Would you eat it?
A few Meatless Recipes: http://www.averagebetty.com/videos/my...
More on Stem Cell Meat at Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/...
A team of Dutch scientists have been able to grow muscle tissue from cow stem cells that can be ground up just like hamburger meat. Would you eat it?
A few Meatless Recipes: http://www.averagebetty.com/videos/my...
More on Stem Cell Meat at Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/...
averagebetty пишет: @dbmrhi You can say that again!
N1na44 пишет: So sad. No more, no less. All these answers.
djdivix пишет: PS. I am going to forward your video to Michael at VSauces channel, they are all about this stuff.
averagebetty пишет: @AHAUGHT Safety is definitely a big thing -- considering all the food born illness, mad cow, etc... thanks for your thoughts!
Ernest Tang пишет: Reading "Some" of these comments I really wish people will stop making assumptions about stemcell meat causing "mutations or diseases". We do not know much about this meat, infact its still undergoing reseach. Its not like they will put it up on shelves before it's been properly tested.\r
I really hope the scientists succeed in making stemcell meat, and making it safe. If its done right, it may actrually be safer then then regular meat for you reduce feces or viral contamination substancially.
averagebetty пишет: @BarbecusBossTV Your reaction is almost textbook ;) -- or should I say cookbook?
Mark Dallas пишет: Sure, I'll eat it. Can you get me one with melted analogue?
averagebetty пишет: I think most people feel like you do. And genetically modified foods are more of a reality all the time :) Safety first!
Paul Montero пишет: I had to watch this with my eyes closed. Nice to hear your voice Sara.
averagebetty пишет: @russtex order up? :D
TheImperfectsize пишет: Scientist have been altering the animals we eat for a long time. Is that really different from growing the meat in a lab?
averagebetty пишет: You don't know what you've got till it's gone...
averagebetty пишет: @Kovalos Yes -- and it seems like if science can grow meat in a tube... humanity should be able to end hunger. Great thoughts! Thank you
averagebetty пишет: @moocha2 I've never had kangaroo (I don't think) but I've heard it's good. Have you ever had ostrich?
Ender Ossel пишет: eat it sorry BIG SPELLING ERRER
promise2luv пишет: some guy in Scientist in japan made burger out of feces :/ wired n said its way heather n organic to eat!
frogsoda пишет: I think I will open a restaurant called Franken-Burgers to compete with McD's.
averagebetty пишет: @ProductionSktT GREAT question -- and the first one to turn the table on me. I don't know... that's why I did this vlog, I guess.
desertsonata пишет: I'd eat it if it were safe. I don't like knowing that I'm putting the flesh of slaughtered animals in my mouth, but the taste is pretty great, so I'd definitely eat it if it tasted the same. I think it's friggin' amazing what they're doing.
Fitness On The Run пишет: No Way am I eating that stuff! We need to get back to nature, not bastardize it! Haven't we learned that over engineering our food just keeps making us more and more unhealthy? Let's just keep it simple...
Ulla Terkelsen пишет: Would rather eat horse-beef!
Ying Ying Poon пишет: I give a vote to mystery meat, Cauz at least you won't kill an animal to eat... If it is 100% safe to eat then I will :)
witchcerridwen пишет: i am from the netherlands but im vegetarian.i dont see why others cannot follow that example.we do not really need meat at all.
Kovalos пишет: Science will eventually create abundance, this is not about "oh i want fresh products " , this is about creating an efficient process so we can actually feed everyone.
YhL~Ze! пишет: mmmmm......bunsen burger
nhokzville пишет: what's happening with the world..... this is insanity!
seti351 пишет: As part of our relentless pursuit of pleasure in life, we will accept anything that doesn't kill us quickly. If the taste testers don't drop over, whatever early resistance there is will fade. We're pretty much ok with things that kill us slowly. : ) As for the taste...if they season it and pour cheese on it, we'll eat it. Taco Bell has already proven that. lol
ProductionSktT пишет: Well if I think i would taste it, as long is doesn't represent any kind of threat to my health!
djdivix пишет: It doesn't get any more organic than that. Or is it considered synthetic? Think of all the possibilities! Can we use this science to create stem cell vegetables as well? I'm all about test tube food.
averagebetty пишет: @desertsonata I know. Why does meat have to be so delicious? I could be a vegetarian but I live around too many carnivores for it not to be a huge deal.... but I guess that's just an excuse. I think it's pretty amazing too.
averagebetty пишет: @MrJingjong That's so funny you bring up texture... I guess we'd finally know what life is like for animals that lives on kibble.
an50331 пишет: its something we have to do eventually. historically, efficiency always wins. if they make a product that tastes the same and is cheaper, people will buy it.
it will only take time before it becomes popular
personally, i am not opposed to it, but not necessarily excited about it
Josh g пишет: Fuck yeah i'de eat it, its probably better quality and wayyyyyy cleaner, no more ground up testicles.
UptownSoulMonk пишет: I already do eat test tube meat, its from every fast food joint that sells "Beef"
fuzzyfishdorito пишет: Sure! It means a cow doesn't have to die for you to eat meat. As long as it tastes good and is healthy for you.
Fathercoffee пишет: In 100 years we are going to be looking like Greys and living underground.
ShogaNinja пишет: If, in this day and age, you are still eating meat you need to read a book about vegetarianism or veganism. A good starter book is Skinny Bastard, or Skinny Bitch. I'll wait. Or you can keep eating that pink slime that McDonald's sells so much of and die young. Maybe after you get your chest split asunder you might consider it but by then it will be too late.
Chelsea Edwards пишет: Just like the movie Soylent Green....this is what our world is coming to
averagebetty пишет: @jjg195 In some cultures, that is a delicacy :) lol
Ji An пишет: Yuck! Maybe I'll reconsider being a vegetarian or a vegan Xp
John Jewell пишет: Yes. I will.
russwelday пишет: Karma free meat!!! You bet I would.
averagebetty пишет: @curingaging00 Thanks for your comment and thoughts! It is happening NOW - so crazy - they could start production before the end of the year on "beef." Will the masses get interested? Hmm?
i0i Normal i0i пишет: no
moocha2 пишет: @averagebetty We have native emu's here in Australia, they are farmed predominately for their oil, the meat is sold as a byproduct (it's said to be fantastic). Crocodile is also eaten but it's not a huge commercial option like kangaroo. (Which you can buy in all major supermarkets as: very lean mince, sausages or fillets).
photobart1 пишет: I would eat lab beef if you cooked it for me :-)
averagebetty пишет: @13LUVKILLS13 Did you see "The Help?" -- I would die!
averagebetty пишет: @ivyrodz It's a good point - we won't know till we been eating it for awhile if there are side effects...
averagebetty пишет: @russwelday Karma Free -- why doesn't the FDA put that on labels ;)
Jug99head пишет: She really knows how to get people first top secret recipe now mystery meat!
adizzll пишет: Man i'm only 20, but hot damn! you're sexy! Sorry, just had to let it be known...
racehorse87 пишет: People already eat some products that are essentially lab-grown. Take Quorn for example.
Paul Montero пишет: @averagebetty I do like the part about saving the animals. Moo!
averagebetty пишет: @agustn Love your points - just curious what you think is "good" scientific research?
averagebetty пишет: @BenjiPistone I would rather eat test tube meat than "alternative meat products"... I think.
Rob S пишет: This means Star Trek is real. Replakators.
averagebetty пишет: Amen :)
averagebetty пишет: @CorneliusSneedley Me too. I've even tried blood sausage once lol :)
promise2luv пишет: @averagebetty no??whats that !!
averagebetty пишет: Haha!
BenjiPistone пишет: True That.....I'll eat Tofu. My mother makes a really good Tofu Stir-fry.
Kazi Rayhan пишет: @BarbecusBossTV you dont get it. this kind of meat, if perfected, would be so much more available and cheaper! think about how much this could benefit countries with whole starving populations!
averagebetty пишет: @ibraidhair Nature is best, no doubt.
Neil Devine пишет: Well Sara, I guess if you drown it with processed ketchup and cheese, it would be fine. Oh, don't forget the artificially flavored fries. The only thing I would like to know is how will you know when you are buying one of these products. I'm sure the package won't read stem cell ground beef.
HokageLevelElena пишет: I'm afraid we're already eating similar meat like that I think is that it isn't officially exposed as clone animal tissue. O_o I wouldn't eat it, if I knew it was classified as stem cell grown meat. I rather eat an original animal meat. But then again...what tastes better? clone meat? or meat of an artifically enhanced steroid feed animal meat....DECISIONS DECISIONS ...
Al Jalei пишет: @BarbecusBossTV because theres no food or money that anyone is willing to spend on the better treatment of animals, and it cant be entirely backed by animal rights associations! If they test the meat properly enough, any damage could be avoided. Plus, bacteria growth in the meat can easily be regulated so i dont see how there could be a virus breakout. Well, i guess anything can happen, but i dont think better treatment is the solution, especially now that the chinese have started eating meat.
averagebetty пишет: @PortneufMartin Play it safe. Me too :D
luticia пишет: @AHAUGHT U're right! In addition no animal has to suffer anymore which is the most important point to me.
averagebetty пишет: @MyLifeInWonderland If we had a cure for cancer and aids... that would be life in Wonderland, huh? Thanks for your comment!!
moocha2 пишет: sadly anyone who has eaten "vegetarian products", knows all about made in a lab :-( Personally I don't eat bovine/swine... but happily feed my children Kangaroo meat!
averagebetty пишет: @seti351 Killing me softly... <3
Jeanette Hiteshew пишет: No mystery meat for me. That includes pink sludge and all the other gross stuff they put in our meat. I am all about pure meat. If test tube meat was sold in stores I would stop eating it.
averagebetty пишет: @deview123 Do you know I don't really like ketchup? Does that fact make me a freak of nature all on it's own? Somebody suggested "karma free" for the packaging - like that!
zZbagelboyZz пишет: When hell freezes over
Martin Welch пишет: I'll let others beta test this to see if they sprout any extra appendages.
TheSbtbsm пишет: man! I would definitely <3 it as long they look and taste the same
ebuff57 пишет: I'm getting indigestion just thinking about this!
ninjascroll6789 пишет: I if it was on sale i would be curious about how it tasted so i would try it :-)
averagebetty пишет: @momms0f4 Wow! How do you practice to be a vegan? And does it involve flash cards? Heehee :) I kid! I kid! And I love! I love!
averagebetty пишет: @UptownSoulMonk exactly!
averagebetty пишет: @robshimer Then where can I get a tribble? lol
averagebetty пишет: @CorneliusSneedley I didn't really care for it. I thought it was dry and mealy. It was really the texture that turned me off...
ThisOneIsTaken пишет: The amount of resources spared would be huge, not to mention the ethical implications, so it's definitely a tech worth pursuing. Plus, seriously, dodo and mammuth meat..
Elyse Catherine пишет: and this is why i dont eat read meat....
averagebetty пишет: @rostant999 Yeah, just the word "slaughter"
Hilah Cooking пишет: Like Jay, I definitely have a problem with everything being the same, but at the same time, take the animal out of it amd maybe it's just a cheap way to make protein for undernourished countries. That said, I'm sure the companies or governments involved wont sell it for cheap.
Jay del Corro пишет: Hmmm, I wonder what the texture would be like? I bet it would be a lot like what soy protein is like now. I'm just afraid of the future of food if everything were to go in the direction of mass production and uniform, flawless product that tasted the same everywhere you went. I like biodiversity and small business thanks.
Mastel .T.Nouveau Monde пишет: Space food tube of Ice Cream Flavor, Is that all?"
averagebetty пишет: @asianmalaysian Gotta check out Eureka! And the thought of eating a "quarter pound of yourself" sounds like a bad B horror flick! Yeeks!
CorneliusSneedley пишет: @averagebetty A friend of mine took a trip to England, and LOVED "black sausage" until he found out what it was. (which is blood sausage, of course.) I have never had the opportunity to try it, but since I like my steaks bloody enough to turn my taters pink, it doesn't really have the same "gross" factor for me as it did for him. Did you like it?
Ender Ossel пишет: i will heat it IF IT TASTE LIKE BEEF
averagebetty пишет: @ThisOneIsTaken "dodo and mammuth meat." lolwut :P
cassmi87 пишет: Yes, your spelling is terrible :D
averagebetty пишет: @djdivix Haha --> I'm all about test tube food.
averagebetty пишет: @an50331 I like your observation "efficiency always wins" -- good point!
nverbe пишет: @Shinjeez like veal!
StarvingSound пишет: If there was only that to eat. You think people in Ethiopia would turn it down? I wouldn't either if in their position.
CorneliusSneedley пишет: @averagebetty Yes, I have always thought that it would have to be rather dry and mealy, and if allowed to age for any amount of time, downright crunchy. I don't really see how it could be otherwise, unless there were a lot of fat in it. Not that I am against fat...
Was the flavor good, despite the texture?
agustn пишет: For the planet, for the animals, for your health and for an intelligent use of scientist research. Go vegan!!
averagebetty пишет: @dbmrhi You can say that again!
You'll Need:
2 egg whites, lightly beaten
1 cup fat-free cottage cheese
1 envelope instant onion soup mix
1 cup rolled oats
Procedures : In medium bowl, stir together egg whites, cottage cheese, and soup mix until well combined -- then stir in the oats.
Using about 1/3 cup of mixture for each burger, shape into six 1/2 inch-thick patties. Spray an unheated skillet with cooking spray. Cook on medium heat about 3 minutes each side or until golden brown
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