суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Old-Style Crullers

Hong kong style You Tiao ~ Crisp Chinese Crullers


Demonstration/ techniques of how You tiao is made by chef Irene Yip. Actual recipe found on cherrykitchen.org

amoxintubeu пишет: I tried to make it several times, but never succeed. There is no air bubble in my Eaw Ja Kuay. I only use a baking soda and a baking powder for leavening. Where can I get alum and ammonia? I live in a norther CA.

tlkchew пишет: not fair comment ... she does not just make you tiao everyday.... if that is her sole job/bread butter i am sure she can pull as well as anyone...

Joanne Heng пишет: why does she touch the dough with her ungloved hand? what's the glove on for then?

Gease Lelouch пишет: rubbish.....i think i make will better than you even first time....p

lexmakelele пишет: pls la.. the way she pull e dough i can see that she dont have experience at all.

cockbuddy пишет: Hi I have got the you tiao recipe from your cherrykitchen website. But there is no weight indicated for the flour. How much flour did you use in your recipie? Cheers

wushu w пишет: After watching this video, I want to make some and then eat them.

jayxunned пишет: Thanks for the video, will try make one, have been craving these for 2 suffering years since i'm in oversea!

Stu Smith пишет: Actually, punching the dough will cause the air bubbles to release, creating a denser, not so 'light' texture. The reason you don't need to punch the dough is that time will cause gluten to form, albeit slower than if you worked it by hand. Have YOU ever heard of no-knead bread? How do you think the gluten forms in that? Sheesh.

amy w пишет: i read the recipe on the site..why is there ammonia? doesn't that kill you?

akmal naim пишет: this recipe/formula is not stable actually...i have tried..

zores2 пишет: @KCAASE Of course if you eat too much deep fried food in oil there is health problems. Just don't eat too much simple as that and enjoy as a treat once or twice a week.

tlkchew пишет: same question as aluangrath...\r
What is Alum & Ammonia mean?

Amone Luangrath пишет: can you please give me the recipe how much yeast, water, flour etc. thank you

fullmoon пишет: what is the name of the song you used in your video?

Kellyy017 пишет: you can buy alum at your local supermarket.. Mccormick brand has them. As for ammonia.. i substitute it with baking soda + baking powder.

mimitha0 пишет: may i please have the recipe?

iAMMAiTHAi пишет: what is the song name in the background? i love it!

syazwan555 пишет: song not needed man. so distracting.

acularp пишет: Could give your recipe? I tried too with disappointing results which I blame on our flour. I do have the exact chemicals as in this recipe.

Wisam Shakir пишет: Man, I want to try this at home! By the way, What is the name of the song?

Lotus Koi пишет: Hi Cherry,\r
Can you please tell me the exact amount of flour each for bread and plain flour. You mentioned 300 gram but not sure if you meant 300 gram each or 150 each, total 300 gram. Please reply back as I truly want to make this you tiao. Been buying frozen from the grocery but nothing taste like the fresh made ones myself. Thanks Cherry.\r

cherryblossoms83 пишет: Hi! it's 300g of flour. Regards

akmal naim пишет: During fried process, Bicarbonate in Ammonium will release CO2 immediately faster then Baking Powder n SodaBic that make ur dough pop rise faster n the consequence effect is ur kuih rapuh/crunhcy.But disadvantages in this case, ur kuih will smells Ammonia if the DOSE u used it over...example half tsp is sufficient/stable for 1 cup of flour formula...in other case if u EAT AMMONIA then of course u will die.. :) In Malaysia susah nk jumpa n harga agak mahal berbanding leavening agent yang lain...

strawberrypop4mexoxo пишет: @cherryblossoms83 300g of flour isn't even remotely correct. I just tried it with 300g and it was way too watery it was practically like batter. It looked nothing like the dough in the video. I tried to add more flour and it wasn't enough to make it more doughy and now I can't even use it. Please try to give the right measurements.

loveroflovefilms пишет: oh, what song is is in the video...?

BunkerPainter пишет: my family used to live in a very poor/ghetto area of peru and we always used to go to the chinese districts big markets nearby and as a kid i always grew up eating a version of this stuff(they only used one slice and twisted it out here they use two and make it straight) but instead there it was called "yucas" with one c, and after years of trying to find the recipe for it since peruvians don't risk losing business in any way i find the dish is actually called youtiao

mc4102 пишет: use yeast, sugar, salt, water and plain multipurpose flour.....

az19all пишет: these are delicious

yinvi пишет: what is the name of the song thats playing in the background.. thanx

ogz five пишет: nice song

Amone Luangrath пишет: I have one more question. What is Alum & Ammonia mean? Thanks so much for your help.

tohoshinkiforever пишет: those are SO good

Florence Symons пишет: & your You Tiao Is like the original? I'd like to try it socn

Teda C пишет: i love to eat those

choeun prum пишет: I have tried many time too ! But even though I have the same things that they use, it still not come out the way it is. I think, there are some trick that they didn't tell us all.

Amone Luangrath пишет: Thank you so much. I will try to make it & will let you know later.

chinarose168 пишет: what's in the recipe anyone know + measurement pls. thanks

Francois Belair пишет: @aluangrath It's listed on the website. See the video description

mar7dong пишет: It looks like Siakoy. ;-)

eleraine пишет: First of all, you do not knead doughs like that to form gluten (gluten is what makes the dough stretchable) - you need to PUNCH down not gently pat the dough. Kelakar la, watching her handle the dough. Sheesh.

Secondly, if you want your crullers to be straight, don't touch them when you've just dropped them in oil.

cockbuddy пишет: Hi I have got the you tiao recipe from your cherrykitchen website. But there is no weight indicated for the flour. How much flour did you use in your recipie? Cheers

amoxintubeu пишет: I tried to make it several times, but never succeed. There is no air bubble in my Eaw Ja Kuay. I only use a baking soda and a baking powder for leavening. Where can I get alum and ammonia? I live in a norther CA.

tlkchew пишет: not fair comment ... she does not just make you tiao everyday.... if that is her sole job/bread butter i am sure she can pull as well as anyone...

Joanne Heng пишет: why does she touch the dough with her ungloved hand? what's the glove on for then?

Gease Lelouch пишет: rubbish.....i think i make will better than you even first time....p

lexmakelele пишет: pls la.. the way she pull e dough i can see that she dont have experience at all.

cockbuddy пишет: Hi I have got the you tiao recipe from your cherrykitchen website. But there is no weight indicated for the flour. How much flour did you use in your recipie? Cheers

wushu w пишет: After watching this video, I want to make some and then eat them.

jayxunned пишет: Thanks for the video, will try make one, have been craving these for 2 suffering years since i'm in oversea!

Stu Smith пишет: Actually, punching the dough will cause the air bubbles to release, creating a denser, not so 'light' texture. The reason you don't need to punch the dough is that time will cause gluten to form, albeit slower than if you worked it by hand. Have YOU ever heard of no-knead bread? How do you think the gluten forms in that? Sheesh.

amy w пишет: i read the recipe on the site..why is there ammonia? doesn't that kill you?

akmal naim пишет: this recipe/formula is not stable actually...i have tried..

zores2 пишет: @KCAASE Of course if you eat too much deep fried food in oil there is health problems. Just don't eat too much simple as that and enjoy as a treat once or twice a week.

tlkchew пишет: same question as aluangrath...\r
What is Alum & Ammonia mean?

Amone Luangrath пишет: can you please give me the recipe how much yeast, water, flour etc. thank you

fullmoon пишет: what is the name of the song you used in your video?

Kellyy017 пишет: you can buy alum at your local supermarket.. Mccormick brand has them. As for ammonia.. i substitute it with baking soda + baking powder.

mimitha0 пишет: may i please have the recipe?

iAMMAiTHAi пишет: what is the song name in the background? i love it!

syazwan555 пишет: song not needed man. so distracting.

acularp пишет: Could give your recipe? I tried too with disappointing results which I blame on our flour. I do have the exact chemicals as in this recipe.

Wisam Shakir пишет: Man, I want to try this at home! By the way, What is the name of the song?

Lotus Koi пишет: Hi Cherry,\r
Can you please tell me the exact amount of flour each for bread and plain flour. You mentioned 300 gram but not sure if you meant 300 gram each or 150 each, total 300 gram. Please reply back as I truly want to make this you tiao. Been buying frozen from the grocery but nothing taste like the fresh made ones myself. Thanks Cherry.\r

cherryblossoms83 пишет: Hi! it's 300g of flour. Regards

akmal naim пишет: During fried process, Bicarbonate in Ammonium will release CO2 immediately faster then Baking Powder n SodaBic that make ur dough pop rise faster n the consequence effect is ur kuih rapuh/crunhcy.But disadvantages in this case, ur kuih will smells Ammonia if the DOSE u used it over...example half tsp is sufficient/stable for 1 cup of flour formula...in other case if u EAT AMMONIA then of course u will die.. :) In Malaysia susah nk jumpa n harga agak mahal berbanding leavening agent yang lain...

strawberrypop4mexoxo пишет: @cherryblossoms83 300g of flour isn't even remotely correct. I just tried it with 300g and it was way too watery it was practically like batter. It looked nothing like the dough in the video. I tried to add more flour and it wasn't enough to make it more doughy and now I can't even use it. Please try to give the right measurements.

loveroflovefilms пишет: oh, what song is is in the video...?

BunkerPainter пишет: my family used to live in a very poor/ghetto area of peru and we always used to go to the chinese districts big markets nearby and as a kid i always grew up eating a version of this stuff(they only used one slice and twisted it out here they use two and make it straight) but instead there it was called "yucas" with one c, and after years of trying to find the recipe for it since peruvians don't risk losing business in any way i find the dish is actually called youtiao

mc4102 пишет: use yeast, sugar, salt, water and plain multipurpose flour.....

az19all пишет: these are delicious

yinvi пишет: what is the name of the song thats playing in the background.. thanx

ogz five пишет: nice song

Amone Luangrath пишет: I have one more question. What is Alum & Ammonia mean? Thanks so much for your help.

tohoshinkiforever пишет: those are SO good

Florence Symons пишет: & your You Tiao Is like the original? I'd like to try it socn

Teda C пишет: i love to eat those

choeun prum пишет: I have tried many time too ! But even though I have the same things that they use, it still not come out the way it is. I think, there are some trick that they didn't tell us all.

Amone Luangrath пишет: Thank you so much. I will try to make it & will let you know later.

chinarose168 пишет: what's in the recipe anyone know + measurement pls. thanks

Francois Belair пишет: @aluangrath It's listed on the website. See the video description

mar7dong пишет: It looks like Siakoy. ;-)

eleraine пишет: First of all, you do not knead doughs like that to form gluten (gluten is what makes the dough stretchable) - you need to PUNCH down not gently pat the dough. Kelakar la, watching her handle the dough. Sheesh.

Secondly, if you want your crullers to be straight, don't touch them when you've just dropped them in oil.

cockbuddy пишет: Hi I have got the you tiao recipe from your cherrykitchen website. But there is no weight indicated for the flour. How much flour did you use in your recipie? Cheers
You'll Need:

1 egg
1 level tablespoon granulated sugar
1 level tablespoon lard
1 tablespoon milk
1 cup all-purpose flour

Procedures : Mix just until the dough will not stick to the board. Roll thin. Cut into squares. Score and slightly twist. Fry quickly in hot lard. Crispy and delicious

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