суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

Orange Freeze Pie

How to Freeze Pie Filling


Pie Filling Recipe here: http://seattleseedling.com/2012/09/vi...

Today, I want to show you how to properly freeze an apple pie. Ok, not the whole pie really, just the filling. This is one of my all-time favorite ways to preserve fruit -- you don't have to know how to can to do put 'em up this way and it's the best when you're jonesing for some summer fruit during the winter. Not only that, it's great for entertaining! There's nothing better than being half-way ready for dessert when you're already making dinner for someone. Plus, who doesn't love a good ol' apple pie?

In today's video, I'll walk you through the quick and simple process. I got a 20 pound box of apples through a bulk buy and made a batch of apple sauce and four of these apple pie fillings. Because when it comes down to it, when I think about what I really like to eat, it's pie over some jam any day!

Remember, make your pie filling according to whatever recipe you're using. Freeze the filling in the pie dish you plan on using later when you want to bake the pie. When it's that time, bake as directed in your recipe - no need to adjust the time by much. If anything, it may take 5 to 10 minutes longer, but I still look for the usual signs to let me know if my pie is done -- a golden crust and some bubbling juices.
You'll Need:

1 deep dish pie shell, baked

1 pkg (3 oz) orange flavored gelatin

2/3 cup boiling orange juice (OJ)

1 cup vanilla ice cream softened

1 can (11 oz) mandarin oranges, drained

1 cup La Creme Whipped Topping, thawed

Procedures : Dissolve gelatin in boiling OJ. Add ice cream by spoonfuls, blending until dissolved. Chill until _slightly_ thickened. Stir in mandarin oranges. Fold in whipped topping. Pour into pie shell. Freeze until firm, about 2 hours. Remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving

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