Minestrone Soup Recipe - The Insanely Sexy Potato Show
This is the perfect food to warm you up on cold fall and winter days. As you will see, its easy to make, healthy and very affordable. For the list of ingredients and more please visit my blog:
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Music courtsey of Weak Size Fish:
This is the perfect food to warm you up on cold fall and winter days. As you will see, its easy to make, healthy and very affordable. For the list of ingredients and more please visit my blog:
Follow me on twitter @PlatypusGuitar
Add me to your circles on Google+
Music courtsey of Weak Size Fish:
PlatypusGuitar пишет: You can change some of the veggies in this recipe and just use whatever is about to die in the fridge, too. Very convenient!
gdubrow13 пишет: This soup looks awesome! Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing!
Justic3h пишет: i'd say either Quebec or New-Brunswick Canada :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @jbrown1951 yes.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @stevescooking it tasted like sunshine i shit you not
14789632539 пишет: What is your accent? Sorry I think I spelled that wrong.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @gdubrow13 im sure youll like it. let me know how it turns out!
Burnt Toast пишет: That looks great. I'm rarely in the mood for soup, but next time I am, I'm going to remember how easy you made this look and use whatever I've got on hand to make it. The last soup I made is my favorite. I call it Second Hand Smoked Turkey Soup. Turkey noodle soup made with turkey I had smoked.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @CookingwithSugarTV hey sugar! I tried your chicken picata recipe (with chicken this time not fish like the 1st time) and it was delicious! I brought leftover at work for lunch and the girls were jealous of nice my tupperware smelled lol
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @Justic3h montréal, québec ;)
Wilddornrose пишет: @PlatypusGuitar Minestrone withouth e is only correct if you are an english speaker who tries not to adjust to foreign words ;)
salma0509 пишет: très bon recette:~)
iDoopy пишет: Chef john would be proud ;D
Mabú Balí пишет: I liked the music, it's great; your recipe is grea, toot. Where're you from? Canada? Sexy accent!
BeyondGravity509 пишет: DOMO!!!!DOMO!!!!!
Asiancookingmadeeasy пишет: This looks so warm and delicious :)
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Great recipe :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @mugambismonkey danke!
BarbecueTricks пишет: love minestrone and didn't have a recipe... thanks --- fun music too
kms539 пишет: Cheddar Broccoli!
Chad9976 пишет: you've been quiet on twitter lately
ILoveFlavor пишет: This looks fantastic and flavorful girl! Yuuummmmmyyy! Congrats on the views and subs!!!!
PlatypusGuitar пишет: Definetly! Just use vegetable broth instead :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: yes from Québec!
amal a пишет: Looks good. Going to try a mix of your version and Chef John's. :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @jbrown1951 one word review amazes me XD
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @seasonfairy85 I would definetly go for the rinds as a first choice for this recipe! I used grated parmesan because thats what I had when I made it. I really like this soup because you can make it in so many ways.
bestbitesforever пишет: Looks delicious! You don't need pancetta to make it classic, just beans and pasta and veggies. I like that you encourage people to make their own version in your comments.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @shawnio woot! thx *blushing*
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @SeansFood thanks! I really thought of it last minute and threw everything together. Hey, my most view video to this day happened like this and it has over 11k views! (no bake cheese cake)
DarkskillingLP пишет: @PlatypusGuitar ouais jdisais ca dans le sens que ca lair super bon mais que quand jen mange apres la moitié jtécoeuré :P mais bon
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @TheVittleVlog good answer! I wouldve also accepted beautiful and gorgeous.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @14789632539 you didnt spell anything wrong and my accent is french canadian. I am québécoise.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @iDoopy thats what I always keep in mind when I make videos: would john approve? If he wouldnt, I dont do it.
sarthak jain пишет: Looks great, I'm a vegetarian, Is there any possible substitute for chicken broth?
eatingperson пишет: Hello everyone! Today I'm going to show you how to pronounce "minestroneeeee"! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
muncher541 пишет: Can you please pronounce Minestrone right? Thanks.
mugambismonkey пишет: Yummy! :o)
Jay del Corro пишет: I was thinking on the drive to Edmonton that I haven't seen you cook in a while... then you go and surprise me with this when I get to the hotel. Awesome. For quick soups, I really like Kale & Chorizo soup. When I have time to be ambitious, I make shoyu ramen.
Amy Lynn's Kitchen пишет: Oh, that looks so good! We've got a rain/snow mix out there tonight and a big, hot bowl of your minestrone soup would really hit the spot! Thumbs up my dear friend!
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @Amal757 exactly! make it your own, tweek it to your personnal taste :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @eatingperson thuper
Blastadon пишет: @PlatypusGuitar That sounds painful, actually.
TheVittleVlog пишет: Looks like a winner!
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @Death8498 yes parsley works fine. So does basil, oregano and thyme. If you dont have fresh herbs just use the dry ones. The fresh herbs just look sexier on camera!
Death8498 пишет: I live in Arizona where it never even gets cold and I wanna make this just 'cause it looks so damn delicious hahaha.
Latechow пишет: Love this show!
shawnio пишет: perfect soup perfect host
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @zackboomer alternative? well... I listen to nirvana sometimes...
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @DarkskillingLP ta juste a suivre ce que je dis ca devrais aller. sinon la soupe habitant viens souvent en spécial a 99 cents au IGA
Hilary Roberts пишет: This looks delicious!One tip my mom does when she makes soups like this is if you have rinds from parmesan cheese she puts them in the soup and they melt and give it great flavor!
bobcat224 пишет: Where can I find your chicken picata recipe? I have checked your blog, twitter and YouTube page. I assume I just missed it somewhere.
Kadirecipes пишет: Great! ca a l'air super delicious.
DarkskillingLP пишет: pourquoi ca lair si bon dans le video mais dans ma cuisine ca lair si mauvais D: *mindfucked* jvais devoir réessayer ca un jour :P
KungPow123 пишет: Je vis au Québec aussi :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @papercuts777 that and some stinky cheese, à la française my friend!
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @Wilddornrose john said it, you can make this a million ways. I didnt have pancetta that day and thats FINE! makes it vegetarian, THOSE people will be happy ;)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @bobcat224 oh thats not my recipe its something my friend Sugar - CookingWithSugarTV - made recently in a video and I tried it and it was really good. If you go to her channel you will find it ;)
CookingwithSugarTV пишет: Yum this one one of my favorites. I wish I had a bowl of that right now.
Sugar :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @bestbitesforever I always encourage people to make the recipe their own by changing things about it. Being a purist means limiting the flavors.
eatingperson пишет: Are you from northern Manitoba? Where's your accent from?
tiffanyPolaris пишет: Sweet... looks pretty easy and yet delicious
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @muncher541 both ways are correct., i asked my italian friend
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @TheLostAura thanks! I made a video about the Nerd Shelf, going in details about whats in there. You can find it easily if you scroll the thingy above the player ;)
Garrador пишет: your nintendo stuff is full of win : D
eatingperson пишет: Thumb thoup.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @tiffanyPolaris yeah and you can change the vegetables if you want. Just throw whatever is at the bottom of the fridge ready to die in there. SECOND LIFE!
Death8498 пишет: Oh! I hate cilantro, so what would be a good alternative? Parsley?
Wilddornrose пишет: No pancetta (italian bacon) and pre-cooked beans.. uuh.. not so classic.
Mabú Balí пишет: Well, as I said before, your accent is sexy, so are you :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: I just noticed my hair did the thing dr seuss character have, like cindy lou of whoville LOL
stevescooking пишет: spot on..very nice
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @kadirecipes merci!
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @eatingperson no im from montreal, province of quebec
TheLostAura пишет: I got so hyptnotized by all your amazing stuff in the bookshelf behind you, that i focused on that through most of your video xD I was like "OMG! Zelda! and Mario! and... and... and DOMO-KUN!" XD
But enough about that, really liked your recipe. Never tried this soup before, but i'm a soup lover and want to try this one out in the near future ^^ Thank you for sharing this with us :D
stevescooking пишет: @PlatypusGuitar lmfao....i bet it did..some great colours in that
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @Chad9976 yeah I started working again 3 weeks ago, leaves less time to tweet. im more active at night.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @Death8498 yeah you dont need snow to like soup! haha!
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @MrJingjong I started a new job recently and pooping out videos has been hard. Apparently not as hard as I though because the tag thing is doing super well and this recipe isnt bad either.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: You can change some of the veggies in this recipe and just use whatever is about to die in the fridge, too. Very convenient!
gdubrow13 пишет: This soup looks awesome! Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing!
Justic3h пишет: i'd say either Quebec or New-Brunswick Canada :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @jbrown1951 yes.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @stevescooking it tasted like sunshine i shit you not
14789632539 пишет: What is your accent? Sorry I think I spelled that wrong.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @gdubrow13 im sure youll like it. let me know how it turns out!
Burnt Toast пишет: That looks great. I'm rarely in the mood for soup, but next time I am, I'm going to remember how easy you made this look and use whatever I've got on hand to make it. The last soup I made is my favorite. I call it Second Hand Smoked Turkey Soup. Turkey noodle soup made with turkey I had smoked.
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @CookingwithSugarTV hey sugar! I tried your chicken picata recipe (with chicken this time not fish like the 1st time) and it was delicious! I brought leftover at work for lunch and the girls were jealous of nice my tupperware smelled lol
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @Justic3h montréal, québec ;)
Wilddornrose пишет: @PlatypusGuitar Minestrone withouth e is only correct if you are an english speaker who tries not to adjust to foreign words ;)
salma0509 пишет: très bon recette:~)
iDoopy пишет: Chef john would be proud ;D
Mabú Balí пишет: I liked the music, it's great; your recipe is grea, toot. Where're you from? Canada? Sexy accent!
BeyondGravity509 пишет: DOMO!!!!DOMO!!!!!
Asiancookingmadeeasy пишет: This looks so warm and delicious :)
SimpleCookingChannel пишет: Great recipe :)
PlatypusGuitar пишет: @mugambismonkey danke!
BarbecueTricks пишет: love minestrone and didn't have a recipe... thanks --- fun music too
kms539 пишет: Cheddar Broccoli!
Chad9976 пишет: you've been quiet on twitter lately
You'll Need:
100g finely diced bacon
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 chopped onion
2 cups canned 3 bean mix
400g chopped assorted vegetables
1 cup red wine
300g peeled diced tomatoes
2 litres water
1 bay leaf
1 clove garlic
4 peeled, diced potatoes
Procedures : Fry bacon in oil.
Add onion and cook until soft.
Add all other ingredients (except the red wine), stir and simmer on medium heat for 30 minutes.
Add red wine and simmer for further 15 minutes. Season to taste
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