My Mom is Great - Twice Baked Potato Surprise
Here is my mom's way of getting us to eat our veggies. I love and miss you mom. Please subscribe. Here is the recipe
Baked Potatoes
peas or corn or your favorite veggie cut up
shredded cheese
green onions/scallions
salt & pepper
Bake your potatoes first. I recomment 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour. Cooking time depends on size of potatoes. Check with fork to see if done.
Then cut them in half and carve out the potatoes leaving the shells behind.
Make mashed potatoes with a spoonful of butter and splash of milk. Mix until smooth and creamy. Add salt and pepper for taste.
Line the bottom of the potato skin shells with a little bit of your cut up vegetable of choice.
Cover vegetables in the shell with mashed potatoes.
sprinkle shredded cheese on top. sprinkle diced green onions or chives or parsley on top.
Bake again until cheese is melted and slightly golden brown on top.
Here is my mom's way of getting us to eat our veggies. I love and miss you mom. Please subscribe. Here is the recipe
Baked Potatoes
peas or corn or your favorite veggie cut up
shredded cheese
green onions/scallions
salt & pepper
Bake your potatoes first. I recomment 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour. Cooking time depends on size of potatoes. Check with fork to see if done.
Then cut them in half and carve out the potatoes leaving the shells behind.
Make mashed potatoes with a spoonful of butter and splash of milk. Mix until smooth and creamy. Add salt and pepper for taste.
Line the bottom of the potato skin shells with a little bit of your cut up vegetable of choice.
Cover vegetables in the shell with mashed potatoes.
sprinkle shredded cheese on top. sprinkle diced green onions or chives or parsley on top.
Bake again until cheese is melted and slightly golden brown on top.
psychogirl2478 пишет: that sounds good!!!
basszac пишет: did you accidentaly say twice baked beans at one point?
bob planidito пишет: why do you just shut the fuck up i bet your a fat pig
Jesse Freeman пишет: Look at you! Such profane language with no back up. Listen, respond back to me when you can form a full, correct sentence without cussing me out, because until then, you look like a complete IDIOT. For every dumb comment you make trying to get me to back down, you become more and more foolish. If you're smart, you'll accept that you were a jerk for saying what you said in you're original post, and stop responding to me, because your last two comments made me laugh, then question your sincerity.
alesanaaddict пишет: YUM!
Chris Bishop пишет: your videos make me so hungry, by the way, i think you're a really good man
Andi Stoller пишет: Omg thank you for sharing your yummy recipes. I'm a new subscriber and I'm looking forward to cooking some of your recipes:)
Dara Crawford пишет: Totally making this....
tomlinid пишет: My grand mother and her sister both had multiple strokes and eventually died. My Grandmother was overweight like myself and my mother but her sister wasn't I think there is a genetic component to this but being overweight may make the likelyhood of a stroke greater. My grand mothers sister was in her 80's when she died.
Corayma Bravo пишет: The 2nd bake, is it for 400 as well?
coolmint191 пишет: Awesome idea. I think for the vegetable layer I'd mix the vegetables in with some ground beef and a little bit of beef gravy too, kind of like a shepard's pie.
Poopsicles13 пишет: I love veg :D everyone seems to hate Brussel sprouts right? (well most people) but i actually LOVE them soo much hahah <3
Carlos Fensler пишет: I've actually had these but instead of peas or corn i put bacon in them, tastes great! You might like to try it. =)
jickyli пишет: 6:32 twice baked beans rofl
HarryTheHotshot пишет: Great vid as usual Jack. Can really see the difference P90X made keep it up man and so sorry to hear about your Mother.
greenlightygamegame пишет: LOOKS YUMMY!! <3 me want
HaiiHalie пишет: Have you ever made potato skins? All the recipes I find are so difficult. (I'm young, and still new to cooking.) Please let me know. c: I would LOVE a video for it if you haven't made it yet.
Scott Emerson пишет: Quick tip: Microwave the potatoes for 4-7 min (depending on size) THEN wrap in foil and finish in the oven. They cook in about 1/2 the time in the oven and come out just like they spent the whole time in the oven! makes for faster baked potato goodness!
Cooking With Jack Show пишет: I only taste bad food on the show. I try to stick with low carb / no carb if possible. Sometimes hard to do when filming.
goldmouth100 пишет: Yummy love your kid he really liked it ..lol couldn't stop eating ;-) veggies yeah!!
pcgamedownload2009 пишет: Do stoneware cooker
Chiyoko Flores пишет: Great...thanks for sharing this.
J Mann пишет: Jack please try adding a lil bit of sour cream with bacon salad its awsome :D
Slave DanLevi пишет: I really don't want to sound like jerk, but...
My mom was* great.
For her memorial.
Manveer Gill пишет: bahahaha! rice!!??? rice is what sumo wrestlers in japan eat to get fat. rice is simple carbohydrates and is definitely NOT healthy! xD what a class-A idiot
sumniggaonyoutube пишет: This looks bombdotcom I'ma make these for the homies
Cooking With Jack Show пишет: how cool. I am so glad to have grown up with you. We have so much further to go. Are you going to become a chef or at least take cooking courses in your upper grades? Hope all is well and your having a great summer. Keep me updated on how your doing.
MrSuperLil пишет: I read your comment 4 times to realize that you spelt hard as "hare" xD
YoofieLoL пишет: leave the guy alone you're just being a massive fucktard and a jerk
psychogirl2478 пишет: that sounds good!!!
basszac пишет: did you accidentaly say twice baked beans at one point?
bob planidito пишет: why do you just shut the fuck up i bet your a fat pig
Jesse Freeman пишет: Look at you! Such profane language with no back up. Listen, respond back to me when you can form a full, correct sentence without cussing me out, because until then, you look like a complete IDIOT. For every dumb comment you make trying to get me to back down, you become more and more foolish. If you're smart, you'll accept that you were a jerk for saying what you said in you're original post, and stop responding to me, because your last two comments made me laugh, then question your sincerity.
alesanaaddict пишет: YUM!
Chris Bishop пишет: your videos make me so hungry, by the way, i think you're a really good man
Andi Stoller пишет: Omg thank you for sharing your yummy recipes. I'm a new subscriber and I'm looking forward to cooking some of your recipes:)
Dara Crawford пишет: Totally making this....
tomlinid пишет: My grand mother and her sister both had multiple strokes and eventually died. My Grandmother was overweight like myself and my mother but her sister wasn't I think there is a genetic component to this but being overweight may make the likelyhood of a stroke greater. My grand mothers sister was in her 80's when she died.
Corayma Bravo пишет: The 2nd bake, is it for 400 as well?
coolmint191 пишет: Awesome idea. I think for the vegetable layer I'd mix the vegetables in with some ground beef and a little bit of beef gravy too, kind of like a shepard's pie.
Poopsicles13 пишет: I love veg :D everyone seems to hate Brussel sprouts right? (well most people) but i actually LOVE them soo much hahah <3
Carlos Fensler пишет: I've actually had these but instead of peas or corn i put bacon in them, tastes great! You might like to try it. =)
jickyli пишет: 6:32 twice baked beans rofl
HarryTheHotshot пишет: Great vid as usual Jack. Can really see the difference P90X made keep it up man and so sorry to hear about your Mother.
greenlightygamegame пишет: LOOKS YUMMY!! <3 me want
HaiiHalie пишет: Have you ever made potato skins? All the recipes I find are so difficult. (I'm young, and still new to cooking.) Please let me know. c: I would LOVE a video for it if you haven't made it yet.
Scott Emerson пишет: Quick tip: Microwave the potatoes for 4-7 min (depending on size) THEN wrap in foil and finish in the oven. They cook in about 1/2 the time in the oven and come out just like they spent the whole time in the oven! makes for faster baked potato goodness!
Cooking With Jack Show пишет: I only taste bad food on the show. I try to stick with low carb / no carb if possible. Sometimes hard to do when filming.
goldmouth100 пишет: Yummy love your kid he really liked it ..lol couldn't stop eating ;-) veggies yeah!!
pcgamedownload2009 пишет: Do stoneware cooker
Chiyoko Flores пишет: Great...thanks for sharing this.
J Mann пишет: Jack please try adding a lil bit of sour cream with bacon salad its awsome :D
Slave DanLevi пишет: I really don't want to sound like jerk, but...
My mom was* great.
For her memorial.
Manveer Gill пишет: bahahaha! rice!!??? rice is what sumo wrestlers in japan eat to get fat. rice is simple carbohydrates and is definitely NOT healthy! xD what a class-A idiot
sumniggaonyoutube пишет: This looks bombdotcom I'ma make these for the homies
Cooking With Jack Show пишет: how cool. I am so glad to have grown up with you. We have so much further to go. Are you going to become a chef or at least take cooking courses in your upper grades? Hope all is well and your having a great summer. Keep me updated on how your doing.
MrSuperLil пишет: I read your comment 4 times to realize that you spelt hard as "hare" xD
YoofieLoL пишет: leave the guy alone you're just being a massive fucktard and a jerk
You'll Need:
1kg peeled, quartered potatoes
400ml milk
4 egg yolks
250g grated cheese
4 egg whites beaten until stiff
salt and pepper to taste
Procedures : Boil or microwave potatoes until tender.
Drain and mash well.
Stir in egg yolks, milk, cheese and seasoning, then fold in the egg whites.
Place the potato mixture in buttered ovenproof dish or individual dishes and bake in a moderate oven for 60 minutes (large dish) or 30 minutes (individual dishes) until golden brown.
Alternatively you can microwave for a further 10 minutes and then brown in a moderate oven. Serve hot as a starter or to compliment the main meal.
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