Teuchi Udon (Homemade Noodle) Recipe - Japanese Cooking 101
This video will show you how to make Teuchi Udon, thick and chewy homemade Udon noodles from scratch. Ingredients are only flour, salt, and water. Very simple to make but super delicious!
Full recipe here: http://www.japanesecooking101.com/?p=...
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Music courtesy of Audio Network
This video will show you how to make Teuchi Udon, thick and chewy homemade Udon noodles from scratch. Ingredients are only flour, salt, and water. Very simple to make but super delicious!
Full recipe here: http://www.japanesecooking101.com/?p=...
Connect with us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JapaneseCooki...
Subscribe for more easy Japanese recipes: http://goo.gl/yaiKye
Music courtesy of Audio Network
MsLansones пишет: OMG! Got to do this!!!
Aboriginal Brother пишет: Very appetizing!
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: In the U.S. at least, all purpose flour is wheat, and we need wheat flour with medium level protein content (AP flour) to make Udon noodles.
Steven Simonitch пишет: Great music choice for the stepping portion lol
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: You can boil the noodles, wrap per individual portion, and freeze them. You can just cook the frozen noodles in the broth (for hot noodles) or quickly boil them again and chill for cold noodles.
Emi Ayau пишет: Can you please do a ramen noodle tutorial? My dad says that his grandmother made the best noodles, but nobody got the recipe before she passed. I would appreciate this very much.
RobBurnsDrums пишет: Love the foot kneading! One question tho...why are they "wheat" noodles if they are made with AP flour? Are they traditionally made with wheat flour?
BintIslamiya пишет: lool, love it!!
HaLFNoob HaLFAmaZinG пишет: thank you
HammyCantFly пишет: I was wondering, is there way I can store the udon noodles for later use? Or must they be cooked right away?
Rolerica пишет: I absolutely love your channel. Cheers from Slovakia, keep up the good job!
MsLansones пишет: You sound like you are from Hawaii.
Lucinda Castillo пишет: That was a good laugh
4aggieharts пишет: Would you use this noodle in hot soup as well?
nati463 пишет: Isn't all purpose flour (at least usually) made from wheat? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I'm from Germany and here, all purpose flour, unless stated otherwise, is made from wheat. I'm sure this can be different in other parts of the world though, so now I'm curious - what's it made from where you live?
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: Thanks for answering the question, jnazngirl! You're absolutely right! It takes a bit longer but you can absolutely do it by hand for the first part. The second kneading will be done by foot anyway (the fun part!) and that's when the dough will become nice and smooth.
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: Udon is typically made with medium protein flour. All purpose will work just fine.
fetus tube пишет: Lol shes wearing the socks in wrong feet ... Cheers to noodles
RobBurnsDrums пишет: Hmmmm...you are right, i was thinking of whole wheat noodles i think, when i hear "wheat flour" I think of whole wheat but really, they are both made of wheat, my bad! Would this be better with a higher protein flour?(i believe semolina is higher in protein but i could be remembering wrong)
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: Absolutely. This will be great in hot soup as well.
jnazngirl пишет: I didn't have a mixer either, so I tried it by hand, and found out that it takes a little bit longer but it still works too. I didn't really pay attention to time, but you need to pour in the water little by little so that the dough isn't too sticky, and then kneed it until it is able to hold its shape. I'm not actually too sure about this, since it was my first time making teuchi udon so you might just want to experiment for yourself and see what works for you :D
lovecookin88 пишет: I don't have a stand mixer. Can i knead it by hand. If so, how long do you think it would take and what texture does it feel like? Thankyou!!
MsLansones пишет: OMG! Got to do this!!!
Aboriginal Brother пишет: Very appetizing!
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: In the U.S. at least, all purpose flour is wheat, and we need wheat flour with medium level protein content (AP flour) to make Udon noodles.
Steven Simonitch пишет: Great music choice for the stepping portion lol
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: You can boil the noodles, wrap per individual portion, and freeze them. You can just cook the frozen noodles in the broth (for hot noodles) or quickly boil them again and chill for cold noodles.
Emi Ayau пишет: Can you please do a ramen noodle tutorial? My dad says that his grandmother made the best noodles, but nobody got the recipe before she passed. I would appreciate this very much.
RobBurnsDrums пишет: Love the foot kneading! One question tho...why are they "wheat" noodles if they are made with AP flour? Are they traditionally made with wheat flour?
BintIslamiya пишет: lool, love it!!
HaLFNoob HaLFAmaZinG пишет: thank you
HammyCantFly пишет: I was wondering, is there way I can store the udon noodles for later use? Or must they be cooked right away?
Rolerica пишет: I absolutely love your channel. Cheers from Slovakia, keep up the good job!
MsLansones пишет: You sound like you are from Hawaii.
Lucinda Castillo пишет: That was a good laugh
4aggieharts пишет: Would you use this noodle in hot soup as well?
nati463 пишет: Isn't all purpose flour (at least usually) made from wheat? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I'm from Germany and here, all purpose flour, unless stated otherwise, is made from wheat. I'm sure this can be different in other parts of the world though, so now I'm curious - what's it made from where you live?
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: Thanks for answering the question, jnazngirl! You're absolutely right! It takes a bit longer but you can absolutely do it by hand for the first part. The second kneading will be done by foot anyway (the fun part!) and that's when the dough will become nice and smooth.
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: Udon is typically made with medium protein flour. All purpose will work just fine.
fetus tube пишет: Lol shes wearing the socks in wrong feet ... Cheers to noodles
RobBurnsDrums пишет: Hmmmm...you are right, i was thinking of whole wheat noodles i think, when i hear "wheat flour" I think of whole wheat but really, they are both made of wheat, my bad! Would this be better with a higher protein flour?(i believe semolina is higher in protein but i could be remembering wrong)
JapaneseCooking101 пишет: Absolutely. This will be great in hot soup as well.
jnazngirl пишет: I didn't have a mixer either, so I tried it by hand, and found out that it takes a little bit longer but it still works too. I didn't really pay attention to time, but you need to pour in the water little by little so that the dough isn't too sticky, and then kneed it until it is able to hold its shape. I'm not actually too sure about this, since it was my first time making teuchi udon so you might just want to experiment for yourself and see what works for you :D
lovecookin88 пишет: I don't have a stand mixer. Can i knead it by hand. If so, how long do you think it would take and what texture does it feel like? Thankyou!!
You'll Need:
Noodle soup*: e.g. Ninben Tsuyu no moto
Kitsune Udon:
Naruto*: Fish sausage with a pink pattern when cut
Atsuage*: baked tofu. You can use the triangular atsuage bags that are used for Inari Sushi; but put them first in boiling water for a moment to reduce their strong taste a little bit.
Leek or green onion
Tanuki Udon:
Rests of Tenpura deep frying: Crispy pieces that are left from the last time you prepared tenpura. If not available, you can cut some leek, mix it with tenpura batter and deep fry it.
Leek or green onion
Tsukimi Udon:
One egg per person
Leek or green onion
Procedures : Boil Udon and boil some water in another pan (about 400ml per person, depends on the size of the bowl in which you will serve the noudles).
Cut naruto (about 7mm thin) and leek/green onion.
Put Udon into sieve and rinse it with hot water.
Add noudle sauce into prepared hot water. Consult the bottle label about the proportion.With "Ninben Tsuyu no moto" sauce the proportion sauce-water is 1:8.
Put the hot Sauce into a bowl and add Udon into it. (Use one bowl per person)
Kitsune Udon
Decorate Udon with atsuage, cut leek and naruto.
Tanuki Udon
Put the deep fried pieces (Rests of Tenpura deep frying), naruto and cut leek onto the noudles.
Tsukimi Udon
Put the york, cut leek and naruto
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