суббота, 27 сентября 2014 г.

World Championship Barbecued Ribs

How To BBQ Championship Ribs By The Champs


If you want to take your q'ing to the next level, check out this short clip from some guys that truly know barbecue. If it whets your appetite for more, check out our store (link bellow) for the full 72 minute DVD* containing all 3 world champion bbq'ers, the National BBQ News called "second to none..."

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Titles include:
BBQ Secrets: the Master Guide to Extraordinary Barbecue Cookin'

Inside the World of Championship Barbecue

Cake Decorating: Fun with Fondant

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chadsem пишет: I like my steak BLOODY red! YUM!

TheDrC58 пишет: What I meant is that at your video (thnak you for the tips by the way!) the brown sugar looks already wet in the bowl, before application. Thank you again

roflmows пишет: meat proteins were the reason early humans developed huge brains, making higher intellect possible. early people consuming meat propelled humans toward advanced intelligence.

i have nothing against vegans. unlike most of them, i respect people's choices and their pursuit of happiness. veganism is made possible by easy living, abundance, and luxury...functions of sedentary societies, which occurred because of incredible human intellect. veganism is a lifestyle choice, not a moral high ground.

ebonysoulsearcher32 пишет: there is a bbqu@absolutt lol

StudioOAC пишет: What the hell do you think non vegan's are going to eat if were not allowed to eat meat? Where do you think we are going to get our protein from? Nuts, baked beans? You must be kidding me.

Besides what the hell are you doing on a video about cooking meat when you're a vegan. And if your excuse is to preach your ways of how eating meat is immoral, then you can back off elsewhere and preach your views elsewhere. Perhaps in a greengrocers store or a fruit and veg market stall?

Immaculate416 пишет: If some of the best bbq youve had came from pecan why dont you cook with it??? I'm sure you could get your hands on some???

Jesus Moreno пишет: Your a vegan yet your watching how to make ribs? LOL

Yes, there is a difference between consuming a pig and a family dog. My dog and myself enjoy eating pig, if anyone touches my dog, they die.

TheDrC58 пишет: What is the wetting agent for the brown sugar?

Owen Chadwick пишет: What kind of smoker are they using????????????

b h пишет: mouth watering,must... make... ribs.i have my own glaze recipe that rocks for ribs and chicken.

TshirtGuy пишет: GOD allowed eating all types of animals.. are you saying you're against HIM?

Aiming Wanderously пишет: @cookingupastory Thanks for posting the link to your recipe guide- very generous of you to offer it for free! I'm an amateur smoker and one day hope to be in a position to enter some cookoffs. There's a big one in eastern central MI where I'm from, some day I hope to be in it. I make ribs, pork & salmon that's to die for, I developed my own rubs & methods through trial & error, and look forward to some pro tips to help me make my own brand one day. Any connections to affordable big smokers?

Shawn Klemmer пишет: SWEET:) well done guys. Really give a diffident smoke house flavor and a true Bar B que... well done sirs..

lilmikey23333 пишет: what can of marinade i can use?? can u give me a good one i can put on it?

Aiming Wanderously пишет: @absolutt we can't all be khaki-wearing computer techs eating salad with cranberries on it, now can we? Lol...

Fil F пишет: ewww that's fuckin sweet

Ash Brown пишет: Great

orangetinyterrors пишет: Wow! I must try that brown sugar trick...too late for it today but next time it's on!

GMforlife90 пишет: i hate that... if you go to a restaurant where you pay over 100 dollars a plate its going to look "elegant" but it wont taste half as good as a back yard good bbq

buminbeer2 пишет: @pigsaresmart God put us here to live on the land, be it meat or veg. Read your bible and you'll see all was provided for us. Also, why do stupid peta people like you, watch a video about 100% meat and eating it? Your a fucking idiot with stupid flaws. You wanna eat dirt and flowers, go ahead, but shut the fuck up about what you think is right or wrong. The rest of us will enjoy animal faces and parts dumbass....

StudioOAC пишет: The comment wasn't reflected towards you, I was taking about icecreamandwine. Yes I may have had that replied towards you accidently when I meant the guy you were arguing about, but if you used your logic, you would quite clearly know from the way I wrote the comment it was not at all pointed towards you. Gotta use logic sometimes. Jeez!

Mspendragon72 пишет: Ohh my LAWD! THEY LOOK GOOD!

John Webb пишет: You may be a vegan and are proud of it and that's okay with me. I'm proud of who I am. But because someone has different views than you gives you no right to be such a horrible person to them. stick to your views and what makes you happy and others will follow theirs and leave it at that. no need to devolve. you are no better than anyone else because you are a vegan and everyone else eats meat. stop trying to get attention and grow the fuck up.

lrbaseball15 пишет: The key to any GREAT barbecue is lower than normal heat, plenty of smoke, and a little longer cooking time.

nodice4me пишет: The world needs to be purged of hate-mongering hypocrites like icecream. I hope law enforcement closes in on you. Hey law enforcement types. Here are some key words for your internet word search computer so you can read my post and track down icecream..........nazi, skinhead, military, c4 ammonia nitrate, fbi, homeland security, timothy mcveigh. Icecreamandwine belongs with these hate groups. Crack a baton on her head and i'll make some ribs for you.

Cooking Up a Story пишет: @3zib mmm…you know it!

davidcfowler пишет: 42 of us saw right through this... yuppies!

GMforlife90 пишет: why would you not rub it in........ I realize some people do this but have never personally understood it... it just doesn't make any sense for taste

Smoky Ribs пишет: Mind sharing your recipe? I'm always looking for new sauces and glazes for ribs, and other meats as well.

Tristen Naquin пишет: my dad's cousin smokes his ribs with seasoned pecan wood but im just getting into smoking and im 14 and i wanna use apple or pecan for my ribs. how can i smoke without a smoker just a charcoal barrel grill some coals wood chips and a water pan?

vikramrulesrox пишет: WTF SUGAR ON RIBS WHAT !??!!?!!?!

MrTrodizzle пишет: I like your flavor statement. I also enjoy putting smoke on meat.

kmacadon7 пишет: Really enjoyed watching this video, owning my own restaurant and all! Not BBQ, but Creole Cuisine! Thank

absolutt пишет: @SnavenPoo Huh? C'mon... I think it's important that rednecks go to college to learn how to make good BBQ. Absolutely important. In fact, why isn't there a BBQU ?

as da пишет: do you guys go n lynch sum niggaz after?

Dan P пишет: had a b-day party for my girlfriend who is vegan and we had tofu and veggie burgers right next to the ribs and chicken on my smoker (top rack). it gave me the warm fuzzies. we CAN co-exist here.

Ralph Stiebel пишет: BBQ season is just around the corner and can't wait to get back to it.

mrpicky510 пишет: He was right about pecan, it's my go to smoking wood

wildcard749 пишет: fuck me those ribs look good, these guys should open a restaurant or something i wanna eat those ribs!!!

Dani Alfiani пишет: hmmm delicious

arctic dood пишет: There's always a different way to make ribs. I sometimes leave the membrane. when i want to cook them fast in less than 1hr. My secret has got a lot of attention. I am not a fan of smoking as it takes away true flavors of the meat and sometimes overpowers spices. But if u got time to smoke and the money for a good smoker sure why not. Good job for explaining this different approach. Looks like a good gourmet rib. peach wood is a good substitute too.

Test page пишет: According to who? Some like it firm, others like it fall off the bone.

TheDrC58 пишет: @tdjtx What is the "wetting" agent for the brown sugar?

roflmows пишет: PS - people have been eating dogs, cats, horses, mules, birds, kangaroos, bears, squirrels, etc. ad infinitum, for countless centuries. eating one animal isn't "worse" than another. again, your easy luxurious lifestyle and easy living circumstances in the West permit you to choose what you consume. in a major crisis, you'd barbecue and eat Fluffy or Spot with the rest of us...or commit suicide by starvation (problem solved either way). survival by any means is humanity's strongest instinct.

wowjunky07 пишет: I LOVE using apple wood. With the vertical smoker I use and nor more than what I cook at a time, a little goes a long way. :)

david10291029 пишет: can I come over and eat?

sleepdeprivation78 пишет: Your mom's a cumdumpster

EmerilsCooking пишет: Thanks for the tips! We love your technique of sprinkling on the rub, instead of rubbing it in. Can't wait to try it out for the next family BBQ!

wowjunky07 пишет: Firstly, if you truly was a vegan...you would not be working in a place that served any form of meat. Second, if you was to spit on my food and I knew about it...I would break your fucking face. Third, why in the fuck would you be on this channel. Quit being a bitch and go get a life.

The136th пишет: please don't feed the troll

Tom's Test Kitchen пишет: Great tips! I really like the brown sugar topping idea, I will try that next time I smoke ribs.

stellbo пишет: I am not to worried, I am sure you use most of your spit on your boyfriends asshole. How fucked up do you have to be to work at a place you hate just to do some fucked up shit to people you don't even know. Come down to Texas son, I will take you out to cuddle with the wild hogs. They will have a hard time finding a piece of DNA from your worthless body when you are done.

Tarramya Goodwin пишет: really good

Dan P пишет: nice, will definitely try that brown sugar method next time.

KingTrollable пишет: I'm not a vegan you fucking moron, why did you just say that to me? I was clearly bashing that idiot against meat.

Cooking Up a Story пишет: @bigbradford69 Terry's was custom made, I believe. But here's one that looks very similar to it (I googled 'rotary smoker') and the fellow has been making bbq cookers for awhie: jrenterprises (.) com/newsmoker (.) html

aczblaze пишет: This didn't even have paprika in it or bbq sauce or for that fact any spices at all.

njanebreedlove7 пишет: wonderful!!!

mrpicky510 пишет: I don't know how much wood you are using, but be careful not to over smoke ribs. I use a couple chunks at the beginning and let the charcoal do the rest. Meat will only absorb smoke flavor up to about 130 degrees anyway, so using wood after that point will be a waste.

Tristen Naquin пишет: i use dark brown sugar. just looks nicer lol.

jordanaug81 пишет: Thank god im not a vegetarian, those are some good looking ribs.

kwarnisplayer пишет: Who makes that grill? Thanks.

xthx24 пишет: as the meat and juices heat up, the two marry...lol

Jayneisthebest пишет: You know? People like you really piss me off. Usually the "vegan" type say they are SO open minded, SO pro-equality. Everyone should be so equal. Yet if someone thinks differently than you do, you spit in their fucking food? YOU ARE DISGUSTING. Why do you even work somewhere that serves meat then? Don't be a hypocrite. Not everyone can be a vegan! I'm allergic to beans and i can't eat soy. I need protein somehow. You don't know everyone's situation, don't act like you do.

AffiliateCake пишет: Can this technique be applied to a regular charcoal grill? I do not own a rotissery grill.

AffiliateCake пишет: @cookingupastory using brown sugar, after the ribs are cooked, does the ribs taste sweet or very sweet?

Cooking Up a Story пишет: @1btuber Yes, definitely! I've followed this for our charcoal grill and they've turned out great.

JonnersEvans пишет: I didn't know that meat juice and spices could marry?!

fuckvegan пишет: Thanks. To clarify I am not in favor of rubbing or not rubbing. He said dont rub it in on this type of ribs. I am trying to understand how exactly it helps to not rubbing it in. How does it affect the looks ? He still got the brown sugar on top which is what crusts and gives the look. And he does sprinkle a little extra rub on top of the brown sugar which makes perfect sense. My question is whats the problem if he does rub in rub on the first layer. The meat gets more flavor is it not ?

PAMAROSHOUSE пишет: @instant95 bbq sauce is sugar as well

Steve Dwad пишет: is that a custom barbecue (smoker) or something anyone can order?

Huddie Stokes пишет: send some my way ;)

CPFAnimals пишет: The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of "real food for real people" you'd better live real close to a real good hospital. ~Neal Barnard

boylej80 пишет: "Pigs are sweet animals."

You are absolutely correct... sweet and so so delicious.

daaaveed пишет: i've never smoked ribs before, i always cooked them in the oven at 225 for about three hours and they turn out good, any tips for cooking ribs in oven opposed to smoking?

MrTrodizzle пишет: "Skip's going to show you how to mop baby!" 5:30

Holier ThanThou пишет: Blood sacrifice

Cooking Up a Story пишет: @1btuber
I'm not the bbq expert, but following the tips outlined in this video and in the DVD "BBQ Secrets: The Master Guide to Extraordinary Barbecue Cookin' we produced, I have had tremendous results on a Weber 23 inch kettle, and also on an offset cooker made by Horizon. The concept that I follow applies to both types of cookers. I start out with the meat that has rub applied to it. Early on, I cook both sides closer to the heat, after being seared, I cook by indirect heat, low and slow.

freakyflow пишет: So your a Vegan However you don't mind selling your own morals to help someone else speed up the process of killing another animal.. yeah sounds like you have your shit together...

Daniel OBrien пишет: love it, been using brown sugar for years, looked good.

johnf9549 пишет: @cookingupastory my wife and i went to memphis in may and we met terry and their pork shoulder was the best we have ever tasted to this day.!thanks terry and team!!!!!

David Demmi пишет: @fbboyz ever heard of indirect heat?

palladini971 пишет: I belong to PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals. Where did you say your dog was?

muda paka пишет: if you spit on that meat its the same as spitting at your family dog.. hohoho... not so vegan after all.

marcusludicrus пишет: rib meat is tender as its close to the bone, when the heat transfers through the meat/bone it will shrink, rubbing in a mix will thin it out over the meat, making a dry cook= a dry meat, not tender, cover the rib with the rub & pat it on will help a slower cook, allowing the rub mix to penitrate the meat, also never mop on a pre sauce, always spray or pour on as not to rub off the rub you put on,

Fil F пишет: sugar on ribs wtf

derek pearman пишет: These guys look high as hell

chadsem пишет: I like my steak BLOODY red! YUM!

TheDrC58 пишет: What I meant is that at your video (thnak you for the tips by the way!) the brown sugar looks already wet in the bowl, before application. Thank you again

roflmows пишет: meat proteins were the reason early humans developed huge brains, making higher intellect possible. early people consuming meat propelled humans toward advanced intelligence.

i have nothing against vegans. unlike most of them, i respect people's choices and their pursuit of happiness. veganism is made possible by easy living, abundance, and luxury...functions of sedentary societies, which occurred because of incredible human intellect. veganism is a lifestyle choice, not a moral high ground.

ebonysoulsearcher32 пишет: there is a bbqu@absolutt lol

StudioOAC пишет: What the hell do you think non vegan's are going to eat if were not allowed to eat meat? Where do you think we are going to get our protein from? Nuts, baked beans? You must be kidding me.

Besides what the hell are you doing on a video about cooking meat when you're a vegan. And if your excuse is to preach your ways of how eating meat is immoral, then you can back off elsewhere and preach your views elsewhere. Perhaps in a greengrocers store or a fruit and veg market stall?

Immaculate416 пишет: If some of the best bbq youve had came from pecan why dont you cook with it??? I'm sure you could get your hands on some???

Jesus Moreno пишет: Your a vegan yet your watching how to make ribs? LOL

Yes, there is a difference between consuming a pig and a family dog. My dog and myself enjoy eating pig, if anyone touches my dog, they die.

TheDrC58 пишет: What is the wetting agent for the brown sugar?

Owen Chadwick пишет: What kind of smoker are they using????????????

b h пишет: mouth watering,must... make... ribs.i have my own glaze recipe that rocks for ribs and chicken.

TshirtGuy пишет: GOD allowed eating all types of animals.. are you saying you're against HIM?

Aiming Wanderously пишет: @cookingupastory Thanks for posting the link to your recipe guide- very generous of you to offer it for free! I'm an amateur smoker and one day hope to be in a position to enter some cookoffs. There's a big one in eastern central MI where I'm from, some day I hope to be in it. I make ribs, pork & salmon that's to die for, I developed my own rubs & methods through trial & error, and look forward to some pro tips to help me make my own brand one day. Any connections to affordable big smokers?

Shawn Klemmer пишет: SWEET:) well done guys. Really give a diffident smoke house flavor and a true Bar B que... well done sirs..
You'll Need:

5 pounds pork loin back ribs

Dry Rub
4 tablespoons paprika
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons black pepper
2 teaspoons white pepper
2 teaspoons red pepper

Barbecue Sauce
6 tablespoons salt
6 tablespoons black pepper
6 tablespoons chili powder
4 cups ketchup
4 cups white vinegar
4 cups water
1 large yellow onion, diced
1/2 cup sorghum molasses

Procedures : Barbecue Sauce: Combine ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil, reduce heat and simmer 1 1/2 hours, stirring every 10 minutes or so. Pour into sterilized canning jars, seal and let stand 2 to 6 weeks before use.

Dry Rub: Mix ingredients together thoroughly.

Sprinkle dry rub liberally on ribs. Allow ribs to stand 20 to 30 minutes at room temperature until the rub appears wet. Prepare a smoker for long, slow (230 degree F) indirect cooking, using hickory chips or other hardwood chips for extra flavor. Cook ribs, bone side down, for 2 hours at 230 degrees F in a smoker using indirect heat. Turn and cook 2 more hours. Turn and cook one more hour. During the last 15 minutes, baste with barbeque sauce diluted by half with water.

Serve ribs with warmed, undiluted sauce on the side

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